Saturday, January 14, 2023
living Word
producing obsessions will continue to downgrade the individual by amplifying his supposed or actual errors, and they will continue to seek to hide the beautiful image of God in which each man was made. -Meru, Pearl 12:37
Hail, Light! I am resolved with the determination of God to herein illumine mankind with understanding about riptides, their cause, effect and control in everyday living upon Earth! I will do this because mankind’s energy often manifests in opposition to the light and this is directly the fault of imposing impure thought and feelings upon that powerful and precious divine energy which men use and take so for granted.
The thoughtform for the year, which beloved Gautama described so well in his New Year’s address, is a golden spinning wheel releasing a golden thread of pure radiant energy to each lifestream to manifest as his apportioned substance. The nine spokes of the wheel are indicative of the seven members of the Karmic Board, and includes also beloved Gautama, Lord of the World, and blessed Saint Germain who are spokesmen for the Great White Brotherhood throughout the golden age.
This golden thread, symbolical of each man esteeming his life energy as obedient substance, subject with joy to God’s will, shall be used in the golden age to weave garments of immortality to endure as Christ-accomplishment in a living memorial to God’s honor flame!
Riptides however are created by wrong thoughts and feelings which gain momentum in both a centripetal and centrifugal action. Only the two-edged sword of blue flame is effective in wholly counteracting such viciousness. In order to counteract malicious human forces it is mandatory that students call upon Archangel Michael, beloved Mighty Astrea and Prince Oromasis.
You have observed the action of cyclonic winds, also the terror left in the wake of tornadoes. These natural forces are puny beside the insidious invisible malice of humanly created riptides. Now I wish to make clear that individuals are often totally ignorant of the fact that they are being used to feed their energy into and sustain any negative action, but it is happening hourly to many loving, innocent people who are simply the victims of their own ego. These dear ones are trapped because they become the center of self-attention, self-pity and obsession that they are being neglected.
A constant flow of attention, unless it be upon the heights of its own divinity, is diverted to lower octaves of human thought and feeling where like attracts like. Vibrations of discord seek out and unite with their kind and in this union form huge astral pools of inky, negatively qualified, electrically charged substance which sometimes becomes immense in size, grossly concentrated in density and has an intense whirling action. Such disturbing astral conditions without form or goodness roam the atmosphere of Earth like will-o-the-wisps and are especially attracted to all forms of negative thought, feeling or action. By too much attention on the outer self students tend to open their doors to these human creations.
I am requested by the Karmic Board and Darjeeling Council to call these matters to the attention of the student body so that they may acquire the wisdom of serpents and be as harmless as doves!
When in the grip of such concentrations of fierce-energy many who do not understand their own being or the Law which governs it have committed many vicious acts of violence for which they were later heartily sorry. I certainly do not propose to draw attention of students to these conditions, but I am lovingly interested in their proper understanding of the Law of Life as it relates to mankind’s use of God’s energy upon Earth. Such knowledge is essential to mastery, for those who are at present often victims instead of victors over all forms of control, hypnotism, suggestion, vortices of specific negative energy and other undesirable conditions—the source of which is simply man’s misqualification of God’s pure energy!
This week as a loving ascended being I am offering to you my assistance in governing all wrong conditions which would not prove helpful in winning your freedom or obtaining your ascension in the light. Primarily, blessed ones, understanding the old saying “Count to ten before you speak” (or release your thoughts or feelings out into the world) was first released as “Count to nine—in time” and was later changed by men who thought their own knowledge of English to be superior and did not understand the symbolic ritual which I release herewith and which was lost to them.
The “Count to nine—in time” imparts the power of the three-times-three and is the ritual for encircling your being with light’s protection. Immediately (in time) when wrong vibrations are sensed start this action of sacred fire. At the first, second and third count encircle your abdomen with whitefire to govern the feeling body; to the fourth, fifth and sixth count encircle the throat with whitefire to govern the physical form; and with the seventh, eighth and ninth count encircle the head with whitefire to govern the mental body. As you do this three times for each of your three lower vehicles you will have absolute protection by the power of the three-times-three for your etheric body which will remain secure in the immaculate concept while the riptides of life continue to blast around you.
The value of this ritual to you will be your freedom from the power men give to wrong conditions and that protection which the Great White Brotherhood desires all sincere students to have.
