Thursday, March 23, 2023
Thus they came without a name and without a country.
What of the one-third remaining lifewaves (of Maldek, a planetary orb that blew itself up into an asteroid belt, while 2/3rds were dissolved away) considered worthy of another chance? These came with their bag and baggage, homeless wanderers to planet Earth to which they were assigned by the Lords of Karma for two reasons. First, lifestreams in embodiment upon Earth volunteered to give bodies to these souls and to assist in training them. And second, certain numbers among mankind’s evolutions had already capitulated to the Luciferian lie, and they worshiped the golden calf, and their high priests and priestesses desecrated the altars of the Most High God on Mu, following the Fallen One and the angels who fell with him.
Thus because the Earth as a sphere was no longer herself perfect she was vulnerable to the intrusion of imperfection in consciousness of other lifewaves. This is a most outstanding example of the protection which purity affords--of the protection which perfection is. When mankind depart from that perfection, that wholeness, then they are vulnerable to most horrendous forms of astral manifestations that float right through the grids of their own consciousness because these are less than perfect and therefore serve as a magnet to magnetize energy veils from other worlds, from interstellar space. And so you see, even today dangerous cosmic rays penetrate the Earth because of the vulnerability, betrayal and selfishness of mankind’s own consciousness which ought to be magnetizing the Christ-light, the Solar Logos, the Great Central Sun. Thus they came without a name and without a country. And they embodied among the holy innocents and those who had not yet capitulated to the Luciferian lie. Parents of these ungodly ones who still retained the spark of divinity found that when they came to the age of the return of karma, between twelve years and fourteen years, they could no longer control these children; they could no longer teach them. And the children rebelled against their parents and they left their homes and they went out into the world to pervert children who were holy innocents and to teach them the ways of the Liar and his lie.
By and by these laggard souls amalgamated forces with fallen angels who had been forced to take embodiment because of their allegiance to the Fallen One; and thus the team of fallen angels and laggards became an ever-present menace, growing and growing in giant proportions upon the planetary body. Karmic councils beholding this manifestation expressed great concern lest the young souls of the sixth root race be contaminated by the ungodly. And yet lifewaves must go on, manifestations must occur, ages come and go; and whatsoever a lifewave may manifest that is what it shall reap. For there is a certain group karma in each root race that manifests upon Earth. And there is a lowest common denominator of consciousness within a root race that holds back the highest manifestation of Christic light in that root race. And thus the golden mean of consciousness is found somewhere between the two, and that golden mean becomes a mediocrity that goes neither up nor down but walks the middle of the road and thinks that it is highly clever and that it cannot be touched.
And thus the laggards and fallen ones taught mankind how to dodge returning karma, how to dodge effects of causes they had set in motion. This they achieved in one instance by prohibiting intermarriage into their race, thereby prohibiting the return of karma which was a mingling of their energies with holy innocents. This may be hard for some of you to understand; but by forbidding intermarriage between the laggards and Earth people and making this a part of orthodox tradition there is a failure of the greatest kind. For it is an omission and a loss of opportunity for laggards themselves to evolve and to attain greater heights of light and manifestation. And by that mingling they might be converted to the Christ and to light. This also preserves the wealth within families century after century, guarding that wealth and therefore preventing lifestreams from having the karma of having deprived others of wealth or of having to earn their daily bread by the sweat of their brow. And thus the karma, instead of returning and manifesting, continues to build and to build and to build because of the isolation policy of laggard races.
Now the situation of many strains of lifewaves upon Earth is a condition which must be considered again and again by the Lords of Karma….Now those same parents who first volunteered to receive the laggards have had to receive them again and again in order to discipline and to draw them into alignment with the Law--the Law that was given through Moses, the Law that was given through Mohammed for the salvation of these races that are continually warring with one another and attempting to draw the entire planetary body into their ridiculous strife which has as its end not the glory of God, not the freedom of man but the pride of ego and ruling of the planetary body through Luciferian consciousness of a one-world focus….
