Monday, January 2, 2023
God’s furnace for the fusion of your will fragmented still
(numerology used; a=1, b=2, c=3, j=1, etc.)
1) The spiritual hierarchy, blessed ones, has long been aware of the fact that just as political deceit is practiced upon unsuspecting men and women so8 theological53 deceit28 will20 also11 be7 spread27 abroad23 (=177=3 x supercilious59) in the battle for the minds of men. This is why we long ago charged into the world of students the admonishment “Call upon your own divine Presence and wait upon the Word of the Lord. Live closely and identify with the precepts of holy truth which bring to the doorstep of every man the understanding of the full measure of his responsibility to his brother made in the image of God to whom he ought to offer the best that is within himself, owing direct allegiance to his great God-being.”
Where there is a dichotomy between the counsels of that great divine Being and those of another individual or group of individuals the attention should always flow first to the divine Presence and then to the ascended masters’ realm for resolving of the difficulty. Light always begets light to nourish and regenerate, whereas darkness28 may12 indeed masquerade41 as2 intellectual44 blindness35 (=162=9 x Cain18) which refuses to accept the truth of that which it cannot see concretely defined.
In my last release I admonished concerning the will of man, and I tell you truly that it is to interfere with mankind’s freewill that the enemies of cosmic truth do10 practice39 and10 weave20 their33 webs13 of12 deceit28 (=165=5 x weave webs33). The image of God is simply not good enough for some among men who19 seem15 to8 feel19 that13 their33 own16 individuality69 is10 the15 sovereign51 expression54 of12 right35 and10 justice24 (=405=9 x hard cul-de-sac45). This in effect denies compatibility with one’s own cosmic creation that in the beginning framed man in the divine image.
It is not, precious ones, that in the fulfilling of the divine image there is no latitude for individual expression and freewill, whether latent or active; it is rather a question as to whether or not men shall owe their highest allegiance to their original divine image or to the fabrication which we call the ‘not-Self’. Whereas men often choose to revere their “right” to express their own personal idiosyncrasies, God Himself has respected man’s right to be a co-creator. Thus the laws of the universe have returned to mankind the awesome currents of his own variegated manifestation, patterned after the human image; and a great toll of unhappiness has been brought about upon Earth. If in reality men had stood by their own great God Presence as that Presence has stood by them from the foundation of all things, the world would be living in the golden age here and now; sin, sickness and death would long ago have passed away, and all tears would have been wiped away.
The reason mankind require crutches upon which to walk and support for their33 own16 sagging37 ideas20 that13 cannot22 stand13 (=154 (=junk11 x deals14) in the light of reality is because they have leaned upon the arm of flesh, and the Spirit which is within them has not been acknowledged so as to give them the support that the Law would allow, blessing mankind with every divine possibility of which the mind of God could conceive. There is always a natural yearning that fills the souls of men which is not satisfied by all masquerading false concepts and therefore the soul continues to hunger.
Our persuasions are not for the glory of some individual, blessed ones, or some organization.
They are for the glory of the great spark of immortality which is within you, and in order that individuality, which you term a free expression of your own will, may become closely identified with the great divine nature of Almighty God; thus mankind will become the personification of cosmic reality and the finiteness of man will be superseded by the infinite, ever unfolding nature of divine grace.
Every doctrine which is rooted in sinister strategies and seeks to cater to mortal mind of man or to pamper his ego, leading him to believe that he is connected with some “outer source” which will keep him informed as to what is happening around the cosmic corner, is simply an activity designed to please the little self and to enlarge the boundaries of that self. Cosmic magnification which is the fruit of divine sowing does not seek to embellish the ego or to make the individual to feel that he is above his fellowmen—rather does it seek identification of the individual with cosmic resources which enlarge the borders of man’s perception by the light of divine truth.
