Tuesday, January 10, 2023
thejudgment descends!
I am here in the heights of God- consciousness midst shafts of victory that descend from the Great Central Sun. And to each and every one of you I send tiny blue forget-me-nots which I blow with my breath as a kiss of love to you from the heart of Alpha.
For I have taken my journey to His heart and brought back baskets of forget-me-nots as a precious love sign to be remembered—a remembrance from the heart of blessed Alpha. And the center of each one is the kiss of Omega.
As love increases in the Earth love increases in your heart and in this community—as all things which were from the beginning must be fulfilled, and that which is written is written, and one is taken and another is left. And thus the influx of light-bearers replaces the outgoing ones who have chosen not the light but the dark sun of Self-effacement.
Those who have chosen to live in the shadow of self must therefore understand the beginning and the end of their choices. And those who choose to live in the brilliance of the noonday sun must also understand the consequences of their choices.
For the choice shall be outplayed and the path of each one shall be known. And those who finish in their course will be a reminder to all of the fruit of light and the fruit of shadow: one wizened and dropping from the tree that shall no longer bear the fruit as a witness of light; the other full and fresh and filled with the divine nectar, able to nourish a soul with one fruit for a thousand years. Such is the fruit of the Tree of Life from the heart of the Buddhic tree.
Let all understand therefore that even as you work, as you rise from your beds, as you retire at night so all the world is making choices. Be not dismayed or affrighted in the suddenness of turning of events. For, beloved ones, it has ever been thus. And therefore all the more humble we become that without God we are nothing. Without Him we cannot accomplish even the raising of our right hand or our little finger.
O ‘tis sweet, ‘tis sweet to be in the presence of beloved Alpha! One of these days I will take you in my arms and bear you to Him and present you as my very special children. One of these days we will take a journey together, but in this hour I bring back to you His message of love, even as I have brought to Him your hearts’ fervor for the saving of Earth.
I would remind you, lest any fear, that all prophecy concerning light and darkness may fail. It may fail for a very good reason. For the people of God have made strides and accelerated; and therefore the dark cloud has been dissolved and a new day of opportunity is born. On the other hand prophecies of good may also fail because people take for granted [that] because a prophecy of good has been given it will be fulfilled automatically. And therefore they make little effort to make it happen themselves.
And thus you see how the brothers of our band are very short on prophecy in either direction but choose rather to warn of the possibility of consequences if individuals do persist in the path of unreality, in multiplying maya or in whiling away the hours when they could be forging a new civilization and castles of light for the descent perhaps of the Snow King and Queen.
For these twin flames once ruled an ancient civilization, tropical in nature, that was where Greenland is today and covered a good part of the North Pole, blessed ones, when the ages changed and the inversions took place. Thus they were remembered for the end of their period as the Snow King and the Snow Queen.
Thus you understand how whitefire light may also descend, and that which was once green and lush and beautiful as a garden of Eden, even as a Lemurian paradise, might be covered over with a whitefire/bluefire energy of the Sun. And thus the age of snow comes as a purification of the etheric plane, purifying even the physical body and preparing once again for a new order.
Thus all things in their cycles have a cosmic purpose. And that which was once snow may blossom again and become the pink and gold and violet hues and azure blue and the light of many worlds twinkling, sparkling in tropical waters that show all manner of opportunity of life-forms moving toward the Sun.
Dear hearts, wonders unseen, long forgotten but known in our heart are a part of Earth’s evolution. And thus you yourselves finding yourselves at the fulcrum of ages turning in the heart of Elohim at the nexus of the sands of the hourglass, on the edge of time and space reaching for eternity—you, finding yourself poised in matter, making ready for the ascension, understanding death and hell beneath your feet and watching the violent waves leap up to taunt and tempt you—all things you understand and know. Small wonder that from time to time you are distressed!