I must apprise you of these facts, for without the facts you cannot pursue invocations and the arresting of spirals, as you have been taught, for the salvation of the planet. Thus when the veil is drawn and when it is torn asunder and man sees face to face the highest good and highest evil he realizes that by the power of the Almighty he can bind the forces of darkness that are in his midst. You have the authority to challenge not only the war in the Middle East but all war anywhere at any time....History repeats itself. The only power that can check the widening spiral of pride of the people of Israel on the one hand and of deceit and treachery and intrigue of the people of Arab nations on the other is the authority of Christ that occupies the position at the heart level to challenge this yin and yang perversion of Alpha and Omega. -Divine Director: Pearls of Wisdom 17:5 ………………...............................…
I come bearing the scroll of cosmic history; and I read the record of ancient civilizations–some of light, some of darkness–and the fate of their evolutions….
I would speak of Maldek and of lifewaves chosen of God to manifest the principles of freedom and brotherhood and unity. Micah, the angel of light, son of Michael, was assigned to those evolutions while they were on Maldek; and the banner of that angel is unity….
Thus the perversion of unity was the cause that was set in motion that resulted in flying-apart of the very atoms of that planetary home when the two lifewaves evolving there--one assigned to carry the flame of Alpha and the other to carry the flame of Omega--instead of uniting in a spiral of oneness chose rather to amalgamate their carnal-mindedness for the greatest holocaust that has ever been seen in this solar system….
Thus do you see, precious hearts, that all forces of darkness and demons of this Earth have tried to prevent the release of this message to you this day. But it has come forth by divine authority and by divine direction from the heart of Alpha and Omega that this knowledge might be etched in fire on the etheric, mental, astral and physical planes, that once and for all those who have usurped the position of authority among mankind might be exposed and seen for what they are.
Now I must remind you of the redeeming factor within laggard races. I must tell you that these ones were chosen because they had some spark of divinity left within them; and among them were great spiritual leaders, people of great holiness who also were flung into the astral and were given an opportunity to embody here….And therefore I caution you never to entertain condemnation or prejudice for laggard races, for among them if they would but accept the Christ are those who have the potential to lead the Earth into the manifestation of the new day.
And thus you can never judge a book by its cover. You can never judge a man or a woman by name or by origin, by race or religious background. But you must understand the nature of the mingling of races and mingling of the blood itself, which is the conveyor of the Christic light and Christic fohat. And thus when there is the mingling of blood there is sometimes a fortification of the power of the Christ in man and sometimes a forfeiting of the power of Christ in man….
I speak to you of these things because I am aware of the great plots of forces of darkness to mongrelize the races; and they expect before a century has passed that there should exist neither a black race nor a white race but a commingling of the two that should produce individuals who have not the capacity to meet the challenges of the yellow race.
And so, precious hearts, understand that as all came forth from the one true Source on different wavelengths, on different rays, so all are intended to master those rays and to return to God….
I can prophesy to you this day that as the rising of spirals of light and darkness continues, creating an ultimate precipitation of confrontation between light and darkness, the future of the planet hangs in the scales of mankind’s own freewill. Because there are so few who even recognize that they have freewill, behaving instead as a will-o’-the-wisp, following every whim of consciousness coming from the astral, there are few that we can depend upon to decide for the light and to remember they have decided for the light and to remain steadfast in their determination in light….
I urge you then to understand that there is a great need for accurate setting-forth of the Law, its publication, its teaching and making it available to all peoples everywhere. You must be patient with all lifewaves, you must love the Christ within the heart, and you must not differentiate between these souls that I have described this day. For my explanation is given to you as a point of history, as a point of warning, as a point of understanding why there are such conditions within your midst.
