Wednesday, January 18, 2023
where do these monopolies come from?
Hjalmar Schacht resigned as President of ]the Reichsbank in 1939, yet through the 1930s he managed to plant the seed and early manifestation of coordinated central bankers anchored and acting together financially in Switerland in what is called “Bank of International Settlements”. Central banking is now worldwide and could be termed the first globalists because by definition all central banking is monopoly. All central banking is insider control of any country’s economy, and with paper money it’s even more manipulative than when countries use gold/silver. The root of the German Central Bank of course is Rothschild from about 1770 period when Amschel Rothschild sent out his 5 sons to the leading 5 European finance centers to covertly rig European finances as well as possible. By that time Bank of England was already a central bank; Sweden already had a central bank too. In 1910 at Jekyll Island off Georgia coast at a J. P. Morgan estate the big US financiers brought together about 7 individuals including Sen. Nelson Aldrich of RI to covertly design the US central bank under the cover of bank reform, now called the Fed, following the blueprint carried from Rothschild Frankurt by Paul Warburg to NY in 1900 for that purpose. He was also at Jekyll Island 1910 and it was all covert; only grandually did America find out it was a rigged game that they have foisted. Meanwhile other monopolies, usually covert, had formed such as Illuminati 1776, Rockefeller oil monopoly expanding into medical monopoly and media monopoly, Skull and Bones secret society at Yale from 1832, and eventually to Klaus Schwab about 1970 with new world order leaders at NY, and then to Bill Gates getting into world medicine by about 2000. Big media and big tech leaders meet in Sun Valley, Idaho every summer for several decades now to coordinate. All this is pretty much stealth. With the coming of CRISPR tech in the first decade of 2000s the means to manipulate DNA became relatively easy. Lipid nanoparticle (LNP) carrier throughout the body was found at Univ. of British Colombia to round out with manipulated mRNA the means to covertly run a worldwide bioweapon game, though the scientists rarely know what the overall strategy is about, while intentionally lying to the public through big media and big tech and government propaganda. Nevertheless truth has pierced these monopolies and their tactics in almost every facet. How exactly CCP runs their part is far less clear. Yet by year 2000 at least one Chinese banker was placed in every major US bank.
LNP now being made by Fosun Pharma in partnership to BioNTech and with Sinopeg and with WuXi Biologics very likely coordinating at Shanghai. Then it is sent rather stealthily westward. At Shanghai is also the big presence of Western pharma. But Western electronics tech got to China earlier than pharma, probably led by IBM after Kissinger and Rockefeller private meetings with Mao in the early 1970s to kick it off. This is how this situation of coronavirus and vaccine/bioweapon/countermeasures has had a long root development. Being largely covert and practicing stealth, the insiders have suprised the world and try to maintain their cover in order to build a one-world government with themselves at the top. IMF and World Bank are part of that, and alot of CIA comes from Wall Street, led by Wall Street insiders the Dulles brothers Allen and John Foster who laid the CIA plan by 1951-2 as they rose to power. OSS and FDR and his aide Harry Hopkins came also from high-level Wall Street with the same covert and sophisticated cover/whitewash methodology. So these black artists including Commiunist bosses have alot in common. The truth is much mightier though, which is why Satan could not tempt Jesus. -r.
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