Monday, March 27, 2023
Kuthumi 1076 series (unavailable from RTR since 2003)
To Those Who Would Know the One God in the Four Cosmic Forces: Four cosmic angels carrying pitchers of water stand in formation of the sacred four over the galaxies, over the systems of worlds turning, over worlds like Terra turning, over the creation of the Most High turning. They pour the light of cosmic hierarchies. From the pitchers they carry they pour the light of the four sacred forces. They energize matter. They infuse earth, air, fire, water with energy of the Great Central Sun. They are Aquarians. They bear the water of the new age. It is the living water of life for crystallization of matter and mankind into a new dimension of time and space and into a new frequency of cosmic consciousness that is the frequency of Aquarius. I am Kuthumi the fearless. And I come in the fierceness of Kali21 wielding the sword of the Mother to cut free the children from25 the15 demons25 of12 intellectual44 pride34, spiritual44 pride34 and10 vanity28 of12 ego-teachings58, false16 to8 the15 core23!(=424=8 x may chips fall53) My sword plunges through to the cause and core of every mockery of the Divine Mother; and by the authority of the divine Manchild I will strip them of their garments of self-righteousness and their cloaks of deceitfulness. This is not poetry nor am I being poetic. I am in the power of the Mother- ray. Pure and blunt and direct in the power that will not be tempered by rituals of diplomacy, I send forth the lightning of the mind of God! We who have meditated on that mind for centuries while mankind have played with the ancient wisdom, we who know the image of the Mother of Wisdom will not remain silent any longer. Where we see or hear the falsehoods of the phonies and their psychic cronies concerning the mind of God and the Mother of Wisdom we will thrust the sword. As has been said, let the chips fall where they may. Inasmuch as there are many false teachers abroad in the land of the Mother, teachers of meditation techniques and of the path of initiation we will tell you something about the true teachers and our sponsorship of those who rightfully and lawfully may call themselves representatives of the Great White Brotherhood. Let us concern ourselves for the moment with the teacher of meditation. Before we sponsor such a one he must pass certain initiations and undergo certain prescribed disciplines of sacred fire. When the training is completed--and that training may endure for several years or several embodiments--we of the ascended masters who have sponsored the trainee place specific electrodes within several auric sheaths
surrounding his four lower bodies. These electrodes are for soul protection of the teacher and of all disciples who will come to that teacher for training. Only an ascended master has the ability to place these electrodes; and they cannot be duplicated by fallen ones (albeit black magicians have created their mechanical imitations, as they always do, and have transferred them to astral bodies of their
embodied and disembodied tools). In the case of the ascended masters they use the electrodes for a number of purposes, several of which I make known to you here. The glow of these electrodes which we anchor in the aura of the teacher can be seen throughout the cosmos. Therefore it is not at all difficult for masters or their advanced disciples to perceive the real teacher from the unreal, the true representative of the Brotherhood from the impostor. And soon mankind in the elevated consciousness of Aquarius will also be able to perceive the true and false. The electrode is a conductor of the energy and consciousness of the Christ. It is acoded forcefield, a fohatic key sealed in secret rays. Intensified by action of the electrodes in the aura of the teacher, the whitefire of his Presence may be transferred directly to the disciple through the teacher's purified chakras. By action of overshadowing of the Brotherhood and anchoring of sacred fire in the electrodes every disciple of the true teacher is shielded from any untransmuted substance that in rare instances may exist in the world of the teacher. Thus disciples of the true teacher are protected from any impurities of the teacher’s lower personality which would otherwise be transmitted over the arc of consciousness that must be established between teacher and disciple, Guru and chela if such a relationship is to exist at all. Because it is necessary to have teachers who are tethered to life within the stream of consciousness in the lower planes of matter, we often select teachers who have not yet balanced all their karma, for those who have balanced their karma do not long remain in the mainstream of life. Once a teacher is ordained by the Great White Brotherhood and receives the electrodes, no matter what remaining karma may be in his world, neither its vibration nor its momentum will betransferred to his students. This is Law; this is Hierarchy. Although the carnal mind of the student, aided and abetted by mass mind of the race, may interpret the teacher’s actions as human or as eccentrically ego-orientated, I can assure you that even if the teacher would at some point manifest a human trait, by law that vibration cannot and will not be transmitted to the student. For by the computerlike action of the electrodes the energy is translated into testing of the soul of the chela. When this sacred fire originating in the Divine Monad--the I AM THAT I AM--of the teacher, is transferred to the student, whether in the form of compassion or disciplined love felt as a chastening heat, the chela may react to the pure energies of the teacher muddied by impure stream of his own or the mass consciousness. The closer the chela comes to the real teacher the more he finds that the mud of subconscious is disturbed, bringing to the surface of the stream his own impure momentums of spiritual pride and ambition together with the ego pendulum that swings from conceit to deceit and from self-aggrandizement to self-belittlement. When these soil the lily-white garments with which the chela has adorned himself, he rebels against the inner law of his own being. Outraged and irrational he blames the teacher and hurls the diatribe of his injustice and his revenge against the teacher who now appears to him to be the Devil himself. I have seen self-styled chelas who twenty years after such a confrontation with the only real member of Hierarchy they were ever privileged to meet in this life still retain cysts of hatred for the teacher. They reek with foul odor of disdain for the one who exposed their carnal mind, and all this they keep hidden beneath the garments of their lily-white self-righteousness. They are the denouncers of true teachers of mankind and they come to poison the children with pus of their malice. "By their fruits ye shall know them." I would speak of the lie of duality--of divine and human factors which some consider to be like parallel lines in the manifestation of the true teachers and messengers of the Great White Brotherhood. They think that the definition of the discriminating chela is the wary chela who does not quite place his full trust in the Messenger but will weigh each word and action of the teacher, setting himself up as the authority of what is acting, human or divine. The ascended masters are the authority of the true teacher and the true messenger. We release the energy, light, teaching, initiations and discipline to and through our representatives. If at any time the teacher or messenger who has surrendered his human will to the divine will should elect to take back that human will, our dispensation would terminate. The light and electrodes would be withdrawn and the trained disciple would receive the certain sign of Hierarchy that the instrument had become a dry reed, hollow and without authentic vibration and backing of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood. Therefore you need not confound yourself with foolishness of carnal mind—with its critical and analytical questioning devoid of the Spirit. Stand beneath the waterfall and receive unreservedly the flow of Hierarchy of Aquarius that comes through our embodied Messengers. When the waterfall ceases to flow move on, for Hierarchy will not be stopped. We will open another stream and prepare a channel for crystal-clear waters of Life. In the past we have had to withdraw our support from those who were given the opportunity to represent us. The one who for a time had the opportunity of representing the Master Djwal Kul soon lost that authority through intellectual pride and brittleness of the lower mental body, which can never be the channel of the mind of God. Thus I expose to you the false teachings subtly woven into the work of Alice Bailey whose failure to surrender totally rendered her unfit as an instrument of the Tibetan Master. The way of the intellect is not the path of Buddha or of chohans of the rays. It should not be the path of their chelas. Now the masters of the Far East must seek to undo the harm that has been done to their chelas by the Lucis Trust