But when all is said and done all people are God’s people. All people are His children. And I tell you that the love of the Cosmic Virgin literally burns in the heart of the Divine Mother until She has become a magnet for the bringing into this activity of all peoples of all climes and races. -Divine Director: Pearls of Wisdom 17:5-6
Heart-friends of the Journey, The Karmic Board and chohans of the rays place before the students of higher law an awareness of cycles coming to fulfillment. The ten-thousand-year cycle of the apex of material achievement, laying the foundation for spiritual attainment, is at hand. All that men have built as the foundation of the mighty pyramid of life on Earth awaits the crowning of spiritualization and capstone of the Eye all-seeing. Vast is the potential of the light in the heart of the devotee; dark, dark is the long night of the tyrants’ self-imposed terror. How well I remember the last days of Atlantis. The evildoers then and now continue in their evildoing right up to the eve of cataclysm, boasting that they are immune to God’s Laws, that karma is not real and that they are the gods of the Earth. Self-proclaimed administrators of His kingdom are they--not anointed, not appointed but self-styled emissaries of the Most High. Denouncing the ascended masters and their messengers as Satanic gods, they then place the crown of authority upon their own heads and sit in the seat of the scornful, pretenders to the throne of wise counselor and Guru,…they oft return to the scene of their crime to malign the orifice and Office of the Mother-flame. They cannot leave well enough alone. They are unwilling to atone. They must destroy the fount (though they cannot) ere they themselves disappear in the foam and wave. The fallen ones have a way of denying the imminence of the Lord’s judgment or the finality of His Laws. Their very misuse of the all-seeing Eye of God blinds them to the handwriting on the wall. They fancy themselves the victors when all who are of God can plainly see that they are the losers. They accuse lightbearers to self-excuse their errors. But always they do miscalculate the equation of light and more light that flushes out the darkness and dark night of that self-imposed terror of the tyrants who are bound outside the hallowed circle of the Lamb. They watch and wait for the disappearance of our bands as they wave their wands of orchestrated malintent. In the evil imaginations of their hearts these robed and hooded false ones gather in their groves on the astral plane. Though their rivalries are apparent (on the outer) and all seek the prize of who can destroy the most light and most lightbearers, yet (on inner planes) they amalgamate their forces. And we watch the cycles of karma run their courses I AM Nada. My service on Atlantis was in law and the law of wholeness. Thus the science of healing and the science of truth are the right and left hand of the defense of the individual, body and soul. In those days the manipulators of the law of the fifth ray were as devious in their despisings of sons of light as they are today. They entered not into the consciousness of God, and they exerted a destructive influence upon those who were entering in as neophytes under the Initiates of the mystery schools…. The securing of spiritual forcefields in matter is the work of chelas of ascended masters. When decay and disintegration beset an age they mount with wings as eagles to survey the land and sea. They take counsel with the Lord’s hosts and with the Lord Himself and the three ascended masters who prophesied to Abraham of the birth of Isaac and destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. The Initiates of the mystery schools are the preachers of righteousness and they continue to preach the Word and its science until the hour of the judgment and their embarking on the ark. I bring no prediction of catastrophe or impending doom, but I do recite the Law and review the history with you, my beloved, of the misuse of sacred fire in the last days of Atlantis and the results of misuse of the all-seeing Eye of God and the emerald ray through the evil imaginations of men’s hearts. Two times two is four, and four squared equals sixteen. Even so the mathematics of the Pyramid and of the thirty-three steps of the temple stairs are unerring. The design of the degrees of the flowers and of fohatic keys are unchanging, just as the cycles of the stars and ten-thousand-year cycles of the initiations of planetary lifewaves are unchanging. Many have spoken of causes of sinking of the continent of Atlantis. Simply put it was the overwhelming weight of darkness in the people as opposed to the waning light of embodied devotees that finally tipped the scales and unloosed the fountains of the deep. What you must understand is that cataclysm is never inevitable. For more than a hundred years Noah preached and so did many arhats. (But only he landed on Mount Ararat.) In any hour of any day of any week or month or year had the lightbearers rallied to make the sacrifice of holding high the torch, that torch might have been the all-consuming love-fire of ruby ray to cancel out the dark of the dark ones and their darkening ways. They are always willing to die for the darkness they espouse, for they know the law of reincarnation that they will come again to die again, if it be necessary, to put out the light. They fear not the end of the second death, for it is predestined by their own self-denial in God. Their desire is to be no more--for to Be is to be God and this they cannot, will not countenance. Thus they live to destroy the light that will ultimately destroy them. They have their psychic peace; they have made their pact with the second death. But their freewill choice even now can be to love the light, to serve the light and to become the fullness of light. Let all remember that even the Christ incarnate who gave the fullness of his cup to all—to drink thereof and have eternal life could not alter the course of freewill of these agents of the anti-light. Therefore he pronounced his lamentation and his judgment: “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! Behold, your house [your body temples, your families, your community centers, your synagogues, your civilization and generations of your seed] is left unto you desolate [devoid of the Holy Ghost, the threefold flame, the Christ Self and God-consciousness]. For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth till ye shall say Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. [By your ungodly deeds you have forfeited the Guru/chela relationship under Moses and Messiah--God the Father and God the Son. Therefore it will not be reestablished until you receive me in the person of my disciples.]” These fugitives from past ages of this and other planetary homes are vagabonds still, entertained and entertaining by the euphoria of their astral nonexistence. Waging wars and fighting causes of human good and evil they do not espouse the values of sons of light but seek daily to undo the paths of righteousness we have wrought. An eventual self-destruction is the price that they have agreed to pay to be destroyers of light and lightbearers.
