Saturday, January 21, 2023
They shall be judged!
Therefore know that I join bands of angels who represent our point of origin and we encircle the Earth this night, enveloping the planet in [the causal bodies of] our twinflames that all might have the quickening of the mind by the power of God Mercury and that the quickened mind might be the vessel of Christ mind whose Mass we celebrate.
As you come to this hour of the Christmas rose so the Christmas eve service is a service of forgiveness and violet flame that you may on the morrow truly eat of the flesh and drink of the blood of Jesus Christ, of your Holy Christ Self, of Alpha and Omega who reside in the heart of every ascended and cosmic being and angel of light. -Lanello, Pearl 33:47
We desire to see every single soul of light in the Earth saved but, alas, we know that without your cooperation and cooperation of the most advanced souls on the planet this will not come to pass. And souls will be lost as the blessed Mother has said, and they will not be found again.
Thus we who make up the forces of victory are all serving with a sense of urgency. We are all serving with a sense of immediate concern for imbalances in the ecosystem of Earth. These imbalances do not bode well for the future.
Let this planet then come to the understanding of the great Shekinah glory, the great living presence of the Divine Mother that does shine forth from the I AM THAT I AM above you. You abide in feminine being and cosmos. You are nurtured and suckled by the Blessed One. You are that Mother in manifestation.
Let all the world know the great meaning of Mother as you manifest great qualities of fierceness, of determination, of uncompromising stand for truth, being consumed by the zeal of your Lord, the full power, wisdom and love of the Trinity, being consumed by the fire of God and consuming with it all that is unlike God.
-Lanello, Pearl 34:15
By light of the Maha Chohan, by legions of the seven mighty archangels and of Fearlessness Flame it shall be done! They shall be judged! Their word shall be brought to naught! Their cursings, their incantations, even these fallen ones, that which they have spoken since the very earliest comings of Nephilim to planet Earth—all of that shall be brought to judgment and those who persist in [being with] them [in their nefarious vibration]; for they did not repent of their deeds.
Therefore their karma shall be upon their own heads and the yoke of their karma borne by lightbearers shall be upon them! And lightbearers shall assemble under the banner of the Union, under the banner of light, under the banner of the Goddess of Liberty and Lord Maitreya! And there shall be the raising up of the banner of the Great White Brotherhood. And there shall be assembling of congregations of the righteous. -Ray-o-Light, Pearls of Wisdom 24:69
Blessed ones, I have said it, others have said it and it is true: Earth is a warring planet. And midst the warfare of brother against brother spilling the blood of one another there are the signs of coming warfare on a large scale.
When individuals will kill one another out of vendettas, out of ancient histories retold, where there is no mercy in the heart, beloved, for they have not known the living Christ, I ask you, where is the end of war? There is no end except in the heart of every lightbearer, everyone who knows the conversion of Lord Christ as his living savior. -Morya, Pearl 37:1
Thus understand that at a certain plane of being at which we reach the evolutions of Venus and Earth through these focuses we shall continue that which has been brought forth. And we shall go after the lost Venusians, the lightbearers—all who have come from octaves of light to serve the light on planet Earth. We shall send you!
We offer ourselves this day for the clearing of your four lower bodies as you shall so desire to return in service and decree to violet flame for supply, for that action that will thoroughly anchor the call that is given. -Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus, Pearl 28:44
We come then for the judgment of fallen ones not only in this nation but [also] in the Middle East and of those who have come forth out of the Soviet Union to capture hearts of light in Afghanistan and elsewhere. We bring the light of the heart into the scene of chaos in the very base [chakra] of Mother-light of planet Earth. We bring legions of light and full power of judgment to deal swiftly with those who are the hordes of war and hordes of the oil of the Woman and her seed. -Saint Germain, Pearl 24:59
In astrology Uranus is the planet of sudden or unexpected change. It conveys the impulse to individual and social freedom, stimulates progress especially in the areas of science, religion and government and is associated with originality, altruism and group affairs as well as anarchy, rebellion and revolution.
Uranus rules the sign of Aquarius which is represented by the waterbearer who dispenses the waters of knowledge. Uranus shows how a person can establish an intuitive link with universal mind. It is related to transmission of ideas from the etheric to the other three planes, mental, astral and physical.
