Friday, January 27, 2023
dharma and karma
1) Once you have given answer to the demand of your own real Self: “Choose you this day whom ye will serve,” you must select the path of your service. The path is a personal path, for it accommodates the soul’s evolution, attainment, its karma and its dharma. The path is a statement of the Law of cosmos and it is a formula of that Law that includes the equation of personal being.
-Saint Germain, Pearl 18:32
2) Quite frequently there is a1 mounting41 of12 intense32 reactionary57 resentment43 (=186=6 x deify31–using numerology, a=1, b=3, c=3, j=1, etc.); this creates a great karma for the student of Ascended Master Law who ought to know better. And through the rupture that is thereby created in the emotional body there is a pressing in from the sinister force of disturbing vibrations that not only flow through the aura and lifestream of the one who has taken offense but also puncture the peace and harmony of the supposed offender.
3) This is the land, America. To us it is a miracle, ‘a miracle of life.’ It is that inner key to the fulfillment of all miracles and dreams and hopes of liberty. America–a miracle of the I AM race. This is indeed the place where all shall return to the cause and core of dharma and the dhamma, the teaching, and the sangha. For here we will transfer Shamballa, here we will transfer that city of light one day. It will be the implementation now of a secondary forcefield, the Omega aspect of Shamballa, as the Alpha aspect remains positioned where it is, where it has always been in the Gobi Sea of light over the Gobi Desert. -Gautama Buddha, Pearl 20:24
4) Beloved ones, when you have the mass buildup of pollution you have many elementals who are incapacitated and unable then to use their body temples as a point of transmutation of mankind’s karma. They become so burdened by physical pollution that therefore they are limited as to how much energy of karma itself they may transmute, and thus you see the stepping up of cataclysm. Wherever there is cataclysm you must understand that it is because nature, the Holy Spirit, demands a balance of light and darkness. And because it has not been transmuted in the threefold flame of the sons and daughters of God or by lightbearers because they have not been sufficient in number or dedicated enough to call forth the light, then it spills over into the economy and into the elemental kingdom. -Shiva, Pearl 21:38
5) The individual desires to enter into a bond with the master—to be taught directly by the master rather than through his published writings alone. The servant or chela receives initiations in the course of his service to the master. His heart, mind and soul have begun to unfold a greater love as appreciation and gratitude for the teachings received in the previous level of student. This love is translated into action as self-sacrifice, selflessness, service and surrender to the Christ. When this step has been accelerated to the level of the “acceptable offering” and the chela is engaged in balancing his threefold flame and his karma he may be considered for the next step.
The Hindu root of chela, as we know, means slave. And those who attack the Guru-chela relationship love to bring this up because they point to the false gurus, how they truly do enslave their chelas, with no love whatsoever. These gurus make their chelas obedient to themselves and often engage in brutal and cruel practices.
The Lamb who is slain is the Lamb who incarnates in the Earth, suffering crucifixion in body, mind and soul and being initiated seven times seven in the sacred fires of the resurrection and ascension. Merging with the Elohim as the seven manifestations of the Person of the Holy Spirit, the Lamb is the Only Begotten Son of God personified in the elect sons and daughters. Having descended from the throne and passed through the cycles of the karma and dharma of the multitudes whose evolution he is come to serve, the Son ascends to the throne of grace. -Sanat Kumara, 22:25
6) Therefore I come, grateful for opportunity, liberty, mercy, truth and love, vision and direction. For I would magnify—by a heart so pure because it is born of God—the seven rays of light, proclaiming unto all the world seven paths of opportunity for the fulfillment of dharma and the understanding of the universal Law of karma. -Goddess of Purity, Pearl 24:32
7) Beloved, Earth is moving toward that day, “the Day of Vengeance of our God” [prophesied by Isaiah] when karmic accountability must fall upon every individual; and I can tell you, beloved, that in that day no man or woman or child shall stand, saving the one who has diligently, daily and hourly pursued that Christhood. Unless this be done, beloved, the overwhelming karma and fallen ones’ using of that karma against the Son of God shall be for the many and the majority too hard to bear. -Sanat Kumara, Pearl 31:44
8) On New Year’s Eve 1976 Gautama Buddha prophesied the future transfer of the forcefield of his retreat to America. He said America “is indeed the place where all shall return to the cause and core of dharma ([i.e.,] the Teaching) and the sangha. For here we will transfer Shamballa, here we will transfer that City of Light one day. [But for] now it will be the implementation of a secondary forcefield, the Omega aspect of Shamballa, as the Alpha aspect remains positioned where it is.”
