Wednesday, January 11, 2023
Gog and Magog
(using numerology, 1=1, b=2, c=3, j=1, etc.)
For the armies of the Lord are with the saints on the Earth. And whereas the leaders have not the faintest idea or the understanding of the battle of Armageddon—or where is the true promised land of the I AM race—we the mighty archangels will defend a point of light.
And we stand in the Middle East also for the judgment of Nephilim gods who have usurped that land for more than a half a million years and beyond into the very mists of antiquity to overturn the light, even the promised light that was sent.
I lay the sword of the One Sent upon the altar of the Grail and I address you, my beloved, out of the Book of the Law; for he came and took incarnation in the East, there at the midpoint of continents—there to separate the darkness, there to bind the darkness.
Beloved hearts of light, the age-old conspiracy of Gog and Magog has been interpreted in many ways, but I would give to you an understanding of an ancient history of two rival forces representing, as it were, the king of the north and the king of the south—both anti-gods. These kings however, not located in the Earth (as noted in the prophecy of Daniel) but located beyond this solar system, sent their forces for the conquering of worlds. And they used every conceivable and inconceivable means to thwart the plan of Almighty God and to outsmart one another.
Therefore you will understand that this rivalry, as it is the opposition which ought to be the harmony of the light of Alpha and Omega, has existed for aeons and aeons. You see that rivalry among the fallen ones, among the species. You will note their rivalry; you will note it in the political arena, in the military forces.
You will note the division, even within nations, of various factions who move one against the other, even the division of Lebanon herself and other nations of the Middle East where the factions, posing as this and that, right and left representative of the major world’s religions, are yet locked in a deadly combat one against the other—who ought to be brethren but are not. For they22 are15 not13 the15 seed15 of12 light29, yet they take upon themselves the form of worship, whereas they22 do10 not13 embody28 the15 fullness17 of12 the15 light29 of12 Christ32 (=205=5 x embody not41).
Therefore mechanical42 recitation51 of12 the15 Word24 does16 not13 afford32 them19 the15 very25 nucleus23 of12 living37 light29 (=365=5 x they do not embody=73). Yet nevertheless they are the15 imitators43 as2 impostors46 of12 the15 Word24.
Thus they22 seize28 upon21 the15 major21 world’s28 religions54, they22 become25 fanatical31 in14 fundamental39 interpretation76, an6 orthodox47 version39 (=645=15 x imitators43) that denies the very body and blood of the living Word, that denies the flame of love. And they are beyond religion. In every sector of society the extremists right and left, pitted against one another, still represent the ancient force and forces of Gog and Magog that one day must devour one another on the planes of the Earth.
See them then—whether the interpretation is between Red Chinese and Soviets or whether between various factions in Iran or Iraq or in Lebanon or even among Christians or even among Jews—where there be these ones, beloved hearts, realize then that there is no love of Christ, no love of Buddha, no love of the light, no love of the little children but only a determination to the end, even unto the death, to destroy one another.
Thus this mortal combat even threatened this very soil as one (Jefferson Davis) of the representatives of these forces from beyond this planet rose up to create divisive elements and to align that similar seed of Gog and Magog in the War Between the States. This attempted division of America came from these very ancient rebels beyond this system that were part of the Nephilim ones, even those fallen ones. They came fully arrayed with their armies and spacecraft and have continued to despise the children of the light. But their despise has no end when it comes to their determination to destroy one another. For they are determined that not two but one between them shall rule the entire universe. Such is their ambition.
Does it sound somehow like the ancient gods of Rome or beyond on Atlantis, or the war of the gods on Lemuria or even prior to Lemuria? Well, beloved hearts, it is the same—the one. These archenemies therefore blinded by their mutual hatreds unite only for destruction of the living Word and the Christ who is their common enemy.
This they have done time and again when it came to eliminating those who held the flame of freedom. Otherwise they never end their engagement of rivalry, and thus it has been the complaint of both men and angels: the viciousness of political campaigns in this nation itself and in every nation in the world as these rivalries have resulted in murders—as in the Philippines, as in the nations of Africa—and they cannot endure that the rival should succeed.
Thus the desecration of the principles of Saint Germain [and] of the representative form of government which is entirely in harmony with the hearts of the children of God and sons of God who could live peaceably according to the vote of the people or the vote of the representatives of the people.