But, beloved ones, you who stand between ages—the golden ages past and those to come—you who understand that even the night of the Kali Yuga must one day be spent, you must also look forward therefore truly to a coming great golden age and realize that it is yet true that in the twinkling of an eye, in the twinkling of a rainbow-crystal light there can come to pass a tremendous burst of freedom and joy on planet Earth!
We desire therefore to reinforce in your heart that whatever you may have interpreted as prediction of cataclysm, worldwide or specifically here or there, must not remain in your mind as something that has been stated with ultimate definition or finality by any of our bands but only as a reading of world karma and as a reading of the consequences of world karma.
At any moment in the day or night avatars descending from the heights of heaven may bring such illumination and dispensation of the Holy Spirit be so great that souls of light respond and there is a turning such as has not even been contemplated by certain of the elementals and forces in nature who are so beset by world karma in this hour.
Therefore I, Gautama, I who understand so much how the vision of the elementals can affect world conditions ask you to pray to Cyclopea for the divine image and divine vision of the all-seeing Eye of God, of the golden age and the City Foursquare and the Temple Beautiful to be given to every elemental.
And if you will place upon your walls and in your homes pictures of majestic beauty and of light and scenes of paradise, you will find that elementals will gather to meditate upon these focuses of light and will go forth to outpicture peace and purification of the elements—of the seas and earth and air. And with some cooperation of hearts of light there will be a cleaning up of the environment and of pollution.
But you understand even in this area there is the momentum of the anti-Buddha forces who pollute the environment and go unchallenged and unchecked, as there is corruption even at the top levels of government in the misuse and misappropriation of funds where they should be applied immediately to remove the most dangerous hazards to health of the people (not only of this nation but of every nation upon Earth) and for the binding and judgment of those individuals who persist in violating the beauty of elemental life in all of its pristine glory.
I refer to the majestic whales, to the mighty beasts that must be held as a manifestation of the Holy Ghost and understood that when life is held sacred in these wonderful beings of light then, beloved hearts, that life will be transformed by your own Christhood and your own resurrection flame.
As a matter of fact the manifestation of the Lord Jesus Christ with the children of God who have the threefold flame now has also imparted new hope to elemental life. And there has been communicated to one and all a new sense of freedom.
And therefore I, Gautama Buddha, pronounce therefore the binding and breaking of the curse of black magicians over certain beings of the elements who have been held imprisoned and therefore not been able to perform their perfect work for keeping this planetary body a beautiful and safe place for the sons of God. We also call from our level, beloved hearts, as we do engage in fervent prayer for the judgment of fallen ones who make life miserable for embodied angels, for elementals (especially those imprisoned) and for the children of God on Earth. Our prayers ascend and gather momentum by your own, even as the reverse is true. And therefore we together as co-members and joint members of the Great White Brotherhood, do indeed make our impact with the Four and Twenty Elders, the Great Central Sun and the Holy Kumaras.
Truly Earth is an experiment in this sector of the solar system and the solar system within the galaxy. And therefore many eyes are upon this planet—and more eyes than you can truly realize are upon the Messenger and chelas. For the decisions you make day by day truly show the strength of our God and our Brotherhood. And therefore we are grateful for you, each one, as you are capable servants, each in your own way.
Understand that truly we appreciate professional excellence assisting us to make the presentation of golden teachings of the golden age more and more palatable to the world, more and more understandable. Our gratitude goes out to every heart who has inclined itself now to this activity who has understood the need, and who has come even to spell the burden upon our co-workers who have labored long to produce a work that might quicken, awaken and enliven souls of light.
I AM Gautama Buddha in the heart of the flame of God-gratitude for this year’s service and completion of another spiral of the Messenger’s own cosmic clock. Entering therefore the new year of the birth cycle (even as it occurs with the ascended masters on the anniversary of our ascension day) there is an opening wide of the lens of God and a new release and dispensation from the causal body of each one.