-Messenger ECP, Pearl 32:30
9) You must remember, beloved, that there does come a time when, having fulfilled a stint on the other six rays, without the flame of Nada, of ministration and service [you will find] your causal body [to] be lacking in the deep blue-purple and gold rays flecked with the ruby that truly is the ruby ray and ruby stone. Blessed ones, therefore consider how many thousands [of lifestreams] upon Earth (and even more as your adeptship increases) and even on other planetary homes and systems may carry on a karma that for them must be physical, must be in the working of the works [of God] in their respective spheres [because you keep the flame]. -Cuzco, Pearl 32:46
10) This is the date when all things will change. Prepare then as you have been preparing to meet the physical karma that descends on that day–25,800 years encapsulated into the spiral that moves on to [its conclusion on April 22 in] the year 2002. -Saint Germain, Pearl 33:15
11) Lo, I AM THAT I AM. I come therefore in the body of the Buddha that I AM, the Dharmakaya. I do not lower my vibration any lower than this level, for I desire to establish my Electronic Presence in the I AM THAT I AM to magnetize your souls to the level of your own I AM Presence.
Often the dictations of the ascended masters are given at the level of your Holy Christ Self. Thus you have come to understand and become accustomed to the practice of heaven meeting you halfway. In this hour I, Jesus, compel you to rise to new levels of comfortability in your God Presence.
Some of you are not even comfortable in the presence of your Holy Christ Self and practice avoidance techniques to avoid coming into consonance with the living Word of your own being. Now I say, resolve this inconsistency [in your world, which is inconsistent] with the path of Maitreya’s Mystery School. Resolve it by love–by love for your Holy Christ Self, by trust in your Holy Christ Self. And fear not to receive the communications of your Holy Christ Self and to obey the will of God.
Obedience is always a test of trust and faith. Without trust and faith the chela cannot proceed on the path.
In this hour the challenges at hand presented to you this evening [by the Messenger] require your comfortability in the very Presence of God, the I AM THAT I AM. Therefore make peace with your God. And recognize that as your goal is the ascension at the conclusion of this life it is time that you establish acquaintance with thy God. Acquaint now thyself with Him and be at peace.
To be at home in the Dharmakaya within the rings of the causal body you must understand that you must contain the desire to be assimilated by God–“Drink me while I am drinking thee.” Except ye eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of man, ye have no life in you that you may take to the I AM Presence. Therefore make haste to merge with your Holy Christ Self in a point of unconditional love and unconditional surrender.
Mortals speak about unconditional love among humans. They know not whereof they speak. Should the love of God which is the gift to your heart continue to be given to anyone, no matter how close the tie, if that one suddenly betrays the love of God, the worship of God, the defense of God and the Community?
However painful the process, beloved, even among families it must be understood that I came “not to send peace but a sword” to divide the real from the unreal. Therefore loyalty must be to love and to divine love and to those who embody it as an expression of their obedience to God’s will.
I have said before and I say it again “Who are my mother and brothers and sisters? Who is my father? Those who do the will of God.” Not human ties but the bonds of the Infinite One establish the diamond heart of Community. Thus, beloved, beware of idolatrous love and of human attachments that take you away from the straight and narrow path [wherein the soul is bonded to her Lord].
The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away love. You cannot create a love-flame. It is the gift of God in your heart. It is on loan. Therefore multiply it exceedingly.
Give love and remember that all that has been taught you by Gautama Buddha concerning the giving of light to those not of the light applies to every attribute of God. Give not love unto those who do not give or receive the love of God. Purge yourselves of mutual idolatries, human attachments, et cetera. Therefore let all of your commitments at every level of life be based, first and foremost, upon supreme allegiance to your Mighty I AM Presence.
There is no need to hide from this Lord your God lest this Lord discover and expose the secrets of your hearts. You cannot hide from your God, beloved. And therefore pray that the Lord will not hide His face from you.
The aspiration to walk in your God Presence is not farfetched. It is not unreal. It is not impossible. Therefore consider the calls that I have sent to you and consider that whether or not you have answered the call and integrated with dispensations offered and given. The spirals move on, they intensify. They wind round the coil of being. And [even] if you have not fulfilled the prior ones, nevertheless the initiations move on.
Thus you see, beloved, you would consider it difficult to have to suddenly accomplish three or four grades of schooling in one year because you had slept through them. Know then that those who truly desire to meet their God according to the schedules of this planet must take the initiations as they come and not consider that freewill is an opportunity to postpone and delay, to postpone and delay the entering in to and the locking of one’s being into the Godhead.
Happy are ye who have espoused this path and understand the series of initiations that are afforded you and that are clearly anchored in the dictations from the beginning unto the ending. That is why the Only Mark tapes are so important. [They are given] that you might lock into the strength of the ascended masters and establish the knitting together of your Presence with the Presence of your sponsor Lanello. Thus you may truly eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of man, the Son of manifestation being every ascended master who has dictated and anchored his Electronic Presence through the spoken Word.
The legions of light of the Central Sun are encamped across this state, the valleys, hills, mountains, waters. They literally cover the territory, beloved. They have gathered joyously in the defense of the Messenger, the chelas, the Woman, her seed.
All of you, beloved, are precious and loved. My words come to you that you might increase in strength and joy and therefore not experience pain and suffering by entertaining any of the levels of human creation on any of the lines of your clock that are triggered by your own karmic/astrological patterns.
