Wednesday, March 29, 2023
those who refuse to hear or to considerjustice
Blessed People of All Races, of All Kindreds, of All Tongues,
I am Kuan Yin known in the East, seldom known in the West, yet holding a focus of infinite mercy for all. My tryst with every heart is to amplify the flame of divine mercy that the balm of forgiveness be given to all children of God because it is the nature of God. So delicately balanced is this nature in its universal involvement that no man can violate its realities with impunity.
Knowing that human matrices must be shattered before divine ones can be firmly established, I urge all who have the power of thought to realize that human error has left its mark upon the blessed wall of consciousness, causing many to feel separated from other parts of life. Like the Great Wall of China isolating segments of humanity, human traditions have for countless ages protected one segment of life from another.
The Mercurian powers of communication and wonders of transportation prevalent upon Earth today have enabled many who previously learned of other cultures only through the pages of magazines and books to make intimate and personal contact with other parts of life. This has dispelled many illusions. There are however other illusions that lurk deep in the being of man which do not yield themselves so easily to removal.
If mankind will dedicate himself to eradication of the blight of traditional hatreds and misunderstandings, he will find an answer in this age or in that which is to come in the ongoing stream of life that will enable him to remove from his consciousness ancestral prides and fears that are at the root of much mental as well as physical disease.
Knowing that men do not at the stroke of the hour suddenly produce perfection in place of imperfection but that they from one day to the next lay the foundations of that perfection for which they long, I urge all to begin right where they are (or rejoice in a previous beginning) to conscientiously remove from their being feelings of racial hatred and religious bigotry.
This do in the full knowledge that the Christ lives in everyone no matter what his race or religion. Out of the Universal Christ consciousness the Master has said “He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.” In order to ally yourself with the Christ in all you must tear down the prejudices you hold against the outer person; for if you are not with your fellowman, willing to carry his burden, then you are ipso facto against his inner Christed being.
There are so many elements of their religions and cultural heritage which mankind share in common and through which they can begin to overcome their mental and emotional infirmities, burn out the cause and core of all their diseases and plan for a future age drawn in the divine design that I cannot stress enough in mercy’s name that mankind should not continually allow thoughts of shadow and shame to dwell in their consciousness; for these will most certainly reinforce the causes of violence and unrest among the nations.
It cannot be denied that there do exist in the world, as a result of human reaction patterns forces of war and violence that are the antithesis of all that is of divine love, intensifiers of all that is hateful who create a seeming cause for apprehension in the world. All that is of shadow and darkness like the tail of the Dragon shall thrash itself into the dust, carrying many with it. But those who want no part of it, seeking only to establish the kingdom of heaven among men, recognizing the permanency of all that is spiritual, will surely find answer within the domain of Spirit to all world unrest and turmoil.
I do not say in view of certain world conditions that essential elements of protection must not be enforced by the nations until such time as all men can be trusted to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning-hooks–when “nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.” I do declare that when that day of understanding dawns upon the Earth it will be out of coequality by and for all. None shall skulk and hide, secreting their weapons and planning the overthrow of world and individual freedom. But all shall respond to the call to the house of Jacob “Come ye, and let us walk in the light of the Lord.”
After all, beloved ones, the tenure of man’s life upon Earth is notably short when viewed against the backdrop of the drama of the centuries. This is why embodied mankind who are always seeking to increase their longevity and quality of their life must understand the dangers that threaten them from both within and without and seek to balance those dangers against the infinite plan and perfection that lie concealed beneath the segmentation of the people into compartments of race, nationality, religion or social and economic status.
The origin of peoples is often interplanetary; and here in the melting pot of the whole wide world there is a babel of many voices and many cultures merging together in the schoolrooms of Earth in order to provide opportunity for great souls to manifest on behalf of lesser souls a higher understanding and a oneness with the Deity and spiritual Brotherhood that works behind the scenes in every constructive endeavor. To the end that His beautiful plans may be implemented by all the avant-garde of the race labors on; thus they shall ultimately lighten the load that currently rests upon the few and show mankind how to speedily accomplish that for which they have longed throughout the ages but have not understood how to produce.
This very year Mother Mary and I have earnestly consulted with the highest authorities in the spiritual realm as to how we could lift the pall that so frequently lowers over the realm of human motherhood; for we would assist all life to better understand the great treasure and the tremendous responsibility they have to court through prayer and fasting beautiful souls to inhabit the body temples which are aborning within the womb of life.
There has been such a crassness and amplification of darkness and shadow masquerading under the name of individuality that it is a wonder that souls of light have been able to penetrate the veils of flesh; and I assure you that without the assistance of the angelic hosts it would have been entirely impossible. Seldom do men imagine how individuality can become a whirlpool of destruction that carries individuals dedicated to their egos together with their offspring down into despair levels after despair levels.