And each one of you, beloved hearts, on your own birthday ought to celebrate the opening of the eye of your own causal body, celebrating therefore the descent of light and attainment of that new line. In fact you ought to prepare for at least six weeks for the coming of that opportunity when you can give to the world your earned momentum on the specific line of the clock. And this you may do by preparing in the act of balancing karma—through violet flame—of any residual momentums of misqualified substance which would occur as a block and a clogging action to the chakra of that line and to the descent of that light.
Understanding therefore the necessity for the clear channel on the cosmic clock of your service you may call for the opening of the pathways of heaven from many ascended beings who also have increased their attainment on the very line of the clock in which you serve in your birth year.
Truly you must not underestimate the gift and dispensation from beloved Portia of the flame of God-justice in the heart of the unascended Messenger, for this could not take place had she not earned it by service. And therefore contrary to the judgments of the betrayers whose sense of injustice regarding her office is very great it is because the Karmic Board and Christed ones have determined and voted that this is the hour for that God-attainment to be placed in her heart, and that in fact her acts and words and deeds have embodied justice to all who have come to this activity that this dispensation has come forth.
It could come forth in no other way, for it is never given to an embodied soul to bear a flame of Hierarchy except it have been earned by many, many incarnations of divine action.
And therefore in this flame of God-justice, in the name of Saint Germain and Portia and my own name as well as that of Lanello, you may call for this heartflame directly out of the heart of the embodied Messenger who does bear it as the crown and scepter of the World Mother in this year so that you may understand that through the quality of justice all may earn the path of light.
And so you see through each of the God-qualities of the twelve signs of the clock a mighty door is opened. These represent as you know the twelve gates of the Holy City. Because the opening of the door of the flame of justice is upon the Messenger so it is a door through which you also can walk.
You must also understand that the presence of an intensification of a quality of God does also intensify the awareness of its antithesis. And some are so blinded by the light of justice that all they see is their own injustice, and they will project this against the embodied servant.
So it is that one teacher among men wore a mirror around his neck that those disciples who came to him would see themselves and realize it is always the self that the individual projects into the teacher. Such is the wisdom of the wise ones of old. Such is the wisdom of the Brotherhood.
This dispensation when understood in its magnitude will enable you to understand, blessed and beloved hearts, what is the meaning of the opposition to the single person of God—what is the meaning of all of this tumult that is made against her lifestream and against the activity.
Realize then that your own path of Godhood is also surrounded with mighty flames of the purple iris and all of the colors that form God-justice— from the blue to the aqua to the delicate pinks and violets to the actions of sacred fire itself.
Fortunate are we as it is a great boon to the Brotherhood that this attainment of the Messenger should also coincide with the dawn of the Aquarian age, thus enabling the feminine counterpart of Saint Germain to act more directly in the affairs of women worldwide, the justice systems, legal systems, laws—laws affecting the people, laws affecting states and nations, international law as well as criminal justice and justice to the youth.
And thereafter you can see how the petals of justice as multiple petals of many-petaled flowers will really affect every part of life. For the flame of God-justice is the flame of world karma—world karma that is just, overcoming world karma that is unjust. And therefore every act of misqualified energy is an act of injustice; every right qualification of energy is an act of God-justice.
And therefore you can see the ramifications and understand why the great twinflame of Saint Germain, in her service to his office should select that flame of justice to complement freedom. For justice is the perfect complement of freedom, beloved hearts of light. And those of you who have loved Saint Germain so very much, who have stood by him and by his message, by his disciples and chelas and Messenger in this year of the Dark Cycle of Aquarius, the line of Saint Germain, may now give to him the love of your hearts through the flame of God-justice.
Bring justice to every area of your life, every chakra of your being, every department of this activity, every endeavor of your nation, the work of your hands, your sacred labor. Let each word you speak and song you sing and effort you make for life be charged with the flame of God-justice so that in the very act of your service you may be bringing transmutation that is reenacted by the mighty scales—showing the balance of cosmic forces in the very light of the Holy Spirit and restoring the great God- consciousness of Libra, where so many fallen angels have fallen as to almost give a bad name to that sign.