Next week I shall continue with my instruction on riptides and tell you more concerning how the student body can assist us in bringing greater freedom to Earth during this year of great destiny.
I am yours mightily in the light, Cuzco, Pearls of Wisdom 5:2
When individuals in ignorance call upon other names and their hearts are pure it does not always mean that they will experience some negative outpouring of which they are consciously aware; but in reality there is always a diminution of the light-flow into their worlds and, in some there have been awful obsessions created and infestation of entities into their worlds because they have been thrown off the path of truth by calling upon others who are in reality not masters of light but impostors of the black brotherhood masquerading as angels of light.
-Divine Director, Pearl 9:40
Ho! Everyone that thirsteth, come ye to the waters of everlasting life that I AM.
I AM THAT I AM the Ascended Jesus Christ in your midst, proving the present availability of my Presence to enfold you as I am enfolding this Messenger that you might receive my Word as I preached it to your very souls long ago in Galilee and in other places—and even in the uttermost parts of the Earth.
Beloved, truly I have preached to your souls then and now in all octaves of being. For I am come, the Presence of the Lord with you. And I come to redeem, and the redemption is of the Lost Teaching and the Lost Word. For here then is the restoration of the soul. As the dried fig is restored by the water of life so may the fullness of your soul now become plump. Having drunk of this water may you live forever and not be turned aside because you have heard a prognostication to seek again and again predictions of your life.
There is only one prediction in life, beloved. This one prediction in life is that you are here and now a potential of Spirit realizing itself. You are not a soul becoming the Spirit but the living Spirit itself internalizing and manifesting itself in soul potential that has gone forth.
Therefore rise with me now to the level of the One and of your I AM Presence. Rise in meditation to that mighty sphere of light and look down upon your soul, beloved, and see how you as the I AM THAT I AM direct life and mind and consciousness into this vessel that is the feminine potential—the waiting bride that now must appear and understand Self as this I AM.
I place you, beloved, in the center of the I AM Presence that for a moment you may realize being as God, as the masculine Spirit of life. For you have long labored in the vineyard of life and of your own karma to perceive Self as the soul becoming. Well, beloved, the soul that is ever becoming and never being true Being is the soul that has lost a certain sense of the absoluteness of life itself.
Thus come to know the value of meditation unto the source that you might be one with the great Projector of Being who has sent you forth. For unto the Omega out of the Alpha the I AM THAT I AM is one. This is the affirmation of Being that becomes the foundation of all endeavor. It is the a priori awareness, beloved—the awareness of that I AM. It is the premise of manifestation, of all precipitation, all knowing and interior life.
Therefore be seated in my meditation with you. For the rising of the soul and resurrection thereof is more than a physical standing or even a standing for God. It is an inner walk. It may be an outer tribulation but through it there is an inner mounting of a spiral staircase.
Yes, the inner gnosis is proven by outer manifestation. But outer manifestation, beloved, is not always proof of inner gnosis. Therefore take care that you stray not, remaining on the periphery of the circle as the builder in life and forgetting to retreat to my sacred heart and to your own.
Remember that all building is for the building of the kingdom of God. Let us begin at beginnings then and come to the realization that it is the New Jerusalem, it is the City Foursquare that I AM.
You see me as the figure of Christ. See me in the mystical sense of the causal body that expands infinitely as the sphere of light. See me then as containing, manifesting the Holy City. See the Holy City as a part of myself. Then come to understand that your causal body is also the habitation of the Most High God. And when the I AM THAT I AM is truly where this heart [your heart] in manifestation is you will see all around you the physical precipitation of the City Foursquare.
See the likeness of that city in the etheric retreat of the Divine Mother over the Royal Teton Ranch. See it then as an etheric city waiting to be lowered into manifestation in your life. See it as every whit the potential, you see, of Buddhahood and Christhood.
My way is the way of the cosmic cross of whitefire consuming and occupying, you see, time and space until time and space is so completely occupied with the kingdom of heaven (which is the etheric octave) that time and space are no more, the framework thereof is not needed, and the kingdom of heaven has displaced ignorance of the kingdoms of Earth.
Realize the power of the Word in you to displace illusion. Realize that the Word is a temple being built that is a man and, aye, more than a man—it is the fullness of manifestation. Let the extensions of thought become pillars in thy temple, and let the pillars of thy temple be enduring ones that you find thereafter when you make the exit from physical form. The same pillars that you thought were physical are in reality spiritual.
