Friday, March 10, 2023
dripping with the light of Helios and Vesta we are come!
1) Beloved ones, peace and love are presently evasive to humanity whose continuous generation of turbulence has delayed their perfection both personally and on a planetary scale. When these qualities reign in the heart the beauty of human teamwork in loving cooperation with God will make men their own architects in the golden age. -Kuthumi, Pearl 3:49
2) Therefore, beloved, the fruits of this endeavor may be seen. For when you have completed the seven (rays labors) I do recommend that you enter the heart of the Maha Chohan at the point of the eighth. Thus having so stood you will know the Master and you will know his enemies. For as sure as I stand they will attack—they will come forth out of the subconscious, out of the earth parading before you in the news and on a planetary scale. You will know them by their fruits, as Jesus told you. You will have that sense of real teamwork and chelaship when you will gather and call forth light to descend upon every planetary conspiracy of darkness that is raised against one of those blessed chohans who has given his life that you might be here.
And it is true. Their life is given, beloved, and we praise God for the seven chohans. For these lords of the rays, blessed hearts, have made it possible by their ministrations to your hearts for us once again to take up the calling of intensifying the power of illumination’s flame from Lake Titicaca through all of the publications that have gone forth. And this we offer to this movement as our offering upon the altar of the Lord of the World, the Cosmic Christ, the World Teachers—our offering upon your hearts that something may be done to quicken and awaken America and the Earth, all lightbearers, to the challenges at hand. -Lord Meru, Pearl 29:79
3) Every mother ought to raise her child upon her knee and dedicate that child to representing the people of a country, a state, a locale. Every child must be reared, then, with an appreciation for representative government, honesty, fair play, teamwork (also the Holy Spirit and [esoteric] traditions of the history of this land, those traditions of light and darkness, and to know the separation of the twain) and to recognize that every child of God, every son of light descending in this hour is dedicated by Saint Germain and Portia to embodying all of the ideals, the full momentum with which Saint Germain has endowed this nation and which is about to be lost.
Blessed ones, so long as the flame is carried in the heart, so long as that cake representing the collective consciousness of the spiritual community worldwide has thousands of candles burning upon it, keeping alive this continuity of God-government in the Earth so long shall there endure the opportunity for representatives of the God-star to take incarnation, to take up again the calling of restoring and reestablishing the original intent of the Constitution of the United States of America. -Alpha and Omega, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 3, 1988 at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana, Pearls of Wisdom 31:68
4) When there is the will and when there is fusion of your soul with my flaming reality then you have teamwork. Then you have a chela who has made the grade with the seven chohans (or at least with three of them).
Then I may take you under the wings of the Holy Spirit and bring you to that point where one day you yourself feel that you are of supreme usefulness to the millions of the earth by prayer, by dynamic decrees, by deep groanings of the spirit <3> as you come into conformity with the Mind of God and of the Holy Christ Self. -Maha Chohan, Pearl 37:15
5) There are periods of laughter and dancing and merrymaking. There are periods of communing with nature. There are periods of hard work. We in this organization have always been project oriented. We work hard together as a team. We pull together to produce a product, a book, recorded teachings that we release to the field, decree tapes, hymns, songs or bhajans, and we work until our work is done. Then we take our lawful rest and our lawful recreation.
Think of this as teamwork. When you are in sports you work together, you practice as a team and you know that when the moment comes that you must perform you play as a team and you play to win. And so there are times when you build up to a mighty crescendo of energy and that energy is released for a cause, for a victory, for a challenge to yourself to rise to a new dimension of consciousness and new levels of sacrifice and surrender. And there are other times when life is at a steady pace and you can count on time off and you can count on doing things that you want to do that are contributing to your spiritual path as well as to your
recreational needs. -Lanello, Pearl 37:12
6) You have yet to understand the principle of God-mastery! Therefore we come. And we have not yet finished speaking on this very word of sacred fire within your heart. And we are determined—as there is that God-determination in the very heart of every fiery salamander—to not leave you as we have found you in this retreat of light moving unto the Sun!