In the name of heaven, blessed ones, you cannot increase your spiritual wealth by simply adding to yourself mankind’s superficial56 respect32 (=88=4 x water22). The world is filled with idols, and the idolatry which men practice does not add one iota to the spiritual stature of man. Your25 great24 strength39 does16 not13 lie17 in14 personal37 popularity54 or15 in14 a1 high32 self-esteem27 (=328=8x cleverness41)
but in acts of divine grace which will always uphold the building blocks of truth by which God erects His temple of reality in the world of form and individuality.
Little25 do10 mankind30 dream23 of the vast number of individuals who19 are15 deceived39 by9 this20 or15 that13=218 philosophy62 and10 in14 many22 cases11 by9 a1 religion53 (=182; 182 + 218=400=level20 x level20) which was not so much their choice as it was that of family, friends and early environment. We do not seek to discourage in men divine worship or any benign quality, nor do we seek necessarily to estrange men from a faith which gives them comfort. Rather do we seek to activate within their minds and feeling worlds such interest as shall cause them to understand just what is acting in the world around them.
It is necessary that men shall learn to penetrate their environment and to understand right motives in others as well as themselves in order that they might discern the Lord’s body as the consummate action of divine truth, always affinitized with the mighty Word which went forth to create and does sustain the whole creation. The structure of creation is indeed magnificent and the levels of heaven beyond compare, but7 as2 long21 as2 men14 are15 enamored39 by9 outer25 glamor30
(=164=4 x cleverness41) they may not understand the full aspects of the great fourth-dimensional world of truth. For it is these spiritual aspects which would enable them to discern reality and to provide for a reeducation of their vision from erroneous and outworn concepts and a certain ineptness of mind which makes them victims32 of12 human21 gullibility57 (=118=2 x supercilious59).
Thus do the blind lead the blind and all fall into the15 ditch26 of12 human21 error38 (=carnal mind calcination91).
The ascended masters desire to raise mankind out of every form of human decrepitude or servitude into the great concept of the “cosmic stretch” wherein the soul can unfold its latent and dormant capacities, and men can become Christs through the dictates of the Holy Spirit who speaks within themselves in response to their welcome to cosmic purity and is evoked by the activated yearnings of their souls to know the truth that they may be free.
We speak not to condemn but for the multitudes of Earth who hunger and thirst after righteousness and truth. That they may be filled is our prayer. We understand thoroughly the need for many laborers in the Lord’s vineyard. We realize that no man can at a given moment in time express a greater degree of accuracy than that of which he is capable.
Truly the reach must exceed the grasp, and yet great is the need that men remain in one sense unsatisfied by mere platitudes while lovingly adhering to that which they know within their own souls is acceptable unto God and man.
It is sometimes difficult for individuals to understand just7 how19 others31 can9 be7 so7 gullible35 about14 spiritual44 things32 as2 to8 pin21 their33 faith26 on11 that13 which33 is10 obviously41 fraudulent41 (=344=8 x destroyed43). I do not think that the world is full of frauds, as men might imagine, but rather do I know that it is full of individuals who19 are15 often24 manipulated49 by9 forces30 beyond29 their33 ken12 (=220=10 x curses22).
Therefore I urge all who can resurrect the faith that is within their own hearts to understand that the ascended masters are seeking to expand pure truth for mankind in all that they do. Truly not everyone who saith “Lord, Lord” will enter into the kingdom of God but those who seek above all to do the will of God. This is the treasure of the ages.
There are many reasons, blessed ones, why the Hierarchy have winked at human ignorance in spiritual matters, permitting while not approving the erroneous concepts of devoted souls yet unascended. Thus all activities and even those we sponsor upon Earth will find greater light replacing limited understanding. However revelation of a progressive nature must strive to accentuate the important phases of truth and gradually refine the lesser understanding of men.
In the parable of the wheat and tares men perceive the wisdom of not doing excessive uprooting until the time of harvest. In a like manner we have overlooked the most minute correction of a few misconceptions in the names of the Hierarchy which we intend one day to resolve. This we have not done previously for a number of sound reasons. When the time is ripe for a greater clarification be not surprised but grateful, for every point of truth is10 helpful36 when23 consciousness49 is10 receptive49 (=177=3 x helpful when59).
