Friday, March 24, 2023
if these should hold their peace
I salute the light within your heart as threefold flame of cosmic awareness. I salute the light of Holy Spirit that permeates elemental life. I come to quicken, to awaken these other children of God whom mankind do not know because they do not see them. These children of God sustain the platform of evolution of souls in Mater. They are the friends of the Buddha and Mother. Elemental builders of form have served with the Cosmic Christ and Cosmic Virgin to bring forth the temple of the living God which you are, to bring forth vehicles of expression of the flame which burns upon the altar of your heart.
I AM sustaining the light of Buddhic awareness on behalf of sylphs and gnomes, undines and salamanders. I come forth to expand Buddhic consciousness not alone among the children of God but among elementals who must also rise with the rising spiral of cosmic consciousness on Terra. We cannot afford to have any lifewaves or evolutions of a planetary home lag behind the rest. The elementals of Terra have taken upon themselves an extraordinary crucifixion by their love for humanity, and few there be among mankind who would offer themselves in this sacrifice selflessly for the light of all.
Elementals are the selfless servants who tend the gardens of Terra, who work night and day to purify the air and waters and earth, who serve with the salamanders to purify the subconscious, the collective unconscious of the race by the action of fiery rainbow rays which penetrate the etheric plane of Terra. Elementals are engaged in a great race—a race to preserve bodies from corruption and decay, a race to preserve this platform of evolution before mankind in their selfishness destroy the quadrants of Mater which are the coordinates of time and space.
Mankind in their ignorance do not realize how important it is to preserve the sanctity of the home, of Terra, for they have for the most part no concept of spiritual evolution, of the law of reincarnation, of the law of cycles. And therefore they do not look to the future in their pollution of their home, for they think “The world will be good enough for me to live in to finish out my life. I will not be concerned with what happens afterwards.”
These very souls will find themselves reincarnated midst the stifling pollution of the large cities. They will find that their opportunity for life will be shortened—even in a shortened life span, shortened by pollution of air and of cells of body consciousness. And they will find upon their return to life on Terra that that which they must balance in that given embodiment will not be balanced simply because by contaminating space they have cut off the cycles of time.
Time is Mother, time is opportunity for flow of cosmic consciousness, time is the distance between you and God. When you overcome time by all-consuming action of sacred fire then there is no longer any distance between you and God, for you have become God, a Self-realized being through realization of the unreality of time. Yet time is real in these octaves of overcoming, and time must be held as real, for compartmentalization of God’s consciousness by flow of the sands in the hourglass is necessary to all lifewaves who have the sense of separation from the One.
Time is the Mother’s gift of freewill to choose to be God; and space is the planes of the mind of Buddha, the mind of Buddha which you, O mankind, inhabit. The mind of Buddha is like the tree full and luxuriant with abundant branches and foliage; and thousands and thousands of birds come to nest in this mind of Buddha. So humanity live in the spheres of the causal body of the mind of Buddha and of many buddhas in the very mind of God.
All life evolves because the Buddha of the Sun ensouls Terra, superimposing this causal body of spheres within spheres around this planetary home, providing space in which cycles of Mother’s time unfold. Thus let the Mother take you by the hand and let Her lead you to the throne of cosmic consciousness where Buddha sits in contemplation of your soul’s overcoming victory.
Now as you have your right hand in the hand of Mother and Mother comforts you, leading you to that promised position of our oneness, do not forget that you have another hand and that you may extend your hand to these little ones, to elemental life. Like little children they beg to hold your hand! They come trooping to hold on to your garments. They would rise with you in consciousness. Do not leave them behind! Hold the hand of one little gnome or one great sylph or a mighty undine! And do you know that that elemental for whom you care so much will hold the hand of a million others, and you will come garlanded by spirits of nature to the throne of the Buddha?
As disciples in the East bring flower or piece of fruit to the Guru, so bring to me the elementals of Terra. I would receive these little children, and in the name of Christ I say, suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of Mater. And the kingdom of Mater is a cosmos created out of God’s love for souls who will to go forth independent of (or interdependent with) the Spirit of God to carve out a destiny, to experiment with freewill, to experience a self-identity. And so the Lord God fashioned a cosmos for those who would go forth from the center of the One.