Therefore drenched and dripping with the light of Helios and Vesta we are come! And we are come to say: you have not yet understood the fullness of the potential of your own God-mastery when you exercise it.
I would speak on one principle now—and that is the principle of light and of the sine wave itself and of its acceleration. For, beloved hearts of light, all of matter moving in and out of the fiery core of Spirit, all waves of sound and of light conform to laws that dictate what frequency and therefore what manifestation there shall be.
The sluggishness of consciousness that is fallow field for negativity is a matter of non-acceleration. If you would change then, I say, you must change! For the victory of the light in you is for a higher world. And it is law that these temples and these frequencies cannot forever remain the chalice of an expanding identity. Knowing this however is no reason to hold back upon the light of progress, for God has means and ends to deliver you. And therefore your deliverance in that accelerated capacity that we desire in this octave is premised upon the law of God-harmony.
Understand then that to ensoul light means to vibrate with that light. You cannot vibrate in the old ways and expect to ensoul light that will be for the deliverance of a people and the nations. Understand that the very conditions of Earth, the very nature of condemnation itself exists because of the level of vibration of the entire planetary coil of energy—the entire momentum of consciousness of the people.
You cannot decree for the consuming of that energy if you remain at a low-grade frequency in your consciousness. In other words you must be stepped up and accept the stepping-up process in order to ride over and above these waves of that judgment of fallen ones that long ago was pronounced by them against the people of light.
Do not expect then that you can draw to this level the frequencies of the Great Central Sun unless you yourself are encapsulated and sealed in the tube of light and in our own connecting Presence invincible and charged with beauty and perfection! You cannot decelerate the light to the level of darkness but rather within the darkness maintain a frequency that will be a pillar and an outpost.
And this is why those who have dared to walk the path are called the lonely ones. If you would be a pillar of fire, then you must stand alone as a pillar of fire. For that pillar of fire can scorch the unwary, the undisciplined and those who themselves have not accelerated. And therefore from your Presence the grace of God may flow, tempered for those who yet insist upon dwelling in lower valleys.
If you continually then determine that you will take the ascended masters’ teachings to make life more comfortable in the lower octaves, you will find that you will not be capable of meeting crisis or ongoing necessities of this community reaching new dimensions of Spirit right here in matter on Earth.
We, Oromasis and Diana, are here to part the veil to allow you to see how the fiery salamanders with all of the intensity of the Great Central Sun do! manifest their perfection, do! lower the light of Helios and Vesta without compromise and yet bring it almost to physical manifestation, just bordering upon that line.
Therefore in your communication with elemental life you may have the awareness of these beings who are the blessed servants of your own hearts—for they are the closest to the physical octave of the entire servants of God.
And yet, you see, for yourselves to accelerate is to accomplish a certain departure from the norms of consciousness. It is the holy innocence of children. It is purity of heart and mind and body temple. But it is also willingness to have God release from your heart a sacred fire that will burn and consume—that will be pronounced as the I AM THAT I AM in every chakra of your beings!
Therefore know the path of discontent! Know the path that says: I must move on! I must come up and out of planetary negativity that God might take dominion upon this Earth!
Therefore pursue—pursue with all thy heart this flame of God-mastery. Resist old momentums to drive you down to those levels that are lower levels tinged with discord when they ought to be tinged with ruby ray. Realize that when you make a determination—as you have in the past fourteen hours—to resist spirals of irritation, then it is that all former momentums of irritation within your own subconscious will come forth, for they are lanced as an entire plane of being that you would no longer call your own.
Therefore the greatest battle occurs when you have determined with the Lord Jesus Christ to get the victory under the hierarchy of Pisces. Placing the foot firmly upon the foundation of the Law you proceed with divine understanding that, yes, there is a chaotic condition of the subconscious of the entire planetary body that is erupting in order to be consumed. And, I tell you, if this body of devotees alone who have assembled here at Camelot will realize the power inherent in their own great God-flame, you can hold the balance against the entire planetary momentum of layers of collective unconscious that we have dared not open—because once opened they are so violent as to cause planetary cataclysm!
