Wednesday, January 25, 2023
Serious accounting after 23 years in RTR-mode
As the RTR clique gradually got their grip on power in the same period that the Putin clique gradually got its grip on power, the folks with the greatest stake in this drama witnessed a hardening of the “official” position. The “official” position begins to resemble a machine, cold and definite and dominating. It reminds me of the TV droning on and on, there is no actual diaogue, that is, between TV audience and the TV beamers. It’s a one-way street. The various governments here and there start using a hardened mafia style, so does big media, big education, transnational corporations, a surly “we got it covered” modality. We have been witness to this attitude with “official”global warming, whether or not anyone else has a point or not, because there is a vested interest in the dogma of global warming, “official” supposedly, just droning on and on. Yes the RTR clique which is the Duffy clique based on the bold tough viewpoint of Neroli that some should just grab the power or figure out how to dominante; certainly it wasn’t a question of the RTR taking long walks in nature and communing back in 2001, 2002 and 2000, but it was a question of running a business more or less, or maybe running a TV station. How do we beam our game-plan? So there are inevitably a few possible modes to beam your agenda.
What to call these modes? Well, heavy, moderate and flexible, I shoud say. Someone may think heavy to be best (spectacular!). Someone might feel that moderate is a safer way, not so dogmatic in case some decisions turn out to be wrong. Then there is the lightweight mode where one allows cycles to flow and is cautious in sticking the neck out very far. Now if one is not expert already and has a high rate of accurate decision-making, it may be possible to risk some stuff at least a few times. I cannot comment on the RTR financial position, but perhaps there was a mind-the money group and the rest of us group.
But what if one is in experimental mode and the signs don’t look so hot? That maybe the plane does not really fly so well? Well, one could crash; so I think common sense would probably point toward caution, but if one was a real tiger and hungry and perhaps quite ambitious one might throw caution to the winds. Perhaps someone thought that the RTR could pass for a clone of Mother and so automatically it would fly.
Assumption #1?
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