Beloved, some awaken after the transition called death and they are bereft of anything that they knew in this life. They enter a twilight zone that is barren where the winds howl and have swept away any possible creation of man or God. For consciousness there had not become a magnet of living sacred fire. Consciousness there, beloved, had not internalized the Word. Therefore nothing continued to be nothing, though in the world the individual may have appeared as being rich and increased with goods.
Then there are those who pass through the change [called death] and they enter into the mansion of the Lord. They enter into the house of light and their surroundings are more than, greater than the humble abode of Earth. Truly these know the meaning of the palace of light.
Therefore build thee more stately mansions, O my soul. Let the priorities be unto eternity.
We seek then no continuing city here for the sake of having a continuing city, but we seek a citadel of light fully physical whose goal and reason for being shall have been externalization of the causal body of man containing the New Jerusalem. Truly a child’s castle in the sand may be of greater endowment of light by his devotion than the most splendid palaces of the seed of the wicked in the Earth. Thus know that perfection is a quality of the heart with which the creation of man is endowed.
Now, beloved, understand how the fallen ones traduced my own message, hence in effect me personally. They erected a church, an edifice, an institution that was a prisonhouse for my sheep. This edifice did not bear likeness either to my causal body or to the New Jerusalem which John saw descending out of heaven from God. They used the form of the citadel to create the illusion of authority and authenticity of offices and hierarchies and eventually the orthodox tradition.
Realize, beloved, that the structure was used to perpetuate that which was anti-truth or anti-Christ in all who were imprisoned there—a Babylonian/Assyrian building of a tower of Babel, of Babylon the Great where souls would be lost and some of them not to find the living Word until the hour of the Redeemer and of the Holy Spirit and the coming of this dispensation today.
Beloved ones, institutions are necessary, but the church we have called Church Universal and Triumphant is more than an institution. In manifestation it is the effect of inner cause that is the New Jerusalem. In other words, beloved, it is drawn out of a blueprint and out of a reality in the kingdom of heaven that does already exist.
And therefore its extension in the Earth is not merely a building that is consecrated or an institution or an organization that exists for the sake of being an organization, but it is in fact a citadel for guarding of the mysteries. It is truly necessary in this age to create such an entity that comes from the light of God. It is necessary to bring forth then those who are the white stones and pillars of the Church that is the Holy City.
Realize that this church body is composed of living members, of communicants who drink of the water of eternal life that I give hour upon hour and word by word in a release of light spoonfed to your souls and then coming in a torrent of initiation when you least expect it. For I still come as the thief in the night.
This is a living church composed of living Christs, beloved. And the church cannot be greater in the Earth than the body which comprises it. Know this, beloved, that my heart and the heart of Gautama, the heart of Mary and the sponsors of this church, even Saint Germain, have longed to see a tradition, an institution now be the reality of the causal body of each and every one of its members realized here below. This is the temple that shall endure and this is the Word and church of which I spake when I said “The gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”
You must be the fulfillment of this prophecy, beloved. You must understand how corporate bodies of institutions have sealed the Lost Teaching in a casket and also sealed souls who have drunk of that poison of orthodoxy in the same casket.
O beloved, it is the hour for awakening of the dead, and the dead shall rise and they shall rise in the resurrection of the Lost Teaching and the Lost Word. And they shall rise in the newness of this divine Self-awareness because those who have fought through these centuries and many tens of thousands of years against this entrenched false priesthood—who came in Lemuria, who came in Atlantis, who landed from other spheres upon this Earth—will now step forth to complete and fulfill the victory of this battle.
Beloved ones, it is the hour: it is the hour of the coming of the kingdom as Church Universal and Triumphant manifest on Earth. This is the instrumentation of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood. It is the facilitator if you will. It is the mediator if you will. It is channel and nexus if you will of the Spirit of the Almighty in all manifestations of life beyond to the people of this Earth. And this edifice, beloved, is truly the temple made without hands. Today it exists as a vision and a piece of land as a white page.