I AM in the center of the One. I call all of my children back to the great ring of fire to be included in consciousness that is aware of life. To all elementals of Terra I send forth the word “Wake up!” Be awake in the name of Buddha! Be awake and aware of your own potential for dominion! Be awake and come! Come to follow the Eightfold Path! For I would take you by spirals of resurrection’s flame through the testing, through initiations that are outlined for the four kingdoms of the elements. I the Buddha, the Lord of the World, come to initiate cycles of cosmic consciousness for all elemental life destined to ensoul the flame of the Holy Spirit. I call you home! In the name of Christ I call you to become disciples of Mother and of Buddha, of Christ and of Holy Spirit.
Come then, for the door of Shamballa is open! And I am training elemental life for the supreme moment when in transformation of worlds elementals will receive the gift of the threefold flame. And when the Lord God Almighty through Elohim sends forth the fiat that elemental life is to be endowed with immortality it will come to Terra through the flame of Shamballa, through the threefold flame that is the spark of universal life.
Therefore elementals who would be, who would continue to be, who would have opportunity for continuity of consciousness: I say come! Come and receive the disciplines for which you have longed! Be unafraid! I raise my hand to deliver you from matrices of hexes and cursings and black magic and witchcraft, variance and Satanism with which fallen ones have imprisoned you to do their bidding. Let elementals go free! Let the spell on animal life and elemental life be broken! Let it be broken by the mind of God, by absolute enlightenment of wisdom’s flame which dissolves all that is less than the perfection of the Christ within you.
I speak to elementals encased in forms of limitation where they have been confined. Now I say, no longer will you be muted to grunts and groans and sounds that are less than the flow of the Spirit. As the ass received the gift of words, rebuking Balaam, so I say: elemental life who have the understanding of Mother and of Buddha, rise up to rebuke the unrighteous generation who have misused the elements of God, who have polluted the body of Mother, who have desecrated Her image, who have torn down the light of Buddha in all!
For verily, verily the fulfillment of the word of the Son of God shall be in this hour: if these should hold their peace—this stubborn, recalcitrant generation—if these should hold their peace and fail to acknowledge the coming of the Christed One, so the very stones should cry out. Let elemental life cry out in praise of the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings, the Prince of Peace! Let the praise of elemental life go forth to receive him who comes in the name of the Cosmic Virgin!
I have set the seal of my flame upon the freedom of elemental life. I have set the seal of my word that they might be instruments of the Word of God. I have set forth the promise of my office that one day when mankind will have the selflessness to take upon themselves the crucifixions which they place upon elementals, in that day when selfless sons and daughters rise up to consecrate the resurrection in all life, in that day the Lord God on high will speak to declare opportunity for immortality to salamanders, undines, sylphs and gnomes and to the body elemental of each and every one who has the gift of threefold flame.
I speak to the body elemental of each devotee of my heart: O precious servant of chelas on the path, precious servant, be free in the peace of Buddha! Be free in the resurrection of Christ! Be free in the love of Mary the Mother! And rise up now to pursue the healing of four lower bodies that the souls of devotees might make the mark of the conqueror in time and space. Be free from the round of rebirth! Balance the law of cycles in the karma and dharma of life and return to the fiery core of the One! I speak to you, body elementals: you are the instruments for the salvation of souls! You provide the platform. I give you the impetus of my love of purity to purify the cells, brains, feelings, desires, the records of the children of mankind. Let them be cleared that they might awake—awake in the light of Buddha that they might first know that they are in a deep sleep, that they might have the God-desire to come out of that sleep, to rise to the awakening of the dawn of Christ, to rise to enlightenment of Buddha!
Elemental builders of form, body elementals and devas, angel devas who serve with nature spirits: receive the quickening of Buddha in this hour! Prepare for Wesak! Prepare for resurrection’s morn! Prepare for the coming of Sanat Kumara, for we are elevating life and you can do likewise. I have come with comfort, I have come with joy, I have come with my ode to joy--the joy of living, of living in life, of freeing life, of giving life, all life, the spark of victory!