organization, which claims our backing but has it not at all. Alice Bailey, due to her lack of surrender to the will of God, never passed the final initiations which would have qualified her as our amanuensis. Nevertheless the intellect in its attempt to portray Hierarchy is prolific. Another who was selected to take the training for calling of representing the World Teachers and coming Buddha, Lord Maitreya, the one who wrote At the Feet of the Master under the pen name Alcyone, also failed the test of the intellect and of subtleties of spiritual pride. Today Krishnamurti, denounced by the Brotherhood, denounces the true teachers and path of initiation, proclaiming that the individual needs only himself and that this is the only God there is. Leading thousands of youth in the direction of sophisticated disobedience to the God within, to Christ the inner mentor and to the masters of the Brotherhood, this fallen one has been the instrument of a philosophy that is not and does not in any way represent the true teachings of the Great White Brotherhood. Once the vibration of the Great White Brotherhood and vibration of an authentic messenger is recognized by chelas on the path, they will discern the heavy astral vibrations of false teachers and their teachings. In the meantime we pray earnestly for their deliverance from temptation of glamor and maya which surround the personality who has set himself in the seat of authority in place of the one true God. These are examples of those who have usurped the mind of God and wisdom of the Mother. Both schools which have grown up around these ones who fell short of the mark of their high calling present calculated and cunning detours for souls searching for truth. Now we see the burden of the masters who have sponsored these and other chelas who have subsequently failed. They are burdened with an enormous responsibility to correct the errors of those who speak in their name yet have neither the authority nor light emanation of our Office. There is another who comes more recently to the fore of mankind's consciousness teaching the way of transcendental meditation yet not authorized as a representative of the Great White Brotherhood or as a teacher of meditation. This is the problem not of the chela who fails but of the self-styled guru who has never been a chela of the ascended masters. The Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has not been initiated in the schools of the Great White Brotherhood and therefore does not function under our aegis. He does not carry our vibration nor does he present to the children of God the goal of the ascension. The required momentum of spiritual attainment, the required initiations of the true teacher of meditation have not been given to him nor is he a candidate to receive them. His teaching is nothing more than autohypnosis, a very effective technique bringing to pass in the consciousness of the meditator all that it claims to do. It employs the power of the mental body and subconscious mind to program the would-be disciple to a false peace, a false sense of security and a waning identity that is removed farther and farther from the center of Christ- light with each period of so-called transcendental meditation. In this case the leader is self-hypnotized and therefore self-deceived. He is counted by us then as a blind leader of a blind generation. Lack of strict requirements for development of godly virtue, necessity for suffering and sacrifice on the Way of the Cross and Eighffold Path taught by Christ and Buddha expose this method as another byway, a promised shortcut to attainment for which there is no shortcut. Needless to say, the Maharishi has not been given the authority to initiate souls under the great Initiator, Lord Maitreya--for he has not attained the Christ consciousness--nor has he received the electrodes in his aura for transfer of sacred fire. Those who tie themselves to him in the relationship of pupil or student therefore are not protected from elements of his karma, his human momentum or his self-hypnosis. These arc into the world of the pupil, adding the muddied stream of false teacher to the already muddied stream of confused disciple. We come to clear the way. Let the chips fall where they may. The false teachings must be exposed. Those who are either the instruments or recipients of false teachings are welcome to be washed in the waters of the four cosmic angels who even now are pouring liquid light of Aquarius for washing of souls of mankind by living Word of the Mother. In loyalty to the cause of truth I remain -Kuthumi with Brothers of Golden Robe, Pearl 19:5 ………………………………… And Lo the Word Was Clothed with Mater To Those Who Would Know the Four Cosmic Forces in the Four Quadrants of Mater: Mater is the crystallization of the Mother-flame. Mater, the Latin form of Mother, is the term which devotees use to express their reverence for life in matter. Matter is Mother; Mother is matter and much more. Mother is the womb of life in which the creation moves. And all of the material cosmos is like a seed in the womb of the Divine Mother. What shall come forth from this seed? Life? Eternity, the Mantled? Or morbidity? Anti-matter? Not-time or a black hole in space? We must consider the dissolution of worlds even as we calculate the Egg of Mater becoming crystallization of the God-flame out of the seed of Spirit. The seed is a nucleus of cosmic consciousness planted by the All-Father In the womb of the All-Mother to be nourished by the flowing of Her love, the knowing of Her wisdom, the blowing of Her power as the winds of Holy Spirit caress these little ones, these tender children held in arm by earthly father and mother. And lo, He spoke! And His Word is the worlds turning and stars burning And the whole of creation yearning for Mother. And lo, the Word was clothed with Mater--macrocosms and microcosms of soft nebulae, star clusters and vapory bridal veils, masses of matrices geometrized, systematized, congealed. And lo, the body of God in Mater doth appear! The seed of Spirit as a million billion seeds in matter--and all life bows before the one Creator, Infinity sealed in finitude. A tear in the Mother’s eye, the heart's overflowing joy--love is fulfilled in love. A God is born, a God will rise, the herald of our paradise! Of all of this--this beauty petaled, fragrant, flowing—this beauty moving out, then in, then out again from center to circumference of Almighty Being—of all of this they would fabricate the counterfeit creation. Is not the original pristine splendor enough? Aye, ’tis the satisfaction of the gods and goddesses who rule the stars and galaxies. But the betrayers must fabricate an alternate system, a minus polarity that is not matter but maya, mystification, mortality. They have mirrored the creation Of our Father-Mother God. But the15 mirror46 of12 soul13 debauched36 and10 dejected29 does16 not13 reveal27 the15 quality33 of12 the15 original49 (=378=9 x smearings42) but7 only21 the15 miasma20 smearing41 the15 matrix31 of12 Mother34 (=196=7 x reveals28) to justify an unreal position the fallen ones have created, an unreal world positioned in the netherworld Of astral dark and dank, a time- and energy-frame which they have stolen from the Mother, suspended in space usurped from Buddha. Like gypsies these fallen ones roam the Cosmic Egg feigning a freedom that is the denial of Self when it ought to be deification of the self. Where can these gypsies go? They are frightened! They flee hither and thither. The eye of the Mother is upon them. She watches as they play their games Of sex cults and success cults in the very folds of Her royal robe. Where shall they flee from Mother? There is no place to go to hide--inside a cave or under a log or in the luxury of the land they acquired by affluence and that atheism justified by arch-deceivers and their philosophies--Ayn Rand and Madalyn Murray and the marching "liberators" of women. They too exist in Mother’s matter. And whether or not their quasi-existence becomes the life resurrected, the Life universal and triumphant, no matter for none can flee the ultimate grace of Mother. None can forever avert the face of Mother. Their reckoning will come, is come, and their calculations must be by freewill to define being: to be or not to be. But in the meantime all who have chosen the left-handed path to elevate the lesser instead of greater ego have organized their mechanized existence in imitation of every facet of the creation of the mind of God. They have sought to sever the light Of the Four Cosmic Forces which turn the energies of God in the planes of Spirit and of matter. By freewill they have stolen the light, and they steal it still. Whirring about like bumblebees and toy planes and trains and cars they scurry here and there with all of the noise of their self-importance. And lo, they present to mankind the wonder of their counterfeit creation! They have even imitated the hierarchical structure of sons and daughters of God, and they have positioned themselves in order of self-importance on a bamboo scaffolding, imitation of the ladder of