I remain affectionately in the bonds of cosmic revelation which shall indeed manifest in the heart of each child-man, Great Divine Director, Pearls of Wisdom 9:41
2) Light, I AM come! Light I have fashioned into a circle and sword of blue flame. In the name of Mother, eternal Purity, Omega of the Central Sun, I AM and I shall ever be Astrea. As long as the universe hath need of me I shall be Mother-flame of Omega unto all life. I come as Maha Kali of infinite spheres. I come and I strip from you the burdens of all the years if you can bear it. If you can bear it, I will steal from you your very heart’s longing for unreality.
I come with Christ a thief in the night. And when you call me you will not know and I will never tell what is the meaning of the tolling of the bell that determines what can be locked by my circle and sword of blue flame, what can be taken and what shall remain until you yourself have divorced yourself from all that is unreal.
Blessed hearts, the work of Universal Mother whose work I have made my own is the precision-ray of God removing microbes smaller than eye or microscope has ever seen yet retaining the fabric of identity. Is not the whitefire of the Mother in the splintered rays, in the ruby light, in the secret rays inside the needle rays? Is it not the splendor of our God that comes to heal and to bind up the brokenhearted, that comes in the acceptable day of the Lord to preach His Word and to summon all components of God’s own body in one flaming light?
Our circles are spirals that we weave around the lines of force of time and space, of personal and planetary history. Our fires are for burning and consuming of all that can be [burned and consumed] and [of] all that is not [real]. Truly the garment of Mother-light is the saving of your soul to meet him, the Universal Son, on the way of life.
Truly the Mother comes, as I AM that Mother as messenger going before the face of your own universal being, clearing the debris of centuries yet leaving some that you might know the meaning of a mighty work of the ages and leave not [off] from plowing the straight furrow of life and preparing the soil of thine own consciousness for the great Sower of the Word who comes even in this hour with a planting of immortal life.
It is springtime yet harvest is here. It is summer yet winter draweth nigh. Understand the converging of the four seasons in thy heart and the four reasons why thou art a son of God, and [why therefore] all that thou art not must be put away. For it is the day of the fiery furnace, it is the day of the separation of thy life[’s worth]—the gold and the dross.
Beloved hearts, know the meaning of Mother and why Mother as the flame of avatara is always the final emissary of an age. Understand the meaning of the Mother as angelic being descending to your heart. Thus angel- mother of Abraham Lincoln so gave and taught to him all that he was and was meant to be; and [he] shall ever be in the hearts of his countrymen [the] archetype of deliverer and prince of peace.
Understand the impartation of the Universal Mother unto thy soul. Pursue Her for wholeness and you will see the face of incarnations of the Word on and on and on as mighty pearls of fire, as causal bodies of saints. O [behold the] Mother, East and West, giving to you, demanding of you the summoning of your forces, demanding that you do all that She does, that She might work Her work in you!
Know the meaning of passive, for that which is passive is not without the fire and fury of the very element of God. Understand the meaning of the twofold nature of Life within thee. Understand the reversing of roles, as Above, so below. Therefore shakti becomes the activator of Spirit in you; therefore you must be it and you must magnetize it.
Therefore let laziness of mind, indulgence, moods and idle daydreaming be cast aside. Waste no time, for in the wasting of time is the wasting away of thy life as Mother. And that which passes through thy hands shall not return another day. Time: the very element, the very compartment of life segmented for the action of the pure energy of Kali.
O my beloved, I come to spur you to a new apprehension of thyself as Mother! Let there be an altar in the heart. Let there be then the casting out of all hardness of heart that does not see me where I AM. I AM Astrea. Elusive I AM not, penetrating I AM, forbearing and long-suffering yet not indulgent of that unreal self you thought to be real.