I AM Gautama of the flame of Shamballa, of the flame that burns even now more brightly within your heart. Peace in the name of Mother! 1-25-1976 at Minneapolis via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet
Here is shown four troubling threads in Henry II's character:
a) During Stephen's reign the barons had subverted the state of affairs to undermine the monarch's grip on the realm; Henry II saw it as his first task to reverse this shift in power. For example, Henry had castles torn down which the barons had built without authorization during Stephen's reign, and by 1159 scutage, a fee paid by vassals in lieu of military service, had become a central feature of the king's military system....
b) W.L. Warren asserts that Henry acted under the influence of a "Canterbury plot"; Archbishop Theobald of Bec, John of Salisbury and other Canterbury clergy wished to assert their hierarchical supremacy over the newly created Irish diocesan structure... .
c) All of the Normans along with many Irish princes took oaths of homage to Henry, and he left after six months. He never returned, but he later named his young son, the future King John of England, Lord of Ireland....
d) The conflict with Becket effectively began with a dispute over whether secular courts could try clergy who had committed a secular offence. Henry attempted to subdue Becket and his fellow churchmen by making them swear to obey the "customs of the realm", but controversy ensued over what constituted these customs, and the church proved reluctant to submit. http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Henry_II_ of_England
So we see in the reign of one of Henry II's sons the coming in of the Magna Carta to establish principle over personality--bringing in even "due process of the law", bringing into practise a form of "check and balance", this because certain English barons rallied to the light as counterpoise to simply rallying round a selected figure who should exemplify the light. By and by we see Ireland gaining her individual choice of destiny distinct from England. And we see Thomas a Beckett by and by gaining the victory over machinations of Henry II (illustrated again in the parallel drama that came later of Henry VIII and Thomas More). -r.
Whereas the fusion of twinflames of the Father-Mother God gives birth to the Christ consciousness within you, the infusion of flames of Alpha and Omega within your soul produces the manifestation within you of that portion of your divinity which is the Holy Spirit, the cloven tongues of fire that fill all the temple of your being with the presence of the living God.
Whereas the Christ is the threefold flame that burns on the altar of the heart, the votive of the living, the Holy Spirit is the breath that fills the temple, the love that warms the sanctuary, the fragrance that bears witness to the truth, the vapor of sacrifice of the idolatrous image, the power that moves mountains of adversity, the friend, the comforter, the holiness of the aura of saints and the prayer of a child. -Kuthumi:
Pearls of Wisdom 19:4
Organized they are. Their world is a machine--a machine of souls embodied and disembodied working, working like drones until they drop and are quickly cast aside to make way for the new drones. Their queen is the Great Whore. They work for the superstate or for the supergod of superchurch instead of for individual fulfillment in God that is the foundation life in the Community of the Holy Spirit. They are numbers in a system of social security. They are taught total dependence upon church and state for security and salvation, for soup and soul sustenance. But never never are they taught the sufficiency of the flame within the heart or superiority of God, the sacred fire which they can invoke by the I AM THAT I AM.
The astral overlords, controlling their embodied pawns physically, mentally and emotionally, have placed computerized grids within the subconscious of those who can be controlled because they have not the flame of honor. -Kuthumi:
Pearls of Wisdom 19:12
I tell you, if you could see by what a thread that area of California hangs you would be giving your calls night and day!....But you will keep and wallow in your selfishness until the day when you (students of light on the westcoast) so hunger for the light that you are willing to walk halfway around the Earth to find the truth and find the light that you have taken for granted and that you have even spurned.
-Saint Germain: 3-7-1976 at Colorado Springs via Messenger ECP
1. On or near 4-30-1997 Guru Ma and the Council of Elders concurred that due process of the law be included in the Articles of Incorporation. Due process of the law is defined as--from the section “Infractions and Due Process” in Building a New Culture, 1998, which Mother advocated-- "Notice of an alleged infraction; An opportunity to be heard; A distinction between major and minor infractions; Counseling and support (for all parties); A fact-finding process whereby relevant information related to all sides of the issue will be gathered and evaluated; Confidentiality; A prompt and impartial review by a panel of appointed Church representatives unconnected to the people or issues involved."