What a wonderful thing it would be then for embodied mankind if they could, in all of their getting of human understanding pertaining to various facets of material life, begin to understand some of the simple things of life as they should understand them. Thus they would extend the balm of mercy not only to motherhood but also to the teaching of the children of the world the precepts of the Holy Spirit. They would foster the continuing interest born of true motherhood in the manifestation of greater fairness among peoples together with a greater sense of justice, a greater sense of dedication to bringing out the Christ in everyone, a greater realization of the beauty inherent in all life and a greater understanding of mutual love.
O mankind of Earth, the Great Brotherhood perceives two specific areas in which mankind could triumph if they would make the effort and a third that is also possible. The first lies in the opportunity of mothers to commune to a greater degree with God and the angelic ministrants as they bear His children; the second is to raise them without shame but rather with rejoicing in an environment of a higher degree of spiritual consciousness than is now prevalent. The third can be accomplished if the various racial memories of previous episodes of human clashes and human disobedience to the laws of brotherhood are consumed by the action of the sacred fire. Setting their goals upon all three, mankind can then weave the threads of the culture of the Mother into a magnificent tapestry of world charity that the Divine Feminine together with the protective mantle of the Eternal Father might manifest abundantly to all.
Devoted to the expansion of consciousness I AM
Kuan Yin, Pearls of Wisdom 16:7
The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and they that dwell therein. I AM God Tabor and I have come with the angel devas of the mountains and of the pines of East and West, of the Rocky Mountains and of the Himalayas, of the Alps and of the great Pyrenees and Andes.
I come with the light of the fiery core in the heart of the rock, in the heart of nature, and I proclaim the unity of the God of nature and the God of man. Not only do I proclaim the unity, but I cause the action of the fusion of sacred fire that is in the heart of man with sacred fire that is in nature. I challenge before you in the plane of Spirit and the plane of matter all elements that cause mankind to be divorced from nature. I say there is a vein of darkness that has existed for far too long upon this planetary home–a vein of darkness, of dark deeds of mankind’s doings that has separated him from the Spirit Most Holy in nature.
Let the veil that hung between the Holy of Holies be rent in twain–the veil that separated the consciousness of man from his God. This is the day the Lord hath made for the unification of the God within and the God without. I say, O mankind, be still and know that you are God in manifestation, that you have the oneness of life and the potential of reunion with the flame of the Divine Woman and Her seed.
Let Earth send forth the praise of the glory of God! Let fire and air rejoice! Let the waters tremble with the music of the spheres! For I am come for the fusion of the four quadrants of mankind’s consciousness–as Above, so below. And I declare from this day forward there shall not occur that separation, that division; but nature and man shall be one.
Do I imply that man should return to the level of animal? Nay, I say. Let man be raised to the level of God, and let all creatures also be raised into the awareness of the Holy Spirit. And the lion shall lie down with the lamb, and there shall be peace. Therefore I come with the ray of transmutation that is the fire of the Holy Spirit to consume mankind’s lust and carnal nature and desire to kill and be killed and to bring harm to elemental life.
If mankind would live in peace with the birds of the air and have them form the cross of the Christ as they did for Francis of old, then they must come into harmony with all of nature. Do you know that when man partakes of the flesh of his fellow creatures he takes into himself a portion of elemental life which ought not to be within the sacred temple of being? Man then finds himself at enmity with animal life. And there is fear and division where there ought not to be, and wars are perpetuated. And when man goes into nature he considers that he should become as the beasts of the field.
I say, let all of that be past! Let those who love the light come to the feet of the Buddha, the Lord of the World who harmonizes angelic life, elemental life, human life in the one flame of adoration of the Motherhood of God.
I AM Tabor, God of the Mountains! And upon the mountains there was given to Moses of old the tablet of the Law, the Ten Commandments. Have you thought of the test of the ten pronounced by Mighty Victory as having begun in ancient time when the Ten Commandments were given to Moses for the salvation of a people and for the alignment of their energies with the Holy Spirit? And so the Law was given, and upon the foundation of the Law came forth the grace of the Christ consciousness. And it is ever so when mankind harmonizes his consciousness with nature and with the laws of nature. Then he comes into union with all of life.
Until you sense the oneness of life you cannot maintain the harmony that will give you dominion over the earth. Harmony of all life, of all cells in the body of God is the answer to all of mankind’s problems. Do you not understand? The angel devas who keep the balance of the mighty forests tall upon the mountains and the hillsides of life, holding the balance of the intensity of mankind’s own effluvia in the cities of the world–these angel devas and elemental builders of form wait with arms outstretched to receive man into the heart of a tree.