Blessed ones, there comes an hour, and this is it, when there is no longer opportunity for slow-motion path of chela or chela on the path. There comes a moment, and this is it, when there is only one way to remove the mask—and God will do it—and that is to tear it from you. For, blessed hearts, you will not see unless it is done. Who better to do it than the Mother of each living son?
Blessed hearts, ofttimes beneath the mask there are scars of lesser self and even scars upon the soul; for you see the fabrication of the pseudo-self is most deceiving. For in the feeding of that mask of lesser self the soul has been deprived, sometimes for aeons, and the mask appears more beautiful until you begin to nourish life with Life. Only Life can beget Life within you. And if you have allowed that pseudo-self to steal from you the true image, then have the courage to face the face of neglect—the soul you have neglected that has been orphan while you have lavished upon unreality all adornments of life.
Let [you] who hear my word know the meaning of arriving at the rock- bottom of identity and building out from the Central Sun; realize that the will of God will not be done by your perpetual resistance to reproof of the Universal Mother, by your withdrawal from Her gaze. [If] you sulk and sustain a sense of injustice, always reasoning and rationalizing [away] the rebuke of the living Word [i.e., of the embodied Guru], then you will find yourself ill-prepared when the mask is torn from you. These little experiences in the way, these little encounters [with your precious Mother in Her soul-correcting mode] must be entered into and savored with purest joy and fire else, beloved hearts, you will not be prepared for the moment when that sifting and that tearing from you of the last vestiges of unreality is come. And come it must!
Beloved hearts, when you invoke the judgment you must know it is always upon thine own unreality. And the unrealities of the world cannot pass into the fire of the heart of God unless some token of thine own pass too. You cannot expect others to be stripped of [their] unreality and yours to remain!
Blessed ones, it is a blessed moment [in this life] when you are given a preview of [what] your judgment before the Karmic Board [will be] at the conclusion of this life [unless you work a work of change now]! For when you receive [such a preview] through the Messenger then, my beloved, you can do something about it, you can begin at the very beginning of the spiral of being [to re-create yourself (with the help of Elohim and the Divine Mother) in the image and likeness of God]!
Count it then the very grace of God that those things that are unacceptable in His sight are brought to light. And it is my opportunity to be Intercessor and Mediatrix with Mary for the removal of that substance that can be taken because you recognize it and you say: I want none of it, for I AM real! God in me is real—I AM real!
And the twofold nature, as Above, so below, must be understood as the Mystery of Identity. For few, I tell you, have perceived it; and when it is perceived then there can be acceleration of whirling fire of my circle and the electrode of my sword. Blessed hearts, call upon the Lord [your beloved Mighty I AM Presence] to [enable you to] perceive that which can be and must be your own [God-reality] and that which can never, never be your own [God-reality]!
Dear ones, with all the teachings and all the admonishments, all that you receive perhaps you wonder how to divide the Word, how to understand all that you hear. I say, do not divide the Word but take it as it is given. Take it as a release of fire! Take it and know that blessings come when you see yourself against a backdrop [of] the stars themselves.
Have you often wondered at the outlines of figures round the stars, how the ancients conceived of these configurations from but a few coordinates? When you see the drawings against the skies know that your being and your reality is likewise etched upon the very backdrop of infinity. Perceive in this an identity that is real, that has definition but [understand] that to many eyes gazing into the firmament of thy being the lines will disappear and only the stars will shine—only the pinpoints of chakras, coordinates of reality. And where you stand, lo, there will be seen infinite space, light-emanation and the wonder of it all—that the son of man has become the Son of God, and I and my Father are one. Disappearing into the identity of God you reappear as the flaming one called Mother.
O Great God-Self, Thou Selfless One, teach these hearts by impartation of Thy love the meaning of our message this day. Let it carry them as a mighty wave over the astral plane and yet simultaneously penetrating that plane and assuming cosmic responsibility of all deposited there by [their] former misuses of the wave of light. You cannot ride the golden wave to the golden shore of Being and leave behind upon the shores of life evolutions who must then be burdened by thy accumulations [of the debris] of all these past incarnations.
