Monday, February 6, 2023
Alpha and Omega, 1987
I AM the Alpha Star of Being. And I descend in the V of Victory’s angels. I am cradled then, beloved, even as I come to cradle my own.
• When you pray unto the Father, beloved, it is I as an individualization of God-flame who do respond, and Omega with me. For I AM Alpha and Omega in the whitefire core of your being, God’s being—being of Elohim and all life. Thus I AM the voice of eternity and the presence of one whom you know from time unto times and times ending. I come to comfort by the rod of the Law and by its mercy.
I have entered the atmosphere of Earth. And therefore, beloved, elemental life does also receive me as Elohim brace the octaves and matter cosmos that I might come, and come as the instrumentation of the Word for preparation of cycles flashing forth from this heart as ruby ray light across cosmos. The body of cosmos is indeed thy habitation. Thus I have entered it, beloved. And for all purposes of the Law of the One which cannot be enumerated I am indeed here.
My coming, beloved, is an inner sign to every soul who does live on planet Earth. The sign of the forget-me-not that is carried by the Lord of the World is a subtle intimation of a memory then quickened. It is a flower of the power of the will of God that does neither startle nor intimidate but truly quicken one to inner memory.
Thus the sign of my flower is a reminder to all, many who have indeed forgot the voice of the Father, the realization of the Son, the permeation of the Holy Spirit in sacred fire breath. Thus to my own I say, those who have denied the flame-flower of the will of God and the Star of Alpha, they tremble upon the appearance of this forget-me-not. Everyone upon Earth then does receive the sign. But there is an6 outer25 reveling47 in14 unreality44 that13 does16 not13 cease15 (= 193) that13 obliterates45 the15 soul13 and10 soul13 identity43 (=152; 152+193=345=
15 x 23, that obliterates memory of the Divine One. And therefore a soul that was and is not, is not present to hear the voice of Alpha.
I AM in the heart of the Lord’s Prayer, for this I did give to my Son. And thus Sanat Kumara, Gautama, Maitreya in the chain of Cosmic Christ have sustained the mind of God. And that mind as Holy Christ Self of you does press now into the Earth with the footsteps of my coming.
Elohim and Archangels, legions of the second ray of the mind of God, I call then for the clearing of the mental belt of Earth by my coming. And so it is in the heart of the ruby ray and by that ray that there is a saturation of contamination of the mental belt by fallen ones who have sought to displace the mind of God in all evolutions.
I have summoned this day armies of light, beloved, some who have not entered this galaxy heretofore. Thus I have summoned all of cosmos according to the will of God who can convene for the great restoration of planet Earth and instauration of this Christ mind that is the mind of the true science of being.
I AM that Alpha Star of Being. For that is I AM THAT I AM as the point of the original Word, even as is your beloved I AM Presence.
I AM this incarnation then of the Alpha Star of Being. And therefore where I AM, beloved, many legions of light may appear and do appear, for they come according to Hierarchy and the hierarch who does call. My Presence here then allows these to gather.
By my leave, O hosts of light, thou art placed under the wise dominion of Sanat Kumara for the deliverance of Earth, for liberation of lightbearers, for cosmic Justice this day.
Lo, I AM the implementation of the word of Justice in this hour! I AM the drawing of the line of Justice in the Earth. And it is the line of Alpha. And this line does make its way therefore through all those who are the embodiment of injustice.
Beloved hearts, Justice shall return to Earth. For I have selected this great God-quality as my offering and endowment of the very soil of a planet. Understand truly then the meaning of divine Justice, the embodiment of this flame by Portia and [embodied] by bequeathment some years ago, in the heart of the Messenger. I desire that each and every one of you should realize that God-justice is the power for the righting of all wrong. It is the wisdom for the righting of all wrong. It is the love for the righting of all wrong.
The sign of the coming of the Woman of God-justice is written in the heavens. For on each and every line of the cosmic clock the Divine Mother in Her appearing as Omega does manifest through some ascended or cosmic being or archeia.
Thus, beloved, there are a number of beings of light who have been the embodiment of cosmic Justice long aeons. They have volunteered, they and their legions, to come to Earth to endow the rivers and lakes, seas, trees and all that is green with the vibration of God-justice.
O it is an electrode of such power to have in the Earth the consensus of all cosmos to beam that quality and flame of God-justice into every situation and manifestation beginning with the levels of the mind of all lightbearers and percolating through, as you would say, to all humanity.
