Saturday, March 18, 2023
Both through enlightened leadership and rise of a responsible citizenry
1) Individual man then must stand guard every moment at his own doorstep to keep his house sweet and his heart a gateway for praise, wherein the glory of unity is preferred above all else. The triteness of human concepts shall be engulfed in a whirlpool of light. The causes of misery, destruction, war, discord, disease and tyranny which often accompany temporal power in men and nations shall be drowned in a vortex of transmutation.
Both through enlightened leadership and rise of a responsible citizenry devoted to the cause of universal harmony and freedom the crying needs of this blessed planet Earth for divine unity and direction must be met. Men of virtue and determination must stand forth who will sacrifice when necessary personal advancements and acclaim for the common good and who will press onward as did Moses to lead the children of Israel in the face of every human rebellion to the Promised Land. I know the meaning of such struggle for my guiding hand and fiery form remained a pillar of fire by night and a cloud of witness by day to those recalcitrant wilderness wanderers, spurred by the fear of Pharaoh and Egyptian bondage on one side and the sternness of the Law rumbling from Horeb’s heights on the other. Yet Israel was at last established and knew peace and glory in the days of Solomon.
-Micah, Angel of Unity, Pearl 5:40 ………………………..
2) The future of humanity is dependent not upon mere secular knowledge, scientific postulations or intellectual attainment but upon moral and spiritual elevation. No society can or has ever long endured which has been dependent upon materialistic achievement for its sustained progress. -Saint Germain, Pearl 6:11
3) It must be understood that simply because one aspect of cruelty is prevalent during a given era all other forms are not dormant. On the contrary, there is often a linking of these forms in tactics of brainwashing and personality control utilized in Communist countries and behind the iron curtain. In the name of God how long shall the nature of God permit such tyranny to dominate nations and peoples! Can the world be truly free so long as either religion, science or politics seeks to subjugate man to those tenets that are not adhered to as the result of the exercise of his own freewill?
God would have men enjoy the air of freedom and the ascended masters are determined to weld together the diversified and scattered elements of the divine body of initiates functioning in the many dedicated orders of this day so that a new birth of freedom may mean the emancipation of the whole world!
-Saint Germain, Pearl 6:25
4) In their temple over the island of Cuba Lord Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst appealed to Arcturus “to release the transcendent current of flashing violet flame to the order to transmute those unwanted conditions and plots which mankind have hatched in order that they might continue in the unbroken tyranny of war and destructivity.” Arcturus was therefore determined “to descend toward Earth with the light of a thousand Suns.” The Elohim appealed to “the great cosmic hosts and angelic beings” who accompanied him to “bestow upon you each one some mark of cosmic progress that shall enable you to feel a greater identification with the Source of all, that the tangible light rays of our presence may connect you–waking and sleeping, each moment of each day now and for all eternity–with the eternal Presence of life and that you will no longer feel a sense of disconnection or lack.” -Elohim Arcturus, on January 15, 1967 via Messenger Mark Prophet
5) Ours is to pursue. And if we be pursued by a higher purpose, we bid it welcome. Hierarchy has thought; now it is the responsibility of men to think. In the world today a release of light has been made and the glyphs are recorded of vast cascading radiances. Underneath the feet of men there are stagnant pools of darkness. Indescribable horror lies locked in these subterranean channels clogged with lethargy, greed and the base order of the carnal nature. While many feed upon this substance and ignore the hopeful flowers descending within rays of light we plead for an awakening.
It is one thing to see the ignorant feeding upon unclean substance but to see the children of the Sun to whom has been entrusted the banner of hope feast at the same board with the sons of Belial is a sight calculated to make the hair stand on end. Yet the mercy of God proceeds, life proceeds and the carvers of jade and ivory watch as men distort the figures of nobility into the mudpies of a child. Hierarchy has discussed, Hierarchy has thought, Hierarchy has loved. The children of cosmic nature have spun as your beloved Nada has said “garments from the Sun.” We can do no more. Heaven can do no more. The quickening, the awakening must now come from the will’s stimulation within the hearts of embittered men who are in bondage.
-Morya, Pearl 11:38
6) While mankind yearn to see mercy operative in all areas of life, while they deplore acts of violence and destruction, the outpouring of human venom continues in the world order in an unprecedented manner. Have you thought of what would happen if mankind were to rise up en masse to challenge these disturbing activities? And if you think that concerted action of humanity is impractical at the physical level, have you considered what spiritual power can be mustered to turn the tide of tyranny through the united prayer force of millions who still believe that life can be beautiful?