And so, beloved hearts, the return of the flame of God-justice in all of its glory will see the transition out of the astral plane for many souls. For you understand the line of Virgo where the God-quality of justice is positioned is the last line of the emotional quadrant. And therefore to get through the place of God-justice means that you are home free on the line of God-reality. And in fact you can only see God-reality when you have justified your cause by balancing your karma and therefore standing face-to-face with the reality of your own higher consciousness, who is the smiling one of universal and cosmic justice.
I AM Gautama Buddha. I AM the Lord of the World and I rule in peace and in justice, in freedom and in wisdom. My heart is an open door of love. And by love God has fashioned, in the intensity of His light, every attribute which you need, my beloved, to ascend right out of that socket of mortality, right out of that pocket of self-pity and self-delusion and limitation!
Why, beloved hearts, some of you under the burden of the world are as those poor ones who have been made to dig their graves and have had placed upon themselves—after they have been executed by Communist ones—the earth covering over them which they have first dug out to form their tomb.
Well, beloved ones, it may come to pass that people who have never had to dig their grave physically or come under these Communist soldiers or Nazi soldiers should actually enforce upon their own lives a tomb consciousness and a place of limitation until it seems as though they are in a hole in the ground, and the walls round them are closing in. And then they are closed in from above; and the stifling of the breath and the heart—and life is no more.
Why, the extinguishing of the self and burying of the great God-Self need not occur, beloved ones. But I give you this thoughtform so that you may realize that each and every time you do not send forth the light of illumination and tremendous flames of joy and justice, when you are not pushing out, when you are not sending forth the great God that you are you commit the injustice of allowing the world itself and its darkness to close in upon you as though you were in a nightmare and in a bad dream!
Now, my beloved, I am certain that you do not intend to do so and that this thoughtform is the farthest from your heart as you contemplate through my own heart the tremendous joy and universal presence of Alpha and Omega and the universe itself as an expansive home of light. Therefore I have brought it to your attention not to be negative but to point out to you that it is the occurrence of those small moments of giving-in, a little bit here and a little bit there, that allows the totalitarian nature of the planetary dweller on the threshold to close in upon one.
And therefore you must understand that certain military leaders of the world, even of the West, in NATO and in the United States, have already in themselves and in their hearts pronounced the defeat in advance. And they have said “If the Soviet Union advances to this area of the world, we will do nothing. We will turn our backs, we will not raise a hand. We will let them have that particular space or state or city, for it is not worth the fight. It is not worth risking total planetary holocaust.”
In this very hour and week and month, beloved ones, there have been those at top levels of the nations of freedom who have already said in their hearts “We will not fight if the Soviets do this.”
Well, all you need to do is look at the map of the world and realize that it must have been said sometime, somewhere. For there are entire nations being swallowed up by Communists this day where there has not been a hand raised in the defense of the people!
What about Afghanistan? What about Cuba? What about the nations in the Far East? What about Cambodia and the threat to Thailand? And what about Vietnam? What about the nations of Africa? What about other areas of the world, though small and unheard of, where forces have moved in—and those who could have turned their backs?
Why, it happened in Hungary, it happened in Czechoslovakia by prior agreement: “We will not interfere in the internal affairs of the empire of the Soviet Union. We will not interfere in Eastern Europe. We will not stand in the way, for we will live by our accords and our agreements.”
Blessed ones, such an excuse to not stand for humanity, for lightbearers and freedom-fighters in the hour of their immense courage to stand for the flame of the Buddha!
I tell you, these were Buddhists in Budapest!—these hearts of light who absorbed in their own bodies the fire of the fallen ones—they stood and they conquered and they became the saints robed in white.
And yet their opportunity for reincarnation was not cut off, for they desired to live again and to fight again for freedom. And they returned again to Hungary, to Czechoslovakiaand to Poland, and they identified once again with the race karma of those nations and showed the courage to stand against the military might of mechanization man knowing that the Spirit of freedom is always greater.
