Tuesday, March 14, 2023
When capitalism is unjust (prophetic of 2020-23!!)
1) O precious ones, the time has come when the yoke of tyranny must be put off and man in all of the treasure-house of being must pay homage to the Christ image being born anew as each soul recognizes the need to distinguish between seed and need; for seed is the divine plan implanted in man in the beginning and bears the stamp of the Christ and ability of the light to permeate the lily of man with the fragrance of God’s plan, whereas the need of man for things and outer power is but an act of desire and the desire mind. -Vesta, Pearl 8:2
2) Long ago in Transylvania when the banner of the House of Rakoczy was first unfurled on behalf of the Great Cosmic Brotherhood it was to bring peace and freedom to the world and to end the tyranny and oppression which for far too long had robbed mankind of his birthright immortal.
It has been necessary for us through the ages to utilize many forms of communion and education, including what may be termed coeducation whereby the soul of man, apart from the mortal form while the body sleeps at night, is correctly informed about some of the great truths of the universe. These are wholly unacceptable to the domain of mortal reason in the daylight consciousness simply because teachers, friends, companions and circumstances have already set up a mold and matrix based upon human concepts bereft of the wisdom contained in the golden pages of the record of pure God-truth.
Among his many profound observations concerning the human psyche Saint Paul noted: “For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do...I find then a law, that when I would do good, evil is present with me...But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.” -Master Rakoczy, Pearl 8:3
3) Events in Czechoslovakia proclaimed loudly to the world the intent of a godless tyranny and a communal atheism where universal freedom is denied. But you cannot extinguish the flame of freedom in the hearts of all peoples. For freedom is their natural lot and an estate to which they will aspire even when it is denied them—more so then perhaps than ever before. We ask ourselves this question: must the world fall into the depths of degrading bondage in order to evoke the honest patronage which freedom requires in order to survive? -Saint Germain, Pearl 12:18 (1968)
4) The current cycle of sunspots and solar flares affects the weather of the planet, the moods of its people, even business cycles and of course the release of spiritual light-energy to the earth. One should note therefore not only the negative interference to the radio networks of Earth but also the vast positive extensions of cosmic possibilities and revelations that shatter darkness with the brilliance of new and fervent hope for overcoming of age-old problems. Sickness, sin and death—all forms of discord, bigotry, tyranny, struggle and degradation must yield before the great cosmic burst of light else those who continue to be advocates of darkness and shame will find the spiral of karmic recompense becoming a lash of such chastening as to almost annihilate that portion of their consciousness which persists in identifying with unreality. -Helios, Pearls of Wisdom 13:2
5) Outer encroachments are often walls that would imprison the Spirit; but the prisoner is often he who erects the walls, and the Spirit goeth free. We live in an age of tyranny, an age that is devoid of higher understanding. The cult of success judges all things by earthly standards. But our measurement and commeasurement thereof is the degree of victory. He who cannot conquer the self remains conquered by it; groveling upon the turn of an opinion, he may find himself the arbiter of a fruitless destiny.
We who observe the ritual of valor understand that the flower of knighthood is yet to be found in a true sense of justice resident within the soul. There are those who say chivalry is dead. To these I say: if the mystic road to pilgrim’s progress be carefully observed, one need not hesitate to walk thereupon. There is a mighty energy release to be found in the idea of upward rising, but relativity shows that a regrouping of man’s energies can impel him to virtuous motives. -Morya, Pearl 13:39
6) When capitalism is unjust it is the surest way to play into the hands of the Communists—for more and more the so-called undeveloped and underprivileged of the world are coming to the knowledge that they have a right to expect and receive justice. When they are exploited and it is known swift reaction follows. The power of freedom, so magnificent at inner levels or wherever truly expressing, when acting in unillumined men, does sometimes function by reason of misqualification and ignorance as a force for temporary liberation—where in many cases men merely exchange one master for another and human tyranny still remains to rule. Your Thomas Jefferson, Washington’s good friend, said “I have sworn on the altar of Almighty God eternal hostility to every form of tyranny over the mind of man”!
This is my report to you, my friends of light, for I know the pent-up energy presently acting in mankind everywhere who are seeking freedom from every form of tyranny. I know too the statistics based on our cosmic census and so as a good friend I tell you and all the people of Earth—wise is that man or that nation who will serve in the true spirit of the world community:—where all service is transformed into a form of worship and worship is no work! Joy is active there and serves as your motor as Saint Germain so often said—and it is ever so.
There is no life without freedom! This is the land that is free and a people who are freeborn. But can that freedom endure if it is not the freedom of all of Earth’s evolutions? The world cannot exist half slave and half free. Who are the slaves and who are the free? There is a changing of roles as musical chairs. Those who have freedom allow themselves to be in bondage. And those who are in bondage to one form of tyranny claim their freedom to be in bondage to another form of tyranny, to another form of the shackles of the fallen ones.
In the light of freedom I AM come! And I AM come to roll back the bondage of souls in East and West, North and South who have thought they were free and yet who are prisoners of the mortal coil, who are prisoners of their karma, who are prisoners of one another, who are the objects of manipulation and know not that they are being manipulated. -Elohim Arcturus and Victoria, Pearl 44:37, via Messenger ECP, 7-1-1976 at Washington, D.C.
7) We come to call the elect of God, especially those who are disillusioned with structure and outer organization, who have found that the purity of the way has been compromised in many of the world's great religions as the fallen ones as wolves in sheep's clothing have entered into the temples to seize the power of God and misuse it to capture souls in the tyranny of human will.
The Church is designed by our Lord to be a bulwark against tyranny and opposition to the body of God on Earth. The Church has always been an inner community of lightbearers who would bear one another's burdens and walk the stations of the cross and rejoice together in the flame, prayers, oneness, vigils in the night and tarrying with Christ the Lord. The joy of our bands is incomparable. And all who are a part of our bands even in this community of the Holy Spirit know the meaning of true inner joy of perpetual service in the Lord. We come then to call the remnant. -Out of the Love of Saint Francis and Saint Clare, Pearl 57:14, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 1, 1977 at Pasadena
8) Good governments under a Capricorn influence produce the greatest freedom by establishing and maintaining a social order that prizes harmony, discipline and respect for authority and established institutions. Such governments gain through wise leaders, hard work and a correct organization of political power.
Good governments under an Aquarian influence produce the greatest freedom by improving a social order that prizes freedom, scientific and social experimentation, worth of the individual, transformation of the status quo and widespread participation in the political process.
Systems under the influence of both Capricorn and Aquarius can produce freedom, but they can also produce tyranny. It is easy to see how Capricorn can be expressed as tyranny because of its emphasis on centralized control and an authoritarian structure, but what about freedom-loving Aquarius? Aquarians or leaders under an Aquarian influence can prize freedom of thought for themselves but can be highly dogmatic towards others. They can love freedom so much that they usurp it and keep it all for themselves.
Saturn (the planet of restriction) in Aquarius (the sign of innovation) may seem like a contradiction in terms, but it is not. When Saturn is in Aquarius individuals, nations and all other organizations must combine order with innovation. They must combine Capricornian respect for institutions with Aquarian celebration of personal liberties. They must also allow Aquarian forces to transform the status quo without degenerating into anarchy, tyranny or violent revolution.
While Saturn in Aquarius is not a contradiction in terms it is not an easy fit. This placing can create a lot of tension. And this tension will be transferred to the seven planets in Capricorn–the sign that Saturn rules. -Messenger ECP, Pearl 38:43
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