Monday, January 23, 2023
I call to you, Archangel Michael, for absolute God- protection of the woman who has dared to defy this tyrant and ancient serpent-foe of the people. Beloved one of God, let your legions be assigned to her protection and all supporting her. And let her not fall as her husband fell.
O angels of the Lord, hear the voice of Keepers of the Flame and go forth in answer to their call. For I tell you from the heart of my retreat of freedom my report to all angelic bands: that if freedom is to prevail upon Earth, freedom must have the full protection of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and especially the mighty archangels and those in embodiment.
-Archangel Zadkiel, 29:34
Blssed ones, never take for granted or consider idle the words of a tyrant, the words of an insane tyrant, the words of a godless tyrant. Am I not describing each one’s dweller-on-the-threshold?
Are you aware moment by moment throughout the day and the night who is governing your life, who is the real man within you and who is the tyrant? -Lanello, Pearl 36:21
You have seen in recent years revolutions and violent changes of government, terrorism and murder of leaders both of light and having very little or no light. You have seen that the inner sensing of the coming of the hour of complete freedom from the tyrant and tyrant’s woe has caused the untutored children of God and even the laggards themselves to rise up in revolution—revolution that has not been in the plane of higher consciousness but that has been brutal as extremes of right and left manifest the pincers upon the people. -Goddess of Liberty, Pearl 23:34
Love then shall quickly dissolve many burdens before your very eyes. But some of you have rather dwelt upon karmic burdens and your disagreements with the Messenger or another whom you have known in many ages past. And those disagreements become the mechanism, I tell you, the mechanism of that tyrant ego, that tyrant-ego dweller-on-the-threshold. And holding on to that and that argument with co-workers or Messenger and that argument with God, beloved ones, is surely the undoing of a soul and it has surely been the undoing of souls for many, many, many ages.
Let us not continue in the way of struggle, for it is truly the sense of struggle that makes the struggle. Pierce! pierce! pierce! the struggle by the fire of Love. Pierce! it now. Pierce! it now. -Elohim Heros and Amora, Pearl 36:22
What must be understood is that the forces of decay and disintegration that are a part of these invading diseases already exist in the fiber of the body politic of the Earth. It is not the mystical body of God of which I speak, but it is the collective world community abiding in a twilight zone that is neither heaven nor hell, neither the absolute Christ mind nor absolute devil mind but somewhere in between in that plane that is called the human
consciousness—which is the very threshing-floor where relative good and evil are thrashed out in consciousness until the soul must ultimately stand and be confronted by absolute choices of the absolute God and the absolute tyrant of anti-God, the anti-Guru and anti-chela.
Precious hearts, you might say that the collective unconscious of the planetary body is diseased, that the waters of Earth reflect that disease. And therefore already before the last stages of the destroyers come through the hordes of murderers and cannibalistic intent there is a breaking down, a deliberate breaking down by the absence of enough light in a state of flow. -Archangel Gabriel and Hope, Pearl 24:9
Do you think, beloved ones, that those who would deceive mankind and practice deceit are able to stand long? Nay, I tell you, every despot and every tyrant has been brought low.
Some of you may recall that long ago the man called Herod uttered an oration to mankind which was so great and so wondrous that men applauded him to the extent of saying “Behold, it is not the voice of a man but the voice of God.” And immediately he died and was smitten of worms because he gave not God the glory. It is so recorded in your Scriptures, and it is recorded in fact .-Archangel Jophiel, Pearl Pearl 25:46
Beloved ones, God is no tyrant. Your Mighty I AM Presence is no tyrant! I would say that your Presence has been most lenient—the Presence of Life has been most lenient to all mankind. But although the Presence has given men their freedom they have not enjoyed God’s universe with that freedom simply because the freedom which they have enjoyed they have made into fetters. It is the intention of God to see to it that those fetters are cut and that mankind are set free from every condition that binds them to the continual round of rebirth, and that they experience those cosmic initiations which cut them free from the power of death. -Maitreya, Pearl 22:8
You see, they were left to face the tyrant king. And Henry must live with himself and his image and the world. Karma decrees therefore and karmic law that when individuals reject the representative of Christ—which for that moment I was before pope and king and France and England, and soon all the world—when that messenger is rejected then the light is withdrawn and they must then overcome the carkness by their own devices, else be swallowed up by it. -Morya, Pearl 29:17
I will say it again, for it needs saying though it has been said during this conference: Desire your God-mastery. It is lawful as long as you do not raise [up] the human as tyrant, as long as it is the God-flame that [you raise up to] displace that human tyrant. So it is lawful to desire [your God-mastery] and to get it to the glory of God and to determine you will have it each day and that you will not forever and forever again dip down into the sorrows of Satan as seeds planted in the folds of your garment like briers and burrs that cling to your clothing as you pass through the woods. -Goddess of Liberty, Pears of Wisdom 33:31
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