Sunday, January 15, 2023
The Western part of the world has had a high military countermeasures injection rate, but parts of South America could be an exception. Ukraine’s rate of taking the jab was perhaps lowest in western Europe at about one-third of the population. Because of information pointing to the countermeasure-jab hitting hard at reproductive organs, especially human eggs that do not replenish after birth, it may be that scientists will within a year or two determine that the population in the West will be in very steep decline, not able to generate children. Designing countermeasures including creating BARDA in 2006 (as Congress has done such for decades) that coordinate and aim at the DNA and can modify that native DNA beyond a short period of time has been a very severe step by the designers. Where besides China in the world will generations of mankind to come derive from? It may be that Africa, Sri Lanka, China, perhaps Mongolia and some of South America will be able to produce a remnant. China stockpiles many or all raw materials. Will child-bearing capacity indeed be lost to many areas? It could be so. This countermeasures program has been exceedingly covert but not unknown to the globalists and to many in China. DARPA seeded $33 million to Moderna (which was very small at the time) and Pfizer in 2013 for mRNA research.
Now the lipid nanoparticle carrier of the bioweapon is the crusher in this drama. It may be that more than one producer in China is involved in LNP design and production. The newest player in China on a mega-scale is WuXi Biologics who do make LNP and is so rapidly expanding across the world. Then there is Sinopeg of Shanghai; Fosun Pharma of Shanghai (in 2017 coming to America) both are involved to varying degrees but of course very covertly. Peg is short for pegylated, the pegylated LNP and/or nano-hydrogel which is also a nano-carrier bioweapon here.
This is Sunday, January 15, 2023, a sunny morning in northern California.
When Pfizer led the Western pharmas (already, and still, centered at Shanghai) to build at Wuhan around 2010 they had CCP working there at their plant and Pfizer transferred their quality control center from India to Wuhan, China. Elon Musk in his video at bitchute on LNP mentioned that the path to modify human DNA was discovered in 2002. His team had to have done a fair amount of research to find this out and make his video. Information control is a very crucial factor in the drama. Russian inections are less severe and Chinese injections the least. Of course the Moderna and Pfizer have degrees of toxicity to their injections that by batchesare controlledprobably before being shipped to DoD distribution. Yet DoD at Fort Dietrick might add something. -r.
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