Saturday, February 11, 2023
masquerading as defenders
(using numerology, a=1, b=2, c=3, j=1, etc.)
1) We Ladies of Heaven have sent forth our energies through the Pearls of Wisdom because the feminine ray is coming to the fore as never before in order to establish the great permanent golden age. It shall swallow up the flood of negative energy which the Earth has cast off. And that which threatens to destroy the Christ image of the Son of God in order to enthrone the abomination of desolation, (the warlike image of destructive intent manifesting in human consciousness) shall be inundated by the purifying waters of the mighty River of Life flowing freely from the heart of the Mother of the World. Those elements of human nature which oppose the appearing of the Christed plan are ever wolves in sheep’s clothing who would destroy the lambs of God while30 masquerading57 as2 defenders44 of12 their33 true19 Selfhood39 (=236=4 x supercilious59). Evil can never produce Good, no matter what the disguise.
-Goddess of Peace, Pearl 6:32
2) To Sons and Daughters of Vision Who Will Seize the Torch of Illumined Action and Run with It, Recognizing That
If They Do Not, the People Who Have Neither the Vision Nor the Torch Will Surely Perish; For the Little Children Who Place Their Hands Trustingly in His Have a Right to See God Face to Face in Trustworthy Servant-Sons:
“Where there is no vision the people perish.” Momentous words when understood but seldom understood.
Think now, blessed ones. Shall men halt, content that they have known all the works of God and that all truth is already revealed? What a shroud, a smothering of progress is this. fear has done this thing, O mankind, and it is his bonds that we would break.
Those who as little children placed their hands trustingly in the hands of God know that His truth is their shield and buckler, the strong arm of righteousness. Surely the limited vision of man’s present theology should not be one with which men are content. Consider the many areas of destiny upon which religion is silent. Consider also the manifold mysteries which challenge man’s consciousness.
Are people to treat themselves as animals and test themselves within a maze of problems based on a theology recorded in mere creed or rote? To prescribe infinity with finite bans is far worse than attempting to catch Niagara Falls in a teacup. The mighty onrush of infinity would wash away the film of reason from the mind of man; and therefore God in His infinite wisdom and mercy has gently tempered the wind to the shorn lamb.
Again and again the wisdom of God is revealed from beginning unto beginning. …These21 who19 masquerade41 as2 angels22 of12 light29 still18 practice39 to8 deceive35 (=246=6 x cleverness41) and men still vilify the true sons of God.
Man stands as in a quandary then and cries out, “How shall I know?” I am certain that a word to the wise is sufficient, and I hope also that a word from the truly wise will be sufficient to those who require it. Not all who cry “Lord, Lord,” do the will of God; but those who do, serving to the best of their ability, will be accorded by the Father of all that just recognition which the Law always conveys to the righteous. (Rakoczy Castle, Transylvania shown)-Master Rakoczy, Pearls of Wisdom 8:24
3) The sword, blessed ones, is the discriminating intelligence of Christ mind that is able to determine what is of value, what is true, what is real and what16 is10 a1 wolf20 masquerading57 in14 sheep’s27 clothing43 (=188=4 x wolf-sheep47). Yes, peace must come to the world because God wills it, because the angelic hosts will it, and because mankind will it. But the victory of peace must be under the banner of the Prince of Peace with all truth enshrined within it.
This is that peace with honor which permits individual freedom of expression so that the soul of its own free will can be carefully led over various pitfalls and illusions of life to a place of safety (the sea of glass spoken of in the Book of Revelation) where the smoothness of the divine ideal is manifest in the soul consciousness of the individual. As long as tumultuous feelings of struggle are entertained in consciousness the peace of the Divine does not really manifest in the world of the disciple of Christ. -Archangel Chamuel, Pearls of Wisdom 10:46
4) Of all hindrances facing spiritual movements the greatest has been personality. Egocentricity has paved the way for the riptides to which the souls of men have been subjected. Negative influences which have opened the door to discord have fundamentally been: jealousy, covetousness, feelings of inferiority. . of being left out, of lack and a diminishing faith based on uncertainties which creep into men’s minds because of their very wish to be certain! These influences are often very subtle. Other negative energies which have increased the perils in life are anger (both righteous and unrighteous), hatred29 masquerading57 in14 the15 cloak15 of12 self15-righteousness59
(=216=4 x compromise, double-minded, orthodoxy, willy-nilly54), malice, gossip, thoughtless and ungoverned speech stemming from restlessness, wrong habits of thought and feeling excesses, and laxity in exercising spiritual protection, prayer and attunement. -Lanto, Pearl 1232
5) In the matter of moods then we would suggest to every student who pursues God’s happiness, whenever he is invaded by a feeling that is less than God-happiness—a feeling of discomfort or disquietude—that he begin to look for the cause first in his own subconscious mind and in the centering of his attention around negative ideas which he may have allowed to enter his world and secondly in the person of masquerading or malevolent entities.
The nature of invading entities is such that whenever an individual seeks to improve himself by engaging in religious worship, by attending a constructive lecture or concert, or by reading religious literature, the vibratory action of the higher pursuit makes the entity extremely uncomfortable. The entity, unwilling to relinquish his hold on the lifestream, will then project to his consciousness a feeling of discomfort or unhappiness and this, he will assure the individual, is directly attributable to the function in which the individual is involved. -Paul the Venetian, Pearl 13:43
6) Again the Lord has warned, “Fear not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” This renegade had no power to destroy the souls of the innocent in hell. But he tried. While he stands before the Four and Twenty Elders, they will live to see the light of day on Earth, once again to challenge and be challenged by human21 tyrants27 masquerading57 as2 God17 (=124=4 x 31).
The path of the masqueraders is the false crucifixion in which Marxists, Leninists, and Communists throughout the world have enslaved millions upon millions, replacing the glory of the risen Christ with the glory of a superstate that will surely come tumbling down even as the Tower27 of12 Babel13 (=52=2 x betray26) was destroyed through the judgment of love.
The world wallows in the fear of the religious cult. Let them heed the warning of an archangel and read the handwriting on the wall: the deaths in Guyana of innocent men, women and children were upon the altar of World Socialism to the glory of a godless society where the only gods are the fallen angels and the archdeceivers who have set themselves up in church and state for one purpose alone, and that to destroy the potential of the soul to realize the real Self in and as the living Christ.
-Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 21:49
7) Blessed ones, the opening of despair is through drug culture and rock music. This opening into the youth of the world is followed by all forms of masquerading57 suicide34 entities38 (=129=3 x 43=drug23 + rock20). Do you realize, beloved, that in the moment of decision to take one’s life the only hope held is of death itself, which is a perverted self and a perverted hope?
Know this then, beloved—that the fire of Astrea, that the calls for continual clearing of the astral plane and naming of these entities day after day will surely reap the harvest of lightbearers sought by beloved Saint Germain. Though the human cannot be guaranteed, the lightbearer who is free from all illusions and entanglements with fallen ones can almost of a certainty be guaranteed to receive the light. -Archeia Hope, Pearl 30:4
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