Yet where are the armies of the Lord who will defend them with non-compromise? Always economic considerations, political considerations and above all fear!
Fear dominates the international scene as those heads of state, those who are the leaders of nations are themselves worshipers of the anti-light, have cast their lot and their weight in with that very dweller on the threshold, and have united the forces of anti-Buddha together with the monied interests of the planet against the children of light.
Do they care for the starving millions? Do they care for those who are hungry—the dispossessed and displaced that will risk anything to move away from being brutalized by Communist hordes? Beloved ones, it must have been preordained and decided in their council chambers, and I tell you it was.
Thus understand: when you allow yourself to receive one shovel of dirt within your own time and space it is the beginning of your entombment in a grave of your own making. To compromise one square mile of freedom on this planet without an outcry is not the way of the peace of the Buddha! And I state it from Shamballa.
Do not give up your turf!—neither here nor in any place throughout the planetary body where the flame of freedom hallows that ground, where saints and soldiers have walked and fallen and spilled their blood to preserve that land!
I tell you, beloved hearts, there must be such a fervor and such a cry of freedom that men no longer are fooled by pacifism; they are no longer fooled by the tales of ultimate threat, ultimate horror, ultimate war, and therefore stupefied into non-action while the armies of the Soviets move on. You should not allow yourselves or your representatives to kowtow to madmen and the insane who threaten international terror and to destroy the leaders of nations.
Why, I tell you, there are hearts of fire and Christed ones worthy of the archangels who are embodied—serving in the marine corps and the air force, the army and the navy of this nation and other nations of freedom—to whom the leaders of those nations and generals of those forces cannot even hold a candle of light!
It is the very ones who hold the balance of nations who are the youth— the fervent hearts, bright and shining ones who go through their paces and their marching and their drills in whom there burns a fire of victory! It is they that hold the balance of power of nations. And yet it is as though Christ were hand-tied, hand and foot, and unable to act or stand or perform his mission. It is as though he had been bound for the entire lifetime of the thirty-three years.
For as you know the little people and those of lower rank cannot act except the ones of higher rank give the order. Thus the system of hierarchy prevails. And the fallen ones in their cowardice, lest they lose their own life and have not another (for they have been prejudged to the final judgment ), do not give the command, do not give the order.
As it was once said “Do not fire until you see the whites of their eyes.” Blessed ones, bear therefore with me this night the sword Excalibur. For I stand upon the Earth and I hold the flame of victory, of defense and of clear seeing in the matter of the military buildup of nations and that which is necessary, that which is not enough and that which is too much.
Above all every individual heart of light ought to understand, as he understands the path of physical survival in the wilderness, also how to defend oneself under any and all conditions—how to defend one’s family, how to defend one’s city, one’s citadel, one’s community and nation. Thus, beloved ones, the posture of survival and of defense must be the left hand and right hand of preparedness—not out of fear and not out of hatred but out of the peace-commanding presence of the Buddha.
Therefore I AM Gautama and I AM at the head of the military complexes of this nation and of all nations. I AM at the head of the armed forces. I AM at the head of those who command the seas in the navies of the nations. I AM at the head of those who command the air in all air forces of all nations. And I AM at the head of those who are the marines and who go before the rest to hold the balance in fire. I AM at the head of the armies of the elementals— fire, air, water and earth. And I AM with the mighty archangels!
And therefore if you see me seated in the mighty blue lotus and if you see me as the flying Buddha, as my disciple Milarepa, understand that we Buddhas also know where we stand on the line of peace, where peace itself is a fiery flame that swallows up war and where we thrust the light whereby it is not necessary to fire a shot.
For the power of love is sufficient to the consuming of all hate and hate creation. And at every level of manifestation individuals must bear that which is necessary to hold the line of love and bind the forces of hatred unleashed.
Think in your own heart, beloved ones, how you will do this. I trust you will know it is by the science of the spoken Word and all other necessary precautions that are lawful and expedient for the individual, family and nation to take.