Thus Oromasis and Diana, Aries and Thor, Neptune and Luara, Virgo and Pelleur, Four Cosmic Forces, hold now the four corners of Earth and the four winds! Hold them now in order that divine Justice may enter the heart!
Now, beloved, savor the vibration of Justice. It does cast out ignorance, for ignorance is unjust. It does cast out karma itself, for karma is injustice and unjust use of the Law. Justice is the handmaid of Freedom, as you have heard. Thus the magnet of Justice, spearheaded by Portia and others, can be to Saint Germain that magnet that may draw forth the cosmic Spirit of Freedom from the heart of the Great Central Sun.
My Son Saint Germain, I have called thee to this altar and thou hast come. I too call thee Francis my beloved Son. Therefore know that in this hour for thy devotion forever and forever and for the devotion of thine own I, Alpha, open the floodgates of the Central Sun for the Spirit of cosmic Freedom to begin to descend to Earth increment by increment as these flame-flowers—the threefold flame of the hearts of Keepers of the Flame throughout the Earth—shall now receive that Spirit of cosmic Freedom.
(Blessed ones, I must caution you against any applause during this dictation lest you disrupt the entire forcefield I am building.)
I say to you, then, beloved, this is a cosmic moment for which Saint Germain has long kept the flame. Keeping the flame of Sanat Kumara, he has inspired freedom upon a planet that long ago was taken over by fallen angels whose tyranny, whose totalitarian minds were antithesis of Alpha and Omega. From the inception of the dedication of this planet to be freedom’s star, lo, they came to deny the Father/Mother God entrée into this world by usurpation of the first and the seventh rays.
Know this, beloved, that the return of Alpha and Omega to planet Earth is indeed an event of vast aeons. My Presence here today does signify that I have seen the sacrifice and service of my ascended sons and daughters and of not a few on Earth who have emerged even in this decade, moving down the centuries to the hour in this very moment of Earth’s history when they too could shine—shine in the body of God upon Earth even like celestial stars reflected in a clear lake on a clear night.
So, beloved, whereas the Cosmic Council, the Four and Twenty Elders over which we also and sometimes preside, has had to decline the request of those of the Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood serving Earth’s evolutions for greater dispensations on behalf of the planet as a whole, and whereas at Wesak the pronouncement was given that the ascended masters might assist lightbearer but no assistance should be forthcoming to those who have not espoused the I AM Presence and path of discipleship unto Christ, thus, beloved, with this door ajar I, your Father, have deliberated soundly as to what portion of myself I might offer in this hour when you should all await as it were with bated breath to know what the cycles of cosmos might afford your lifestreams, your future, your children.
This which follows then has been our deliberation. And we place before you our affirmation of the highest use of the presence of God-justice in the Earth: there are, beloved, conditions upon which Earth and her evolutions might be saved. The areas of greatest urgency which present themselves are for the final binding and judgment of fallen angels who have positioned themselves in the economies and governments of the nations and in the banking houses to exercise absolute control over the people.
Beloved ones, for Earth to be saved, World Communism with all of its supporters, agents and tools must go down. I raise my right hand and the fire does flow to turn it back upon itself. Secondly, beloved, the youth of the world must be delivered of misuse of the science of rhythm and sound and of drugs and all manner of toxic substances polluting their brains, bodies, nervous systems. The abundant life and path of discipleship in Christ must be preserved. And education of the heart unto all children of a planet must be guaranteed.
Of greatest urgent necessity therefore as you have heard our presence through the Messenger and all ideas discussed is the physical defense of the physical continent of America. Thus the greatest urgency is to defeat World Communism in its present attempt to take over this planet, to defeat it in every area where it is making inroads into systems and into minds of the people and simultaneously to raise up the defense. This is the action of Alpha. This is the power of the Spirit of cosmic freedom.
Understand then, beloved, that Saint Germain has served in an endeavor to raise up a body of Keepers of the Flame who might be able to carry such a great, great vibration of the highest level of freedom. To this hour he has served with you. In this hour I say, beloved, it is your moment to rush forward and receive from him a torch, a strengthening of the desire body and will that the Spirit of freedom from the heart of the Great Central Sun might be sustained in the Earth.
The conclusion of the building of the chalice this day and for another week of activities here must give to us entrée to Earth twenty-four hours a day by the Spirit of Elohim. And by that Spirit of Elohim the cosmic Spirit of freedom shall also descend.
