Thursday, March 9, 2023
Earth is an experiment in this sector of the solar system
1) As a matter of fact the manifestation of the Lord Jesus Christ with the children of God who have the threefold flame now has also imparted new hope to elemental life. And there has been communicated to one and all a new sense of freedom.
And therefore I, Gautama Buddha, pronounce therefore the binding and breaking of the curse of black magicians over certain beings of the elements who have been held imprisoned and therefore not been able to perform their perfect work for keeping this planetary body a beautiful and safe place for the sons of God. We also call from our level, beloved hearts, as we do engage in fervent prayer for the judgment of fallen ones who make life miserable for embodied angels, for elementals (especially those imprisoned) and for the children of God on Earth. Our prayers ascend and gather momentum by your own, even as the reverse is true. And therefore we together as co-members and joint members of the Great White Brotherhood do indeed make our impact with the Four and Twenty Elders, the Great Central Sun and the Holy Kumaras.
Truly Earth is an experiment in this sector of the solar system and the solar system within the galaxy. And therefore many eyes are upon this planet—and more eyes than you can truly realize are upon the Messenger and chelas. For the decisions you make day by day truly show the strength of our God and our Brotherhood. And therefore we are grateful for you, each one, as you are capable servants, each in your own way. -Gautama Buddha, Pearl 21:33
2) Yes, we recite the Psalms in a vacuum of spirituality where the matter universe itself threatens to collapse because of failure of the children of God to infuse the blessed Earth with balance of light that always flows through prayer and meditation and devotions of the heart. And thus the most frightful programming of all is that programming of the children of a material civilization and a mechanized culture to a self-sufficiency outside of God.
Were the German people who were hypnotized by black magician Adolf Hitler inferior in some way or more ignorant than others to tactics of his brainwashing? No, their susceptibility is the same that is frightening the parents and teachers of this generation.
It was susceptibility of a prior brainwashing that entered through the Protestant revolt. For with Luther and his ninety-five theses came the damnable doctrine of removal of the Person of Christ from the sons and daughters of God and removal of the Lord God as the Inhabiter of the temple of soul and body! The denial of the proper role of the Virgin Mary and of the hierarchy of hosts of the Lord, as well as of the communion of saints in heaven with saints on earth, has deprived the children of God of understanding of the great mystery of the Word incarnate both in the ascended masters and in unascended devotees of God.
Remove God from the temple, the consciousness of your children, ye parents and teachers well-meaning or otherwise, and your children will then be inhabited by anti-God manifestations of a materialistic philosophy based on pride of personal self rather than the glory of the Person of God.
If you do not teach your children to serve the God within, then they will unfailingly serve that mammon which you have erected in His place. For the children of God are devotional by nature, and they will give their devotion to the anti-God of fallen ones if you take from them the true and living God who is worshiped in temples not made with hands. -Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 21:53
3) Blessed hearts, there is a sure cure for discouragement and that is the light of illumination, illumined action—light on the path, the joy of our holy angels! We are determined to infuse Europe with a new enlightenment, a new flame of peace from Jesus and Gautama, blessed Lords. We are determined that the very light of wisdom shall be upliftment and shall be for the very lifting of the pall of darkness over that land.
Many centuries of the misuse of power in witchcraft and black magic that have come forth in the stories of the Frankenstein monster and of Count Dracula have been a way of life in the inner circles of the black brotherhood. These have created a pall over the crown chakras of the people, thereby engendering an intellectualism and a materialism without the true Spirit of the living Christ. Religion that is worth anything is dead save in the hearts of the people persecuted, most notably behind the iron curtain where there is a fervor for freedom and for Mother Mary and even for the Pope that burns on.
Beloved hearts, while we express gratitude for all good and mighty works done under the hierarchy of the established Church, we must remind you that for all of that goodness, direct contact with this organization and this activity by those servants of God on that continent only meets with disapproval, rejection, even persecution and condemnation. Therefore watch and pray and realize that we have established Church Universal and Triumphant because the new wine of the Holy Spirit could not be poured into22 the15 old13 bottles21 of12 the15 Roman25 church34 (=155=5 x 31) or the Roman Empire.