Be released from illusion! And be willing to be a child, to be a dewdrop, to be a glistening diamond in the heart of God. Be willing to be torn apart from moorings unreal and to be welded by the Great Welder of life to some coordinates of infinity that thy life might be sealed again and thou might build again in Maitreya.
He cometh for thee.
He cometh, the One Sent, for the rescue of all who are the elements of Mother’s light, filaments in Her being. O those who swim the sea of Cosmic Virgin, he cometh for thee. Lo, he cometh, the One Sent! Lo, receive him this day of days!
Disciple of the Buddha and Mother, lo, Maitreya cometh.
Have you thought about the point of center at the heart of [my] cosmic circle of blue flame/ whitefire? Have you thought about the point, the fulcrum for whirling action? Lo, I tell you it is the Cosmic Christ, thereby the great magnificent regulator of the stripping action and whirling energy of life! Lo, it is the Cosmic Christ whereby you can receive blue-white fire of Elohim and yet retain that which is pure and lovely and perfect and true and holy and fragrant—thy blessed Self.
O blessed Self in God, I love thee with a perpetual love, with a perpetual rotating action, a whirling fire. I love thee because I know thee who thou art, O blessed Self! I come then with Maitreya to teach thee who thou art, to show thee thy true Self in God.
I would have you hear me, hear me in the inner ear, hear me in thy life that flows. I would have you know my word, for I speak the word of Omega. Thus I take my sword as pen of fire and I draw outline of divinity. I reinforce the etching of sacred fire. I hallow the Word incarnate. I give adoration to God adorned with form in and around and upon you. I give adoration to that manifestation of Life.
I AM Mother this day of Earth; I have set my matrix as causal body around this Earth. And my legions of light with Great Teams of Conquerors have come for the binding of that which assails the youth, the child, the little one and all who are a part of God.
I come because there is an adoration of Mother. And I AM the answer to a prayer unto God for peace on Earth uttered in the heart of a little child in India unto the World Mother. I AM the answer to the prayer of all who have summoned me. And I have come for the cleansing of Earth. May she be purified and you also! May she be tried in the fire of Mother and not be found wanting but filled with angel bands, starry legions who have come to displace then the discarnates and all that have emerged from astral plane to beset the children of the Sun.
Go back into the night of Kali! Go back, ye hordes! Go back, ye who are the impostors of the Word! Go back, all ye hellions out of the realms of death. You have no power! You have no power!
I AM the magnificent sword of Life! I raise it. I AM14 the15 raiser34 of12 the15 sword25 (=115=5 x Logos23), and its own internal magnificence is the very pattern of the Word itself.
Burn through and pass through the hearts of all mothers whose chalices are ready! O souls of blue fire, I rejoice.
Bind the hordes, I command you! Legions of Life, legions of Elohim, seraphim, elemental beings, forces now of nature in the command of the Lord Buddha and Lord Christ, burn through! Burn into the very eye of the inception of the energy veil!
Burn through and lift Terra by Mother-flame! Mother Mary spreads her garment as a filigree of fire, so her very garment is for the burning of sheaths of astral plane that have encroached upon the holy innocents and those of all ages.
Burn through, legions of the fiery archangels! Burn through, O Mighty Cosmos’ secret rays! We are come as deliverers of life—thy life, O cherished ones, that thou mayest live it more fully, more truly, more perfectly as a crystal clarity of perception. For truly when thou dost perceive thy First Love all these things will pass away and thy longings will be purified and thy weariness shall turn to the joy of Eternal Mother.
I AM Astrea. Know me, follow the ribbons of my light, follow the fire of my heart. Come to my heart, O devotees! I would raise you to a new perception of thy being. I would raise you but an increment to give you courage for the tasks at hand, and they are many.
Let us then be up and doing, for there is now a heart that burns within our midst. It is the heart of flaming manchild—a heart within our midst, a heart for any fate. Let us then be up and doing.