Therefore I AM Gautama Buddha and I place my flame of enlightenment and of peace and of the will of God in the very heart of the nuclear-freeze movement to bring absolute understanding of the path of the Buddha to all individuals who desire peace and yet are misguided and become implements and tools of sinister forces and strategists who know how to disarm the greatest nation on Earth, who know how to turn back every effort of whitefire discipline of the military posture that every nation of the free world ought to take as its stance in this hour.
I AM Gautama Buddha and I rally to the side of Saint Germain! And I call all forces of heaven and earth to rally also with the World Mother, beloved Portia, beloved Mother Mary and all instruments on Earth. For the World Mother does move forward in the victory of the light. And the Mother is the key, even as the Mother holds the Office of Sanat Kumara.
The Mother- flame in you is the key to the victory of the planetary body, even as the ascension flame and Kundalini fire is the key to the victory to your own lifestream. By the power of the ruby ray I speak, and it goes forth from my mouth and it saturates you in the holiness of God.
Armies of the Lord, sons and daughters of living flame, bear the torch of sacred fire and be free! Be free, I say! Be free! Know the meaning of freedom. Know the meaning of fire. Know the meaning of holding one’s freedom in time and space, holding one’s freedom and defining the “occupation till I come,” defining one’s habitation, defining one’s place dedicated to the victory of the Great White Brotherhood on earth as it is in heaven.
I AM the place! I AM the will! I AM the flame and point of fire that leaps and consumes time and space and is the Infinite One, infinite greedom, the infinite home of light now manifest here!
Here on earth as it is in heaven I lower the matrix. And I command forces and molecules to come into alignment with the golden city and golden age and peace. And I, Gautama, declare that those who pit themselves against peace, those who pit themselves against harmony, those who pit themselves against Church Universal and Triumphant shall be driven back by their own hatred!
Those who pit themselves against the I AM race and America and freedom in every nation—they shall be turned back! For I hold my hand, and the steely walls of light shall return unto them tenfold their malicious intent, their murderous intent, that of the Liar and the lie. And therefore they shall not hold sway—those who intend to destroy this nation with or without nuclear force, those who intend to enslave its people.
Let them be driven back! And let those who have blasphemed the name of God, the name of America and the name of the temple of the saints be found bound by the hosts of the Lord and judged this night!
For this Earth shall be delivered this very night, I tell you, of certain lifestreams who have moved against the cause of freedom, age upon age upon age. And the weariness of the Lord God of Hosts has decreed it. Therefore their judgment is nigh, even at the very door.
And realize the fullness and portent of my message. For it shall come to pass. For I AM the Lord of the World and I am sent by God to announce to you the message of the lilies of the field. “The lilies of the field, they toil not, neither do they spin. Yet I tell you that Solomon in all his glory is not arrayed as one of these.” Chelas of living fire of the Mother and Buddha, so seek thy raiment in the whiteness of the lily and be arrayed in the glory of thy Christhood. Under the canopy of the Buddha so grow and fulfill purity’s destiny. For I AM destined to keep the flame of the Mother’s purity forever and forever and forever.
AUM Buddha.
Shamballa the Magnificent, I love thee!
)Messenger eads from Jeremiah)
-Gautama Buddha via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on April 4, 1983 at Camelot, L.A., Pearls of Wisdom 26:39
Hail, sons and daughters of the Mother! I AM Michael, Prince of the Archangels, and I come with the light of victory! I come in the glory of the spoken Word! I come in the power of the spoken Word!
I AM the instrument of the Logos this day. I AM the instrument of the eternal Christos. I AM the sacred Word of truth that cuts you free from all that is less than the fulfillment of the Word of God within you.
I come in the joy of victory! I come in the joy of faith! I come to implement the will of God! I AM THAT I AM.