Wherefore the ascended masters and their chelas always take full responsibility and assume accountability for conditions and circumstances in the Earth. For they know that when the torch of Liberty as threefold light is held high the darkness and dark ones vanish into nonexistent-night. Therefore in assessing Atlantis we must say, not the darkness but the absence of light is the core behind the cause. We tended the flame within our retreats here and there throughout the continent and elsewhere on the globe. But the allure of the wicked--the sensual thralldom and scientific experimentation, misusing light of the Mother-flame from the base-of-the-spine chakra unto the third eye--was magnified over and over again by fallen ones who cleverly led the children of light astray. The popularity of drugs and marijuana was as present then as it is today. By chemical means and compounded misuses of the science of rhythm the chakras of the children of God were covered over and tthe Call was muffled to their lessening sensitivity, while the cries of their souls were silenced by mechanical programming of the mental body and subconscious mind. We would warn ardent lovers of God that similar circumstances must inevitably draw similar conclusions. Not for the wicked or wickedness of the people is cataclysm come in any age, but for the absence of righteousness of the righteous....It is not necessary to accelerate their cycles to the hurt of the chosen ones--except those chosen ones choose not to be upholders of the torch in the hours of transition and the ten-thousand-year sine wave. When there are not Keepers of the Flame to keep the flame of life then the material civilization crumbles for want of the sustaining spiritual nucleus. All churches are intended to be the hub of life within the community. By prayer, devotion and good works the religious keep the cities of Earth. Ah, my beloved, the fallen ones know this. And therefore they infiltrate the body of believers, moving up the ranks of various world religions that we have founded to confound not only the Law and Lawgiver but the little ones who yet look to their leaders for guidance and example....So much so that the churches today are in great jeopardy and the cities of Earth no longer glow with inner light and its auric emanation. The Lord Sanat Kumara walks the Earth (as the ascended masters are in their one-hundred-year cycle of examination of men’s hearts and motives and their deeds) in the cities and plains and in the secret places of the mountains and valleys. The Chohan of the First Ray, your founder and friend El Morya, has sent forth the call with Saint Germain for establishment of the community teaching centers, city by city, in anticipation of the day when the Lord would both require and grant the dispensation of the ten righteous men. And lo, Sanat Kumara has said that wheresoever there are found ten righteous men and women, Keepers of the Flame keeping the flame of life in the heart of a city, those ten and the magnification of the God-flame through them by the science of the spoken Word should be imputed as righteousness and as the holding of the balance for that city…. This dispensation from the heart of Sanat Kumara is most needed. For the mounting tide of destructivity directed against the ascended masters and their teachings, their messengers and their chelas is forming a directed funnel of darkness against the bastions of torchbearers. Entities and discarnates, demons together with imprisoned elementals do the bidding of misusers of the science of the Word. The same ones who were on Atlantis in the last days denouncing the Guru/chela relationship gather today on the physical plane in the name of religion or in circles of witchcraft and Satanic rite; and in their various forms, as they fancy that they do the will of God, they call vociferously for the death of the Messenger, the destruction of this and every activity of the Great White Brotherhood on Earth and the separation of the Woman and her seed. Now they number in the tens of thousands, these bigots who are threatened by the light that is accelerating in the hearts of our beloved ones. By their prayers of malintent and unbelievable viciousness of their hatred of both the light and lightbearer they set up vortices of negative energy through which the hordes of death and hell are actually unleashed out of the pit; it