This heart that burns, this heart I AM, this heart of Maitreya and Mother as one, fused as one great heart, truly is God’s furnace for the fusion of your will fragmented still, but no more. For that fiery furnace is more determined than you are, great though your determination be.
Therefore behold, She cometh, and the Elect One still. O deliberators of the Word, behold thy deliverer cometh! Hear the knock at the door of thy life. Bid him enter. He will heal thee!
-Elohim Astrea, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on May 10, 1981 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearls of Wisdom 24:63
3) Be patient, understand the need to strive not with a sense of struggle but with the sense of yielding to great cosmic pressures of the inner light of true knowledge. Man has often studied to show himself approved unto God, yet he has not always received cosmic approval; for he has neglected the first principles of cosmic love: he has poured love over himself while ignoring the flow of love as it applied to others. The15 result23 is10 an6 inward33 dearth29 of12 soul13 which33 he13 will20 not13 admit20 (=240=10 x truth24); and so in the sense of unreality he remains34 self-deceived54 (=88=4 x veils22).
-Kuthumi, Pearl 13:45
4) Let them understand the light and warmth of Spirit that melts the winter snows. Let them understand the strength that can destroy and the simplicity of duplicity that mars the perfect image. Only love kindles the great conflagration. Certainly love is wise. Is10 it11 wise20 to8 be7 self-deceived54 (=110=5 x veils22), to be encased in the rigors of age-old hatreds? Embodiment after embodiment the same mistakes are faced. The Lords of Karma hope for triumph and individuality. If heaven can be perfect in patience, should man be less perfect? -Morya, Pearl 14:52
5) Those privileged individuals who are truly able to penetrate the realm of akasha and to see accurately the recordings made there (men and women such as Madame Helena P. Blavatsky, Annie Besant, Edgar Cayce and others) must in many cases be accepted on faith by the multitudes; for they themselves do not have the power of discernment although they would often like to think they do. The very fact that this is so does make it possible for the charlatan, pretender and self-deceived to say with considerable ease “We are also able to read the akashic records.” -Lanto, Pearl 10:9
6) The key to divine justice is in realization that all life is one. Injustice is intolerable within the forcefield of Self, and yet14 I tell you that mankind30 are15 so7 self-deceived54 (=120) that13 they22 continue38 on11 a1 pathway31 of12 self-destruction64 (=192; 192 +
120=312=8 x injustices39) through injustices practiced against themselves such15 tendencies44 of12 masochism37 (=108=2 x Peter Duffy54) have the race of people abiding upon this planet! So7 imbibed35 have they become with24 their33 own16 momentums34 of12 self-annihilation78, of12 death20 and10 decay20 (=301=7 x the rotted43) that they do not see the hurt which they inflict upon themselves. Therefore how can they see the hurt which they inflict upon others?
-Portia, Pearl19:23
7) And the people of Jerusalem and Judaea and the region of Jordan went to receive the initiation of the baptism—the confessing and cleansing of sin in Jordan. And there followed them the seed of the Wicked One—now the murderers of the prophets, now the imitators of the prophets. For so long had they grown accustomed to deceiving and being self-deceived, regaling46 in14 the15 absence22 of12 the15 Lord’s23 anointed37 (=184=4 x regaling46) that they did not figure on the God-power of reincarnated Elijah, great Guru of Elisha, who had come again as the messenger of the Promised One. -Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 22:8
8) “In the name of the Christ I call to Elohim Astrea to encircle the cause and core of every spirit of deception, self-deceived and deceiving. I call to Archangel Michael to cut me free by the action of the sword of blue lightning from every entity inhabiting the astral plane, from all denizens of the deep.” -Morya, Pearl 18:16
9) “Let God be true but every man a liar.” In breaking the sacred bread of the Scripture let all understand the duality of Self that the true meaning of salvation may dawn in every consciousness, absolving none of personal responsibility but giving to all the reins of the great heart of the real Self of man so that the will of God may be multiplied in the domain of mind and consciousness and that God be glorified.