Such a binding-together of hearts in joyous, praiseful invocation would create a climate of harmony toward all peoples, enabling little children to rejoice inwardly even as today they so frequently suffer pangs of disillusionment in a world that continues half slave and half free as souls cry out for mercy from the living God. -Kuan Yin, Pearl 15:45
7) You have heard of the history of the race of the Amazons. You have heard of Amazonia, twinflame of Hercules. You have heard of the great glory of the feminine ray when that golden age was at its height and then of the decline and fall of the feminine ray through the presence of tyranny in woman, the emasculating of the divine man by perversion of the feminine ray.
All of these records and many more come out of the Book of Life from the hand of the Keeper of the Scrolls. These records show that although woman has borne the persecution of the perverted masculine, this is part of the swinging of the pendulum that has returned to woman her own failure to hold on high not only the feminine ray but also the light of Father-principle.
I say, it is time that rivalry of the sexes, the competition cease! It is time that the union of love give birth to equality, to opportunity, to forgiveness. -Meta, Pearl l1:30, via via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 3, 1974 at Spokane
8) This is the time for Americans to affirm their allegiance to principle and to declare their independence of soul and of light within from every form of bondage, from every form of tyranny over the mind of man and over God manifest in man. And when I say the word Americans I include all who are members of the I AM race of Saint Germain—the sons and daughters of God, those who are true to the true Israel.
Do you know what this tyranny of carnal mind is that would control the manifestation of God within you? I say, it is as iron wires wound about, binding souls and body temples of mankind. I say then let the rings of fire from the heart of the Great Central Sun and from the heart of my own causal body of light reestablish the forcefield of protection in the heart of America and in the heart of the world! -Godfre, Pearl 62:25, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on February 22, 1975 in San Francisco
9) For I will not stand in the presence of the tyranny of the carnal mind. I will not stand where there are those who have given their energies to witchcraft and black magic and to domination of mankind by methods of hypnotism which they have purveyed as the teachings of the Great White Brotherhood. By their fruits ye shall know them. And by their fruits ye shall know the [Brotherhood]—the fruit of humility, of long-suffering, of patience, of devotion, of honor and nobility.
Let the cosmic honor flame then show forth the true disciple and true teacher. Those who stand in honor extend the hand of honor. Honor is moving to the blueprint of life, extolling that blueprint. It is the exaltation of soul in the will of God—not the tearing down of the soul, not confinement of soul to this or that way or this or that teacher.
-El Morya, Pearl 52:19, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 10, 1975 in San Francisco
10) Those of you who have gazed upon a miniature image of divine purpose may thirst for a greater vision of cope of that purpose and realization of how each of you, by indomitable divine will kindled within your heart may cast off the yoke of tyranny which so easily besets you and reestablish yourself in that divine, purposeful realm of light wherein dwell also the angels, cosmic beings and those who serve mankind in his hour of greatest need.
I have often even in embodiment as Washington sought out intercession and help of those cosmic emissaries of light and have received the touch of their beautiful hand dedicated wholly to the purposes of serving the light. I want to urge then upon every one of you realization and re-realization again and again of the need to commune with those powers of light that are already resident within these cosmic beings and angelic beings whom mankind from time to time do consider in the realm of fairy tales and as though they did not exist.
-Godfre, Pearl 19:25
11) And it is that consciousness that is required in America in this hour. For the coming to fruition of the sacred union and of the banner of Union is dependent upon souls of light understanding that sacred trust, the honor and integrity that form a mighty brotherhood of light, a brotherhood that spans the centuries and nations, that is drawn together then by souls who have seen the vision, who have seen the star in the East and who have followed that star to this place where there is the birth of the Christ in a people who have won that freedom of old, who have declared their independence from the bondage of Egypt and who will declare it again this day and who will continue to declare that independence as each form of tyranny that assails this nation is exposed and put down by the decree of the Word.
There is no other way to put down the infamy, the great crimes against humanity and those engines of war as nuclear weapons that are set in place for release. This is insanity and it is tyranny. And I answer those who say there is no way to turn them back. I say, there is a way to turn them back! It is the way of love, it is the same energy released for the confounding of Babel. Understand then that those very instruments of war can be deactivated and their energies nullified by the call to Charity, by the call to Chamuel and to the Seven Holy Kumaras. After all that energy belongs to God. When mankind have usurped that energy for destructive purposes have you not the right then to reclaim that energy in the name of Saint Germain, the God of Freedom for the Earth? -Archangel Chamuel and Charity, Pearls of Wisdom 20:20
12) Somehow or other, beloved brethren of the light, down through the channels of history there has come about a clogging in man’s affairs and consciousness whereby ancient mysteries are no longer manifest in the hearts of embodied mankind insofar as the masses shall go; yet it is the will of God to establish freedom in every heart. We therefore tonight in the name of Almighty God invoke freedom from within the hearts of those within the hearing of our voice. We evoke freedom in the heart of this nation. We evoke freedom wherever the flames of freedom do yet live. And we call in the name of Almighty God for a cessation of all forms of human tyranny, of all that would forswear man to vanity and deceit, of all that would destroy in man beautiful elements of the unfolding soul through greed and through the desire for personal aggrandizement.