Therefore I come with you to write upon that page. Hear me, O ye who are the faithful and true, and know that cosmic cycles have come and it is the hour when the power of the Word within you may overthrow every denier of that Word in these little ones. Beloved, I tell you the hour is come and now is when you can fulfill finally the overthrow of false priests once and again and forever, amen! [27-sec. standing ovation]
I come to banish doubt and fear, hopelessness and that cynicism that subtly invades the mind even as a soot, a fine dust that somehow separates you from fullest potential of the joy of Christhood. It is as though the victors did not know it was their day, and they in some areas suffer a setback and a defeat because they simply do not charge with legions of angels to deliver the message of the Everlasting Gospel.
Beloved, I AM determined to make it easier for you, and so is the Messenger and so are staff and all from around the world who have joined in the release of this Word. And we will release in this very summer from this very press so consecrated books on the Lost Teachings of my life that you will take and run with and start your own revolution, beloved! [19-sec. applause]
These books contain the message of the Two Witnesses whose time has come. They contain, beloved, that which has been sent forth by us through the Messengers. They are indeed a part of the Everlasting Gospel and ancient Word brought to the present hour and the Lost Teaching regained. They are indeed the continuing release of Climb the Highest Mountain series. They come in a moment when the world needs the infusing of the divine spark. And, beloved, you the living church, you the living teacher and living Word must deliver that message with all fiery essence of your heart’s love! [16-sec. applause]
I, Jesus, declare this20 day12 the15 warfare36 of12 my11 Spirit37 against26 the15 fallen23 angels22 who19 have18 intruded41 and10 insinuated34 themselves38 into22 the15 mystical30 body19 of12 my11 luminous34 presence40 and10 divine36 doctrine43 (=645
=15 x heart-love43). I declare it! I summon my legions of angels from the heart of the living God. And they come, beloved, and they surround you now. And we shall rescue this church from its persecution and blasphemy against it, and we shall rescue every living soul upon Earth from the darkness of death and dying of the false teaching of the false hierarchy of Antichrist! [17-sec. applause]
I beg you to implement my Word as sacred sword. I ask you to consider the vision of the Faithful and True and the sword that proceeds out of his mouth. It is the two-edged sword of truth that is spoken. Take this image of the Cosmic Christ and make it your own, beloved. Claim it and say it: “I AM the Faithful and True, The Word of God. And I go forth in the living Savior Jesus Christ to conquer death and hell and fallen angels’ false theology!” [10-sec. applause]
Claim the mantra “I AM Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending.” For in this you affirm that here below as Above you are the beginning and the ending, the Father and Mother, the author and the finisher of your mission on earth to restore the true and living church, the New Jerusalem.
This is your mission, beloved. Unto this cause Mark gave to you his life in the full measure of his cup which he gave you to drink, for he has given his Christhood unto ye all. And this living Messenger with you, the Ascended Master Mark—he stands with me, for he has been the tireless, fiery proponent of my true Teaching and was martyred even as Origen for proclaiming that Teaching, beloved.
Now is the hour and the day of the vindication of the message that I gave to Origen to my saints, to the victorious ones who dared to stand for Christ in them and in the universal Word. Forever and forever from the beginning, before Abraham was I AM, you are this living message! [14-sec. applause]
I come to baptize you with this message. I come to release the Holy Spirit upon you that you might be empowered and go forth to proclaim it to every rock and tree and fellow along the way.
Beloved, do not choose your audience. God has chosen whom He will draw in to become His pillars. Do not judge by outer judgment and do not seek to impress those who have held the citadels of orthodoxy these long thousands of years. We do not desire to convert them. Let them be converted if they will—and if they will not, we know the living Word is their judge.
But go after the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Go after those who have been set aside from the path of true religion by these fallen angels and restore them to the love, to the comfort that I AM with them truly within their temple as the voice of the Good Shepherd. [14-sec. applause]
I send you as I sent my apostles and disciples and the inner circle and the holy women. I send you, beloved, with the living Word. Let us take the year that is left from the dispensation of Lord Gautama. Let us take this year then and bring to the heart of the Inner Retreat those whom you have found, those whom you have gone after. Bring them by personal caring and consolation in their hour of mourning and lamentation. Bring them, beloved, to the mountain of God that I might baptize them also as communicants who drink of the water of eternal life that I bear.
