Thursday, February 9, 2023
Big pharma has origin with John D. Rockefeler
Big pharma has origin with John D. Rockefeler and his oil monopoly. He wanted a monopoly also in medicine with inorganic chemicals, patentable, hence medical monopolies arose in USA. The financial monopoly caled Federal Reserve arose at the covert meeting of Nov. 1910 at Jekyll Island off Georgia coast, at a JP Morgan estate. Media monopolies were well underway. Education, around that time arose with Dewey in US. Rising technologies simply emphasize/magnify the issue and grip of monopolies.
Monopolies go way back in time. Rothschild for example arose by about 1780 and pushed central banking. Monopoly is a goal of various factions, meaning to lock-in their domination and then further extend it. Truth is not a monopoly and science is not at root a monopoly either.
So we see in Germany the rise of Rothschild, then JP Morgan and then Rockefeller (family origin in Germany) in America about 100 years later. The Rothschild strategy occurred with the rise of Illuminati in Germany near the same time, ~1780-1800; in 1832 an Illuminati branch was brought to Yale U. called Order of Skull and Bones.
Monopolies tend to hide themselves; take the case of getting off the gold/silver standard. British finance lords including Keynes thought that paper money would advance their interests, so they left the gold/silver standard and by 1933 President FDR, who was a bonafide Wall Street Establishment figure along with his aide Harry Hopkins, took the US toward unbacked paper money but very carefully with small steps mostly. (Kublai Khan had done that long before). Europe was mostly already into central banking; the Bolsheviks began to go for it also by 1922 at Genoa Conference. This meeting was planned by British PM,
So now even science is beset with monopolies pushing in. and the stealth game turning upon mRNA tech meshed with LNPs also arises mainly as very clever and planned monopoly. -r.
Bill Gates with Kissinger
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