I make a plea then this day for the great blessings of pure truth. The world is filled with subtlety and deceit, and often the consciousness of man crawls22 upon21 its12 belly20 and10 by9 sinuous28 and10 devious32 ways14 seeks14 even19 to8 subvert26 the15 morality41 of12 self-honesty49 and10 self-appraisal54 (=426=6 x for so long curses71). None should search themselves for the purpose of condemnation, but all should be willing to acknowledge46 streaks21 of12 discord36 (=115=5 x Logos23) that have discolored their worlds.
You can be ever mindful of the oft-told master tale concerning the young disciple who was admonished on the subject of the coming into his mind of wrong thoughts and his dwelling upon them. His teacher counseled him in these words “You cannot always prevent a bird from alighting upon your head, but you16 need19 not13 let15 him21 build21 a1 nest13 in14 your25 hair”27 (=185= Neroli37, ambitious37, pettiness37, masochism37, cunning37).
The great tragedy of life when it is carelessly lived is that men are prone to accept a subtle statement calculated to spread doubt, discord or negative reflection upon another. Thus do untruths, calumny26 and viciousness spread among men and nations, disturbing the balance of harmony and causing many sleepless nights.
You know, blessed ones, that if you find the conduct of another person reprehensible in your own eyes there is very little that you can do about it but pray, in many cases; for men are often in a strong tower of their own thoughts and feelings and their “rightness” therein. Each challenge of their thought often evokes a strengthening of wrong thought in that person—yet some men must be challenged and in some matters you cannot afford to sit idly by.
The Spirit of truth is ever to be desired and supported; and those who are prone to deceive and who seek to deceive others do but deceive themselves, and they are their first and worst victims, for they not only receive the calumny they had sought to pass on to others but they also have accountable to their own soul the responsibility for having generated this feeling and sent it forth into the universe.
When the great Law of God is better understood by men they will more closely watch their words even as they will watch their thoughts that should precede their words, but sometimes do not, as the spoken word comes forth directly from the tumult of upset emotions. The Christ mind is a canopy of great strength, but as the sky itself seems to uphold the pillars of the heavens and gives guidance to all beneath, so the energies of man when first coming forth from God are pure, but it is the qualification or misqualification by man’s thought and feeling that is determinate in the manifest quality of the stream of energy emanated by each lifestream into the world.
The effects of others’ thoughts and feelings upon yourselves must be considered, and if you would know greater freedom, you must determine that human lies, human misconceptions must not supplant the great truth of God about the immortal created Self that God saw and called “good.”
Throughout Christendom a theological warp persists that was spawned by (pseudo-)angels of light who do the work of Satan seeking to absolve mankind of a sense of responsibility by vicariously transferring all responsibility for salvation to one single individual whom mankind have once nailed upon a cross. Yet the magnificence of His ministry, the great Laws of Being that He sought to uphold and did, have been again and again maligned and distorted by sincere people. He said “I AM the way” and “the way ye know,” noting to those who were intimately associated with him that through his teachings they were able to find the way to the heart of God and the heart of their own divinity. Later he submitted to them these words “The things that I do shall ye do also; and greater things than these shall ye do, because I go unto my Father.”
Let none then deny the divinity of Christ within themselves and let all who will become surefooted in the doctrine of eternal being, seeking not to condemn the world, as the Son of man did not, but rather to bring to the world the great light that is already the light of men, which is also already within them. This light is reactivated with the first breath, through conscious knowledge of the power of God and through acceptance of the reality of His power within the individual soul. A renewing by the Holy Spirit of the goodness of God can then rush in and raise the consciousness of man to the divine level. As it has been said “Out of thy belly shall flow rivers of living water.”
The life of God is the life of the individual, and this is the truth. God is the sustainer and preserver of all life, and His purposes are not to destroy but to preserve. In giving dominion over the earth into the hands of men God hath already given the mightiest stream of His consciousness to exalt those of low degree and to help the humble to rise in stature, through God-directed, intelligent self-effort to the full stature of the Christ-man.