These are my words to you, beloved. Let us see how souls of light in the Earth may count for such a brightness as to be the light of the world. Let us show to the Lord God Almighty and to our Father and to our Mother and to our Lord Gautama that we can, even in this latest hour of Earth’s evolution of karma truly bring the acceptable offering that will stay the hand of the Lord’s judgment that may come upon the just and unjust alike. [12-sec. applause]
I cry to you in the name of my mother, Mary, who is also your mother. And I say to you, do not give up the salvation of a planet and turning of a world and the Coming Revolution until the Lord Himself will tell you that it is time to cease.
Beloved, no representative of God has yet told you that the battle is o’er and that you have lost. We have preached to you a victory and we have said it is a victory of light at inner levels that you must make your own. So we tell you it is a New Jerusalem that must be here for the world to see, and the New Jerusalem is you—is you, beloved! You are the living temple. And in your presence the world is inspired and drawn to that same living church.
O beloved, you are indeed the temple of the living God. Let it show. Let it shine. Let it radiate. Let it reach those who this day have lost hope that they will find a living Teacher, a living God, a lost Word and a message that is truly true unto salvation. They have been discouraged. They have been invaded by demons. They have been taken out of the way by false pastors both in the economy and in government and in church.
O beloved, I cry out for my own who have been led astray, the sweet children of light who under proper circumstances may grow to become tall pines in the Earth where the birds of the air may come and nest, where the angels might tarry—the pine that is indeed the sign: the way is up the mountain of God! The way is up, ascending to the Great Causal Body of Light! The way is here below feeding His little ones! It is a way of non-condemnation. It is a way of love that is a fiery judgment, of love that binds the wolves in sheep’s clothing, that dares to challenge those at any level or hierarchy in the Earth.
So it is done, beloved. So I AM come. So I AM here in the fullness of my ascended light body. If you cannot see me, may you feel me. If you cannot feel me, may you hear me. Beloved, in any case I saturate your being with a light that must be a purging light. For those who would be Christ must be ready for the purging of that which is not.
It is a simple equation which you have accepted because you are Keepers of the Flame of Liberty, because you have said: “I will be responsible. I will take account[ability] for my life but not my life alone. I am standing for my God in the fullness of joy to serve Him in those who know not He is their real Self.” [13-sec. applause]
Beloved, some bound by the chains of orthodox tradition which they themselves forged in previous lives, some through fear and idolatry of fallen angels have pointed the finger of the accuser of the brethren at the Messenger, saying all manner of accusations—one in particular that the Messenger “fears the Bible.”
Beloved ones, this is precisely the point. The fallen ones fear the Gnosis of my Teaching and the real path of the mysteries. They have covered over their fear and accused another of that which is in their own hearts—the ultimate fear of death and hell that the mystery of the kingdom of God as your Great Causal Body descending with my own shall open now as a flower opens to give her fragrance, as the egg opens and the robin steps forth in spring. So the mystery is about to be revealed in your internalization of the Word.
If anyone may challenge you, beloved, concerning your fear of scripture or of the Word of God say: “I do not fear it. I AM the scripture. I AM the Word. I AM the living vine of Jesus Christ. And I have come down from heaven and I AM here with my Lord to show you the way home!” [28-sec. applause]
Let yourselves be quoted, beloved ones. Let these words whereby they will attempt to hang you for having some psychological deformity or depravity, let these words be the message that goes beyond their barbs and barbed-wire attempts to encase you. Let the Word go forth and reach the hungry, the mouths opening waiting for the mother to bring the food to the nest. They wait to hear the Word that tells them you have the true message because you dare to proclaim it.
Those who do not dare to proclaim my message do not truly have it in the interior self. For the Word itself is empowerment of fearlessness flame, and the Word incarnate is always guarded by Seven Archangels of the Lord’s Presence. They must. They are assigned by God to guard the one who does embody the Word and fears not to proclaim it.
Obey the Law, beloved, and invoke that protection of the archangels and move forward fearlessly. For they have but a short time and their time is not! [13-sec. applause]
May you be seated in the authority of the light of God that will never fail you when you invoke it.
I speak then, beloved, of reaching the seeming unreachable ones obsessed by their illusions in the belief that that which is not real is real. When you have come to the point of futility in trying to break that shell of unreality remember this Teaching that I give you. For the Father Himself and the Lord have dealt with this equation of life and they have dealt with the Law. And the Law is called karma, beloved.