Therefore, beloved hearts, it will become necessary for souls of light to come18 apart20 and10 be7 willing41 (=96=4 x natural24) to enter into the fullness of the light and the canopy of the Great White Brotherhood, free from the bondage of any13 institution53—secular or religious—that13 would21 not13 allow18 the15 full15 teaching40 (=201=3 x 67=intend30 + fashions37) of the Great White Brotherhood to be proclaimed and to be preached. Therefore seek cooperation with the Great White Brotherhood and not13 with24 mortals26 or15 their33 mortality47 and10 their33 enshrinement63 of12 the15 Word24 in14 a1 decaying41 order33—the15 old13 order33 that13 passeth25 away14 (=504=8 x Neroli Duffy63) with the coming of the Aquarian age.
When you think that in the causal body of the Great Divine Director and of Saint Germain there lies the key to the age of Aquarius and to its rising on the European continent, is it not the greatest tragedy and greatest travesty of all time and space that the people of that continent should have thus far rejected this flame? -Archangel Jophiel and Christine, Pearls of Wisdom 24:12
using numerology: a=1, b=2, c=3, j=1, etc.
4) big18 noise26=44 contrasts to harmony40. “No11 man10 can9 serve24 two13 masters28….”
(=95=5 x vain19).
Entangled37 is the fly on the chariot-axle who exclaims “O what a great cloud of dust I raise!”
5) 10 Jan 2004
Hitler's Scientists: Science, War and the Devil's Pact
by John Cornwell,
2003 Viking
…Nazi racial hygiene and eugenics. Disreputable voices began to emerge from the murky background complaining about the alleged waste of resources on people who were mentally ill, which ultimately led to a programme to get rid of “life unworthy of life”.
6) Within my sacred heart is the acceleration of light this day...unto the judgment of those who have persistently denied miracles of the Virgin Mary....Let there be the judgment of the15 false16 teachers34 who19 have18 stolen22 into22 the15 churches40 with24 their33 false16 theology44 (=318=6 x bad deviation53)…. Everyone who has interfered with the birth of these little ones—everyone who has advocated abortion from the pulpits of the churches, I tell you they will suffer exactly the karma that is written in sacred scripture spoken by my Son and it will not be withheld this day! -Archeia Mary, 1-28-1979
7) Prove me now herewith that the entire Soviet establishment will not endure when a nation, Mother Russia, returns to devotion of the Blessed Virgin....It is the Mother-flame in the Earth consecrated in all of your chakras which will beat down the entire juxtaposition of nuclear war and all those things that now challenge you so greatly. -Archeia Mary, 12-24-1983
8) I decree in this hour that all devotions to the one God in many forms and formulas and formations, whatever thy belief—the Our Father, the psalm, the hail Mary, the chant out of Eastern temple—shall know the concentrated fire of the legions of light....The devotion that is spoken shall be focused upon that end which is the consuming, by the fire of threefold flame in all life of this cancer of a planet spawned by the gods—this World Communism. -Gautama Buddha, 5-14-1984
9) I extend to you then access by the rosary—by the rosary—to my causal body, to the attainment on those fourteen stations which I have gained throughout my long spiritual history. I give you therefore the opportunity to receive that power and attainment which God has given me as my great Teacher and as I am His servant. This I transmit to you that it might become close to the physical world and physical problem through your own physical body and heart. I propose therefore beginning now and continuing on until there shall be a very obvious turning of the tide of World Communism, the giving of the rosary and calling forth of this divine momentum. -Archeia Mary, 7-3-1984
10) The Father has said to me: ‘...I place in thy hand the rod of authority for the utter annihilation of world atheism known as World Communism.’...The power of God in my right hand is as good as your confirmation of that power. -Archeia Mary, 8-26-1984
11) Therefore from among the Gentiles, from among those alien to the Word of God, some come forth desiring, some come forth and respond to the angel of the Lord and follow his instruction implicitly. What would you consider, beloved, had Cornelius rejected the angel, thought that it was a figment of his own mind, and reasoning within himself, canceled out the opportunity [to receive the Holy Ghost] to his own house and relatives and family and friends and all generations who should come after them?
Recognize well, beloved ones, that to fast and pray [in order] that one might hear angels is important, but to be unwise and to fast improperly and to care not for the body in all ways of balance, one may find the result to be not the intercession of angels but the infestation of demons and demon-possession. And this has occurred to many who have fasted without the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit through their devotion unto God.
Fasting therefore is for the increase of light. And let your emphasis be on the spiritual path of fasting and not always fastened to the lower level of explanations of toxicity, et cetera. Beloved hearts of light, let all these things be added unto you, but may the focus of your fast be the sacred fire and communion with God. -Jesus Christ, Pearls of Wisdom 29:14
12) Thus we see in the building and strengthening of brotherhood in the Earth of a true oneness and a determination to help one another, that there will also come an awareness of the penetration, if any, of our circles of charity by alien forces that have no good intent but to spy upon our liberty and misuse our Teaching and turn our words again that13 they22 might30 rend23 us4 (=114=2 x Duffy clique57).