Hierarchy. Look! Here they come--a Halloween parade! The masked fallen ones peering through the masks of paper-mache painted to look like Morya and Kuthumi, Saint Germain and even Jesus the Christ. Their sacrilege knows no end, and they dupe the self-deceived among the human race who already wear the mask of ego on their face. For every post and position held by an ascended master or an unascended chela in the Hierarchy of the Great White Brotherhood there is one or a dozen or a hundred impostors maliciously, mischievously impersonating that name and that flame. Thus the false hierarchy rules in the underworld of the mass subconscious of the evolutions who have sought escape from oneness of our Father-Mother God. Their lies and fabrications cover with sackcloth and with mourning very truth of the Holy Spirit and every true image of the real. They have sought to conceal the Mother from Her children. But with all the jungles of their madness and jangles of their mechanization they have never cut off the flow of Mother for the children of the Father. They have never cut off the longing of souls of these little ones for Her face, Her tender embrace and warm milk of Her love flowing, nourishing souls with nutrients of the Word. Now is matter coated With the soot of their sarcasm and their sin. Now shall matter be swept clean by clarification of the law, crystallization of purity, practicality and power---the golden-white light of the Mother's halo which She now lays upon the altar of matter, a lei of white roses, lilies, forget-me-nots, and babies-breath which She places around the neck of each and every one of Her children. O Fairest of the fair, O Mother of the World whose image is reflected true in true Mater, not maya: behold how Thy children love Thee! Behold Thy children come to Thee! Behold Thy children carrying cups of liquid essence, light's own effervescence, cups filled with nectar of Gods and Goddesses who come to deliver the children of the Mother from the dark ones and their dreadful desecration of divinity, that Deity within. O Mother of the World; see Thy children like pilgrims walking on the way of sunlight into the golden day! 0 Mother, look! Thy children on the homeward way! I AM Kuthumi restoring the light of cosmic forces fourfold in hearts where burns the flame threefold of Father, Son and Holy Spirit whose Law of Life, not death, I shall yet unfold. -Kuthumi and Brothers of Golden Robe. Pearls of Wisdom 19:6 …………………………………. Pretentious54 gurus23 and10 pretend37 initiations58 (=182=2 x spiritual director91)— To Those Who Earnestly Seek the Truth of the Most High God: As we travel from town to town surveying the erroneous conceptions that have settled on the consciousness of mankind like a poisonous pollen we are glad to rest in the meadows of the Mother off the beaten trails of highways and superhighways that mankind have created to connect the centers of their concentrated error. We wrote our last letter as we paused by a quiet stream in the Wyoming countryside to meditate on Mother and to contemplate certain facts of the false teachings which we researched in the library of the Royal Teton Retreat. We pray that you will pardon us for our poetic interlude in the quietude of the windy wind and the fast-moving clouds of winter. Now our Franciscan frocks pulled by the winds of the Spirit hasten us to return with diligence to the task of Mother--the wonderful task of unburdening souls seeking the living truth of the lies of the Fallen One. I have addressed this letter and our entire expose on the false teachings to the earnest seekers of living truth, for I know that those who are not in earnest in the search for God will rebel against the exposure and point the finger at the mouthpiece, our embodied Messenger. Let them accuse her if they will! By so doing they seek to excuse the premise and conclusion of their own error. Come now, let us reason together on the utterable and the unutterable Word. For every teaching which the Lord God has sent forth through His servants in all ages there is a false teaching based on half-truths extending to blatant lies which the false teachers have conveyed. We who seek to separate threads of truth and error woven into the fabric of mass consciousness can scarcely denounce this or that guru, this or that teaching without careful explanation of the crisscrossing of the real and counterfeit creation. At the basis of every lie is the truth out of which the lie is fabricated. We must extract the truth, preserve it as a living flame and see to it that all residual error is consumed in the sacred name of God. The name of God, I AM THAT I AM, is the utterable Word. It can be spoken. It must be spoken to release the all-consuming sacred fire of God revealed to Moses. This is the unquenchable fire of living Word who declared "This is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations." Yet the lie has been told to the Jews and to the children of Israel that it is blasphemy to speak the name of God. By this lie they have deprived the children of the Mother from uttering the name of God the Father and thereby fulfilling the cycles of the flow of life in matter as in Spirit, as above so below. Symbolically they have sealed the gate of the Holy City, barring the entrance to Jerusalem where Jesus entered in the triumph of the Christ of every son and daughter of God on Palm Sunday, the same gate where it is expected he will appear in the Second Coming. Thus they have denied access to Jew and Gentile alike [the generations to whom it was given] to the power of the I AM Name and to the glorious, all-victorious way of the cross and crown which overcomes and transcends the sackcloth and mourning of the via dolorosa. Yet Christ has said "I AM the open door which no man can shut." Children of the Mother, you must claim the I AM THAT I AM within you personified in your own Christ Self as the open door to the cosmic consciousness of the New Jerusalem which cannot be shut by false teachings of fallen ones! The known God, the living God, the very God-flame within you has given His Name that it might be used to unlock His energy in the octaves of matter. I AM THAT I AM is the utterable Word translated for and on behalf of souls evolving in time and space from the unutterable Word. Yes, there is an unutterable Word. It is a word you have not heard, a word which you will not hear until your soul has become one with the Logos in the altogether scientific ritual of the ascension. When the one returns to the One then that one will know and hear and speak the unutterable Word of perfection in the octaves of perfection. There that which was unutterable to the consciousness of imperfection becomes the utterable Word of perfection. They call him the boy Guru, that counterfeit of the divine Manchild. And in his boyish, boorish way he has taken the concept of the unutterable Word to justify a system of initiation using four techniques of ancient Hindu tradition to unlock the truth that is within, the truth which they say can be neither spoken nor communicated. The young and inexperienced souls gather with the old and rebellious souls. Intermingling mixed motives, they come for answers lured by promise of the revelation of "secret knowledge." Some desire knowledge to be free from bondage; others desire knowledge to place in bondage the free. In a darkened room the children of the Mother sitting side by side with already fallen ones are taught to plug up their ears and listen to the "sound," to roll back their tongue and seek the opening in the rear of the mouth in order to taste the nectar, to repeat the word while practicing deep breathing, enunciating the syllable "so-hung." The "mahatma" in saffron robe then comes to open the third eye. He pokes his fingers in the sockets of the eyes until the subject sees flashing lights and colors. Rolling back the eyes for concentration in the center of the brow some see the vision culminate in a white, luminous, doughnut-shaped form with a hole in the center. These techniques are not new nor are they entirely false. The real Gurus of India following in the tradition of the Hindu religion use one or more of these, combined with impartation of a sacred mantra, to initiate chelas who have been disciplined in the way of self-sacrifice and self-mastery. The falsity of the teaching is the falsity of the teacher. The Maharaj Ji has not descended from the hierarchy of true teachers of mankind. The father of the boy guru had not the authority of the Great White Brotherhood to designate him the "perfect master." And his mother, I might add, has not the authority to undesignate him the "perfect master”, for the authority of the Creator, the Preserver and Destroyer rests with one alone, Almighty God. The four techniques when combined with the science of sacred mantra properly applied and used by a legitimate teacher with a legitimate disciple are calculated to produce the desired results on a specific path of yoga recommended only for those who have reached prior attainment in the fundamentals of the religious quest outlined by Christ and Buddha. The