Thus the name-calling and mudslinging may begin again in another round of elections here and there, and you will be all the wiser. For I, Uriel, have come to show you, as in the case of Gabriel defining the red ants and black ants in Cambodia [and Vietnam], so there has ever been this rivalry. Caught in the middle of this are the forces of freedom on a peace-keeping mission. Beloved ones, to keep the peace requires that those engaged in war desire peace. And thus instead they become fodder in the crossfire of these fallen ones nation by nation.
Once again we must declare to the lightbearers that unless the wages are understood, unless the chessmen are known, unless the forces, lifewaves and evolution are seen scarcely shall the elect be saved. The fallen ones on Atlantis, who also destroyed that continent in their manipulation of energy, have reembodied again to hold in tow the children of light and to attempt to give them talismans, electrodes (even misusing the light of the pyramid), connecting not hearts with heart but the astral bodies once again.
The manipulators of energy from interplanetary levels have come in many forms—not merely as serpents but as the “cat people,” as they are called. And these fallen ones are determined to claw against the light of the Woman until they defeat not only one anotherbut also the armies of heaven.
All of this Saint Germain and the Darjeeling Council have before them. And they have sent me therefore to declare to you the God-determination of legions of the seven mighty archangels come to Earth once again for the defense of every lightbearer.
The recommendation of Archangel Gabriel has been to let these fallen ones destroy one another; and the Lords of Karma have pointed out: “but not at the expense of the light or the Earth or freedom itself.” And therefore there is an adjudication. There is a very careful deliberation, measure for measure, as to how much the karma of laggards is allowed to fall upon them and how much there must be intervention of forces of freedom.
If the forces of freedom are always fearing the fallen ones and their victory, always fearing the triumph in war and can never take a stand, it is easy to see as we have said many times that the Bear will eat away until there is nothing left and world freedom herself is threadbare and tattered.
O Goddess of Liberty, the legions of light form a mighty spiral around thy focus. We come to the shrine of Liberty and the open door of the Mother’s heart of initiation. There in New York let there be the sealing of earth, sea, fire, air! Let there be the sealing until servants of God might turn and serve the light.
O let the newcomers to this soil receive the initiation of light! Measure for measure as they bear light let them receive that increment and let the raising up of the torch of Liberty draw all nations of the seed of Sanat Kumara to that point of definition of community of the Holy Spirit of this nation that is a haven for all who are oppressed.
I turn the page now to the record in the last days of Atlantis—how the hordes of laggard lifewaves overran that continent and desecrated the light, the temples, the life-force. The compromise of the seed of Sanat Kumara is a history that repeats itself. Somehow the people have forgotten the Word of the Lord that the seed of light must not intermarry with aliens from other systems who are the godless, defiant ones. But as the Hebrews, some went after the Canaanites, some went after this seed. So it is today, so it was in Atlantis, so it was in Lemuria.
Why do you suppose Lord Sanat Kumara called Abraham, and called the father of Abraham, and called the lineage of Abraham out of Ur of the Chaldees? It was to separate out the seed of light to bring them into a far country and to allow once again the purity of the I AM race to have the genetic structure through which to embody free of the manipulation of those fallen ones who were even then encamped around that city.
In each new age after each new period of cataclysm and resolution of forces, when life once again begins to dawn upon Earth, there is the desire of the Almighty One to send twin flames, representatives of the Manus, into embodiment to bear the archetype of mind, soul, heart and body unto this seed of light. But again and again and again once the seed is in embodiment and once they develop that point of Christhood they are15 snatched29 into22 revolving52 again23 interchange59, entangling49 alliances31 with24 those22 who19 are15 not13 from25 above18 but7 from25 beneath28 (=477=9 x from beneath53).
Thus it has become very difficult for the Lords of Karma even in these hours to send souls of light. Tremendous dispensations have gone forth, about which you have not even heard a word—so complex are these, having to do with the neutralization in the newborn children of certain of the forces in the very genetic code itself, transmitted through the physical bodies where there has been the intermingling of the blood (and this has occurred almost universally).
Thus, beloved hearts, many, many lightbearers have come through those whose bodies have also come down generation by generation by the admixture of all sorts of evolutions from various systems, many of these who have never held in their cells or in their chakras the true and living light of the threefold flame.
The manipulation of life, the creation of life in the ancient game of the rivalries is even beyond your ken, so vast was the scheme to create myriad evolutions. For in the rivalries of Gog and Magog, they required more and more forces, more and more legions, more and more armies pitted one against the other, that the final outcome might be seen as a victory for one of the two head rivals. -Archangel Uriel on 10-7-1983 at Camelot, L.A. via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Pearls of Wisdom 26:52
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