Have you thought upon the concept of hugging a tree, of pouring forth the love of your heart to a tree and feeling the love return in the immense cycles of the building of the tower unto the skies, the mighty pines of life? How often do you pour forth your love to the birds of the air? And do they come and eat from your hands? Or do they fear you because they sense that you have partaken of their very flesh?
When will the reconciliation occur? When will mankind surrender his desires and be content in the oneness of the consciousness of the Holy Spirit? Earth stands at the cusp–yea, the doorway of a golden age! And at the portals of life the mighty consuming fire! and each man and each woman who would pass that portal must walk through the fires of the Holy Spirit and be baptized by the sacred fire and thus be renewed to be received into the kingdom of our God.
All initiates of the sacred fire must come to the place where nature is the God-control of the Christ-flame and where the God-control of nature is found within that flame. And when you come to the place where harmony with nature is of all importance to you you will learn the gentleness of the ways of life, the gentleness of harmony with all life. And the love of God will flow through the heart chalice, through the very pores of your being, through the fires of the mind. And angel devas thousands of miles away will return the impulse. And all of life will be a constant flow of the mighty tides of Being, and you will feel the energies of self flowing into nature, being raised and being purified and sent back to you as the authority of the Christ. For you stand as that authority in the midst of nature. And all of nature rises up to serve the Christed one.
O mankind, heaven waits for the alignment of your bodies and for the desire to wax strong within you to receive the Holy Ghost that you might be transformed and walk the earth as masters of life to perform those feats that were performed of old by Elijah, Elisha, by Enoch, by Christ! Would you walk upon the water? Do you not know that the water desires to have you walk upon it? Do you know the thrill of the elementals, the mighty undines who guard the tides of life and the great seas and the waters under the seas and the great flow? Do you not know that they rejoice in man’s rejoicing in his communion with water? Their joy is to serve you, O mankind of Earth! And your joy must be to serve with them, to command the life-essence of the Christ to flow to the elementals, to infuse them with rejoicing and newness of being and fire and the Spirit to bring the Earth into a golden age!
I say walk upon the hillsides and in the forests. Walk in nature and among the flowers and make nature your dearest friend. For in the blending of the energies of mankind and elemental life there is to be found the key to the golden age. Do you not realize that the separation of man and nature has been a plot from the very start? Yes, I say a plot. And I do not consider that that word is overworked. I consider that the forces of darkness have plotted again and again in a mighty conspiracy of darkness against the children of the light.
They shall not prevail, I say! For the thunder from Mount Horeb thunders forth this day! And the thunderings that go forth are the mighty lightning of the transfiguring energies of the Godhead that roll and descend into the heart of the Earth to give that balance that all life requires to move into the spirals of the transfiguration. As Christ was transfigured before his disciples, so I say to you and you: be transfigured before mankind! Be transfigured before the beings of the elements! Show forth the radiance that is in the heart! Show forth the mastery of the Christ and go forth as conquerors of life!
There is no power anywhere in any time or in any space that can hinder the mighty flow of the God of the Mountains and of the destiny of the sons and daughters of the flame to reunite with that flame! I say to you, one and all, accept the victory! Accept the victory this night of the spirits of nature! Accept the possibility of your own victory in this life! Be sure as you stand in the flame and as you invoke by the power of the I AM name, the Presence of your Divinity, be certain, be fearless and know that I AM God in the heart of the flame!
I shall release now certain energies of the sacred fire and the inner fires of your being. And my angel devas assist me, and these energies shall be released in each one here and across the planetary body who has a certain attunement with the Christ consciousness. And it shall be for the release of light to a mighty people and a mighty nation and nations and races and those who are willing to bear the chalice unto the hour of the fulfillment of the cycles.
The purpose for which I am come is accomplished within you–you who have prepared yourselves as the bride adorned for her husband, as the soul that is prepared to meet the Spirit of the I AM in the alchemical union of the marriage of the Lamb. And that which I have done within the forcefield of your four lower bodies is another preparation for the hour of your victory.
Cherish well moments of communion. For one day you will long for that communion, and it shall be a memory, and the fires of Mem will be the source of contact that will carry you into an unknown land. And you will yearn for the succor, and your memory will tell you that I, Tabor, have spoken and that I have come in the presence of the Comforter to establish that comfort within you that shall be unto you the flame of Becoming in the hour of greatest need.
I AM the God of the Mountains! And I return to the heart of my retreat in the Rockies where I shall send forth to you at any hour that you make the call in the name of the Christ the rays of the diamond shining mind of God that13 shall16 be7 the15 lifeline45 and10 salvation32 of12 your25 soul!13 (=188=4 x 47) -God Tabor, Pearls of Wisdom 16:40
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