Tuesday, February 14, 2023
let them be removed from this company
1) Every year so much unnecessary feelings of sympathy (which is “agreement with imperfection”), condemnation and actual despair have been generated and sent forth into the atmosphere of a world already too full of such shadowed vibrations because of mankind’s attention upon apparent injustices and sadness of Holy Week—between Palm Sunday and Easter—two victorious days of God-accomplishment! If only the victorious feelings of the mastery of Palm Sunday could have been held all through that blessed week culminating with the heavenly achievement of the resurrection on Easter Sunday! However we do rejoice that there are those of you on Earth who understand this truth today and, as you endeavor to live it yourselves and explain it to others in the expanding of our light, the attention of the people gradually will be removed from the sadness and suffering of “Holy Week” and, instead, be held upon the power of light to manifest love’s eternal victory! -Jesus Christ, Pearl 2:11
2) True peace, blessed friends of freedom, is in the heart of your own God Presence, and these words are a mandate of freedom to those who, shaking off human lethargy or thought, will arise to claim their own blessed liberty! You may call to your own blessed Holy Christ Self and to the Holy Christ Self of others, and help goes forth instantly at your call. However if they continually reject him or the great Law, that Law, blessed ones, must go into action! For you then to stand in human sympathy or as a corollary to evil—or to be a mere human sycophant—is to interfere with this great Law. You do more harm to the one you seek to protect when you stand between them and divine justice (to stay its manifestation) than you may even realize. Call instead for the divine plan to be fulfilled and quickly and then know with certainty that the God-command you affirm is kind, just, mighty and real and that it will surely manifest in the fullness of time and with good fruit for that lifestream as God wills it! -Saint Germain, Pearl 4:21
3) You see, an inflexible law of the universe operating without mercy would be ever so destructive, and divine Law is only constructive! Mercy is ever a divine quality and should always be brought into action in all your personal affairs—taking care of course not to let it draw you down into a state of mere human sympathy where discord gains control, but rather by consciously directing the currents of God’s will and the radiance of divine light into and around each and every situation you will be causative in providing the divine compassionate answer to the call of all human hearts! All will then be well, as the light does its perfect work. -Kuan Yin, Pearls of Wisdom 4:24
4) There is much too much to do in the exercises of the spoken Word and Teaching than to have nostalgia for the old ways. Those old ways can draw you into the astral plane at the moment when you must rise above all death and hell that is celebrated in one form or another by the religious of every movement—not that it was the founding principle, but that religion and religious form have degenerated52 into22 combining50 of12 sympathy37 of12 death20, fatalism27 of12 death20 and10 even19 the15 “beauty”20 of12 death20 with24 the15 original47 release29 of12 light29 (=516=12 x affection43) wherein there was no death at all. -Morya, Pearl 29:80
5) Your loyalties then must be toward those who do the will of God. And those who see that will and do it not, let10 them19 be7 removed37 then20 from25 this20 company33 (=171=3 x hypocrisy57 or Duffy clique57), for they become as a black spot upon the white sphere of the Great Central Sun Magnet. Let them go their way with others who do not the will of God, for they will find ample company in this world. And you need not be concerned or have human sympathy, for there are many who will receive them and who will join them as they berail the Christ upon the cross and the effort of that community which I have ordained. -Maha Chohan, via Messenger of the GreatWhite Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 4, 1977 at Pasadena, California, Pearl 57:8
6) Blessed ones, I would suggest that you call to Cyclopea for single-eyed vision and [that you] also ask to be stripped of sympathy and sorrows of Satan. For sympathy and sorrows of Satan are put forth as a syrupy goop. And that substance does travel to lightbearers, beloved, [astral body to astral body,] who [are] then [made to] feel guilty and self-condemned if they do not extend their hand and their heart to those who are the beggars, though they be wolves in sheep’s clothing. [Beware! They are beggars by choice, for they have not only squandered the light God gave them but they have turned against the light itself.] -Lady Master Venus, Pearl 32:59
7) May you be one by one a chalice of that love. And as that love descends and touches the untransmuted human sense of love— human sympathy and empathy. Let it consume it. Let compassion reign, let kindness reign. But let that sympathy and empathy identifying with the lower nature of others be far from you!
You have heard this instruction but I, Saint Germain, repeat it, for I am bringing an endowment of love to this activity this day. And I say it must not be perverted, misused or misqualified or misunderstood.
Divine love raises all to the divine ideal and divine plan. Divine love is uncompromising. Know this, beloved. It is uncompromising! Thus many do not understand divine love. Many will accuse you of selfishness when it is divine love in all its power that you are manifesting. -Saint Germain, Pearl 34:49
8) Sympathetic animal magnetism works through the emotional body and thus vibrates on the level of the astral plane. Human sympathy, personal attachments and involvements not based upon the Christ are among the manifestations of sympathetic animal magnetism. It is the most difficult form of animal magnetism to pin down and deal with because it always masquerades as some form of human21 concern 36 (=57), all the way from deep affection to neighborly kindness. One of the most insidious types of sympathetic animal magnetism is self-pity. Many people wallow in self-pity embodiment after embodiment and are thus ineffectual in adhering to any worthwhile goal. -Messengers Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Pearl 48:20
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