-Messenger ECP, Pearl 33:10
Understand, beloved hearts, that there is found wanting on this planet true representatives of the people in the economy and in the government of every nation because they have failed their exams at Luxor, at Darjeeling, at Banff and Yosemite! They have refused to bend the knee and appropriate the magnificent instruction by Saint Germain in God-government.
Thus all must have their day and you must understand that all who occupy positions on this planet, great or small—the fact that they have physical form and manifestation means that they must be given opportunity to choose this day whom they will serve, to choose the living Christ and living Word.
-Archangel Michael, Pearl 28:10
I have come for the saving of your beings of light, and many of you have joined me as we came to planet Earth long ago for the saving of these evolutions. Have you lost and forgotten your First Love? This is the hour to remember it with full intensity and fire of your being, beloved. This is the hour to know that souls are being gobbled up by these false gurus!
Let it come to pass therefore that they are exposed! they are exposed! they are exposed! as you name them now and demand the cutting free of all true lightbearers who have been fastened to them by manipulation and, yes, by direct black magic. -Sanat Kumara, Pearl 31:4
From an astrological point of view a variety of celestial influences combined to trigger the worst power disaster in history. The chart of the Chernobyl disaster (April 26, 1986, 1:23 a.m., 51 16’ north latitude, 30 14’ east longitude) shows four configurations which were significant, the most important being a nearly exact opposition between the planet Pluto at 6 Scorpio in the tenth house near zenith and the Sun at 5 Taurus in the fourth house.
Pluto’s influence is often highly destructive. It rules the radioactive element plutonium which, according to distinguished astrologer Lt. Comdr. David Williams (ret.), is produced for military purposes in many of the USSR’s nuclear reactors. In mundane astrology—the astrology of nations and world events—Pluto rules nuclear power, fires, anything involving widespread death and destruction and waste disposal. Pluto is often associated with cataclysmic events such as the onset of wars and the fall and/or death of rulers. It rules all things secretive
-Archeia Aurora, Pearl 29:50
I know that you could join me in weeping over the desecration of Mother Nature and of elemental life. The elementals are nature spirits who are the servants of God and man in the planes of matter. They work for the establishment and maintenance of the physical plane as platform for the soul’s evolution. Elementals who serve the fire element (that fire includes the nucleus of the atom) are called salamanders; those who serve the air element, sylphs; those who serve the water element, undines; and those who serve the earth element, gnomes.
-Messenger ECP, Pearl 33:12
My saints, my brothers and sisters, I come to quicken in you inner memory of a great conclave that has taken place at the Royal Teton Retreat. All [who are] of the light of planet Earth, all saints, bodhisattvas, all who are of the mystical body of God did gather in the past twenty-four hours for communion round the sacred heart of Jesus. All came to acclaim him, to support him. And of course you also were among them.
All came for they were profoundly moved by our Lord’s message of Thanksgiving. All desired to enhance the awakening of souls by the appearing of the divine image reflected from their own soul mirror and yet they desired to do more and to assist. -Kuthumi, Pearl 32:61
According to the traditions of Buddhism Gautama Buddha prophesied to his disciples that after the planet had been steeped in a period of darkness Lord Maitreya would descend to Earth to preside over an age of enlightenment. Buddhists today await Maitreya’s coming much in the same way that Christians await Jesus’ Second Coming.
But whereas Buddhists believe that Maitreya is coming at some future date (some put it at thousands, millions and even billions of years from now) we affirm that the Ascended Master Maitreya has come and is here today to initiate all who qualify themselves to be his students. His chief disciple, Jesus Christ, announced the founding of Maitreya’s Mystery School on May 31, 1984 in the heart of our Inner Retreat:
Thus we see what can be the future of this home of light, this planetary body. And first and foremost what it can be, beloved, is that action of sacred fire whereby you have such a kindling fire of violet flame—that comes from Omri-Tas, that comes from the ruler of the Violet Planet and all those who serve violet flame—that there must be, there can be, there will be a tremendous intensity and multiplication of violet flame throughout the remainder of this conference.
We salute you, beloved, for we are gratified that so many of you have come to this place, multiplying your numbers, multiplying your hearts and souls. And as you can see and feel the intensity of this light you know that wondrous things are happening. You see it before your very eyes; you see it before the Sun, the stars, the galaxies and you know that this old world is being turned around. And if we do it fast enough, beloved ones, we may just turn it right back again and right its axis and bring it into the center of God-control. -Saint Germain and Portia, Pearl 45:6
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