Beloved ones, our students throughout the world have become very astute over the centuries. They have seen what the forces of Fascism and World Communism and powers that be in every nation have done to undo the lightbearers and true freedom fighters and those who understand the path truly of peace with honor.
Beloved ones, therefore we see that with intense protection and fourteen-month cycle of the blue-flame will of God we, as it were, may pull out almost all the stops and let the Teaching go forth and let it truly be the sower of Aquarius who does sow the Word.
And where it is not on fallow ground, where it falls upon the rock and may be rejected, let other angels come and pick it up and let others take it. Beloved ones, let us not leave the seeds sown anywhere to be misused, but let us make the call that lightbearers will come and pick up the crumbs that have fallen from the Master’s table, that they will pick up the stone that was rejected, the book cast away. -Saint Germain, Pearl 29:21
13) You take for granted the lights in this room, electric lights, electricity. You take for granted energy, you take for granted even candlepower. But, beloved, imagine yourself on a darkened star, a darkened world where the only light there is is the light that shines from the heart.
Be prepared to illumine a world, not by technology but by your heartflame. And even in the darkest night of a darkened world that light raised up will draw all similar lightbearers unto you.
Earth is in this [darkened] state now, as are her evolutions. People are blinded by their karma and their lusts, by their programming, by media and the press. And therefore you must have a powerful sun-center, individual by individual, to draw to this place those who can be God-taught, who are teachable, who are humble enough and without fear to receive the chastening rod of love’s wisdom.
Those who fear contact with God often fear contact with the Messenger. Those who have not much soul-stuff or heartflame development seek by every means to avoid the encounter, for they have not internalized the chastening love of the Father-Mother God that peels away and peels away stubborn pride and allows the soul to take flight in joy of her own inner illumination. O the child that is neglected is the child that weeps! Therefore seek correction while you have one who holds our rod in your midst. -God and Goddess Meru, Pearl 33:26
14) Blessed ones, I tell you that these Soviets have misused the science of Nikola Tesla and they are actively using ELF waves and others, such as microwaves not only to destroy life but to sabotage the space program of the United States, not only to do this but to act against individuals who will raise their voice and their cry against these fallen ones.
Therefore do not underestimate this massive conspiracy against your governments and nations, including rays so powerful as to lull the people themselves to sleep. Therefore they have demonstrated sufficiently to themselves that they are capable of putting rockets and planes out of commission by this misuse of ancient technology of Atlantis brought to modern man through Nikola Tesla and yet perverted again by black magicians in the USSR.
Blessed ones, the West refuses to see it, refuses to tell her people about it! And all seek personality and the god of money and the god of lust. I tell you, the betrayers of yourselves are there! And let them know that I AM an archangel and that I have spoken this hour and I have come then to pierce their illusion across this entire continent in the hope that a people will awaken and a people will rally!
And therefore I have sent the Messenger for this quickening action; and those who have come from all nations and gathered, let them gather together in a prayer vigil specifically for the turning back of the nefarious plot against these nations. Blessed ones, I tell you, the time is short! -Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 31:32
15) We bow to this Buddha. We bow to the state of his bodhisattvahood. We bow to his Presence in the turning of worlds. Yes, this beloved Lord Maitreya has said that if there is a golden age, some six hundred years into that age he may reincarnate with his disciples. These disciples may be ascended masters. These disciples may move among the people. And yes, beloved, they will be the great teachers of the future.
Speaking then of these blessed beings on the second ray remember, remember and remember, beloved, the burdens upon the youth of this and every nation who do not receive the highest levels of education that they must receive in order to enter an age of vast technology and a future unknown where they must be able to deal with any circumstance and condition, including that of war or cataclysm or, by the grace of God, moving into an age of peace and enlightenment.
Now I ask that you speak in whispers to Lord Maitreya of those things, those three things that you desire and beg to be delivered of as you are one with Maitreya, as you work with him. And also consider what are your greatest strengths that you may lay upon the altar of the heart of Lord Maitreya. And pray that his heartflame might be one with your heartflame and increase, intensify, challenge, expand that presence of wisdom in the Earth. So, speak to the Lord from your heart. [Audience offers prayers to Lord Maitreya.] -14 Ascended Masters Who Govern the Destiny of America, Pearl 46;10
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