Thus, beloved, our priorities are protection and defense and defeating of the violators of this Spirit of cosmic freedom—the agents of World Communism and all conspirators of West and East with it. These are and must be bound by the Spirit of Alpha in you, by the Alpha Star of Being called forth, lowered into manifestation by divine deecree, as your I AM Presence entering the Earth through a body temple that is ready and willing and able to hold that flame of God-harmony.
O God Harmony, strengthen my own to not be moved!
Therefore, beloved, this defense raised up and the tide turned against World Communism must be the Alpha power of the Spirit of cosmic freedom. The caring for the youth, their deliverance from rock music, drugs, a faulty educational system and a tampering with the abundant life, this is the Omega action of cosmic Justice. For it is just that the babies, children and youth, beloved, of every system of worlds receive the foundation of the Father/Mother God from inception in the womb unto fulfillment of the thirty-three-year span for the raising up of the Divine Mother in the temple unto the ascension flame.
Beloved hearts, let planet Earth be restored to that golden-age state where every youth at the age of thirty-three has earned the choice to ascend or to remain in embodiment to become a master of the matter cosmos and time and space, a world teacher and benefactor of others! O to know the choice of cosmic Freedom and cosmic Justice, beloved!
Now understand, my very dear ones, that long ago the fallen angels who usurped cosmic levels of Freedom and Justice did turn this world to the darkness that today is labeled as Socialism, the denial of individualization of God-flame, the denial of the children of light having access to the great bowers of the causal body of light, and all that has ensued whereby my children look without for to be sustained rather than to the within.
Blessed hearts, we have seen Keepers of the Flame in an hour when this movement and this my church did not contain the momentum of light as it does in this hour nor did it have the quotient of lightbearers it now does. Time was when even a certain force of serpents had become a part of this activity who are no longer here. But even in those days, beloved, by the greater light of the Great White Brotherhood and the true hearts of light within the movement I credit to this activity the turning around of America toward freedom and patriotism that comes from the God-star, once again embracing a light that allowed one to be elected to the highest office of the land because he had committed to the people to embrace that Spirit of America that does come forth out of the cosmic Spirit of Freedom.
Therefore you see, beloved, because the record has shown the fearlessness of students and youth, faculty, parents, Keepers of the Flame the leadership in all cities across the nation, because these have dared to challenge totalitarian darkness that was hovering over the land, a new spirit of hope did come forth. And the yellow ribbon did become the sign of Alpha’s promised return.
Thus the sons of Alpha detained by laggard evolutions of the East, terrorized and murdered, the sons of Alpha coming home are the sign also of the coming of my own and myself In consideration of this victory and in consideration of carrying forward this victory I have determined, weighing then with a considerable pondering of my heart, that it is I rather than my Sons who should in this hour make this offer of my Presence to the lightbearers of the world.
This offering, beloved, is to lend to you my mantle for defeating of World Communism and binding of those who support it—lending you my mantle then specifically to go forth on a mission, not to rest until the leadership of this nation has reached an accord to deploy immediately that strategic defense based on the Earth, in space and wherever needed.
Understand, beloved hearts, that strategic defense is first based in the mighty threefold flame of your hearts. Therefore I lend to you my mantle to go forth with materials provided, with the video, with the understanding; to cease not to knock upon the doors of the leadership, of neighbors, of friends, of all people nationwide; to hold your prayer vigils as you have never held them before that this nation entrusted with the flame of freedom by the sponsorship of Saint Germain, Sanat Kumara and now Alpha might truly occupy space according to the incarnation of the eternal Word in the sons of light who shall be the pioneers of this new frontier.
Blessed hearts, the occupation of space is by attainment of the Buddha. May you hold the flame of Gautama/Maitreya and of the Divine Mother in this retreat that this may be accomplished.
Beloved hearts, this is my proposal to the Cosmic Council: to lend myself to you and, upon seeing the victory of the deployment of the defense of freedom, to press on for other dispensations. Whether or not this is accomplished together with the turning back and diminishing day by day of the power of World Communism will determine the future of planet Earth. There is no question about it. And my sons and daughters in embodiment know this. I say it then from the highest levels of cosmic mind.
Thus, beloved, in order to defeat the forces of darkness that are intergalactic who would prevent this by mind- manipulation of the leadership you yourselves must understand that the equation involves the capacity of your own beings to carry my Star, to carry my Presence, to carry my vibration and heartflame. The bridging of the gap between your vibration and my own, beloved, is accomplished by Elohim and all of the Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood serving under them. It is accomplished by the great force of the Spirit of cosmic Freedom and the Spirit of cosmic Justice.
