Saturday, March 25, 2023
Kuthumi on Henry 8th
From the archives of the Great White Brotherhood we therefore set forth those events22 which33 must10 be7 known23 (=95), which must be recorded in order that sons and daughters of God and children of God might30 fulfill33 their33 fiery36 destiny33 in14 the15 thousand30-year22 cycle21 inaugurated49 by9 the15 mission35 of12 the15 two13 witnesses34=449; 449+95=544 (= 8 x Kuthumi Lal Singh68).
Let us speak of the many souls who have witnessed for Christ and for Hierarchy and who have paid the ultimate price with the ultimate sacrifice. Let us speak of those who have given their lives that truth and freedom might live. And let us say with Abraham Lincoln, patriarch of the New Israel, we shall live, we shall love and we shall make the ultimate sacrifice of the carnal mind "that these dead shall not have died in vain." ...
Peter however incarnated again and again, each time failing to lose his life for the sake of Christ. As the result of his continual compromise with truth Peter to this hour has not made his ascension. And by the same seeds of compromise the Church, seeking to save its life in matter, is losing its life in Christ.
Jesus asked "What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" We ask--have the Church and Society33 of12 Jesus11 within38 (=94=2 x authority47) the Church gained the whole world and lost their own soul and the soul of Christ? In each succeeding embodiment Peter fell on the line of analytical35 mind22 (=57), sacrificing62 the15 ultimate29 spiritual44 goal17 for21 immediate43 material34 gain22 (=287=7 x cleverness41).
Peter's denial of his Lord manifested again in his18 denial27 of12 his18 Lord's23 Church34 when in the person of King Henry VIII of England--because it was now both convenient49 and10 191expedient48 to8 the15 survival34 of12 his18 ego18 and10 its12 sensual19 indulgences50 (=
244=4 x iron grip61)—he sanctioned divorce on the pretext that he might produce an heir to the throne. It was altogether practical in his mind to employ the means of founding the Church of England and declaring himself as its head to justify the end of saving his life--the saving of his seed that he in his seed might continue to rule England.
The issue however was not divorce: it was power. Henry VIII could not, would not tolerate another human being having the authority to tell him what he could or could not do. Having temporal authority of the crown of England he now desired the scepter of spiritual authority as well. That which he lost as Peter he sought to regain as Henry. Lacking30 the virtues of self-sacrifice61, surrender50 to8 God17 and10 service36 to8 mankind30 (=250=10 x as mine25) he sought to take heaven by force. But this he could not do. And neither he nor his successors have ever worn the mantle of the true Vicar of Christ.
The Lords of Karma gave to the soul of Peter the opportunity to balance the karma of denying his Lord, the karma of failing to witness unto his Lord and failing to stand by him in the hour of his crucifixion. Had he borne witness to the flame of the true Church, had he been willing to lose his life of self-indulgence for the sake of Christ, he would have preserved his life in Christ and he would have preserved the unity, integrity and honor of the faith. But no, he would not; he would not. And therefore the luciferian divide-and-conquer tactics fanned through the interplay of power politics between church and state entered and split the house of the Lord and the soul of Peter.
And to Thomas More, my compatriot on the path, he left the life of the martyr. For his own ego's sake he was willing to sacrifice the life of the one he loved most; and the one he loved most was altogether willing in his love for God to lose his life for the sake of Christ. May the words of this true saint of the Church be inscribed in the heart of every Keeper of the Flame: "Give me, good Lord, a longing to be with Thee; not for the avoiding of the calamities of this wicked world, nor so much for the avoiding of the pains of purgatory, nor the pains of hell neither, nor so much for the attaining of the joys of heaven in respect of mine own commodity, as even for a very love of Thee." I shall continue with the history of the infamy of the fallen ones. The worst is yet to come. -Kuthumi, Pearl 19:13
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