Sunday, February 26, 2023
misqualification of Mother's white light; enchantments
There is a law involved here that states that man is accountable for that which he creates. Those22 who19 have9 created29 or15 harbored44 a1 rebellious46 spirit37 must10 themselves38 bring32 it11 under26 control34=373 and10 then20 approach42 God17 with24 humility45 (=158; 158 +373=
531) that they too may be received and10 their33 energies46 (=89; 89+531=620= 10 x love received 62) purified. There is never any question whatsoever concerning the will of God to receive the prodigal son back to His heart. Therefore no one should make unworthiness an excuse for not engaging in holy prayer. The worthy need to progress and10 the15 unworthy45 to8 disentangle47 themselves38 from25 enchantments46(=244=4 x iron grip61) -Jesus Christ, Pearls of Wisdom 11:11 ………………….............................. Beloved ones, there is great God-good in the Earth even as there are great souls in the Earth. These are stalwart ones who have vowed not to be moved from the God-center of the universe nor from the God-center of their hearts. Therefore because you are on your way to your victory we direct you to join together to defeat evil forces, for they22 are15 cunning37. Beware27 of12 them19 (=132=4 x subtleties33) because they have fooled you before else you would not be in this room. On the contrary you would be in the octaves of light but for fallen angels who enticed you here and there and finally caused you to be cast out of Maitreya’s Mystery School. Yes, this is why we speak of evil. It is because evil incarnate has caused you to fail and to fall many times over. For you did not recognize these individuals as evil because they22 pretended46 to8 be7 your25 teachers34 and10 mentors32 (=184=4 x 46; 46=enchantments, pretended) , et cetera. Now then as Jesus said, “Be ye wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” The wisdom of the serpent is the wisdom whereby you raise the sacred fire on your spinal altar. It is indeed the raising of the Kundalini, which fills each chakra with light and brings it into the balance of the universal t’ai chi. And those balanced chakras when filled with light also bring balance to the corresponding organs of the four lower bodies. Observing this increase in light the Lords of Karma in many cases may grant a life extension to worthy souls. Do you understand why you cannot leave Goddess Kundalini ensconced at the base-of-the-spine chakra but rather you must raise her light from the base-of-the-spine chakra to the thousand-petaled lotus of the crown chakra? And that you must do this regularly in deep meditation upon Goddess Kundalini? -Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst, via
Elizabeth Clare Prophet on March 29, 1997 at RTR, MT, Pearls of Wisdom 40:33 …………………............................ using numerology here: a=1, b=2, c=3, j=1, etc. misqualification79 of12 Mother’s25 white29 light29=184=4 x 46. dense20 schism26=46; death20 scheme26=46; self-deify46, misguided46; deadly24 coils22=46; shiny30 toys16=46; enchantments46, pretended46, rebellious46.
aluminum32 intakes25=57; Teflon27 debris30=57. cooking with this cheap combination, aluminum pans with Teflon, is unhealthy especially for brain cells, also muscles, bones, as such particles leave the pans and transfer via the food cooked. -r. . …………………….....…………………................
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