Because, beloved, the fallen ones who fell (archdeceivers among the angelic host) did fall from very high levels it is thus from those high levels that they must be defeated. By way of understanding this you shall know that Sanat Kumara and the Holy Kumaras together with the Great Silent Watchers represent those cosmic beings and the level at which the fallen angels in the Earth this day must be defeated.
So, beloved, my mantle, my heart and Presence is lent to you as a protection, as a sealing in the diamond-shining mind of God, as a sharpening of faculties of mind and heart to convey the Word, the information, to convey the spark of Alpha.
Now, beloved, some time ago the Messenger delivered to you the Alpha crystals. And some have said “a cosmic being would not use a leaded crystal as a focus of light,” to which the Messenger responded, “Alpha may use whatsoever substance of Earth he should choose.” And it is so, beloved. For the endowment of a spiritual fire is my sending and the chalice is my choosing. The chalice is your heart. But the crystal is both a molecular cup and a mirror wherein my face may be mirrored though you see it not.
Therefore, beloved, understand that there are three stones that may carry a vibration in Earth for your sustenance. These have been used not only throughout Earth but on other planets. Thus it is up to you, but I explain the Law that within the amethyst, within the lapis and within the jade you will find a capacity to store even as it were a microchip, to store light, vibration and Word. Natural crystals from Earth are also the option for the altar. It is not necessary that it be something beyond your means, but even a little token shall remain with you as the presence of my offering this day.
Now, beloved, we can see with the twinflames of Saint Germain and Portia your own and your momentum, that the seventh ray, containing the whitefire core of being as all rays do, does also contain the matrix of the seven. Out of Freedom and Justice can come the reversal of every untoward condition advancing across the planet. These twinflames of Alpha and Omega may therefore clear the way for the lowering of the divine blueprint and divine plan. The acceleration of your pursuit of the seventh ray does indeed give us hope that with the establishment of defense and turning back of World Communism by a massive reeducation of the people there can be a new day of opportunity.
Is it a trial balloon, beloved? I would say so. I would say that at the level of the Cosmic Council we are absolutely convinced that when this movement and these Keepers of the Flame put their mind to it the entire MAD posture may be turned around to an integral, integrated positioning of a dignity and integrity that does automatically understand that to retain attainment defense must be raised up.
Defense comes from “Deity’s fences.” Deity has always had fences, solar rings, tubes of light, walls of flame. We have never left untended our Holy of Holies and never shall. Thus covering cherubim and seraphim of God and all archangels and hosts back to the Central Sun have forever and forever guarded the incarnation of the Word below as is Above.
I therefore speak to Elohim and angelic hosts who hold the planet now, as my vibration and that of the one who sent me is saturating the planet and your chakras. O blessed ones, keep the flame in the Earth. Seal it well. I charge you to defend all lightbearers. I charge you to go to all upon this planet who have taken their stand against World Communism and for defense and a strong strategic defense. Go to them.
I, Alpha, authorize a dispensation of protection, the helmet of Mercury, the armor of Archangel Michael. I authorize you, legions of light who have come from far-off worlds to turn back upon the evildoer, the evil system and evil empire tenfold all viciousness sent forth against an unsuspecting world. I charge you, hosts of light, to restore the mind of God in this people.
I charge you, Keepers of the Flame, to therefore call incessantly for the judgment of my Son Jesus upon those who usurp the mind of God and trample upon the mental belt and mental bodies of the people.
Ho, O world of light! Ho, O world of light! Ho, O world of light! Let the crystal and starfire, let the crystal and starfire now clear the minds of a people, clear them from all programming from outer space, from aliens, from those incarnate and out of the pits of death and hell—programming by the rhythm of rock, by drugs, by all manner of misuse of science of the Word.
Ho, O world of light, expand throughout the nations! Ho, O world of light, prepare then those who are of light for the coming of my own and my own vibration delivering unto them the mandate of freedom!
Ho, O world of light, I AM Alpha turning now, I AM Alpha turning now the world and turning around the world and turning around the darkness therein to give opportunity to those who love freedom, to those who love justice, to those who will desire to receive the engrafted Word and a threefold flame, to all of goodwill who desire to serve the Lord God Almighty. Therefore unto them I, Alpha, give of myself. And I take my stand.