purpose of this initiation, which may be accomplished by a different technique in chelas of the ascended masters, is to enable the chela to make the transition from without to within--from experiencing God with outer senses to experiencing God with inner senses. The real master is the one who can hold the balance of heart and heartbeat, the flow of blood in diastole and systole, and the flow of fire in physical and etheric chakras. These flows are considerably altered by the light anchored by the teacher on the altar of the heart of the chela. During this initiation there is a transfer of energies and an opening of consciousness from physical senses to the senses of the soul. Those who do not take this initiation with a real Guru may be lost on the way in the zero-zone of astral senses and defenses. They become quickened to the psychic. Yes, they see, but their seeing is psychedelic, a euphoria of psychic thralldom. Without the living teacher they mistake the astral plane for the plane of soul. They may become clairvoyant and clairaudient, but their seeing and their feeling are of a plane of matter beyond the physical yet decidedly not the level of Christ-awareness in the all-seeing Eye of God. Today there are many souls in America and throughout the world who have been initiated in this manner--hopelessly lost as they tune in and out of many channels and frequencies of the psychic plane. Yes, hopelessly lost until they reach out and grasp the hand of the Divine Mother and of Her sons and daughters, the ascended masters who have come to rescue children in the way. In my next letter I shall outline the solution of the Divine Mother to the problem of pretend initiations given by pretenders to the throne of grace. In faith, in hope, in charity I am still -Kuthumi and Brothers of Golden Robe, Pearls of Wisdom 19:7
To Those Who Would Be Initiated by the Great Initiator and World Mother: Those pretend initiation by the pretenders to the throne of grace are not harmless experimentations with the real and unreal. They play with fire, they know it not, and they are burned. Those who have believed the lie that to know all they must experience all, those who have insisted on tasting the forbidden fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil have paid a sorry price, for the reels of karma continue to roll and the Keeper of the Scrolls does write in the archives of the soul the record of all misuse of sacred fire. But the Mother has interceded for Her children. She has seen them abused and confused. She has seen the play of fallen ones upon their untransmuted egos--the flattery and flirtation--their promises and their promises to make them wise, to make them possessors of secrets of Shangri-La and knowers of arcane mysteries of the adepts. The children are not smart enough to ask "Which adepts?" And when it is too late, all too late, their lives in ruin, their souls betrayed, they see adepts of the black brotherhood who have initiated them through false gurus--initiated them not into the Christ consciousness or Buddhic enlightenment but in the tragic trajectory of "wandering stars to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever." The boy guru is not the only one who is the instrument of initiations of the false hierarchy, Scores of self-styled gurus heading messianic cults and condemning the world and all things therein to doom and destruction suck the disillusioned and disturbed, the frightened and faltering along with the sincere seeker into their camps and communes. Whether apocalyptic or atheistic in their message they set themselves in the center and in militaristic, paternalistic modes contrive to shelter souls who have a deep need for dependence on an authority figure. Their need is based on (1) their lack of recognition of the authority of the Christ within and (2) their rebellion against the responsibility which comes with recognition of the Christ within. Whether by fear of the Godhead or by doubt of one's own independent identity in God or by legitimate quest for truth and earnest seeking for the real, souls pure and impure find themselves in this moment in time and space caught in the web of false teachings spun into a comfortable cocoon by members of the false hierarchy. There are the obvious initiations which take place when a would-be student formally enters into a relationship with an unauthorized teacher, a self-elevated initiator. The rituals used to formalize the relationship run the gamut from brainwashing, soul-smashing sessions of Wemer Erhard’s EST to imitations of Hindu and Buddhist techniques by the Maharishi and Maharaj Ji to the satanic rites of Anton La Vey who raises the toast of blood to the goat of Mendes or to the god Pan—the one and the same Satan in disguise. Then there are the less obvious initiations where, by consent through the attention, the student unwittingly places himself in the control of one or more branches of the false hierarchy. When devotees are instructed to place their attention on Maharaj Ji's perfection as open door to their own perfection it is in violation of the fiat of the Christ Self of each one: "I Am the open door which no man can shut!" No other person can provide this open door except it be a teacher of the Great White Brotherhood whose overshadowing by Cosmic Christ consciousness of Lord Maitreya, the great Initiator, enables the Christ Self of devotee working with the teacher to quicken the flame of Self-awareness in God. Thus those whose consciousness becomes tied to outer guru who has not the inner tie to the Hierarchy of Light enter into a relationship based on unlawful interchange of untransmuted substance of personal karma rather than lawful interchange of soul of the devotee with his own Christ Self. By one's attention one exercises the freewill to determine what will and will not enter one's world. When the student places his attention upon Maharaj Ji or any unauthorized guru the arc of contact is established and energies of the guru's human karma cycle into the world of the student, filling the cup of consciousness with a murky liquid instead of with the flow of the Mother’s love. There are those who have been initiated by disembodied members of the black brotherhood by placing their attention upon murder, Agatha Christie style, on fascination with horror, horror movies, pornography and pornographic films. Preoccupation with death and mood music of death that has been popularized in this century in so many disguises—beginning with the blues, evolving into every type of jazz, rock 'n' roll and acid rock—ties the individual by the flow of the attention to members of the false hierarchy embodied and disembodied. The end result of these obvious and less obvious initiations is that by consent, conscious or unconscious, the children of the Mother embodied on Terra have been programmed by les fleurs du mal and by seeds of fallen ones. And wherever the soil of the subconscious has been wetted by fear and darkened by doubt the luciferian seeds have sprouted, becoming an all-consuming cancer if not in the physical body, then in the astral and mental bodies of the Mother's children. Do you see then why we come fearlessly, why we answer the call of the Divine Mother to rescue Her children lost in endless caverns of maya? We are fierce in the face of the onslaught of a mass-produced, mechanized error parading everywhere in the robots of the fallen ones. It is out of a deep concern for the dear children enslaved and entranced by mad rulers of this world that the Darjeeling Council of the Great White Brotherhood has proposed a plan. Where spirals of darkness and deceit have been initiated in the subconscious of the children they must be arrested. Where the seeds of the wicked have been planted in the energy-field of the subconscious while the children have slept they must be consumed or extracted. Where the Christ-mind of the children has been replaced by robot-mind of the controllers, the electrodes of hypnotists must be removed and be replaced by the real identity and electrode of the mind of God. Where the cultures and subcultures of the astral have programmed the children to false goals, to the drug culture and to cults of materialism and mechanized attainment there must be the deprogramming by teachings of the Christ and culture of the Divine Mother. It is the work of Hierarchy, the true Hierarchy of the Great White Brotherhood to transfer coils of energy, increments of fohatic light and measures of the Mother's leaven to the body of God on Earth. Wherever and whenever possible we seek to accomplish this directly through the Christ Self of the individual, but where the individual has not made the contact with the Christ Self or where that contact is not sufficient to sustain an energy flow over the arc of the attention for transfer of light we call upon representatives of the Great White Brotherhood in physical embodiment to confer the blessing and release. 