Tuesday, March 14, 2023
The difference between the disciple and ordinary lifestream is one of consecration and conservation
1) I caution therefore the average student against accepting any idea or statement which does not meet with the approval of their own God Presence as that blessed Presence daily pours out its love to those chelas who give veneration and adoration to God daily—rhythmically and happily! You will recall Mr. Lincoln is reputed to have once said, “You can fool all the people some of the time, some of the people all the time, but you can’t fool all the people all of the time!” This is true and therefore a remnant by reason of dedication, love and humility always remains who are able to discern the great love of God as it moves into action in the world of human affairs. These perceive truth as love in action to produce obedience to their own I AM Presence and give them always peace that passeth human understanding. -Morya, Pearl 3:35
1.5) The difference between the disciple and ordinary lifestream is one of consecration and conservation. The disciple is consecrated to the Mighty I AM Presence and the great ascended masters and he is dedicated to the conservation of his pure Christ-energy which he draws in allotted portion from the Godhead. He knows that by storing each precious feeling of love, each tender memory of those hallowed moments when the Divine comes very near he will one day possess a most wonderful momentum of God’s pure energy which will rise up at the precise instant when he is required to manifest the healing Christ. -Kuthumi, Pearl 5:13
2) It would be most difficult without physical senses to realize the world of form, and without spiritual vision it is difficult but not impossible to sense the mighty invisible hierarchies. The mind by the power of sheer reason must, if carried to the ultimate human capacity, acknowledge wonder of life as the creation of vast intelligence. To do otherwise is indeed, as has been stated, the utterance of “The fool (who) hath said in his heart ‘There is no God’” (Ps. 14:1).
It is unfortunate but true that the many philosophies to understand the Divine are mixed. Some are inspired upon men by God and some are created by men of their own avarice, in the desire for either name and fame or material substance in return for their false labors of sowing tares of human error midst the pure grain waving in the wheatfields of life. So then the very selections men have before them on the Lord’s table are a mixture of good and evil. Side by side with the joly eucharist of the living Word is the seed of error and human creation, sometimes so carefully and skillfully woven as to resemble truth in order to deceive, if it were possible, the very elect.
-Meru, Pearl 6:43
3) The chastisement of the Law is the fulfillment of the principle of love. As long as the individual can fool himself into believing that he is the doer, that his noble and brilliant acts are performed independently of the Creator and without connection to the tides of life directed by the Holy Spirit he will ultimately fail to benefit from the power of God and to harness the divine wind.
But we will not give up. As long as man can in faith hang on to life and to that which is real–even by a thread–the striving of the Holy Spirit continues. For the great omnipresence of God is a throb of moving love that is inconceivable until experienced. The fact that a man at a given moment in his life may not have come to the realization of the truth of the Holy Spirit and the inward Law is no proof, even to him, that the Law does not exist, that the Spirit does not move to order his universe. -Maha Chohan, Pearl 14:47
4) Therefore in truth, in the impartial consciousness of pure science which Christ brings, expand your consciousness to have an appreciation for prayers that are uttered in mosques, in cathedrals, in temples of East and West. Whether a Sanskrit mantra or a Hail Mary or an Our Father or the simple words originating from your own soul, God receives these all. -Hilarion, Pearl 19:43
4) So it is, and so thy pilgrim feet may press the ground where his have trod. So thy pilgrim feet, comforted now in the knowledge of the self as Parsifal, pure fool, will welcome the challenges, the temptations. They will relish the quest and opportunity to prove the soul’s prowess in battle and to plunge the sacred spear into the cause and core of sin—the dragons and beasts that have grown to immense proportions, stretching themselves across the Earth, the astral plane of the solar systems.
Yes, deified evil has come and must go down by the mighty spear wielded by the Mother, who in the person of myself does present to you the image of the Cosmic Christ by a teaching foretold. In the teaching then you will know the presence of the Teacher just beyond the veil. It is in the teaching that the soul responds to the flame leaping from my heart. -Lord Maitreya, Pearls of Wisdom 43:43, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on February 19, 1979 at Camelot, Los Angeles
5) And for some it is the only pure peace you know—to enter into this higher vibration and therefore to steal away your souls for an hour, to be sealed in light and apart from the war that does take place in the physical/astral octaves, as they do interchange.