2. In late December 2004 the Board of Directors and Coucil of Elders by unanimous vote deleted due process from the Articles of Incorporation. Before this key vote the Council of Elders eliminated the five Elders who upheld due process from the Council of Elders, and the Council of Elders did not notify the field of chelas that this key issue was coming up for a major vote. Furthermore just after this key vote, on 1-22-05 the Ministerial Council put out the outrageous lie that due process of the law is not found in the Teachings, at point 4 of January 21, 2005 Letter from Ministerial Council responding back to Timothy Connor.
3. "The Board of Directors and Elders of Church Universal and Triumphant have exercised their authority to modify the Articles of Incorporation by removing from Article IV the section (Section 12 that put into effect due process) that had been added to it in 1997." -Ministerial Council to T. Connor on 1-25-05, pt. 4.
Teachings relevant to DUE PROCESS OF THE LAW:
a) ...due protection of the law that they (Kurds) should have been given! -Saint Germain: Pearl 34:22
b) ...light of the Constitution of the United States, the original covenant made by Saint Germain with lightbearers to protect them against the enemy within and without this nation.
-Portia: Pearl 23:50
c) Indeed until the rule of law afforded common people protection against wanton murder the (Roman/Vatican) Church resorted to any means it deemed necessary to maintain its citadel of power. -Archangel Uriel and Aurora: 3-27-97 at RTR
d) Blessed hearts, the free enterprise system--the ability to enter into competition and to bring forth the highest work—has been destroyed by monopolies of fallen ones, by their interference with government controls against these monopolies.
-Archangel Chamuel and Charity: Pearl 24:10
e) So let there be the judgment of the core of evil in all those who allow themselves to usurp the mandate of the people, whether appointed official or those elected who assume powers they do not have for they are not God-ordained. -Gautama Buddha: 7-3-93 at RTR
f) If there be any among mankind this hour, no matter what their past sin, if there be any who will determine to align themselves with truth, to espouse truth, to defend her cause, the Lords of Karma will accept these souls and give them opportunity to make right every jot and tittle of the Law…..
And thus to be a true teacher of light you must be able to stand before the disciple to challenge and bind the dweller-on-the-threshhold while speaking the gentle word of truth....The inner conflict is ever and always the dichotomy of the momentum of past ages of sin and oppression that works and strives against the momentum of Christ that is in the causal body of man. -Elohim Cyclopea: 8-12-1973 via Messenger ECP
g) Challenge those who deny God-given rights of the citizens of Earth. -Gautama Buddha: Pearl 37:23
h) Therefore pray, I tell you this day, that the Sun Presence which I bring shall expose to you those illusions [of self] that you have come to lean upon and to imagine are real. -Helios: 7-4-84 at RTR, in Pearl of 10-3-84
i) And therefore let fallen ones who think they have control in this world know: you have no power except God give it you. Trust not your fates or your plans, for the light’s dominion in the Earth shall have the victory, and those who are not found in the all-seeing Eye of God they--mark you well--shall not endure. -Serapis Bey: 11-27-1987 at Washington, D.C. via Messenger ECP
j) Among the heritage of the free world are treasures of document, of precious lives and of love's labors. To see that these never become love's labors lost, people must learn with greater diligence the
safeguarding of gifts and privileges of Life and protection of their own feelings of God-happiness. A Constitution, a Magna Charta, a Bill of human Rights, a doorway through which our words come (many of which are a heritage and an actual windfall from the love of someone else's service and labors in God's name) is only of value as long as esteemed valuable by a world of free men willing to defend if necessary these hard-won blessings for themselves and their posterity. -Saint Germain: Pearl 4:7
k) Bacon in his 1625 essay "On Truth" stated: "But it is not the lie that passeth through the mind, but the lie that sinketh in and settleth in it that doeth the hurt."
l) "Some are so close and reserved as they will not show their wares but by a dark light; and seem always to keep back somewhat;....Some think to bear it by speaking a great word, and being premptory; and go on, and take by admittance that which they cannot make good. Some, whatsoever is beyond their reach, will seem to despise or make light of it as impertinent or curious; and so would have their ignorance seem judgment....