Thus intransigence of the illusory ones who pursue vanity and all manner of vanities is met with the only possible answer that can be had for this condition of consciousness: personal and planetary karma descending to break the illusion of illusion. This is God’s answer to the ancient conundrum.
You may observe the signs of the times and consider that our Father has said it is the hour when, if their souls are to be saved, the dark cycle of their karma must come upon them. Thus they are already in the throes of wrestling with an illusion that slowly is becoming to them verily an illusion—a slight awakening and then a fear and then back to sleep in the same old illusion.
Beloved ones, people are thinking deeply about that which is upon them. When they must suddenly face death or the passing of a loved one or strange, horrendous scenes upon Earth that make no sense they seek a true religion and an explanation.
I beg you and beg you without shame: feed them my Word. Their pastors rot away and they rot with them. Beloved, they do not give the answers. You are not midst their congregations. You have not heard their preaching of non-comfort.
O beloved, it is a miserable situation that I report to you. Therefore you are going after those whose encounter with karma has been like the rock that is descended upon them to break the shell of illusion. And now they are ready for the true and living Christ and true religion. And therefore they quickly go after one who has some grain of truth and often many times more error. And they become entrenched and enmeshed with false teachers. Intelligent and educated people are following false gurus today because somehow they complement their personality which has not become the personality of Christ.
This you must know and understand. It is an hour when the soul is in flux. It is in a state of alchemy whereby the light of my presence and the darkness of karma has forced an awakening, even if it be undesired. You must recognize when the soul is waiting to be revolutionized and magnetized to the polestar of its own I AM Presence.
That is why you must not choose but be chosen and be my instrument and speak. And do not be concerned for rejection but keep on preaching the Word, for the Word has power. And long after it has left your lips it is still reaching hearts you know not of that one day appear at the gate, the east gate of the Mystery School—yes, the east gate of Eden come again, beloved. They will appear and you will say “What hath God wrought?” But it is you who have preached the Word somewhere in some octave and that Word was a missile to their heart.
Therefore know the Word. Know what you preach, beloved. Do not assume that the Teaching is so simple that it requires no study. Then study how to deliver it. The lesson of the Maha Chohan, the Holy Spirit, to you, beloved, is that you must have this Holy Spirit to know what is the food that will restore life to an undernourished soul that is in a state of spiritual malnutrition.
It is urgent, beloved. You have observed and it is so, some entrapped in a false belief system. In all likelihood they will stay there because they do not know that they are suffering from an illusion and that they need the living bread that I AM.
I have come down from heaven this day as this living bread. I have come down to place myself in the physical molecules of this presence. Therefore, beloved, know that I AM in the Earth to save my own. [13-sec. applause]
I give you this my body and this my blood in this hour. I have conveyed it to you and I continue to convey it as the living Word that you might know that that body and that blood is not confined to a physical communion but rather is conveyed directly—chakra to chakra, heart to heart. Thus eat and assimilate and become myself. It is the only way for the salvation of Earth.
I shall receive now those who would be baptized of me at the altar of the Holy Grail. Beloved ones, every baptism transferred through the Messenger is my own. Baptism then within my Church Universal and Triumphant is given once. May those who have never been baptized who seek to be communicants in this Church follow after the newborn and infants to be presented by their parents.
Rise now, beloved. I, Jesus, seal you in the mission to which you were sent by God. I seal you in the finishing of that which you have begun. For the Father has told me to tell you this day that He waits to receive you, your mission complete. He desires you to finish the work that you have begun with your twinflame, that He has begun in you as the initiation of your life spiral.
Truly the work of Him that sent me, beloved, must be finished by you. I took my ascension that I might sponsor you and hold the balance of your karma. Beloved, I took my ascension before this mission could be fulfilled so that you might be saved to fulfill it in me and of me as flesh of my flesh, bone of my bone and body of my body.
Beloved, this mission would have been completed were it not for the era of the warfare of the fallen angels declared against me, my Word and my own. Thus it is the hour when all of this is turned now back upon them. And it is upon them, and I say it in the power of Elohim! Two thousand years and, yea, a million years of their denial of my Christhood be upon them in this hour!
Now run empowered by the Holy Ghost, for He is upon you. Receive Him and be free. -Jesus Christ, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 6, 1986 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearls of Wisdom 29:67
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