Wednesday, February 22, 2023
This is a step-up in evolution for all souls who will fully and finally cast into sacred fire
This is a step-up in evolution for all souls who will fully and finally cast into sacred fire
1) Now this reciprocity of the Father and Son, Master and disciple, is witnessed in the push/pull, yin and yang of the Laws of love and life. Nevertheless the unprofitable servant reflects the deceit born of greed and inordinate desire to clutch and cling to the things of Spirit and matter, stopping the flow of giving and receiving—of self-emptying and self-infilling. This he does through his ignorance of the law of the abundant life which declares: I AM come that men might have Life—the fullness of God through the Mighty I AM Presence—and that they might have it—Him and the fruits of His Tree of Life—more abundantly. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 3:15
2) We are ready now to give you that for which you have long called. The mankind of Earth do not know this, but I am revealing it to the few who can understand the real meaning of Brothers of the Diamond Heart!
In concluding this missive let me say I hope it does not miss its mark but goes straight to where it is needed and brings comfort, understanding, purpose, a sense of identity and above all unity to the forces of light still unascended. If you will all put your shoulder to the wheel and forget past discouragements (which after all are only human nonsense and shall surely pass away), you can yet forge such high links of the Spirit as shall serve as signposts to millions yet unborn, and as manna to those presently hungering and thirsting after righteousness and the wondrous consolation of knowing with certitude that they belong to God. Give them then in His name I AM this succor, this need of the hour, and surely heaven’s hands will not fail to reward you openly for all you do for the light both openly and in secret! -Morya, Pearl 3:40
3) True, one requires special wisdom in the solving of certain problems—and whereas forgiveness is in order one ought to wisely avoid exposing oneself unnecessarily to the dangers inherent within human vanity. Yet love must and will prevail when the Presence is wholly relied upon.
Now not everyone has or holds the same balance of love, wisdom and power. Some have an excess of one and much lack of the others. For example if men lack wisdom, no matter how much they may love, their well-intended acts may seem to go amiss. If they lack power, no matter how wise and loving they may be, their good may not be far-reaching to the mark or as effective as they would like it to be. If they lack love, no matter how much wisdom and power are manifesting, they may find that their acts are oft aborted, their energies rendered partially or wholly useless to the great cosmic purposes. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 3:48
4) Mercy also becomes of special value to mankind en masse as well as individually. At the present time it is the balm of Gilead to the Earth’s complex civilization, pockmarked as it presently is by the effects of its own humanly created destructive causes and wrong accents. Plagued by greed, the economic marts are choked with distortions. Excessive surcharges, cheating and attempted thievery take their toll in the commercial world. Careless diplomacy represented by a warped pragmatism threatens the structure of the United Nations—yet only in union under God is any real or everlasting strength possible for men individually or among diverse social groupings. -Kuan Yin, Pearl 3:43
5) I, Lanto, thank the students who have so faithfully kept up decrees for the protection of the Summit Lighthouse and its Messenger and staff. These shall be blessed and the end of impending evil shall come swiftly. O it goes on for awhile and they keep rewarming the same old distortions and trying to put new twists in old errors just to keep a disturbance going, but it will not work, for the light of God never, never, never fails! Because this activity is builded so solidly upon the rock I, Lanto, declare in wisdom’s name: it shall stand to fulfill El Morya’s dream, and those who have aided it shall be so grateful one day that they did, as they see just why utopia did come into manifestation because of their cooperation, constancy and determination to be Christs in action and help drive from the temple of Life those moneychangers who are always seeking human goals because they lack understanding and absolutely do not know what they do. This holds even for the so-called intellectually wise! -Lanto, Pearl 4:20
6) There is an ever-increasing need for expansion of the Ascended Masters Teaching in opposition to all anti-Christ distortions and errors, and it was with this end in view that we secured permission from Helios and Vesta and the great Karmic Board to originally create the Summit Lighthouse—not in order to necessarily absorb religions or ideologies but rather to serve as a cosmic springboard where the forte of truth would be expanded and expounded our way, free from commercialization or exploitation by the ego, and wherein the many thirsty travelers would find such refreshment of the Spirit in godly simplicity that a general expansion of divine world good would ensue quite naturally! -El Morya, Pearl 4:32
7) Now the quality of earnestness has its place in the fulfillment of your spiritual search and together with the quality of forgiveness expressed toward self and others goes hand in hand with that integrity of being which cannot be corrupted by the distortions of the mass mind. You deal directly with God within yourself; therefore only through intensifying the oneness of your identity with Him—so that you are constantly aware of God living in you as naturally as in the universe—can you obtain permanent reality and thus immortality.
-Kuthumi, Pearl 6:19
8) The way made plain has different meanings to individuals. Midst the diversities of human thought always bear in mind the unity of the divine intent. The orb of truth, supposedly obvious, is reflected in the pool of maya and thereby takes on human distortions—but only in the reflected image! -Morya, Pearl 8:31
9) Evaluation by consciousness shows forth the worth of our instruction as2 shadow25 after23 shadow25 of12 human21 nonsense33 is10 dissipated43 by9 the15 great24 power32 of12 light29 and10 divine36 illumination59 (=400=10 x 40victory) which penetrates the illusions of sense consciousness and is the source of each man’s freedom when accepted and rightly understood. -Divine Director, Pearl 9:40
10) Tall upon the hillsides of the world looms the figure of the Nazarene Master, serene and immovable through the centuries. While men have mutilated his image within themselves and while artists under the direction of discordant energies have created frightful distortions of images supposed to be like him, the diamond purity of his heart remains to the present hour a fountain of inspiration to a waiting world.