Seeming wise men may make shift to get opinion; but let no man choose them for employment; for certainly you were better take for business a man somewhat absurd than over-formal."
-Francis Bacon: "Of Seeming Wise," 1625
m) Deviations from the Law have many consequences far beyond what you realize. Like rings that form after you throw a stone into the water, so the ripples of inharmony continue and the karma is great.-Saint Germain: 7-4-1974 via ECP
n) And so you see coming forth now the compromise whereby those who represent Christ enter into those pacts with fallen ones. It becomes a question of the ends justifying the means. A Machiavellian logic therefore enters the church, enters the synagogue, enters the house of the Lord; and those priests who have not themselves the conversion, the gifts of Holy Spirit, who have not yet become the incarnation of Christ are then reduced to a level of communication that does not originate in God. And decisions they make are political decisions to move then in compromise--to compromise the integrity of the Law and to submit themselves to princes of this world and powers of this world. Beloved ones, the Fallen One offered the Lord Christ all kingdoms of this world if he would fall down and worship them (the fallen ones). That same offer is made to the head of the Church, to the cardinals. -Gautama Buddha: Pearls of Wisdom 21:36
o) but the action of initiation to Christhood must come from the embodied Witness....Thus beloved hearts, the Christed ones of this organization--and there is no limit to that number that ought to be Christed ones--should be known as shepherds of the people, as ministering servants.
And they should have developed within their hearts discrimination (that faculty for decision-making) to implement right action not only for themselves but for their departments and areas of service. This discrimination and dependability allows the Messenger to perform necessary work for you and the world from the level of the I AM Presence. And this is how Hierarchy ought to be counted in this order.
Beloved Kuthumi has called you to the Order of the Brothers and Sisters of Francis and Clare. Understand that striving in this order, whether through the path of brahmacharya or the path of householder and family member, must be pursued with the goal in mind of attainment of the mantle of Christ--of the “occupying till I come.” Do you understand?...
It is necessary then that the decision-making process--listening to the Word, execution of the Word, the action of the Word--become the goal of those chelas striving to move from their centeredness in the violet-flame-transmutation level to the point of personal Christhood....
Now I trust you will understand that it is necessary for those striving in this order of Hierarchy to volunteer and apply to become what we will call elders of the Church—elders then applying as a word that refers to the elder brothers and sisters who are the ascended masters. -Morya: 2-3-1985 at Camelot
p) lightbearers who will hold the balance and not be moved to the right, to the left and up and down each time adversity or some problem comes their way....yo-yos--one day they are smiling and one day they are frowning. And one day they come with a black cloud and the next day they are inundated with light....
Those who truly understand the meaning of holding the balance for this Great Central Sun Magnet--write to me at Darjeeling and propose their confirmation in the Inner Order of the Great Central Sun Magnet.
-Lanello: 12-25-1985 at Camelot
q) I say to you, beloved, beware of those who feign allegiance, surrender or sacrifice. Beware of their pitiful presence. Beware of their singed wings and their hollowed-out forms that are indeed not a chalice but haunted houses, whited sepulchers.
Beware the living dead who in the final expression of death itself seem to have the shine, the glamor that does pretend to be of the true light. These will always attempt to enter and remain in the Community of the Holy Spirit. Having the sense, the animal sense (of self-preservation), beloved, they carefully hide behind the mask they have created and they hide behind the light invoked by lightbearers.
-Elohim Astrea, Pearl 30:50
r) And yet for some they invoke the light of the unknown God. And therefore they are tempted to go after those self-proclaimed gods that are loud in the marketplaces and that sell their wares as though they were a commodity to be bought with the very money of the land.
Beloved hearts, there is very little difference to untrained eye of those initiators who claim to initiate the people in the third eye or in other chakras and the real transfer of light from Sanat Kumara. Without the purging and cleansing of your own chakras, you yourselves--without this training and this path and this teaching--would not necessarily discern the difference. Hearken unto this and remember! For there are many charlatans and many psychics in the world today who can perform these signs and wonders. And thereby they call upon the name of the Lord yet the Lord is not nigh unto them! Thus miracles of the representatives of God are for believers and they are not flaunted before fallen ones. Thus you must be careful and judge righteous judgment when considering where is the flow of true light and where is its counterfeit.
