Friday, April 7, 2023
across France went the cry “Couvres le feu!”
1) But we have given great power to all of these various activities and we have drawn in lifestreams to be helped and healed. And now we move on to progressively make available more light to mankind. It is difficult for people who have reached a certain limit of knowledge to reach out for more. It is as though they have lifted up the cup of knowledge and we have filled it and now they refuse to expand the cup. And because it is “good measure, pressed down and shaken together and running over” and because we abhor a waste we expand a new cup and we pour our same love into it until it is overflowing. Therefore receive the radiation of pure charity, pure love, and know that the comfort you shall bring life in the future shall be so glorious that you shall rejoice over it even when you reach your ascension.
-Maha Chohan: 8-7-1958 at Philadelphia, Pearls of Wisdom 51:12 ………………………………...................
2) I come. I stand at the left and I proceed to the right. If you would defend the right side of the City Foursquare, then you must contend with the Adversary who positions himself to the left of the lightbearer. You cannot take the torch that is passed, thrust to you right hand to right hand if you have not first defeated the adversary41 that13 comes19 from25 behind33 on11 the15 left16 to8 injure32 the15 covenant31 of12 truth24 (=295=5 x supercilious59)….
We are sounding the alert then first to the watchmen on the wall and then to everyone in whom there breathes a yearning for freedom. We sound the alert. We impart the flame. This flame is reinforced by dispensation from the Lords of Karma by a great outpouring from Ray-O-Light and legions of fearlessness flame. For the fear, doubt and terror of the night is in the demons in this hour who are being brought to judgment and to trial of the sacred fire. Therefore in their terror they seek to terrorize the children of light and to bring that fear that paralyzes the giving and receiving, the great flow of God through our instruments.
Let the abundance of God flow from the heart of the God of Gold and God Harmony, from the heart of God Obedience and Lanello. And let the people of God clear that river. For there is a river, and the river is the mighty flow of sacred fire from the heart of the Lord God unto the children of Israel. -K-17, 7-24-1977 at Pasadena, Pearl 57:12
3) Beloved ones, the hour has come, and it must come whereby from our office we declare to you and all lightbearers in all octaves that by united effort of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood the burden complete of Saint Germain’s incurred karma is lifted, transmuted and sent back to the Great Central Sun purified. [standing ovation]
Beloved ones, the Messenger has known at inner levels, in consultation with us and in conclave here, that if she and you together could endure to this night of December 31, 1985--already become where you are January 1, 1986--that truly this dark burden would come to an end and Saint Germain would be free once again to champion his cause through her and through the chelas as never before has occurred in these recent centuries.
Beloved ones, it is an immense relief to you, to the Messengers in all levels of your four lower bodies. For truly you have borne sometimes ten times over the weight of karma of other lifestreams whether from these decades of this dispensation or past dispensations through the centuries of those who have abandoned, betrayed or misused the light of beloved Saint Germain. -Gautama Buddha: 1-1-1986 at RTR, MT, Pearl 29:21
4) Yes, there are many17 fallen23 ones17 who fell because they were on11 the15 first27 ray17 and they then20 took16 up10 their33 stations27 of12 pride34. And10 they22 consider42 themselves38 greater38 than16 all7 other30 human21 beings29 (=522
=6 x then their pride87) all other peoples on the planet. This is how they got that way, beloved. And this is how they have moved through the Earth, destroying the governments, economies of the nations, all of which does fall under the first ray.
How important it is in your labors to go after fallen angels for the binding of their pride. When their pride is broken, beloved, what do they have left? It is almost as though it were a bag of sawdust, and you cut it open and that is all that is there--pride and sawdust and nothing else, yet they move about with such pomp. That pomp, beloved, betrays the Lord God but it also exposes them. Beware of the proud, beloved; beware of them.
-Mighty Victory: 7-7-1996 at Royal Teton Ranch, MT, Pearl 46:20
5) I am grateful that so many souls of various root races, the fourth and fifth especially, are coming to the understanding of violet flame, how they can balance karma and how they can make progress much more quickly on the path of their ascension. Thus the teachings of Saint Germain that have been multiplied and promulgated by these Messengers, by the Ballards and by others--this momentum circling the Earth is creating a violet-flame momentum that you can enhance.
Direct from your hearts, beloved, transmutation of the seven seas. Direct those penetrating rays of violet flame for transmutation of all life that lives in the sea. See then the level of smog and go after those who are sylphs and assist them by purification of world energies, pollutions--again, by violet flame.
Call to Arcturus and Victoria, Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst, Portia, beloved Saint Germain, Omri-Tas and all those of the Violet Planet. Call upon them again and again and again for world purification, for only then shall mankind's brains be cleared. And even then they must be willing to give up their smoking, their drugs, their pot and all manner of substances that are killing them even while they are almost the living dead. -Vaivasvata Manu: 1-1-1997 at RTR, MT, Pearl 45:37
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