Wednesday, April 5, 2023
in 3 days I wi raise it up again
66. I speak and shall say again that outworn forms must be avoided in the structure. Sinking back into old receptacles is inadmissible. The understanding of the new world in all its austerity is needed.
250. There will be no construction without cooperation. There will be no security of state and union while outworn egoism holds sway. -M:
Community 1926
Can we send you the arrow of help assured that you will catch it in flight? Can we believe that for the sake of the beauty of creation you have burned your outworn garments?… Unbolt your doors! Victory is at the threshold!
103. the Teacher can instruct only within the boundaries of what is permitted. He uplifts the disciple, cleansing him of outworn habits. He warns him against all kinds of treason, superstition and hypocrisy. He tests the disciple openly and in secret. The Teacher unbars the gates to the next step with the words "Rejoice, brother." He may also bar them with the words "Farewell, passerby."
104. Let nothing of the outworn obstruct your striving. Remember that one stumbling horse can impede an entire caravan.
~200. Restrain the fool from trivial decisions. In flaccid outworn judgments is hidden a deadly poison.
273. But consciousness grows and the spirit becomes worthy of special tasks. These tasks contradict the outworn ways of mundane thinking and therefore involve new difficulties and dangers.
Intolerance is an outworn garment that must be discarded.
on the basis of experience I consider that the way of the Teaching has nothing to do with the husks of outworn ways.
Only goal-fitting simplification can bring dignity to life and safeguard natural resources. One has no right to destroy the results of millenniums of cosmic effort, light-mindedly expecting some new, undeserved energy!
457. Chiefly young sensitive minds should not be polluted with outworn ideas, nor should fear of the unusual be instilled in them. -M: Agni Yoga 1929
29. The reorganization of life by way of cosmic fires will provide salvation, but fear overcomes people at the thought of a reorganization of life. Old outworn forms attract, and thus do traditions originate. If the concept of tradition is perceived as one that leads to a foundation, then benefit may be derived, for a broadened consciousness will lead to a covenant of wisdom. But the traditions of our contemporary life do not allow the spirit to strive toward higher spheres.
38. Evolution directed toward the erection of a new step is affirmed in the annunciation of Fire. The planet is discarding all outworn energies. … Humanity eliminates its outworn energies. Hence when the action of the battle reaches its peak, space carries away the old remnants and asserts the new truth. Thus are cosmic cycles established. The fulfillment of the designated dates lies in that replacement, and the rhythm of cycles is created by the assertion of these alterations. -M.: Infinity 1, 1930
39. All that is outworn is subject to the law of replacement. All that does not progress is subject to the law of replacement. The cosmic creativeness so definitely foresees the utilization of energies that it substitutes one for the other, without delay. In each vital manifestation one must observe the vital replacements. When the spirit is not dominated by its accumulations it creates under the strain of its karma and of creative impulse. All accumulations which are not outlived will consign the spirit to the Fire for a process of long duration. The spirit which has readily replaced its cumulations will be a vessel for the Fire.
77. Cosmic regenerations create new forms. Cosmic regenerations eradicate outworn forms, evoking new ones to life. -M: Infinity2, 1930
134. The Cosmic Magnet attracts all energies that are shifted to a new center. Thus all outworn energies are shifted, yielding their place to new ones. Therefore at the change of forces all divided forces are lost in the cosmic process….one should seek light against the black lodge with the entire impulse. It is necessary to shield oneself with devotion to, and realization of, Hierarchy and to dare against the darkness with all levers of spirit and heart.
281. Love is the leading creative principle.
395. Humanity has sunk in the mire of outworn survivals, in old thoughts beyond the realization of affirmed Existence. Thus the spirit of the shifted nations smolders under the departing energies of bigotry and superstition. The basis of this smoldering - the church that sows terror - is intolerable. A state that acts by means of treason cannot live. -M: Hierarchy 1931
47. It is difficult for man to yield even in the smallest! Rare are the heroes who shed their blood for the good of their fellowman, yet this inner impulse fills the organism with new forces. people should not be satisfied with outworn customs; they should learn to rejoice at the new. Joy about the new is already wings to the future.
120. The use of alcohol and opium are ugly attempts to approach the Fiery World. If Samadhi is a natural manifestation of higher Fire, then the flame of alcohol is a destroyer of Fire. True, narcotics evoke illusions of a fiery approach, but actually they will remain for a long time as obstacles to the mastery of the true energy of Agni. Nothing brings such misery later, in the Subtle World, as do these unnatural attempts to evoke Fire without a fitting purification.