-Lord Ling: Pearl 24:4
s) This is the law of integrity (i.e., the soul's inner integration with the Spirit Most Holy) which is the foundation of existence. Each one of us must be able to defeat any and every type of invading force that seeks to cross the line--the circle--of our integral selfhood, as Above so below in heaven and on earth. -Elizabeth Clare Prophet: Pearl 31:71C
t) We expect no further compromise with human error, adversities, families that have become tyrants and dictators who have told you you cannot do this and you cannot do that. We expect that this Fourth of July will be the individual soul's declaration of independence from all encumbrances that prevent the fulfillment of your life on the path....Now you may be called as a result of this fanatics or zealots or crazy or queer or peculiar. We do not care. -Lanello: Pearl 44:26
u) The meaning of "a little child shall lead them" and "except ye become as a little child, ye shall in no wise [with no wisdom] enter in" completely escapes them. They ask to sit at the Master's feet although they have passed by the wisdom he has already given them and they continue today to live in human shadow. They quarrel at trifles when Life (as God) cries out to end discord, and crisis looms ominously all over the planet.
-Kuthumi, see
v) And I commend you to the correct, creative use of your own freewill....
You are all indispensable. Therefore whom shall we commend? We commend the God-flame within you, striving souls, your correct assessment of the times and your ordinate use of freewill. We commend you and we call you to our hearts that you might blend with our own flame of freedom for the victory of the light.
-Saint Germain: 7-4-1981 at Camelot, Los Angeles
w) And therefore let the sweet smell of death and success cult be cast aside as divine reality of thy God does descend before thee as a Fire Infolding Itself....O come out from among them and release yourselves from all folly! For anyone who may be decided and decide himself to enter the fiery coil can be the instrument of the saving of a world. -Archangel Gabriel: 2-9-1988 at North Holywood via Messenger ECP
x) Practicing rebellion against the inner law of cells and atoms of our being we become practitioners of witchcraft against ourselves. We have programmed ourselves, allowed ourselves to be programmed to the success cult, the sex cult and death cult....
All of these struggles are really internal, but we imagine that we are acting them out with outher individuals, other people who are really other aspects of God in various stages of evolution....
The reason we need a Guru who is an ascended master, an archangel, an Elohim, a cosmic being, the reason we need the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood is that this dweller-on-the-threshold and all of the beasts of prey that sit on those four quadrants have become more powerful than we have. -Messenger ECP: Predict Your Future, 2004
y) But we cannot cry over spilt milk, nor can you; yet the delay has been caused....The whitefire core of each and every flame is the fohat. And the release of that fire for the creation and the uncreation of matter is accomplished by those who become masters of sacred fire by practice, by exercising the flame and decree, and by absolute unselfed love....
Though it has been said before, I say it again: if you desire to save the planet, to spread abroad the Teachings of the Ascended Masters, then beloved, seek new levels of [spiritual] attainment and recognize that the whole man must rise as one....
Remember that in the great tradition of the land individuals with unique ideas have often caused major parties to alter their platforms when a single idea became backed by the people and a single individual became the voice and conscience of a nation. -Omri-Tas: 7-7-1984 at RTR, Montana
z) Let each one then find the high habitation of his God and set his house in order, for it is an hour for you to receive the blessed Virgin Mother and to live with her day by day throughout the 24 hours as her beloved-friend and servant, her instrument and her mouthpiece.
-Archangel Uriel: 2-27-1988 at Lisbon via Messenger ECP
z2) India: crown chakra Srinagar, eye Rishikesh, throat New Delhi, heart Jaipur, solar plexus Mumbai, seat of soul Hyderabad, base of spine Chennai)--the masters thereof in order are Kuthumi, Chananda, Morya, Djwal Kul, Divine Director, Saint Germain, Serapis-- that's it. -r
It is best to make merry of the human condition in India--not to be so concerned with the outer manifestation but to probe the heart, to search out the ones who are the fiery souls. -Morya: Easter 1980 at Camelot, Los Angeles
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