Therefore I AM El Morya. And I understand the path of sainthood and I understand the hours of bearing world karma in heart and in soul. I understand the path of martyrdom and of crucifixion, and I also understand the path that does take place in the moment when ascended masters are able to place their Presence over their chelas. -Morya, Pearl 26:33
6) Mass movements of peoples are at hand; for famine, for war, for earthquake in divers places causes people to be dislocated and relocated. This movement moves on, not escaping the oncoming tide of world karma but greeting it in the very teeth. Having swords of flame, you thrust them forward, you take them again! And you remember one, Galahad who on Pentecost, lo, four hundred fifty years and some after the life lived by Jesus, did also seize, according to legend, a sword from a stone floating in the water and thereby was self-proclaimed as the one who would sit in the perilous seat—the seat [whose occupant] would hold the balance for the Christ incarnate as chief disciple.
So his name was written and so he was the son of Launcelot. So he came, the son of the father, in a mission of Christhood. He saw the Grail because he himself was seen and known of the Grail. Others sought after it and they sought their own sense of the Grail, a personal sense of freedom, the way that they were wont to go. Each one’s conception of the Grail was his very own, almost an anthropomorphic image of God Himself. -Maha Chohan, Pearl 24:66
7) Beloved ones, it has gone on in the past and we are very wise to this condition [of consciousness]. And I assure you that it will get you nowhere in this activity. You must understand, beloved, that this is the activity of the Great White Brotherhood on Earth; and you must realize you are dealing with masters who have the full God-mastery of the Law. And they do not miss this irony of the human will, this stubbornness and this folly of thinking “I can fool the Lord. I can fool the Messenger. I can fool the masters. I can fool my Christ Self.”
These remarks are given to you because we desire to see the purging of the four lower bodies and the community of disciples that all might come unto an understanding that this is a path of love and not a path of dead ritual or dead letter of the Law, though the letter of the Law be vital. -Helios, Pearl 27:48b
7) I speak then of the ones portrayed in story and poem who quested that Grail: Launcelot, Galahad, Percival and Sir Bors. These ones whose names remain, these ones who become identities though seemingly out of fairy tale are indeed real and none more real this day in your midst than Sir Bors himself, again the soul of Edward. [36-second standing ovation]
Humble servant of the king, the expresser of devotion and loyalty, [of] one-pointedness and honor and a vision of all that was and is and shall be characterized the cause behind his steadfastness [as the] right arm of Launcelot and devoted protector of the queen in the knight champion’s absence.
-Mighty Victory, Pearl 27:50b
8) As a result of this you have been strengthened and protected in that Word and Teaching. And some from among you have taken their leave at the conclusion of their embodiment and gone on in the full resurrection with Jesus Christ. Some have taken the initiation of ruby ray, that of the ascension, while others wait in the etheric retreats to receive it. Thus the proof of the Teaching and path is that it leads one successively to that higher and higher consciousness whereunto the individual is assumed into the very heart of the I AM Presence [becoming indeed the pure Person of that Christ].
Now, beloved ones, this red horseman and those with him move in the land—and it is the very hour of their moving in the land. If it were not so, it would not have been possible for those terrorists to receive that plane containing American citizens. Wherever American citizens are vulnerable they are representative of a nation that is asleep to the call of Gautama and Jesus, Zarathustra and Maitreya. And all of their conviction in their paltry doctrine will in no way cancel out the oncoming tides of initiation. God has never willed destruction or death or famine; the prophecy is of mankind’s own returning karma and specifically of the returning karma of lightbearers and of fallen angels. -Saint Germain, Pearl 28:34
9) In the invincible victory of the God-flame I come and I stand in this land with my pure devotion to blessed Virgin Mary.
Blessed ones, by leave of Omri-Tas and cosmic councils from the heart of the Lord God Almighty there has been delivered an opportunity for this age for Europe. Therefore that violet flame reservoir of light can be invoked by you with such intensity for the quickening.