99% of those who seek the truth and true initiations of Maitreya and Mother must first be demagnetized and decontaminated through the hand of the Helper before they can reestablish direct contact with the inner Guru which fallen ones have surreptitiously taken from them. Therefore I make known to you the announcement of beloved El Morya that the dispensation has been given to the Mother of the Flame to make invocations to the Most High God for and on behalf of all who have knowingly or unknowingly, willingly or unwillingly entered into initiations of the false hierarchy. These invocations will be given by her as she places her hands on certain chakras for the release of the energy of God that is for the consuming in the four lower bodies and soul of the cause, effect, record and memory of all influences less than the Christ which the great Law will allow to be removed. That which will be taken from the children will be directed by their own Christ Self in deliberation with the Lords of Karma, the Keeper of the Scrolls, the Maha Chohan and seven chohans of the rays. Physical contact is necessary for us to undo through a purified vessel that which has been done. Those who attend Summit University will receive this transfer of light as they come to the altar to surrender, in the name of Jesus Christ, that human desire and that human creation into the flame. In each of the five twelve-week sessions the increment of sacred fire that can be transferred is increased. Therefore let those who would truly be initiated under the Great White Brotherhood avail themselves of this continuing opportunity. Others will be cut free of initiations of fallen ones at conferences and seminars at scheduled periods of initiations. Still others meeting the Mother in her retreat or on the road of life will kneel for the blessed moment of liberation from fallen ones. This day the first devotee to come forward under this dispensation sat in meditation before the Lord of the World and received, according to her commitment, the release from all past initiations of the black brotherhood. This release extends to past embodiments of unwitting cooperation with the practice of witchcraft and black magic. The consuming of a substance by transfer of sacred fire was experienced as a sensation of heat in the third eye both during and after the initiation. Thus the first soul has been cut free and thousands of others will follow her in the victorious light of Gautama the Buddha, of Maitreya the Initiator and of the Divine Mother who extends Her grace for a time and a space through the heart, head and hand of the Mother of the Flame. One by one let them come! Let them come by the hundreds and thousands, for we shall give strength to our Messenger until the work that is set before her is fulfilled in the work of the Lord. I shall continue my dissertations on the diatribes of the fallen ones. I AM Kuthumi, standing midst the children clamoring for the Mother. To one and all I say: She will come if you call Her and if you pray. -Kuthumi and Brothers of Golden Robe, Pearls of Wisdom 19:8 ………………………….. The Moon-Mother of Harlots and Her Magnetism To the Children of the Sun Who Would Learn of the Moon and Influences of the Moon: We walk along the road of life when the Sun is in his zenith. We walk hand in hand with the Woman clothed with the Sun; and by transfer of Her purity and Her authority we too are clothed with the Sun of inner light. We are warmed by the warmth of solar Sun, the God Helios and Goddess Vesta beaming threefold oneness to eye and mind. And we, gazing upward to the sky, arc the energy of the Son, our own beloved Christed One, from threefold flame within our heart to the center of that cosmic heart. Come the disciples of the Moon. They function in the night. They have not held the hand of Mother but instead have heard the tread of the one who is called Moon-Mother. With a silvery iridescence she comes with her enchantment, glossing over with moon-glow the rough path of the disciple of the ascended masters. Indulging in every form of perversion and prostitution of the flame she leads the lambkins into the march of manikins, the robot-creation of Luciferians who dance to the cult of pleasure naked in their nothingness in the night-light of the full moon. And the way of Wicca known as the Craft of hurling hexes, of wishing, willing fixes, of spell and magic, of incantation that is an inflammation of the ego, of ego and energy go, go, go--all of this is accomplished in the night-light of the Moon. Students of cosmic Law, you ought to ask yourself why. Anticipating that you will respond to your responsibility to challenge both teacher and teaching, I will tell you why. The Moon is the counterpart of the sea, of the great bodies of water which cover 70% of Earth's surface, of seas that cover the astral plane and of the water body of man and woman. The Moon is the reflector of water as energy in motion in the planet and in the people. She is a giant mirror suspended in the sky revolving around the astral clock of mankind's misqualifications of sacred fire. In the Sun is the repository of Spirit's energy and every good, godly quality rayed forth from the nucleus of the Sun-atom from whitefire core of Helios and Vesta. The feeling body of mankind, the great water-body of conscious and unconscious desire, both good and evil, is the repository in man and woman of lunar misqualifications of light of the Sun behind the Sun, the I AM THAT I AM. Every creation of man and woman which rests as residual desire, as attachment to material substance and substance of the self is amplified by magnetism of the Moon. Like the pull of the Moon that creates the tides of the sea is the pull of magnetism of this negative mirror upon emotional bodies of a planet and a people. Watching cycles of the Moon the devotees of the Sun learn to control by action of God-flame the untransmuted mood momentums of emotional disturbance and vanity that becomes insanity when mirrored by the Moon. The 28-day cycle of the Moon follows the flow of energies of the Sun through the four lower bodies of man and woman. Each cycle of seven days is for the nourishing of one of the four lower bodies in the energy of the seven rays. As the light of the Sun is released to Earth and her evolutions according to seven-day cycles so the light of the Sun behind the Sun, the I AM Presence, is also released. Each quarter of the Moon month is divided into seven parts which in turn designate the fiery flow of rays through the seven chakras in the seven bodies of man and woman. The new moon marks the first day of the lunar month. Although it is not seen its influence registers in the subconscious mind, the lower etheric body, while light of the Sun is anchored in the higher etheric body. Thus according to the cosmic clock the first quarter of the Moon coincides with the first quadrant of matter, the etheric plane and etheric body. During this quarter devotees of light of eternal Christos (hopefully) will call upon Elohim and the Hierarchies of the Sun to release sacred fire for transmutation of influences of the Moon upon the subconscious mind and memory. The clearing action of the Christ consciousness is necessary to dispel the mist of the Moon perverting the energies of solar hierarchies of Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. As these cosmic emissaries release the light of God-power, God-love, and God-mastery respectively the devotee must counteract the counterfeit creation of criticism, condemnation and judgment, of hatred and malice of mild dislike, irritation and irascibleness and of every form of death, disease, dying and lying that arise from frequencies of fear and decibels of doubt. The eighth day of the Moon month marks the beginning of the second quarter of the 28-day cycle. The Moon is waxing and her influence is magnified in moods of the mental body. The seven days which mark the testing of the devotee of the Son of God mark the choice whether to be on the plane of lower mental body subject to influences of mass consciousness or to be on the plane of higher mental body subject to influences of that mind which was in Christ Jesus. In each of the seven rays the devotee will be tested—always the question, to be or not to be in the Sun or in the Moon. The lunar influences during this period amplify luciferian consciousness of pride both spiritual and material, of ambition both spiritual and material, and the 8 A’s of Martian misuse of the light of Alpha in the mental body. Mars was originally the planet of purity, the purity of Mother's light. By acceleration of Moon misqualification the fallen ones have created in place of the culture of the Mother a Moon mechanization, an astral society and an astral sociology--and all of this through influence of the Moon-Mother who has stolen the discipline of white light of disciples and created Martian militarism as the focus in this whitefire core of the solar system of the perversion of the seven rays and eighth ray. Children of the Sun, memorize these 8 perversions of the Mother-light of Mars and watch at the gate of the mental body that the demons of aggression, anger, arrogance, argumentation, accusation, agitation, apathy and atheism do not enter there. Forbid them by cosmic honor flame and by