O the glory of the light of the Word! O the sacred Word that flows from the lips of the messengers of God! The Word is healing and nourishment and comfort and enlightenment. The Word is all things to all people under the Sun. Let the communication of the Word then be not stayed by the hand of the fallen ones, for they have contrived in every area of life on Terra to turn back the light of the Word.
The Word is the Christ! The Word is the Mediator! And the Christ as your own Christ Self is the means whereby God communicates to you and to your soul. The act of communicating is the supreme love of the Father-Mother God for the creation, and therefore that Antichrist was the first manifestation of opposition to the flow of the Word of Hierarchy.
I stand with my sword in hand! I raise it over Terra! And I bring it down with a quickening action of the Law to slay the records of Antichrist and to expose the lie of that lying one!
I come to say that those who will state that there is no further revelation or teaching from the Godhead and that all is complete in the Bible—those who say that God will not speak to man and woman again in this age—are the instruments of Antichrist and of the demons that enter the churches with their false teachings and their false conveyance of an energy that is not the energy of the Holy Spirit. They think they have eternal life in searching the scriptures.
Well, I tell you that included in the sacred scriptures that comprise the Bible used in the West is even the writing of the Devil himself. And I will prove it to you this day. If you take the Song of Solomon, you will see the blasphemy against the light of the Christ in the portrayal of sensuality and sensual indulgence and a misuse of the light of the Word, and you will see that those who put together the sacred scriptures did not have the omniscience of God.
The books of the Bible were written by prophets and scribes, by men of old who were inspired from on high. But their accuracy was not 100 percent, and therefore there are omissions, deletions, manipulations and in some instances a basic misunderstanding of the Word itself because of an incomplete manifestation of the Christ in the authors themselves.
Therefore let God be true and every man a liar. Let the I AM Presence be the dividing of the Word. Let the Holy Spirit be the interpreter of the Word and not the fallen ones and discarnates who take those words and coat them with the darkness of their machinations and rationalizations. We will not have the teachings of the Word of God subject to the analysis of those who think they know the scriptures but have not the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Let it be understood then that God’s Bible is written in the inward parts of man and woman, that you can rely on the Word of God written within, that you can rely on the certain Word of truth that is certainly recorded in the Bible. But you must not be deceived when you perceive vibrations of error that do not agree with the light of truth that is in your heart.
So let it be. The ascended masters will not be placed on the defensive before critics from the religions of the world. For the proof of this teaching is in the leaven, in the rising of consciousness, in the acceleration of consciousness, in the record of the ascension, of the resurrection, in the record of life that is fulfilled in love.
So let the Spirit of Christ and of Buddha pervade this Church Universal and Triumphant, and let this Spirit put to rest all lesser spirits that are counterfeit creation of the One True Light.
And so let the Word go forth unimpeded! Let it go forth from the pulpits of the world! Let the teachings of the ascended masters be given by ministers and by the people, and let the people set forth their mandate. Let them demand the teaching of the Mother. Let them be fed and not starved on crusts that are given by fallen ones as an excuse for religion….
I raise my sword this day over the entire industry, and I call forth the judgment and I say: let those who do not use this sacred instrument to deliver the Word of the Mother, let them go bankrupt, I say! For I withdraw the supply of the Mother that sustains them! And I say, that substance shall not be used by the Luciferians to promote world chaos and earthquake and cataclysm and immorality and debauchery and desecration of the holy innocence of the little children.
Keepers of the Flame, do not allow these little children to take in this desecration of the Mother image, the desecration of life. Guard the consciousness! For I AM Archangel Michael, and I have come to protect the children this day! I come to seal them in faith, in purity, in love and in joy! I come to set them free, and I come for the judgment of the Word!
We will see then that those who have set themselves up as mouthpieces of the people will be cast down, for they have championed the Luciferians, the fallen ones, those who are the philosophers of cynicism, of Communism, of atheism and agnosticism.
I call forth the judgment of Henry Kissinger! Let the sword fall this day! No longer will I hold back the karma! Let it fall, I say! And let that exposure be for the victory of the children of the light.