Blessed hearts, Armageddon is a fact of life on Earth and it is in full swing. People look to see when it will begin. Well, I tell you, beloved, the war has long begun before the first rocket is fired. And know that when it is fired it is far too late to deal with the consequences thereof. And thus the miscalculations of free nations are bringing them to their knees before the totalitarian system that is the cancer of this planet and major obstacle to the age of Aquarius.
-Saint Germain, Pearl 31:37
10) When you send out the purity of those rays–the pure love of the heart; the pure will of God in the spoken word; pure seeing, beholding the good in everyone; \pure desiring of the divine plan for all life as Gautama taught us to live the middle way on the Eightfold Path; the pure application of the principles of freedom; the pure use of sacred fire and the mind of God as we are co-creators with God day by day–you are allowing God’s consciousness to pass through you.
As practice makes perfect, you become day by day that which you have made yourself the instrument of. This is literally how we put on the garment of God’s consciousness. And these sendings of our souls are the stuff of purity that our causal body is made of: all just and good and righteous causes we have set in motion. -Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Pearl 32:28
11) I speak of people of all religions and none, those who misuse the Word, entrapping the light of God as cursing, as black magic or witchcraft, as the practices of the seed of Satan. A mighty grid is placed on planet Earth. That light is taken from them who have misued it. It is taken from them, beloved, in this hour. And they shall not receive light, but their own karma when they attempt to fool the Law by using the ancient mantras of the rishis, of Sanat Kumara or of those given in this age by the ascended masters.
Thus it is done. And thus by my very speaking know that in this hour these astral decree groups who have functioned for many a decade are now stopped. And there is wailing, there is screaming, there is anger, there is fierceness of the forces of death and hell who move against the Messenger and yourselves for this dictation given. For I say to you, they are deprived of a source they have long used against the ascended masters and against those who are the true followers of God. -Maha Chohan, Pearl 48:8,
via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabth Clare Prophet on May 19, 1991 at RTR, MT ……..
12) As you see these many rings that go out almost infinitely from the cathedral floor, you find, then, that some [devotees] have come to occupy their places and some have not. Some have occupied them for a time and left. It is like the Table Round, beloved. The Table Round was filled, the positions ordained. And yet all of a sudden many did decide to go to quest the Holy Grail, when the Grail was not for all. And though King Arthur warned that that would be the destruction of mighty Camelot of old, yet they left. And only a few, a very few, did actually have some form of contact with the Grail–Parsifal, Galahad, Bors and Launcelot, beloved.
Yet all was lost, for those whose time had not come for this initiation determined to go out to find–what? The Grail would not be revealed to them for many lifetimes hence, even unto the present hour. And yet [some of] the same ones depart this place–depart the place, beloved, where the Holy Grail could [finally] become a reality… -Lanto, Pearl 35:47
13) Welcome to your own Mighty I AM Presence!
For I am here this day that you might know that I also bear your burden–yes, a burden of light and a burden of the cross you bear for me. O my beloved, receive my love this day that we might commune together! [27-second standing ovation]
So the tax collector has come! So he has come indeed. And “there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed.” Be grateful that you need not return to your hometown to pay your taxes!
Therefore on the occasion of the birth of the living Christ incarnate in Jesus the burden was upon the people–the people who must give not alone of their supply, the coin of the realm, but of their light as well to support a system that had no underpinnings, for it was not laid on the foundation of Christ.
Therefore Rome did fall and Rome did burn...
Blessed hearts, this challenge of the [agents of the] Internal Revenue Service to this Church is a challenge to those lightbearers who have said “We will not carry your burden!”
[In 1954 a wise Congress] determined that churches and charitable organizations should not be taxed. But now you see that those who have no love of church in them may sit in the seat of judgment and judge who or what is a church, who or what is this Church and many other churches who have been so persecuted.
Now therefore I stand at the altar of the Holy Grail. I stand before the Unfed Flame. I stand before the fire in your heart and I say to you: let us together determine that we will defeat not alone the curse against this Church but also [the persecution] that is being brought against many [churches] in the nation today.
Therefore I urge you to come on a journey with me this day, and that journey is my call to you to come up higher–higher in consciousness that you might manifest truly the white cube of the Church Universal and Triumphant and that you might find yourself as that white cube and in that white cube far, far from harm’s way.