light of the great Sun disc! Forbid them lest they enter at the gate! To dispel these despicable Moon- monsters that invade the mind of man and woman you must be not only fearless but fierce in your denunciation of their desecration of the Mother, of the Manchild within and of the true manas, the members of the mind--true reason, true logic, true discernment and discrimination. If you call Her and if you pray, Mother Omega will send legions of purity from the heart of Elohim Purity and Astrea to lock their cosmic circles and swords of blue flame around the Moon and influences of the Moon in the four lower bodies of Mars, the planet and the people. With a bow to the Mother-flame and a vow to purity thereof these legions will plunge their swords into cause and core of all aggression, anger, arrogance, argumentation, accusation, agitation, apathy and atheism sustained by influence of Moon and magnified by Mars--not only in the mental quadrant but in all quadrants of Mater. For you who would defend the light of Mother, for you who would defeat the Great Whore in these systems of worlds this is a necessary ritual of the Law. Because Lucifer and fallen ones have occupied the plane of the mental body and sown their seeds of an individualism opposed to the individualism of God, of a freedom without honor and without responsibility that wars against freedom of the sons and daughters of God outlined in the cosmic Code of Conduct, the testing of the soul in the second quarter of the Moon brings the challenge and confrontation to be or not to be in the mind of God. Let violet fire be invoked from your own I AM Presence to transmute by action of Holy Spirit the residue and remains of seeds of human ego pitted against the divine Ego, its ungodly rebellion, its stubbornness in sensuality and sensuality of sin, its disobedience and defiance of the Law within, the dense ignorance of lower mental body, its competition that breeds deadly seeds of ambition that consume the soul with puerile passions of jealousy and jealousy's revenge. All of these qualities and conditions of human desire and desire for ego adornments are magnified by the mirror of the Moon. Now let us see which children of the Sun will learn to take dominion over the Moon and influences of the Moon. Let us see which children of the Sun will occupy till I come, will occupy themselves with the cleaning and clearing, scrubbing and scouring of etheric and mental quadrants of the substance of the Mother of Harlots. I am in the fire of the Mahatma, -Kuthumi and Brothers of Golden Robe, Pearls of Wisdom 19:9 …………………………. To Devotees of the Light of the Starry Mother: During the full Moon woman must take dominion over the water element, and the soul that is the feminine potential of both man and woman must rise to the level of the Christ-flame within the heart to be saturated with the radiance of the Son of God. And so Mary the Mother founded the Order of the Sons and Daughters of Dominion of the Water Element to reverse the reversal of the Eves of Lemuria. The challenge of the third quarter of the Moon is to strip the four lower bodies of a planet and a people of the fear and doubt and death of the fallen ones of Pisces amplified by the water body, amplified by the Moon during the period of the greatest lunar influence of the month. Now the devotees on the path of enlightenment must prove their knowledge of the teachings of the Mother. These are the teachings which will counteract the false hierarchy of the Moon-Mother. From the eleventh to the eighteenth day of the lunar month the entire planetary body undergoes the extreme initiation of the Hierarchy of Cancer, the double water sign. This challenge corresponds to the initiation of the Hierarchy of Capricorn which comes during the period from the twenty-fifth to the fourth day of the Moon month during the phase of the new Moon. Thus in her own cycle woman must watch the four days preceding the midpoint of her monthly cycle and the four days following. These are the days of greatest crisis for woman. She must come to grips with her emotions, her tensions and the waters that mount in the emotional as well as physical body, nor can she be the reactor to misqualified energies in man, in the family or in the community. If she will practice the meditation of rising in solar awareness from the point of the seat-of-the-soul to the point of the heart, she can take dominion over the forces within herself which correspond to the forces that are in the world. She can be the Woman clothed with the Sun, clothed with the threefold flame, sacred fire of her own heart's chalice. Seated in the lotus flame adoring the Adorable One, the Enlightened One, the Buddha of the Sun, woman--in God-harmony, God-gratitude and God-justice by agni yoga, the yoga of sacred fire, can take dominion over the earth, water and air from within her heart's fiery destiny. The fallen ones and seed of the Serpent will challenge her with sympathy and self-pity. She will be tempted to amplify the weeping and wailing of entities who gather outside the gate of the temple fair. But she will not linger with their longing for self-justification, self-righteousness and shameless29 sham14 of12 their33 ingratitude56
(=144=12 x lost12) for she will be clothed with the Sun behind the Sun. And the aggressive memories of injustice she will not allow to be amplified by her fears and her doubts, her insecurity and her impurity that long ago caused her to betray her calling to be the Divine Woman, to be the Divine Mother. The third phase of the Moon is the seven-day cycle of the soul's overcoming by self-effacement. Erasing the face of lesser self from the mirror of the Moon-Mother the soul sees in its place the face of the Cosmic Virgin. And when the Mother of Harlots in her astral incantations addresses the mirror of the Moon and says "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?" she too will see the face of Eve resurrected, reflected in all of the waters of the Earth by the light of the Sun, and she will hear the voice of Mother declare "Why, I AM!" All of the teachings of the false hierarchy, blessed ones, come into the minds of mankind through the impostor of the Mother, the Great Whore that even to this hour by false teachings seduces the children of mankind. The very foundation of fallen ones and all suffering that they have brought to humanity has been through the misuse of the energies of the Moon. Remember, the Moon is a giant reflector. In golden ages of perfection and peace when astral bodies and emotions of mankind are wholly pure then the Moon, as an innocent mirror, will mirror the divine which the children of God have willed into manifestation by their wisdom and by their love of God. We therefore must expose this the foundation of all false hierarchy teachings so that as earnest seekers go forth to separate the light of the Sun and the light of the Moon they will realize that herein lies the key to the true and false hierarchies which yet are engaged in the battle of Armageddon, the battle for minds and hearts and souls of the evolutions of God in these several systems of worlds.
On the twenty-second day of the month when the Moon is waning woman is faced with the challenge of the Moon-magnetism that amplifies the perversions of the hierarchies of Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. While these hierarchies are releasing the light of solar radiance as God-reality, God-vision and God-victory, the fallen ones come to coat the soul and four lower bodies of man and woman with darkness of deceit, with selfishness and their slavish self-centered existence, self-preservation in sensuality and sin and all of the venom of the viper manifest as the vengeance that violates the light of victory. The fourth quarter of the Moon is the most important of all, for in this quarter during the seven days of testing of the seven rays the precipitation of the power, wisdom and love of the flame of the heart can be wrought by woman and by the souls of all mankind. If therefore Keepers of the Flame will chart the cycles of the Moon and if women devotees and mothers will chart their own monthly cycles (especially during pregnancy for the sealing of the Manchild in the light of the Sun) according to the initiations at hand, they will begin to unwind the grave-cloth that has been wound around the Earth like a corpse. And the consuming of the curse of astral energies that have burdened the womb of Mother will be in the whirling Sun-consciousness of the Christed one who said "I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die"--the same Jesus of Nazareth who cried out with a loud voice to the soul, the feminine-potential of the disciple from Bethany, "Lazarus, come forth!" If lightbearers on Terra will valiantly pursue the power of the Sun for supplanting of all powers of the Moon, there will be a new dawn of life on Terra.
Now let us proceed with the exposure of fallen ones who have used the magnetism of the Moon to glamorize their cults and their false teachings and to lure the children from the pathway of the Sun to the pathway of the Moon.