Therefore, beloved, go forth on a mission sent from the Central Sun! Go forth to your destined purpose whence you came from Sirius. Go forth now, beloved. Rescue the nation and people. And let there be a sound defeating of World Communism that the oppressed might be delivered.
The hosts of cosmos attend thy call. The Spirit of cosmic Freedom attends thy call. Spheres of Justice of causal bodies offered attend thy call. By the call, by the sword, by activism of the soul, by spreading of the Word let America survive to be a chalice once more of freedom to the Earth.
I speak to you, fallen ones in every quarter and den: you then have no power over my own! I AM Alpha! My hand does stretch forth. Therefore 10 percent of the world momentum of evil is reduced this day, bound therefore! You are shrinking to your native nothingness. While you have breath confess the Lord God Almighty. Be converted and serve Him!
O lightbearers of all captive nations, I AM Alpha. I AM stripping you by the hand of my legions of a karma that ought not to be which may be taken this day from you that you might determine your means of delivering yourselves, your nations and people.
Over the White House and Capitol building I position cosmic angels. From their hearts beaming to every representative great and small at the national, state and local level there is a ray of light of Alpha. Therefore, I say to you, one and all, submit to the will of God and to the Alpha Star of Being.
My Presence in the Earth and my Word cannot be turned back. Those then who deny Alpha where I AM shall also have Alpha denied where they are.
Lo, I AM Alpha, the point of origination and initiation of light! I AM light! I AM light! I come from light, I return to light. My Word is in the Earth, my Judgment is in the Earth, my Freedom and Justice are in the Earth. With these four, Keepers of the Flame, show me now what you can do for Terra and life and your own cosmic victory. Show me, beloved, for these are four pillars in the temple. Show me, beloved, for I shall return, whereupon surveying the scene in forty-eight months I shall declare to you what further action may be taken from these cosmic levels.
I bow to the flame of the sons and daughters of God. I bow to the flame of the joyous Mother who does receive me. I remember her always in her Office of World Mother. And therefore Omega does tarry now, beloved, to give you some word of the Divine Mother.
I your Father then move outwards, upwards and beyond this planet. For it has received a sufficiency of myself for these hours and the forty-eight months.
Beloved Omega: Now, my beloved, I would that you would understand Omega—Omega Presence—a Mother’s heart of cosmos who cares deeply for your soul, for your very heart. Knowing all things about you each one I am your devoted Mother-love, not in unknowingness, not fooled by the facade, not unaware of the lie or deception. I am here in the Immaculate heart of the Cosmic Virgin.
Know then, beloved, that this is my heart’s message. I, Omega, love you with an everlasting love for who and for what you are. All overlays, all psychic and psychological attempts to create an outer self in conformity with the selves of this planet, with all of this I am neither concerned nor impressed.
I love you as you are in the heart of the Father/Mother God forever and forever, from the beginning unto the ending. And you as you are have the capacity now to expand such vast potential of inner spirit-fire. Let it expand. And as it does expand all phoniness and facade simply crumble. You are becoming a Cosmic Christ. And I AM the Divine Mother who attends your birth.
Thus, beloved, feel my love and my peace as a strength you may not have known in a long time. Feel the strength of my angels and know something of myself through your Messenger to whom we have given some time ago the mantle and Office of World Mother. I shall not tell you when, beloved, because it is beyond this measuring.
Therefore understand that the love of a mother’s heart for your real Self should not be misconstrued by you to be a mother’s approval of your unreal self. Herein then lies the danger of contacting the Divine Mother as sacred fire and Kundalini and as such a personal, personal presence too soon. For this love, beloved, would give the impression that there is no need to change or to rearrange oneself, for one is so loved.
Therefore the device of the Great Kali has been to hide Herself in a cosmic play of light and darkness, to hide behind illusion itself in order that you should know that to come into the Presence of the Cosmic Virgin you must pierce all illusion.
Thus, beloved, do not feel there is any dichotomy or hypocrisy in the Divine Mother’s love. It is pure and sustaining. It is always there. But never, never does it uphold or support the synthetic self.
The more you desire Mother, the more you pursue Her the more you will find a stripping and fiery action where there is contact between the lightning of the Mother and substance of self-delusion. Blessed ones, this is a game that you too can play. It is a serious game, but you can enjoy it. It is the joy of seeing and knowing that the fierceness of Mother is come to dissolve by sacred fire those knots of substance, nuts and bolts that have no place any longer, for you are not mechanization man; you are fiery spirits soaring.