Yet we desire to consume and transmute these levels. And it must be done through the Word incarnate in someone, through the threefold flame in the hearts of devotees who can pronounce the name I AM THAT I AM into the very midst of world chaos!
You see, beloved Saint Germain has pleaded—not only before the Lords of Karma but the Four and Twenty Elders—for some means to stay the hand of oncoming deliverance of karmic cycles that must be delivered into the physical octave. And where can he turn when he is asked by the Four and Twenty Elders: “Who will keep the flame of Life?” He will always turn to Keepers of the Flame who have exercised the sword of violet fire.
And therefore this is an option which you may elect to take. It is an opportunity to keep the flame in the remainder of this conference and this very week wherever you are that there might be indeed an opening of certain pockets of discord, all of which are manifestations of imperil—planetary imperil caused by the collective consciousness of the race of aeons of momentums of irritation.
Realize then that there is a personal God-mastery to be won! But even the hierarchies of light and beloved Saint Germain dare not wait until you have thoroughly and throughly mastered your own momentums. But they ask instead that by the power and dispensation of Alpha and Omega you be allowed to carry planetary momentums at the same time that you are carrying your own.
And therefore the vigil is twofold—like a two-edged sword. And you will realize that if you elect to accept this calling, you will be reinforced by Great Teams of Conquerors who have heard the prayers of the righteous concerning war, nuclear war and the subversion of entire nations by fallen ones.
Those who have prayed concerning cataclysm and concerning the coming of the kingdom of God upon Earth, however fragmented their understanding—their hearts have longed for deliverance and have prayed long for that very salvation through the blessed heart of Mary. And therefore we see the necessity of certain individuals who have the enlightenment to realize that when they are together—such as you are—as a company of light, as oneness heart-to-heart there is far more that can be gained than when you are separated in time and space and therefore even prevented from merging with one another by deadly manifestations of imperil.
Realize then that these are most holy occasions—the four sacred conferences of the year—and they are divine opportunities. And you ought to appear from the four winds in full force and recognize that our Brotherhood is counting on you to be here!
And you know when you expect God to supply the necessary alchemy for your coming He will do so. But you must call it forth! And in order to call it forth you must deem yourself worthy—worthy of the expense. And therefore someone must pay the price for planetary salvation. And we—all of us together in heaven and on earth—have agreed to pay that price! And you have diligently paid the price by your holy offering for establishment of that platform and foundation of the Inner Retreat.
And so it is such a handy forcefield for elemental life. For you see they require a place apart, a place protected. And it is indeed protected when all around there are parks and lands that are dedicated to preservation of natural life—and therefore currents of joy and equilibrium and balance and opportunity for the reflecting, by your hearts of light, of the flame of Shamballa.
See then how much more can be done from the mountain retreat when it comes to holding the balance for the planet. See how calls are transmitted through the fiery interior of the mountain connecting with the Royal Teton, through the trees, through elemental life, through the very Earth itself—chambers that extend deep into the Earth and that contain that which I am not at liberty to reveal to you in this hour.
And therefore there are connections even to the interior of Earth and to the Sun of Even Pressure where Virgo and Pelleur hold sway and keep guard for the four points of the compass and for spherical reality in the interior, which is indeed the blueprint that is necessary as fiery core that holds the balance for chaos and insanity mounting on the surface of the Earth and in the large cities.
And that very condition of consciousness mounts because of manifestation of decay, because of the very presence (in those who are fallen ones without a heart flame) of disintegration. And in the cycles of disintegration where there is literally the falling apart of physical matrices of life then there is the release of imperil into the atmosphere. And this is why conditions are at such a point of delicacy as to require this coming together and this reinforcement of the great God-flame.
Thus I show you that by the very action of your light and your hearts there is the necessity of an acceleration which will always cause the dissolution of cups of negativity—temples used for darkness.