has happened before and it is happening again. These legions of discarnates and demons wreak havoc with elemental life and upset the balance of the forces of nature. Thus we see in the last days, as on Atlantis, the multiplication of evil through the embodied seed of Cain and their corresponding demonic forces. Compounded by fear, ignorance of the Law and malicious gossip, these momentums reaching planetary proportions are then communicated to the elementals. Unless immediately transmuted by violet flame this buildup of anti-light can cause greater or lesser cataclysm, depending on the amalgamation of mass entities (i.e., floating grids and forcefields) of previously isolated pockets of negativity. Thus we summon our watchmen on the wall of life and our Keepers of the Flame of the cities to assist elemental life who have vowed to swallow up the flood of pornography, psychic predictions and those pernicious prognostications of men and women of the press concerning the sons and daughters of God. With the swift and sudden lightning of the mind of God let this world weight of anti-light be pierced and penetrated to its core! Let it be encircled by beloved Astrea’s legions wielding their circles and swords of blue flame! And let entire segments of the astral plane be broken up and brought in blue spheres by mighty Hercules and the great Teams of Conquerors to the God-Star! there to be cast into the Lake of Sacred Fire for timely transmutation. You must understand, beloved of God, that astral discarnates and demons not only attack lightbearers but also protect the betrayers of the Mother-flame. Therefore we send forth the call to arms of light who uphold the torch to give their dynamic decrees for withdrawal from the seed of the wicked of their misuses of the Holy Spirit. For all of this aggressive malintent against the purposes of the Great White Brotherhood is still the open door for destructivity and death-wish against our best servants and neophytes who are entering into the joy of the Lord Sanat Kumara. The misuse of the Word by those who ought to be about their Father’s business is an abomination of desolation standing in the holy place of the Lords of the first and the fifth rays. For they combine the misuse of throat chakra and of third eye to direct their hate and hate creation against the light. It is therefore to the pink cross of the cosmic clock that we would dedicate our disciples of the ruby ray. Keepers of the Flame, I commend you wherever you are at the hours of one, four, seven and ten to call for the binding on Earth and judgment in heaven of those who would destroy the Word and Work of the Great White Brotherhood in this age of cycles turning. Let them be stripped of their covering demons and let the covering cherubim keep the way of the Tree of Life in all who serve the light. Let them be stripped of their anti-power and anti-love, and let the children of the light breathe free the fragrance of violet flame and frankincense of angels. We have a mighty work to do in this age! Let us secure our bastions at Camelot and in the cities. Let us keep the watch as watchmen of the Lord. His Ritual of Exorcism is given for this hour. His teaching on the taking up of Serpent and his seed is apropos. All preparations that have been made, all teaching that has been given is for this moment when those who know the meaning of the balance of light and darkness and life and death can respond in concerted harmony for the victory. Draw the hallowed circle of protection about thy life and thy service and do not allow that circle to be violated by the violent who would take the fruits from the initiatic Tree by force. Given that it is a foregone conclusion that evil and evildoer are self-destroyed, let the children of light secure the path of initiation in the era of transition that the new generation of lightbearers might take embodiment and bring in the golden age. We will send you with your assignments for the establishing of the flame in the nearest and most distant reaches of the globe. Watch and pray. I AM Nada, a servant of life on the sixth ray, for in ministering unto the soul I set life free from impositions of the unreal. And life on Earth is still sweet because the Guru is in love with her chelas and they are aglow in the bliss of union. -Nada, Pearls of Wisdom 23:6
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