-Chananda, Pearls of Wisdom 10:5
11) In all walks of life men are experiencing struggles because quite frankly their attention is constantly turned toward the outer self rather than to the inner Self. If they would reckon honestly, they would perceive that the outer self is in a constant state of vacillation and then they would be more inclined to tie themselves to wings of faith. For angelic wings are actually pinions of light which are able to cut men loose and set them free for all eternity from those vibratory actions of human senses which constantly make of their consciousness a literal yo-yo—now up and now down.
It is constancy that we would give to you as our gift of faith, for constancy is the power to overcome those oppressive human traits that have never given to any man his freedom. -Archangel Michael, Pearl 12:47
12) When the heart cries out to God even though the life pattern of the individual may have functioned continuously at human levels there is a response of faith that embellishes and assists the germ of light-reality that is in the heart of each one, planted there by God and nourished by Him.
I AM Archangel Michael, and I heed the calls I hear from humanity for assistance in developing and sustaining faith. Men are often cognizant of the moments they have indulged themselves in undesirable human projects. Rather than entertain angels, their memories return to sordid aspects of life, and in a sense of guilt or regret their moods change to an almost piteous state. -Archangel Michael, Pearl 13:35
13) Myriad diversifications, like glittering pieces of glass strewn in random fashion upon a game board, litter the world with confusion. The kaleidoscope of human nonsense rearing its head from human slime dares to poke fun at those towering manifestations of cosmos to whom is accorded the direction of mortal affairs from inner levels.
Strident voices raised in a cacophony of mockery reminiscent of the last days of Atlantis echo as a solemn warning to those who are dedicated to producing a spiritual climate upon Earth. That which can be brought to pass through many hearts and hands united in holy service will enable all people, from the little children to the aged, to receive the bountiful gift of divine aid if those who have been called will stand ready and willing to do whatever is necessary to produce the miracle of the golden age.
-Maitreya, Pearls of Wisdom 14:13
14) “O yes,” you say, “while the consciousness of Victory is buoyantly, joyously buoying me up, I am able to do all of that.” Well, let me tell you something tonight: When you understand that the God-power of victory is literally alive within you, when you keep that consciousness enshrined as though it were an icon upon the wall of your being it will transform you! But when you let slip from your consciousness all of these things because the bugaboo of human nonsense stands there and says “O you’re a terrible person; you are an egotistical person, you are a person of darkness and deceit, you have this fault and you have that fault”—so long as you accept that, you probably will. -Victory, Pearl 19:46
15) Ladies and gentlemen, I speak this to you forthrightly in order to assist the great forces of light upon the planetary body. There are many nefarious activities whereby the golden flame of illumination is rendered inefficient in human brain consciousness by reason of that smog which is created in the atmosphere of the planet through all distortions in the burning of energy in chemicals today upon the planet.
When mankind understand the proper use of atomic energy and they apply themselves to the heart of God with a greater diligence they will be able to terminate all action of smoke and that discord which is released as a cloud of unknowing upon the planetary body, releasing density in place of light and causing untold misery to millions of mankind.
-Archangel Jophiel, Pearl 25:46
16) See that this mighty focus is expanded without limit, establishing forever the patterns of the divine design in the temple immaculate which I AM. Conceive in me anew a clean heart and work in me the fullness of a right mind in action which shall remove all distortions in my flesh form and mental body, bringing about and establishing the wondrous purity of God as it descends, bearing the great power of the bells of freedom which shall ring then in my soul
-Archangel Raphael, Pearl 25:49
17) I see the point of the One when, by Omega’s assimilation of Alpha, you are prepared with sword in hand and the Book of the Law and the protection of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood symboled by the Mighty Eagle. You are sealed in the causal body of light. You are on any or every point of the circle of your being in the fullness of who you are. You are prepared to meet thy God—and thy God in manifestation as He has been distorted many times over, appearing then as the distortions of Omega in the Earth. -Jesus Christ and El Morya with Saint Patrick, Pearl 28:28
18) This is the true goal of the deprogrammer, beloved. [It is he who desires to occupy and control the mind of the one he claims has been brainwashed. Beware of [this intent] and defend [yourselves, your Messenger and your Church] with your calls [at the altar of God] and with your [public] statements and with your publishing of the facts to counter the lies that are being told in secret. They will not proclaim them in the open, for they know that they will be refuted. And yet14 souls14 have9 been17 taken15 out11 of12 the15 way13 (=120=12 x test10) [by lies and distortions of so-called deprogrammers]. -Hilarion, Pearls of Wisdom 33:39
19) This is a step-up in evolution for all souls who will fully and finally cast into sacred fire their ancient momentums of criticism, condemnation and judgment, gossip and all manner of human nonsense.
Over the years I have pleaded with you. Yes, I have pleaded with you. I have cajoled you. I have given you of the very substance of my heart. Now I say there is no room for dalliance when the future of a planet and her evolutions is at stake. You don’t have any time to waste. -Morya, Pearl 39:36
20) I bear with me mighty tidings of love to all from the heart of the gracious Lady Venus. And I bear with me the greetings of your own beloved Jesus who on this day did come to us on Venus and remains with us still that he might generate with us a greater radiance to send forth to Earth and remove the dust and stain from human consciousness that mankind yearns to see brought about.
Great waves of purity then are sent forth. And it is our heart’s desire to see this purity intensified that the refining fires may try the souls of men until they come once again to their own perfection and understand that it is their greatest protection. Might and power [are] needed this hour and must come to full flaming glory, bright-orbed in splendor and bedecked with the power of the ascended hosts. -Sanat Kumara, Pearl 42:38
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