They call him Shining Sun but his name is Shining Dragon. His followers call him the Messiah, Lord of the Second Advent. He calls himself Reverend Moon. We watch the irate parents of thousands of children who follow the pied piper of the Moon. They call him a charlatan and a hypnotist.
They do not know who he is and he will not tell them. Like19 Theodora41 and10 Justinian36 (=106=2 x 53) of the early Christian Church he denies the doctrine of reincarnation to camouflage his own diabolical origins. But if Origen were here, he would expose all three as heretics who accused him of heresy and anathematized his writings which were the foremost documentation of the life and teachings of Christ in the early Church. But Moon's fantasy goes back much further. He is counted by us among the archdeceivers of mankind. Whence cometh the power of fallen ones to amass money and things and souls and things? Is it not by the prince of this world? May we not say, as the Savior said before the chief priests and captains of the Temple and the elders, "But this is your hour and the power of darkness"? There is no righteousness in this son of Belial who comes in the name of the Christ. He has placed himself in the seat of the scornful, scorning the mission of John the Baptist and Christ Jesus, declaring that these flaming ones failed in their mission. Yes, I said failed in their mission. You can read in Moon's Divine Principle the work of the Serpent himself--the doctrine and dogma of fallen ones who have invaded the camps of the Christians with their cunning and carnal logic. You can read why Elijah failed to fulfill his mission "because of the disbelief of the people," what John should and should not have done, how John's misdeeds compromised Jesus' mission, how the crucifixion--the greatest initiation of Christhood that can come to the sons and daughters of God--was not planned by God, and how Jesus failed to open the kingdom of heaven, again "because of the disbelief of the people." Can you imagine that the light of the Son of God or the divine exemplarv of the Almighty One could have been compromised by the disbelief of the people when the Lord God Himself already foreknew the disbelief of the people? Can you imagine the everlasting mission of the Savior who declared, "Before Abraham was, I AM" <8> being predicated upon the acceptance or rejection of a handful of people, among them laggards and fallen ones, living in the Middle East during his earthly life? Children of the Sun, you have never seen such a twisting of the truth and of the teachings of Christ and Buddha and of the Great White Brotherhood as are set forth by the Serpent himself in that which is a mockery of all that is divine and all that is the principle of life. You see personified in this member of the false hierarchy of the Moon the representative of the accuser of the brethren whom Jesus revealed to John on Patmos--the accuser of the brethren "which accused them before our God day and night." His accusations are against society--the entire social order. his mounting emotional fervor with the usual false-hierarchy threats of hellfire and damnation is punctuated with accusation after accusation leveled against America to hypnotize her youth with guilt and sin and sense of sin. Yet it is written: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son [manifest as the Christ Self of every son and daughter of God] that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved." In the step-by-step computerized, mechanized carnal logic of the Serpent he presents his condemnation and his judgment of the life and mission and teachings of Jesus Christ, John the Baptist and others. He says that because they failed, the Lord of the Second Advent, the Messiah, must come to open the way to the kingdom of heaven and to take those souls who have never been able to enter there because of the failure of Jesus' mission, to the highest plane of the heaven world. His followers "know" that he is the one--and he has never discouraged their "knowing" it--and they are taught by his doctrine that a necessary component of their salvation is to serve the Lord of the Second Advent. And what of us, the great cloud of witnesses who long ago entered the most exalted consciousness of the Most High God? And what of Elohim and archangels, the Cosmic Christ Lord Maitreya, Lord Jesus and the fiery Elijah who passed every initiation of the path of God-consciousness and returned to the center of the One, having turned the key to the kingdom of heaven by love and mastery of love and not by hypnotism of accusation and condemnation?
Those irate parents had better study the serpentine mind. They had better orient themselves in the true flame of the Christ. For by thy flame, by thy Spirit and by thy name I AM THAT I AM, and not by emotionalism or counter-logic of carnal mind will false Christs and false prophets be exposed and put down. Oh, you say, but he is a dedicated anti-Communist! And I say, so what! Have you not heard that the Devil also quotes scripture? Do you not understand that the Devil has a forked tongue talking out of both sides of his mouth? To confute and confound the precious children of God the Devil places his ploys in both camps. They are expendable as long as he gets what he wants in the end. First one side and then the other will wear the mask of goodness and of badness. Remember, precious hearts, the greatest lies are told by those who approximate the greatest truth. "Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field." So be not fooled by the subtlety of serpentine logic but know the adversary and know his argument. Then defeat him on his own ground. For his logic is never sound and it is never complete but rather it is replete with error of fallen ones whose25 premise40—always18 conceit33 and10 deceit28—betrays27 them19 in14 their33 blasphemy38
(=285=5 x Duffy clique, hypocrisy57). Keepers of the Flame, you cannot ignore this challenge of Antichrist that is being hurled with vehemence by the Serpent who comes out of the East, who also confronted Lemurian man and Lemurian woman in the east of the garden, usurping the position of Christ, taking the position of Antichrist. You must challenge those who challenge the Christ in the youth of America! You must expose, denounce and disprove the Liar and his lie wherever and through whomever he manifests. You must call to Archangel Michael, to Elohim Astrea, to Mary the Mother and Jesus the Christ to bind the seducer of souls, seducing the purest of the pure by serpentine mind. He is one of many who will appear as the stars in the sky of personality cults. Like all the rest he will disappear in the great light of the Son of God on that notable day of the Lord, the day of the Second Coming of Christ when he himself shall enter the hearts and minds and souls of the children of God. I pass to you the torch of that mind which was also in Christ Jesus for the exposure of the lie. Take it and run with it! Your salvation draweth nigh,
Francis (rebuilder of the Church) -Kuthumi and Brothers of Golden Robe, Pearls of Wisdom 19:11 ……………………………… Honor as the Invincible Light of Power/Wisdom/Love To All Devotees of the Mother-Flame Who Are Willing to Pay the Price for Truth with Honor:
It is very easy to rationalize error when error is made to seem the instrument of truth. Long ago on Atlantis the saying went forth "Let us do evil that good may come." The Machiavellian concept of the end justifying the means has provided the justification for practice of every form of deception and self-deception in church and state. The soldiers of the cross of Christ must march with the Banner of Honor as the sign of peace without compromise; and those who would wear the crown of Buddha in China, in Tibet, in India and Nepal must not fear to defend the flame of personal and planetary integrity, preferring death of the body to a life of dishonor through compromise of the teachings of Lord Maitreya. Honor is the white light of the Holy Spirit. It is honesty in harmony, in holiness. Men and nations seek power over one another and to subjugate peoples to political and religious dogma. They do not understand that power is the perfect honor of the Holy Spirit that is vested in the Woman clothed with the Sun consciousness energized by the ray of the Manchild. Jesus declared "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth." The all-power of God, of His Spirit which worketh all miracles of love and light within you is vouchsafed to sons and daughters of God who have passed through the fiery trial of personal and planetary initiation, who have shared with Christ both the wine and the vinegar, the cup of communion and cup of wrath. They want power without purity. They want power not to free souls of God but to subjugate them to the tyranny of the rod of Satan. By9 their33 lust9 for21 power32 (=104=4 x conceal, tyrant26) they are attended by demons and sophisticated strategists of the inner conspiracy of astral overlords of the false hierarchy. Organized they are. Their33 world27 is10 a1 machine35—a