Thus it is a game of victory where intensely you run with the ball of the cosmic Spirit of freedom and justice. It is a game wherein you know you must allow that darkness to give way to the lightning of Kali. It is a joy and a laughter that when it does take place sin is no more, fallen one at the door may not o’ertake thee. Thou art free, for the Divine Mother in the heart of cosmic Justice does instantaneously forget by violet flame all transgressions of Her garment.
Know this too, beloved, that those who consider that some on the path ought to be punished for their vile deeds by the Mother, these do not understand the vast capacity of Cosmic Virgin for dissolution of evil within the psyche.
O beloved, when you have seen the face of Omega you know that no other reality is necessary but the Divine Mother. Therefore, beloved, know my Presence with Alpha. For I am truly here, and here to see to it that my sons and daughters do not fail their Father who loves them so tenderly, loves you so touchingly, beloved.
Therefore because he is my beloved I will not allow you to hurt him or to defile his name. For he has given himself to you this day. And I am here with a guardian action of the Divine Mother’s legions to protect you with this so holy, so gracious a charge.
Blessed ones, with the Mother all things are possible. With the Father all things are. Thus Alpha is already the fulfillment of his assignment in you. Omega is within time and space progressive unfoldment and fulfillment of it.
Therefore I say to you in the immaculate science of the Divine Mother, accept the reality now in the fire of Alpha’s Star that World Communism is no more and strategic defense is in position and deployed now! This is the reality of my Alpha and yours. The reality is that fallen ones with their rock music, their drugs, their manipulation of the economy and education and government, they are judged! Their systems are collapsed! And my beloved Alpha has given you forty-eight months, twelve for each side of the pyramid, to prove it in matter by Mother-flame.
O beloved, truly Alpha in you Is. And all that Is is the fulfillment of his Star.
I AM Omega in the Earth. And I AM fierce that none shall cross the line that Alpha has drawn. My legions then are cohorts of those he has summoned.
By the power of Alpha and Omega in you go be victorious in the Father, in the Mother as his Sons by the Holy Spirit, Amen! [Do not applaud, please.]
Messenger’s Comments:
I would like to give each and every one of you from my heart an understanding of these dispensations from Alpha. I wish to be certain, occupying the Office of Teacher, that you do understand the interpretation of what has been said to you.
So, against the backdrop of the message of Gautama Buddha of Wesak of the judgment of those who have denied God and not received this dispensation, of no dispensation forthcoming for the Earth but only help to lightbearers; again, against the backdrop of Saint Germain’s January 1, 1987 dictation where he calls for those who will take the vow that he might continue to serve (and his vow is to save the lightbearers, to destroy World Communism)—consistent then with the limitations of dispensations we hear Alpha tell us that he is giving to us an offering of support of his mantle and his Presence focused in his crystal, or jade, lapis or amethyst—himself, I should say, through the crystal; the recording of this conference through the three others.
He gives us then the charge that if there is to be the saving of the world, we are entrusted and summoned to awaken America to deploy immediately our defenses—our strategic defense, all that is necessary—and to defeat World Communism. This very process entails the defeating of rock music, drugs and forces of dissolution in the economy and education. However, the first line of defense is to deploy strategic defense and move for overturning of World Communism.
Looking in the mind of Alpha I am seeing the intensity of the Father and his expectation of his sons and daughters. His expectancy is that you have the razor’s-edge awareness of just how threatening the darkness is on the planet and just how much there hangs in the balance in whether or not we will deploy immediately. Therefore seeing the urgency, his expectation is that we give our hearts, our endeavors, our service one-pointedly to this cause night and day, accelerating our commitment, our sacrifice and our ingenuity to bring the messages that we have heard here to the people.
He is showing me that none of us can go back to any lesser level or even the level we came from where we thought our service was heroic. We must rise to new levels, even in the sense of rising to the place where we can contain by the bridge of the Great White Brotherhood and Elohim the presence of the Spirit of cosmic Freedom and the Spirit of cosmic Justice.
Now with the turning of the fourteen-month cycle (February 28, 1987) Serapis said that all Keepers of the Flame should attend three services a week, even if there are only two or three gathered. Or if they are totally alone in their communities, they hold these services themselves. This is the Wednesday night Jesus’ Watch, the Saturday night Saint Germain Service and the Sunday Ritual with sermon and dictation.
