Thursday, May 25, 2023
Kuthumi conveys the Word of Omega in a 1976 Pearl:
“All is not well, my son. Their discontent is diverted into a thousand channels of vainglory–the flattery of the ego, the pursuing of paths that lead not to God the Father nor to God the Son, paths that are far from God the Holy Spirit, far from God the One. And yet they know not what they do./ “Their indulgences are endless. While some indulge precious energies of Alpha in meanderings of the mental body, others indulge the light of Omega in misplaced feelings. They seek the saturation of pleasure to drown the sorrows of separation from the Mother. They are intoxicated with death and dying in titillation of the senses. They fill their lives with noises and all manner of unholy things. They cling to these things like orphans with a broken toy as if all these things could somehow allay the anxiety, emptiness of a life without Mother. / “They have dined on desserts of fallen ones. They are drugged by hypnotic logic of the serpentine mind. They have sought answers to life's most pressing problems and they have accepted the darkness of deluded ones. In every area of life and of living the premise and conclusion is drawn from the laws of mortality. The goal is to appease the senses in the ego cult of self-preservation, in a life of sinful separation from God, in a life of diseased minds, disordered bodies, disheveled spirits, in a life whose justification is in the cult of death./ “Kuthumi, they have gotten off track! They have fallen from the line of the Logos. By9 stubbornness42 and10 willfulness44 they22 have18 departed37 (=182=2 x spiritual director/neroli,peter duffy/carnal mind calicination91) from the royal robes of righteousness and from their role as priests and kings unto God. Now they wallow in ignorance, the karma of their ignoring of the law. They are blind because they would not see. "They are deaf because they turned their ears from the voice of the Ancient of Days. They are crippled and maimed and halt because they have not glorified God in their bodies, in their souls, in their minds and in their hearts./
“They have denied life; and life as God, as energy, which they have denied, returns to them to deny life where they are. The cosmos will not accept their denial. The cosmos rejects their transplanting of human blemish upon the virgin territory of hallowed space. Their errors are returned as arrows of their outrageous consciousness. The arrows return and make their mark again where the bow of the mental and emotional bodies released that arrow of thought and feeling. Mankind's creations are returned to them. They are unacceptable to the Lords of Life and the Lords of Creation. The Lords of Mind and the Lords of Form have examined the creations of humanity and they have pronounced their judgment:
“They have denied life; and life as God, as energy, which they have denied, returns to them to deny life where they are. The cosmos will not accept their denial. The cosmos rejects their transplanting of human blemish upon the virgin territory of hallowed space. Their errors are returned as arrows of their outrageous consciousness. The arrows return and make their mark again where the bow of the mental and emotional bodies released that arrow of thought and feeling. Mankind's creations are returned to them. They are unacceptable to the Lords of Life and the Lords of Creation. The Lords of Mind and the Lords of Form have examined the creations of humanity and they have pronounced their judgment:
"The Lords of Karma are not pleased with mankind's silence concerning their misdeeds and their misdoings. They would hear the word of the sincere supplicant. They would hear their prayers for the intercession of the Mother that she might give her lessons in the schoolrooms of Earth. Cosmic councils and cosmic beings desire to release dispensations of energy for transmutation of accusation, argumentation, arrogance and ego agitation; but they must have the imploring, the petition, the prayer on bended knee of the children of the Sun./ “Kuthumi, my son, the sands in the hourglass have not yet run out for the children of the light on Terra. While the Sun is yet in the heavens and the planets revolve in their orbits there is still time to correct in space all misuses of the sacred fire. Mankind have gotten out of alignment with reality. They know not the God who is conformity with the inner law of being. Kuthumi, I have seen their sincerity. My light pierces the long night of their separation from the One./ “Kuthumi, I am come. I send you, beloved son, to carry the teachings of the Mother to the children of the Father. I send you on a mission to expose the false teachings that the children might leave these teachings in the way. Let them drop them as the hot coals of Satan's lure! Let them turn and face the Mother and receive instead the white cube of hallowed awareness of being foursquare. Being foursquare is the dimension of life in time and space that enables the soul to be translated into the dimensions of Spirit. Without the understanding of the four quadrants of life and the six sides of the cube, the children of God will not find the way back home.// “I come with my sword. I place upon you, Kuthumi, the full battle array of the Divine Mother complete with armor and helmet and sword and the shield of the Sun. I send you forth, Kuthumi, in my name and in my flame to pierce mortal error and the systems of false teachings that have evolved through the serpentine mind and the ungodly feelings of doubt, despair, and death./ “Together we shall expose the lie! And we shall let the sons and daughters of God on Terra use their God-ordained Christ consciousness to trace the lie to the Liar in his lair. We will define the deceptions that will expose the archdeceivers of mankind. We will release the glaring light that will reveal the culprits in the act of murdering the holy innocents and raping them of their awareness of the Virgin Mother./ “The Mother comes to thrust the sword of truth into all error. She comes to shatter the cups of crime. She comes to protect her flame in all of her bodies, in all of her souls. Let every crime imposed upon the physical, mental, emotional, and etheric bodies of mankind be seen for what it is! "And then let the children of the one God rise up in righteous indignation to overthrow the unholy systems that have become the instruments of the lie. Let the systems be broken! Let the lies be broken! Let the philosophies be broken!/
“Let the liars stand naked before the Sun! Let the children of God stand naked--free to be the wholeness of life, free to be the fulfillment of love, free to consecrate wisdom below as above. Let the nakedness of the fallen ones be their judgment and their opportunity to forsake the Liar and the lie, to repent and to kneel before the throne of the Mother. And let the nakedness of the children of God also be for opportunity to enhance life with wholeness.” -Kuthumi and Brothers of Golden Robe: Pearls of Wisdom 19:1
...... using numerology: a=1, b=2, c=3, j=1, etc. -r.
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