Those of you who have long been engaged in a struggle for world freedom, for your personal freedom and have longed to see it manifest over the face of this rolling terrain will understand that the struggle may seem long. But in the lives of most of the saints from past ages that struggle has not in any way deterred them from continuing their search under the most adverse conditions. -Saint Germain, Pearl 20:40
13) Here Arcturus emphasized that “the master pattern of this planetary body itself is so magnificent that if you could behold it, it would provide an inspiration which you would never forget.” The “plan of perfection” for Earth is “the sole reason” that God has continued to send avatars to this planet “because only divine love can evoke the response of divine love.” Therefore Arcturus encouraged lightbearers to “raise your consciousness out of the degradation of that state of beggary.”
14) I, Maitreya, say to you today that the ascended masters in the great deliberations and councils of the Great White Brotherhood have determined that human tyranny has too long held sway over the mass mind. Therefore we have asked for a great petition whereby the student body today shall be given that which is known as the full power of the ten thousand-times-ten thousand. From this day henceforward every decree that you utter shall be increased by the power of the ten thousand-times-ten thousand!
I, Maitreya, declare that those who give decrees from this day forward shall be creating a tremendous, impelling, swiftly moving acceleration which shall sweep through earthly consciousness of mankind and compel this Earth free. -Lord Maitreya, Pearl 27:7
15) Thus the absolute tyranny of fallen ones has beget an absolute power that is a black sphere, the counterfeit to the sphere of the Great Blue Causal Body of the universe. That Great Blue Causal Body contains within it the inner blueprint for every lifestream—and the God-momentum of power with which to fulfill that blueprint! If I were the genie with the lamp and you could rub the lamp in this moment, would you not ask first for your blueprint and then for the power to implement it? This indeed would be a wise wish as long as it would be tempered by wisdom and by love.
When we examine then the equation of Camelot, our community of lightbearers, and we consider all souls upon Earth who will be drawn to this matrix of intense love we look at the equation of power. And we are concerned that children of God understand that there is a price to be paid for power. -El Morya, Pearl 24:43
16) Considering Jesus to be the Prince of Peace and embodiment of perfect love, let all of you consider episode by episode of his life how he wielded the sharp sword of love and how that love was expressed, whether as compassion or rebuke, chastisement and judgment, healing or raising of the dead. For in the many-faceted jewel of ruby ray you will discover how to pass through this labyrinth of maya and illusion and astral denizens at every hand—how then to outsmart every form of error with many applications of the emerald crystal of truth.
Thus I come before you with the proposition of this case, this lawsuit that faces you. And I must explain to you, beloved, that in this nation the tyranny of what has been called the anti-cult movement against unorthodox religions must be broken—not by human will or might but by the Spirit of the Lord, by the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood manifesting in you.
The tyranny of so-called fundamentalists who themselves do not know fundamental teachings of the Lord Christ, for these have been taken from them and are not fully contained in approved scripture—these then have said “We know the truth. We know the way. Therefore all deviations must go down.” Godfre, Pearl 29:35
17) Goimg forward from the flame of the ark of the covenant, they move outward in all directions. And they march robed in white for freedom—freedom for all people under God. And they march, and as they march they trample down the barriers of bigotry and prejudice, of tyranny and darkness.
Beloved, the legions of whitefire, the legions from the Lord God Almighty do march to the four corners of the Earth. And as they march hatred and war are beneath their feet, and the Earth receives the new day of the Spirit of the Resurrection.
Lo, I AM come! And I AM the resurrection and life of God’s freedom in you now! In this renewed joy of freedom I AM come, beloved. I welcome you to my heart. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 29:43
18) Do you realize, precious ones, on this day throughout the land when men are shooting off their rockets and exploding various devices to celebrate the Fourth of July the independence of the nation America that God Himself is also engaged in the practice of celebrating the independence of man from all forms of self-created tyranny?
For it was an act of God in the early days of this nation America that interceded on the part of the roughshod men and women of the thirteen sovereign states and caused them to have the stamina, courage and will to victory. You must understand, precious ones, that the power of God entered in to the hearts of these men to formulate their rising courage in the face of an entrenched tyranny -Mighty Victory, Pearl 42:51
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