The sermons and teachings and dictations are available all over the world. And if you are not in a study group or a Teaching Center, you may affiliate with one to borrow these tapes or you may affiliate with others. If you cannot afford to purchase them weekly, you can purchase them jointly and mail them to one another so that you all have access to them.
The embodying of the Word of God that is delivered is very important. It is important that Keepers of the Flame realize that they must be the light that is released, and therefore these three services a week are essential to your moving forward with the planet.
Now all this is in the awareness of Alpha and Omega as they have spoken to us. And the expectancy is that we should admonish ourselves and correct ourselves in these areas and have the sense of Self-worth of knowing that only through those of us in embodiment can this world be turned around.
That any Keeper of the Flame should doubt this or think that his presence is not needed at the altar is to me just as serious a problem as the American leadership feeling that there is no need for strategic defense. We can all see the ludicrousness of our leaders not going for defense, but we have to apply that same awareness to ourselves. We must be at our altars and then we must be on the battlefield supporting those whose voices are being drowned because they don’t have our calls and our protection and our moving with them.
So the dispensation is a fait accompli because when God speaks it is so. But that means it is so in the etheric octave, it is so here, but it is not so until the illusion that it isn’t so is dispelled and the reality is lowered into manifestation. So you must understand that the Presence of God with us is an opportunity. The reality has been spoken but it is no guarantee that it shall take place. It is not a dispensation whereby something is set aside and it takes place. It’s a dispensation that says “If you will do this, I will see what then I can do in forty-eight months.”
Now Alpha has given to me a great sense of the victory of this company in the last twenty-four hours and an understanding of his mission in coming. I can tell you from my heart of hearts and my heart in God that there is absolutely no doubt in my being that you, Keepers of the Flame, and other lightbearers can accomplish this task in America of turning the nation around and quickening it, like in the twinkling of the Eye of God, to rally to put up our defenses. I have that absolute sense of victory and I hold the immaculate concept of it in my heart.
You know the Law. You have the judgment calls. You know the decrees. You can meet. Just remember: you have to do it. You have to be the action. It is not in the hearing of it, it is in the doing of it. And sometimes that is where we fall short of the mark.
I know this is possible. I know it is a reality. As far as I am concerned it already is. And I want you to have that absolute sense of it and have that sense of it in your being and be as a coiled spring—a fire and an energy that moves into action and becomes perpetual motion until you see it as a reality. You are also warriors of the Spirit and you know just how deadly the serpents are. And you know just what the calls must be for their binding and their judgment.
I want you to know that as your Messenger and representing the Mother to you I believe profoundly in each one of you. And I believe that in you God has decided to save the Earth. God said this in 1976 in Washington, D.C., at the July conference. It was a message conveyed to us in the dictation of the Goddess of Liberty. Very simple—”God has decided to save the Earth.”
Now how he can save it depends on you. So you see, God may save the Earth through a horrific cataclysm—so terrible as to be like that which happened before the Book of Genesis begins when there was darkness and a void in the earth. But God has decided to save the earth through you. And I believe that Alpha’s coming is based on this message of 1976—God has decided to save the earth.
• So Alpha comes to save it through you. You realize then that what Alpha can do is totally determined by you. On earth we either give absolute freedom to the Masters to serve through us or we limit them in increments as we decide that we have better things to do.
• Now, during my speaking with you Alpha and Omega and these forces have withdrawn to the extent that you are welcome to stand and applaud and give your praise to Alpha and Omega. [3-min. 43-sec. standing ovation]
• Praise the Lord I AM THAT I AM Alpha and Omega!
• Praise the Lord I AM THAT I AM Alpha and Omega! (3x)
• Someone wrote more than a decade ago, I believe, a song about “sometimes I feel like a motherless child.” And I was thinking today how wonderful it is to feel the love of our real Father and Mother and to feel what real love is from one’s Father and one’s Mother. I think there is nothing more assuring, comforting and to give us a zeal of mission than to feel our Father and our Mother behind us and with us and so profoundly understanding of our plight on planet earth.
• So I wish to express my gratitude to Almighty God before this altar and the altar of your hearts for the coming of Alpha and Omega—truly such a great, great dispensation to the earth, such a privilege and such an honor and such a wonder at the meeting of heaven and earth here in the heart of the Inner Retreat at our Royal Teton Ranch.
-Alpha and Omega , via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 5, 1987, Pearlsof Wisdom 30:38
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