I stand in this nation! I defend the Mother! I defend her children by the action of the Word! So is judgment come! So let the fallen ones tremble where they are, for none can turn back my legions, my hand or my Word.
I AM the Defender of the Faith, and I AM the defender of the woman and her seed! I AM the defender of America and the world! I place my ring-pass-not around those forcefields and focuses that are for the triumph of the light.
Let not the demons and fallen ones dare pass and enter the Holy of holies, the shrines of the nations. Let them remove their filthy hands from the supply of the Mother, from the gold and silver. Let them retreat!
In the name of the living Christ they are bound this hour, those whose judgment is nigh! Their time has come! Their time is up! And they shall no more have the authority of the mark of the beast to control the commerce of the nations.
See then, Keepers of the Flame, that you implement this dispensation by invocations and calls added to your preambles in the giving of those invocations to Archangel Michael which are well received in our retreat at Banff.
Our angels daily watch in the twenty-four-hour cycle as the energies of authority, of authorization for us to enter into Terra, come forth from dedicated Keepers of the Flame who are willing to give that call to Archangel Michael over and over again, the four times ten for the victory of the test of the ten in the four quadrants of Mater.
Blessed are ye who are diligent in the calling! Blessed are ye who will give your hours to the repetition of these prayers while others are frolicking in the streets and making merry.
What is that to thee? Follow the Christ! For you will see that those who frolic are as the grasshopper, spending their last energies in play. And when the light of winter comes, when the flurries of snow as of sacred fire of solstice intensify they will not stand in that day. For the fire of the snow will not be released to them, and therefore they will be frozen by the cold of their own neglect of the Law.
So is judgment come! It is the fire, the piercing fire of the purge of Terra! The Luciferians have conducted their purges in the Communist nations. Well, they have taken this from the hosts of light, for we also have our purges, and we purge the fallen ones thread by thread, line by line.
We wait until the moment when the Lord God decrees that the sands in the hourglass have run out. And therefore the fallen ones are allowed to run rampant on Terra for a time and times and a half a time, signifying cycles of the beginning and ending of the action of opportunity to balance karma. But when the cycles have been fulfilled there is no turning back. The Law descends as a mighty curtain of light. The Law descends, and all must come under the rod of the Law.
So when the judgment comes the children of the light are relieved of some of the seeds of the wicked. And then as the children of the light reinforce the judgment by invocation and fervor and action and service and surrender they build a forcefield that is a vote for light on Terra against which the fallen ones cannot stand. And therefore by intensifying light on Terra you hasten the cycles of the judgment of fallen ones. For the majority rules on Terra.
If the majority elect unfaithful leaders and dark ones because of their glamor, because of their intimidation, then they will receive what they have called for. But if the majority demand light and turning of the tide, as you have heard in the Mother’s invocations, as you have given your calls, then the majority rules! Then the majority lives! And the reversing of the tide will be the reversing of the tide of the entire aspect of human creation on Terra. This is the weight of the vote of children of light.
Now hear this! You who glory in the Word of God, hear this my message to you—that one with God is the majority, that your Christ Self is a greater majority than the human consciousness of all mankind! This is why one avatar, one Christed one can turn the tide of a planetary body!
Now see what you will do in Christ in this coming year. See what your majority vote, one by one, will cast for the evolutions of Terra.
All is unto the courageous! All is unto the victors! All is to those who have the vision to see that light will triumph on Terra. Light will be victorious!
I AM Michael! I come twenty-four hours a day in answer to your call. I AM very near at hand because you have given so many invocations to me.
Keep on keeping on, and we will free America first and then the entire planetary body for the children of light to live in peace and harmony in the golden age at hand.
I have the faith to win! Do you have that faith to win?
[Audience responds, “Yes!”]
So be it! Your vote is the vote of victory for Terra.
Rise in the victory, sons and daughters of flame! I love you forever!
-Archangel Michael, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 30, 1975 in Anaheim, California, Pearls of Wisdom 63:17
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