Friday, February 10, 2023
“He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity.”
1) Humanly developed habits, non-reflective of divine habits and habitats of Be-ness, are a mischievous assembly of pernicious practices transmitted from man to man by the contagion of devilish concepts and fallen examples. There are many good habits which should be further developed and retained. Good habits are conducive to amplifying the power of higher octaves and harnessing the light of higher dimensions to do the bidding of the seeker for Christ consciousness here below in the physical plane. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 5:46
2) Long ago Jesus said “If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!” As man measures his own rate of progress by human standards he often finds himself the victim of pernicious habits of darkness. Sometimes he believes that these habits cannot be changed. In the name of freedom, beloved ones, what hope is there for the world if man cannot till the garden of his own heart, his own opportunity, his own environment! -Saint Germain, Pearl 14:6
3) Men must understand that the greatness of God and potential of Christ accomplishment lie within themselves. They must see how cleverly the lie was woven by those ancient traditionalists who, in denying to mankind their God-ordained right to manifest their divine inheritance, created and labored the fatal view that I, in the person of Jesus, am the only door to salvation. This pernicious doctrine has replaced the teaching I gave to the disciples that the Christ, the I AM of every man, is the open door which no man can shut. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 14:11
4) He then saw those places where in the course of his manifold transmigrations Maitreya had been born as a cakravartin king, as Sakra, the king of gods, and the place where he would be reborn, namely the Tusita Heaven. He also witnessed the extraordinary scenes of Maitreya’s birth in Jambudvipa out of the petals of a lotus flower, his first seven steps as an infant, his youth in the harem, his renunciation, his self-mortification followed by his partaking of food, his approach to the bodhi tree, his victory over the forces of Mara, his enlightenment and finally his turning of the Wheel of the Law at the request of Brahma. When Maitreya realized that Sudhana had had the vision of the entire bodhisattva career of the future Buddha he withdrew his magic power, snapped his fingers and awakened Sudhana from his trance....
5) Thus we summon our watchmen on the wall of life and our Keepers of the Flame of the cities to assist elemental life who have vowed to swallow up the flood of pornography, psychic predictions and those pernicious prognostications of men and women of the press concerning the sons and daughters of God.
With the swift and sudden lightning of the mind of God let this world weight of anti-light be pierced and penetrated to its core! Let it be encircled by beloved Astrea’s legions wielding their circles and swords of blue flame! And let entire segments of the astral plane be broken up and brought in blue spheres by mighty Hercules and the Great Teams of Conquerors to the God
-Nada, Pearl 23:6
6) Nevertheless those who do this shall return to balance every jot and tittle of their karma. The great Law requires it, and let none think that they can escape; for it is not the intent of karmic law to permit them to escape until they have paid every last farthing of that which they have imposed upon the youth of America and the world by creating those vicious and pernicious habits which distort consciousness and warp the power of the great God-flame in its action through the forcefield of mankind. -Archangel Jophiel, Pearl 25:46
7) Beloved ones, I point out to you one of the most pernicious errors of orthodoxy this day, and it is the lie that Jesus is the only Son of God and furthermore that Jesus came into embodiment in the full mastery of Christhood and did not himself have to follow the path and realize his own inner God-potential before beginning his mission.
These things are plain in scripture, but the scriptures have been read and reread so many times that the true intent is no longer heard by the soul. The layers of misinterpretation and then removal of the very keys themselves have given to Christianity today a watered-down religion that does not have the fervor or the fire to meet the challengers of civilization—whether it be in World Communism or in pornography or all manner of perversion or immorality that does steal the light of the soul. -Morya, Pearl 27:47
8) The great Law has therefore required me to deliver these words to you both as a comfort and as a warning. For always when the light is released those not prepared (having failed to prepare themselves) must know that the effect of that light will be diminishing of the unreal self and judgment [of the works of that unreal self]. Therefore take heed when you approach the altar of the living God, and pursue a true path of prayer and fasting. -Helios, Pearl 27:48b
9) So they have had a year to come into alignment with Helios and Vesta, to surrender their pernicious ways and their vicious consciousness, and they have not. They have only increased, taking the light and using it against lightbearers themselves.
Therefore they shall not pass! Therefore they shall not stand! Therefore the ruby ray is come as Lord Shiva, the destroyer in the earth of those who destroy the Earth! And they are self-consumed therefore by their own destructivity. -Archangel Chamuel and Charity, Pearl 28:39
10) Understand therefore their determination to nullify and preempt the light of the ruby ray. But they shall not pass—they have not passed! And for the implementation of God’s holy will in this hour you must remain in the integrity of the cosmic honor flame and fear not to speak out in denunciation of fallen ones and their pernicious ways purveying a culture of death through rock and drugs.