There are many great servants upon Earth who do, out of the sincerity of a good heart but with a warped theology, seek to serve eternal purpose. These men are often the source of perpetuation of error, for other men point their finger to them and say “Can you tell me that this good man who believes thus and thus is wrong, seeing that his life is filled with virtue?”
O blessed ones, when it comes to the true mysteries of God and of salvation it requires more than mere human goodness but the determinant longing to know the whole truth that you may be wholly free. This truth can only come from the source—God who is ever true. Men do not mean to err; they are simply deluded by the long historical conspiracy that has sought to make out of religion itself (the means supposedly of binding men unto God) a charade—a game between the virtuous and sinful. There is upon Earth and has been for centuries a conspiracy of invisible forces which dwell in high places and seek to distort the truth so that lesser men will, in ignorance, continue to do wrong.
I cannot today do aught but pray that God will take the blindfold away from all among mankind who can accept the truth, and let them see this gleam of pure Christ-truth shining not only in the life of beloved Jesus and other great world saviors, but also and above all today in the world of the individual who seeks to follow the gleam through all outer disturbances and find deliverance from error by the mercies of God. Let me hasten to assure you that the Brotherhood by the flame of illumination in these documents released week after week seeks to raise the veil little by little for all, until all shall know all that is.
Graciously I remain, Pallas Athena, Pearls of Wisdom 9:25
10) I therefore call to task and call home each and every prodigal son who by some fantasy of fallen one is self-deceived perhaps to believe that somewhere else is the greater grail of freedom than in the heart of one’s own Christ Self! n -Maha Chohan, Pearl 24:66
11) Yes, I would say that these cycles are being accelerated for the elect so that the elect might have their victory. (Matt. 24:22) And I would say we ought to be praying without being self-deceived, knowing what exactly we are facing and that it must be named in our services. -Messenger ECP, Pearl 26:36a
12) Remember, precious ones, that few unascended individuals are perfect. I realize some of you may take issue with me on this and say that none are perfect. I happen to know however that just prior to the ascension some unascended ones are finally perfected. But inasmuch as the masses are not, do not expect too much from anyone but give everyone the benefit of the doubt, all the while remaining alert so that you be neither self-deceived nor deceived by others. -Master Rakoczy, Pearl 8:25
13) Notice, beloved, when you could have been more loving or kind, given more of yourself, extended comfort, helpfulness and [a] true upholding of the fire of the ruby ray to bring into alignment the self-indulgent ones, the self-deceived ones, the self-blinded ones. Be willing to stand for your brother and to stand for love and to not let that one go aside into self-indulgence and lose the day for Morya.
-Goddess of Liberty, Pearl 32 :41
14) Let the manipulators employing mass media to establish their focuses of paganism and of the sex cult give answer this day before the Court of Sacred Fire and before the throne of the Cosmic Virgin! Therefore, children of the One, be not deceived by the Fallen One. Above all be not self-deceived! For the Mother is not mocked: that which they have sown they shall also reap! -Maitreya, Pearl 18:52
15) Now let error be found! Let it be bound! And let deception and the self-deceived surrender it or be no more. For truth, O truth is a light, an all-consuming light, a raising light, a healing light. And those who will not be healed of error, I say, that error then will be stripped from you, is stripped from you this day as Lanello by the mighty fourth ray with Godfre enter there and teach the children of Afra without care to care and care again and to know that those who are careless will miss the light of the everlasting gospel. But those who know that God cares and therefore they have no cares will now cast themselves upon the rock of truth—my truth—and be broken. -Pallas Athena, Pearl 23:30
16) Lightbearers are congruent with the mind of God. And the ones who carry the darkness, they are congruent with the minds of the self-deceived and self-hypnotized. And therefore there is a connection, there is a reason why the world movement of Communism (that despite arguments of the Communists is one and is not separated from nation to nation) has seized upon Angola. -Elohim Arcturus and Victoria, Pearl 44:37
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