machine of souls embodied and disembodied working, working43 like19 drones30 (=198=6 x desire33) until they drop and are quickly cast aside to make way for new drones. Their33 queen26 is10 the15 Great Whore57 (=141=3 x ambitiously47). They22 work22 for21 the15 superstate46 or15 for21 supergod52 of12 superchurch59 (=285=5 x Putin clique, pernicious57) instead of for individual fulfillment in God that is the foundation of life in the Community of the Holy Spirit. They are numbers in a system of social security. They are taught total dependence upon church and state for security and salvation, for soup and soul sustenance. But never never are they taught the sufficiency of the flame within the heart or superiority of God the sacred fire which they can invoke by the I AM THAT I AM. The astral overlords controlling their embodied pawns physically, mentally and emotional have placed computerized grids within the subconscious of those who can be controlled because they have not the flame of honor. And there are floating grids and forcefields in the astral plane that dominate the mass consciousness, that control the flow of their putrefied power, for their power is the energy of the astral sewer. The power they have gained by bowing down to the prince of this world is the15 flow20 of12 a1 muddy26 river36 (=110=mud11 x suns10). It is the perversion of the "pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God [the I AM Presence) and of the Lamb [the Christ-Self of every son and daughter of God]." The fallen ones take the flow of the muddy river and they press it through the chakras of their tools who in turn manipulate the masses through media and programming of their deathlike existence from the cradle to the grave. The false hierarchy uses the Moon like a man-made satellite to project astral and psychic influences to evolutions of Earth. They regularly beam off the mirror of the Moon psychic-rays and death-rays, rays of confusion and chaos, of suicide and insanity and rays that pervert the God-quaiities of the solar hierarchies in the twelve signs of the zodiac. And the embodied demons practice their germ warfare, developing viruses to persecute the Mother and her children by weakening their bodies and their minds. They use the currents of the air and by entrapment the sylphs of the air to carry these viruses from their lair in the Caribbean and their laboratories in the Soviet Union to the place where freedom dwells yet in the hearts of devotees and to the land of the Mother yet consecrated to freedom's fold. Those who would fight the good fight for freedom, for peace, for enlightenment and for joy of living in love and in truth must be willing to wear the badge of honor and of courage and to shrink not in the face of ferocious beasts and dragons of the world conspiracy. The world conspiracy of fallen ones operates at many levels--first in their attempt to control governments of the nations and then in the control of the money, banking systems and balance of the economy. There are layers and layers of conspiracy on Terra which form a mesh of astral muck that hangs heavy in the plane just beyond the physical and sometimes spills over into the physical and manifests as pollution of the elements and of elemental life.
Devotees of the Mother-flame, if you will espouse honor as the invincible light of power/wisdom/love that moves with the great Teams of Conquerors and hosts of the Lord marching in numberless numbers, you will discover very quickly that by that flame of fiery-core purity the grids, forcefields and Moon- personalities of fallen ones will go down one by one in the battle of Armageddon. This is the season of the Savior and of the coming of the Faithful and True. Not in ten thousand years has the opportunity for salvation and soul-victory been so at hand, so within your grasp. By the Law of God and edict of the Cosmic Council, Lucifer has been judged and his soul canceled out in the second death. And lo, Satan has been bound and will remain bound for a thousand years in order that sons and daughters of God might teach the children of the Sun the way of the Christ and of their own Christhood.
Now the thrust of Morya and of Saint Germain for the purpose of God-power on Terra can be made by those who are alert to the cycles of victory. The threats and thrusts of fallen ones are no longer backed by a superiority of forces. Many fallen ones have also been brought to trial at the Court of the God-star Sirius and they are no longer in the battle or in the running for the race of light's victory on Earth and in these systems of worlds. Therefore when you stand fast in the face of the fearsome foe and when you plunge the sword of truth and of honor into the heart of evil and of error you can know that you will win because you have the backing of the entire Hierarchy of Light and because there is nothing--but nothing I say--behind the arrogance, accusation and agitation of fallen ones. Nothing, I say--nothing! Try it and you will see how the most dense darkness and darkest deceptions of those who personify as anti-Spirit, the counterfeit creation posing as Holy Spirit, as honor, nobility and integrity, will dissolve before your very eyes when you give the challenge of the Christ: "In the name of the I AM THAT I AM I demand the binding of the fallen ones and all their unrealities by the flame of God-reality!” Then let the sword of truth, this sacred word, be plunged into the cause and core of the Mafia who have taken the name "Maria" and replaced the r of the ray of the Son with the f of falsehood of fallen ones. Let them be challenged by fearless sons and daughters of God! For they have sponsored the trafficking in drugs in America--they who don the cloak of the Church yet who have desecrated Maria and her children, the body of the Virgin and the virgin minds of youth. They are the demons of laggard races who have their network throughout the globe, the demons who were born to the women of Lemuria who compromised the Temple of Purity and allowed themselves to be impregnated with seed of the Serpent. Let the deception of woman be no more! Let woman challenge every crime committed against her light and the light of her children! Let woman wrest the power, purity and supply which they have stolen as the very energy from her altar! Let woman invoke in the name of Jesus the Christ the reversing of the tide of world deception that began with her nourishing of the nefarious seed-conception "Let us do evil that good may come."
Now let those who would continue to receive our expose of false teachings be willing to pay the price of defending with truth and with honor our Messenger, the Mother of the Flame who has gladly given her life that truth with honor should not perish from earth, from air, from fire, from water. Let devotees of the flame defend her with fiats and affirmations for protection and perfection to uplift and uphold the mission of the Messengers who have enabled us to carry out the mandate of the Divine Mother.
In gratitude I am -Kuthumi and Brothers of Golden Robe, Pearls of Wisdom 19:12 …………………………..
It was the Jesuit Busenbaum who wrote in 1650 “When the end is lawful the means are also lawful." The life of Ignatius Loyola read from akasha reveals the preparation, careful and cunning, by the false hierarchy of one motivated by seeds of spiritual pride and spiritual ambition sown in the subconscious by the enemy long before he embodied in the final decade of the fifteenth century to found within the Church the at once sinister and sacred society at times approved and at times suppressed by the Pope--the Society of Jesus….
Convinced of his conviction he went forth conquering and to conquer "for Christ "--a lie he told himself over and again until his lie became his truth….
Without the mind of God (of pure light-love) people33 are15 products37 of12 mass7 subconscious43 (=147=7 x evil21), the victims of their own carnal mind and of arch-deceivers who personify it. To further the ends of the ego people33 convince40 themselves38 (=111=3 x fashions37) that they are engaged in the activities of God when God has no part with their activities; and10 in14 their33 deceptions47 of12 one16 another36 they22 have18 become25 self-deceived54 (=287=7 x cleverness41). They are told by the false hierarchy that they are servants of the Most High God. They are told that they are acting within the circle of the holy of holies, and they know not that they have gone outside the circumference of His consciousness in their justification of the means by which they seek to attain their ends….
The teaching orders under the Office of the World Teachers, under Brothers of the Golden Robe and under Lord Maitreya and Lord Buddha are essential to the elevation and evolution of the Christ consciousness in mankind. It is indeed the ministry of Christ and of the true Church to educate not only ministers and teachers but also the people themselves. -Kuthumi (by H. Schmiechen, 1884) with Brothers of Golden Robe, Pearl 19:13 …………………………….
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