It is a question of vibration, beloved ones. When your vibration is somehow tied to the world by this or that then you see I must defend you not only against the enemies of the Church but against your own vibrations and vibrations of the world that you might yet knowingly or unknowingly cling to. -Morya, Pearl 35:68
14) The world is in the bonds of action unless the action is consecration. Let thy actions then be pure, free from the bonds of desire.
Thus spoke the Lord of Creation when He made both man and sacrifice: “By sacrifice thou shalt multiply and obtain all thy desires.
“By sacrifice shalt thou honor the gods and the gods will then love thee. -Messenger ECP, Pearl 37:11
15) There are many things which I have retained in my heart this day, and I have pondered the advisability of releasing them. These concern not only the personal destiny of some individuals but also the destiny of this nation and world. I hope you will recognize that your coming here is a serious matter and that preparation should be undertaken by all to keep the consciousness pure and lofty that the consciousness of all should reflect the treasures of the Spirit. That seriousness of intent must manifest ere we can do our greatest work.
This is a laboratory of spiritual accomplishment, and we indeed desire to feed you with the manna from heaven. But it must come about when human thoughts and feelings are stilled, when there is a willingness to put aside childish things and to learn those things which come from the mature presence of the Christ. -Saint Germain, Pearl 60:22
16) I need not say divine love, for all love is divine else it ought not to be called love. I need not saypure love or true love or sincere love, for love is love! And any and all lesser properties do not define love but its antithesis.
Therefore in absolute purity–and there is no other kind of purity–I AM come! And I AM the invincible light of ruby ray. And I have gone to the very core of the psyche of Earth, collectively and individually, Amora with me–eternal love in action as the activating force of the heart of the One. Therefore we do go to the heart of the matter of world problems.
-Elohim Heros and Amora, Pearls of Wisdom 32:11
17) Many a knight has sought the Holy Grail, but according to legend none save Galahad, Percival, Bors and Launcelot saw it. Among the four only Galahad entered into full communion with the holy cup. Those who failed in their quest were oblivious to the reality that the Grail lies dormant within each one until he quickens it by activating the threefold flame on the altar of his heart.
We would then express to you our appreciation for giving your dynamic decrees on the emerald ray in support of Elohim Cyclopea and all who serve on the fifth ray. You have also given your calls in our behalf, and therefore legions of K-17 in the Cosmic Secret Service have been effective in exposing dangerous plots that could have manifested in the Earth plane had it not been for your heartfelt and dynamic decrees. -Lanello and K-17, Pearl 40:15
18) Therefore the Lords of Karma ask me to tell you to give calls continuing through your vigils in the night and through your prayer vigils in the day here not only for the binding of this one but also all others in India who fool Westerners who come looking for a Guru. Therefore I have made this known to you. Therefore I, Padma Sambhava, fulfilling the mandate of the Lord Krishna, decree that this must be dealt with. For India has too many false teachers leading too many souls astray.
Already many years ago in Ghana this Messenger was contacted telepathically by Sai Baba from India to West Africa, sending her the message that she must come to India to be his consort. She recognizing this evil one dispensed with him immediately and told him that she would have no part with him and that if he ever set foot in the United States, she would see to it that he would be bound and judged.
-Padma Sambhava, Pearl 46:9
19) you must be aware that evil is impersonal, that evil is an action of darkness, of misqualified energy that seeks to be made personal by manifestation through the pure sons and daughters of God. Therefore recognize that it is not the people but forces that manipulate them that cause the energy veil to coalesce and to become personified.
Let us then strip from all mankind the personification of evil! And let it come about by a rallying of the action of light within your hearts, by your freewill fiats of light challenging all those dark ones who seek to become the personification of evil through the children of God. -Goddess of Liberty, Pearl 56:11
20) Will you deny to your children any portion of your own Selfhood that is good and noble and pure and virtuous? And so you see that all that stands between you and the action of the Magnet of the Great Central Sun is your call, your invocation, your claiming of your heritage as sons and daughters of God.
Now do you see why these discarnates and fallen ones would disclaim your inheritance, would disclaim your divine right to be kings and priests unto God, sons and daughters in the way and in the cosmic highways?
-Surya and Cuzco, Pearl 63:14
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