575. One's own vital Agni can purify one of harmful filth. The ability to turn in time to Agni is a goal-fitting action prompted by the experience of the heart. Only by direct fiery aspiration of the heart to Hierarchy can one truly unite oneself with higher spheres.
-M: Fiery World 1933-34
239. Thus when old outworn energies are being displaced by new ones the fiery hearts know the full significance of the great time. -M: Fiery World 1935
417. You will encounter two types of opponents of equal rights - one, an admirer of the rule of the harem who says that age-old customs should not be disturbed; the other indignant at the past will demand supremacy for herself in everything. Both will be remote from evolution. It is impermissible to drag past offenses into the future. It is impermissible also to preserve the ossification of an outworn way of life.
424. The trend toward infatuation with mechanization can be rationally solved by cooperation.
-M: Aum 1936
10. Surely knowledge is not for the elect but for all! Therefore we should not reiterate outworn morals but rather designate the best conditions for scientific cognizance. Only the ignorant will not understand that for successful advancement of science the best conditions of life must be established.
12. It will be asked, "What connection is there between curative treatment, or outworn concepts, and our discourses about Brotherhood?" But light should be thrown upon the relationships of many concepts, which will broaden the understanding of Brotherhood.
Unfortunately governments pay no attention to improving the health of the population. State medicine and hygiene stand at a low level. Medical supervision is no higher than that of the police. No new thought penetrates into these outworn institutions. They can only prosecute, they cannot help.
407. And yet, how to deal with unbelievers who try everywhere to cause cleavages? There are very many of them, and owing to their ignorance they are very clamorous and meddlesome. One should muster a few scientific arguments against them. They cannot brook having the extreme irrelevancy of their opinions pointed out to them. Fortunately science in different domains helps to illumine the paths of evolution. Of course the ignorant will insist upon long outworn concepts. They do not like it when they are asked for proofs. Their attempts to screen themselves with scientific terms merely prove their narrowness of conception. Sometimes it is useful to come in touch with stagnation in order to perceive the entire extent of obstacles to freedom of evolution. One need not be distressed at the existence of such branded consciousnesses. Each word which serves as a challenge to them will be a useful sowing. Let them even become abusive, nevertheless an agitation of matter will result. -M: Brotherhood 1937
Humanity proceeds by the way of scientific theory, but progress is too slow, and ignorance impedes any acceleration. It is time for outworn concepts to fall away, otherwise self-important innovators will prove in the end to be the most obstructive.
-M: Supermundane 2 1938
Look at yourselves now–how you have reaped the cycles of karma that you have sown. Must you stand there and allow them to continue on their course? Indeed not, for you are a co-creator!
Ask then the Almighty to arrest those cycles not of the light that are continuing in the world, in your consciousness and in the planetary body. For the Mighty I AM Presence has the authority and power to instantaneously arrest and reverse any cycle and to cause a complete erasing, a disintegration of it right back to the twelve o’clock line.
It is as though you would see a moving picture in reverse. All of a sudden the figures go back into their little holes from which they came, and they reverse the order of their activities. This is the process of transmutation. This is how energy is freed of an imperfect cycle.
I say to you, you must demand and command it: "In the name of the Christ every single cycle of every single cell and atom within my form that is not outpicturing the perfect cycles of the Christ consciousness is now dissolved, is now arrested and turned back by the authority of my God Presence!"
If you will but make that invocation each morning, you will find in a very short time that only the cycles of immortal life and your divine plan fulfilled and your ascension will prevail. And then the needless draining of energy into subconscious reaches of your mind whereby most people drain 75% or more of their daily allotment into needless, useless patterns and cycles long outworn–will be liberated for perfectionment of the Earth and of your life.
This is why an avatar, a Christ is born when a threefold flame is balanced. This is why one man focusing the power of God is all that is required by Hierarchy for the salvation of a planet. For such tremendous energies are liberated by consciousness that is one-pointed that I cannot tell you how important it is to undo every thread that you have sown in ignorance and in error. -Divine Director: 10-10-1971 at Colorado Springs via Messenger Mark Prophet, Pearls of Wisdom 26:36b -Castle Rakoczy, Transylvania
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