And so you understand, once you have entered into the spiral of God-freedom and God-victory and lowering of sacred fire into manifestation, there is you might say no return. There is no turning back. For that which is unleashed by your very calls then must be guarded and must be furthered, and there must be an ongoing accelerating light within you.
Thus some of you have become accustomed to certain modes of life, certain exercises of decrees, certain speeds, certain ability to assimilate the Word and a certain fragment of time that you allow for congruency with the ascended masters’ consciousness. Well, let me show you how coils of Life and opportunity accelerated allow you to assimilate more in the same cup of time and space that you enjoyed before. Thus the days and thours may remain the same, but that which you can assimilate and co-create with the Lord does increase. And it is so! And it is so the more you rely on the Holy Spirit within you to perform those very works instead of requiring the going round and round and round in the systems of automation that have become the foundation of material civilization.
Realize then that there are shortcuts whereby you can enter in to a greater fullness of the light of your own God-Self just by mere acceptance that you are able, that you can accelerate, that you can move with the speed of light that I am releasing! For the speed of this light and this sine wave is necessary for you to enter in to new compartments of your own God- consciousness!
And therefore there is a lapping and licking by fiery salamanders in this very moment, surrounding your auras. And you look to me as Buddhas and as Mothers seated in rainbow rays of fire that come around you, even as a lotus flower. But the lotus flower in which you sit is indeed then the action of fiery salamanders themselves.
And you see, all is life! all is living! all is flame! And you can gain new dimensions of ascendancy right here and now. For the ascension process requires it! The great cosmic Law demands it! And your hearts are not content to remain in the old order.
There is great change coming. You must understand that our releases and admonishments of this conference are preparing you for the New Year’s conference and dispensations. And each cycle of twelvemonth within the decade of the eighties does afford an opening—an opening of necessity, as I have explained—into astral corridors, an opening into the Sun of Helios and Vesta by your own exercise of the meditation of the sine wave.
See then that you forsake not this calling. See then that you understand that there can be a parallel manifestation of God-mastery. Indeed how can there be God-mastery within when all about you assails? And if you allow the assailing of the world against the very bastions of your own fortress of light, then there is not really God-mastery at all! There cannot be a flaming heart of light without balance in the heart nor can there be the manifestation of the avatar unless you conquer the world simultaneously.
And therefore the call of Saint Germain and the answer of the Four and Twenty Elders is that if the planet is to move forward in the evolutionary chain and rise and feel the proximity of the Violet Planet and its etheric matrix, there must be that conscientious outpicturing within you of the one-upon-one relationship, Alpha-and-Omega mastery, here and there—within/without! And there must be a pushing back of that which comes upon you to limit the fullest expression of the Godhead which is allowed. And it is allowed in this age!
So we say, look up and lift up your consciousness! For above you is a vacuum. And it is hallowed space provided by the Buddha.
The up is the accelerated matrix. It is therefore a canopy of the Emerald Matrix of your own God- Self. And from that Emerald Matrix there is then a compartment into which you may grow. There is a place to which you may go! There is room in the inn of your being for a higher expression of God and its externalization in your life.
And so we say again and again that the harmony of God is the key—clinging to that harmony in the very face of eruptions of putrification of imperil.
May I say, let all rise to the occasion. For truly it is an occasion—occasion in the sense of opportunity, opportunity in the sense of ceremony, ceremony in the sense of the soul rising to the occasion of the descent of the Lamb. May you understand the meaning of presenting yourselves a living sacrifice.
I make the sign of the ruby cross as the sign of fiery salamanders who, in the very center of the crucified heart of Christ, do keep the flame of Life. Think upon it. For salamanders do keep the flame of the sacred heart of Jesus—and that Jesus in the mode of crucifixion.
As they are devotees of Cosmic Christ and you are devotees of the Mother, can you do any less in Her behalf? -Oromasis and Diana, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 11, 1981 at Camelot, L.A., Pearls of Wisdom 24:49
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