-Maitreya, Pearl 28:41
11) And accommodation to human error and the devil’s consciousness is the most dangerous and insidious and pernicious disease of mind that you can allow to stay in your soul and being. Believe me, beloved hearts, if you succumb to any force pressing against your aura, whether it be jealousy, whether it be the burden of the beast of Socialism, whether it be demons from under the earth—whatever the condition if you grow accustomed to it and therefore the branches in your trees do not grow straight but crooked [in order] to grow around these [forces], then you see you are accommodating. You are saying “I will take the course of least resistance. I will not fight until finally this problem is consumed [of itself] where I am.” -Archangel Michael, Pearl 29:9
12) Beloved, it is a time and an hour when you must reach for the highest calling—when you may look then squarely at your denials and repetitious and pernicious betrayals of your own Holy Christ Self and you may determine this day to live unto the fullness of the voice of the heart.
I AM the voice of the heart unto you, beloved. I AM the living Presence of the heart of God with you. To deny the voice of the heart is to deny me. To deny the joy of the heart, the givingness thereof, the love and the word and the wisdom of the heart, beloved—it is to deny life itself. -Sanat Kumara, Pearl 29:71
13) There is a sinister force out of death and hell that is conveyed electromagnetically through all those who serve darkness. That consciousness is the steady vibration of the denial of Selfhood. This, beloved, you must know as a most pernicious force of evil that does bring about the demise of many.
Inasmuch as you have been taught to offer invocation unto God for the binding of the dweller on the threshold and for pulling the plug on the seed of the wicked through the heart of Helios, I say to you, call for the binding of the dweller on the threshold that does send the vibration [of denial of Selfhood], almost as an ELF wave–in fact, that is what it is. Call for the binding of [that one] that does beam that message of non-Self-worth, of denying of Self created in God. [And call for binding of the beam and message as well.]
-Brahma/Vishnu/Shiva, Pearls of Wisdom 34:43
14) The Book of Revelation echoes the theme of Exodus: “He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity.” If we enslave anyone to any habit, to any pernicious type of behavior, we shall so be enslaved–whether it be a psychological, physical, mental or spiritual enslavement. “He that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.” -Messenger ECP, Pearl 35:14
15) Thus14 manipulation55 did17 distort33 dogma22 (=141=3 x Ma distorted47) and the Eternal Father was portrayed as one who is a tyrant. The visiting of the sins of the fathers upon the children to the third or fourth generation is a partial statement of cosmic law; for at a later time the Eternal repudiated the concept as it had been interpreted in eras of less enlightenment. Let all perceive that the Scriptures must be rightly interpreted. When they are the airy vaults of the lesser heavens recede from view and the Infinite appears more the Infinite, His opportunities more noble and grand, and smallness shrinks into its own shell. -Serapis Bey, Pearl 12:15
16) Yet two thousand years after the birth of the Lord Christ, that hope has dwindled to the distorted specter of man nailed to a cross of materialism, of a death that is unreal and yet has torment because they know not the way of the resurrection. The Earth is suspended upon a cross of time and space. And the sufferings of mankind are a self-made, synthetic crucifixion filled with torment as the15 ego18-tyrant26 imprisons51 souls14 in14 a1 false16 path18 promising57 everlasting51 life23 (=304=8 x callous path38) but leading in the ways of death to the suicide of the soul. -Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 21:49
17) I tell you, one does not become the Goddess of Freedom without doing battle with every force of anti-freedom at all levels of the matter cosmos. Yes, beloved, the title “Goddess” signifies that I have met and defeated every tyrant who has ever dared to attack me! [12-second applause]
-Goddess of Freedom, Pearl 35:46
18) So know that this increase is for transmutation of world totalitarian movements, world tyranny and tyrants, for binding of the tyrant-ego dweller-on-the-threshold, for binding of all forces that are the misuse of divine justice, even the perversion of Gevurah (Din) of the Tree of Life. So know, beloved, that this evil in the Earth that has been the result of shattering of certain sefirot must be consumed now by your calls to sacred fire. -Saint Germain, Pearl 37:25
19) And we are determined that the fervor of Saint Germain that is charged into every erg of the energy of freedom, of violet flame shall so burst within their consciousness that they22 will20 overthrow54 the15 tyrant26 of12 their33 own16 human21 ego18 (=236=4 x supercilious59) and10 carnal22-mindedness43 (=75=5 x sick15), their bondage to human habit.
And as that fiery freedom bursts forth they will become one flaming sword of freedom’s flame. They will unite first within their souls at inner levels, and then they will become more bold and they will increase. And you will see, beloved ones, that the violet-flame key is the key of everlasting love of Saint Germain and so many who have stood and stood and who will still stand with Earth. -Kuan Yin, Pearls of Wisdom 59:14
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