Saturday, February 25, 2023
misqualification of the pure white light of the Mother
Thus the sign of the marriage of the Lamb and the Lamb’s wife, even the signal and signet of the coming into alignment of the chelas of the Great Guru is also the sign of the warfare of the Lord Sanat Kumara and his saints. For it is this very fusion of love that must manifest for the judgment of the Great Whore.
And who is this Great Whore, Babylon the Great? Surely this Mother of Harlots is the misqualification of the pure white light of the Mother. Surely it is the epitome of injustice that has fashioned a cult of materialism and death in both church and state. And that which they would separate is truly not the church that is composed of the Lamb and the hundred and forty and four thousand or the state that is the New Jerusalem that appears out of heaven even as that bride adorned for her husband. -Saint Germain, Pearl 23:52
Realize then that nations are making decisions. The President of the United States and his cabinet are making decisions—decisions that ought to be made by the people through their representatives in Congress! Yet these decisions are being made and not questioned. As greater and greater power is centered in one individual there is the greater opportunity for calamity by reason of wrong choice and wrong decision.
When you think of it, children of the light, why should one individual in the United States be able to decide the timing of sanctions against the Soviet Union?—so ill-timed by this who is the people’s representative in the highest office in the land. The time for sanctions was when there was a point of life to defend!—of lightbearers in the mines (of Poland) and holding-out in the factories, before they should succumb to fatigue and the need for food and medical care. -Morya, Pearl 25:7
In the meeting of God and man at the sign of the cross, at the hour of three, beloved hearts, we come to the understanding that the true awareness of one’s identity is realized as one does lay down one’s life and take it again in the eternal mystery of the I AM. In the hour of three and the initiation thereof you discover the light of the Sun of Righteousness; for the power of the Son of God is truly at its apex in the sign of Aries and in the hour of three, which the sign portends.
Therefore, beloved hearts, you may give that which can be given, which is this life, as Jesus did. And you may find again that the life returned to you is another life more precious. That life more precious is the eternal life, the eternal wonder, the eternal presence of the Eternal One
-Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 27:30
I, Saint Germain, come to you as I have come to the governments of all nations. Some would hear, some would not; but the common people of the world know my voice. Therefore I speak to the hearts of Earth’s inhabitants by the power of God in this hour and I say to you: you are a people blessed by God who ought to have the right to breathe free, to know the Spirit of Liberty. The Lady with the Lamp has come not alone for the people of the United States but for thee.
Take courage, for the heavenly hosts will not betray you as the President of this nation in this and previous administrations has betrayed you. The heavenly hosts will come to your aid. Look now at the hosts encamped upon the hillsides of the world! Look again and know that when you are aligned with God you shall prevail in this life and in the next. -Saint Germain, Pearls of Wisdom 34:22
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