Beloved ones, the path of the conquerors is a joyous one. When joy flees from your heart and mind it is truly time to go within, to give perpetual prayers, to [make a joyful] shout unto the Lord, to be grateful, to use your voices upraised to reestablish the connection. Joy can come through the darkest night. It is the sign of inner resolution and balance, of four lower bodies at peace in [the] service of God.
When there is [an] absence of joy, beloved, solve the problem quickly; for the absence of joy eclipses the sun of your I AM Presence. And therefore in that moment [when you let go of joy] clouds are between you [and your God], clouds of world condemnation and clouds of your vulnerability to that condemnation. Then let there be the release of fire.
I come at the level of the I AM Presence, for this is the celebration of my ascension. Though the world has not apprehended the true date and true hour of that ascent yet it has been revealed to you by beloved El Morya. And may you understand this great opportunity of walking in my footsteps, walking in the presence of my own ascended master light body, the Dharmakaya.
Those who choose to walk with God may have a closer communion with their Presence than they realize, while those who assume that communion are often those who have it least. Nevertheless the hour of my ascension and of the release of that ascension coil from my causal body has come.
A week from today you will celebrate Pentecost. What you may receive from that descent of the Holy Spirit depends upon your willingness to assimilate and be part of your own I AM God Presence. To do so will require the setting aside of lesser desires, lesser goals and indulgences and byways. It is your choice, beloved, and you have
freewill. I simply set before you opportunity and give you to understand requirements that must be met to benefit from opportunity.
Thus may this week be filled with white light. May it be filled with those calls of violet flame and protection and exorcism whereby you truly surrender, and I mean truly surrender those things that stand between you and your God.
Visualize yourself placing your feet in the footprints of Moses as he mounted Mount Sinai, as he went to that height to commune in the I AM THAT I AM to receive the Ten Commandments. Understand, beloved, that one must rise in consciousness to the heights of the mountain of God to desire to be in the I AM Presence.
Hiking into the mountains of the Inner Retreat is in order as a ritual demonstrating the soul’s step-by-step ascent into the rarefied heights of dazzling white light of God. You may pray to meet your God on the mountain, beloved. You may expect such a happening. But do not engage in the folly of psychic nonsense and self-rewarding and personality-cult attitudes toward our Brotherhood.
There is truly no favoritism on the path. That which you seek you find. The door on which you knock with purity of heart and love is opened unto you. If you have not conquered hardness of heart, then my sacred heart does not have room to be superimposed over your heart.
This is a geometry of life. The equations are simple. They may be more complex in advancing spirals, but [they are] always definable, always attainable if you are willing to meet requirements and not consider that somehow you are special and [you] do not need to pass your tests and to pass them again and again.
The Law is never satisfied to test you only once. This is not because our God does not trust you. It is because fallen ones come to tempt again and again, and they do not accept the victories of lightbearers. Therefore our God does prove to them and to all the world the faithfulness of His sons and daughters by showing all those who have gone astray and betrayed the Word that no matter how many times you are tested you again meet that test with joy and you pass it with victory.
There are no final tests, beloved, until the moment you are ascended in the light and free. You may think you have put things behind you, but God will indeed allow fallen ones to tempt you again and again, so sure, so trusting [is He] in the love and the love bond that you have with Him, knowing that those who love Him do not fear to demonstrate again and again that they will live for Christ and for the I AM THAT I AM, come what may, as long as [they have the] calling [from God] day by day, embodiment by embodiment if necessary, never waning, never wearying for their well-doing, never becoming impatient with God that they are not soon delivered and taken down from the cross.
O beloved, this perpetual love of your heart for your Mighty I AM Presence endures all things! For, you see, some can last for moments or hours or days or weeks, but they will not last for centuries–not because they are not able but because they refuse, because now they wish to turn the tables and dictate unto God just how long they shall endure and no longer, before they become angry at the length of the testing.
Blessed hearts, you can see how in the very process of the testing the fire increases in the heart. And if you do not use that fire to slay the dweller, one day the dweller will erupt as Vesuvius in a giant anger to overturn all of the path that you have won because the soul has not taken seriously the necessity of conquering that [dweller] even while enduring unto the end to receive the crown of Life.
Into Christian theology there has entered the doctrine of Satan which decrees (and teaches) that the individual shall have but one life and if he will follow the will of God, he will go to heaven. This is dictating terms to our Father. Likewise it is satanic doctrine that if you fail, you will lose your soul in hell. This is not the doctrine of Almighty God but it is the demand for terms and desire to impose upon the children of light the fear of failure and fear of consequences thereof.
Those who have the fear of failure are fallen ones and never lightbearers. Therefore do not accept any such fear but do your best and be strong and balanced and make up your mind that in your Mighty I AM Presence you will not fail, and [then] you shall not. But if you make a mistake, if you err in judgment, God will not let His sledgehammer descend upon you. God is a God of infinite mercy to those who have as their foundation the surrender to the will of God and to His love.
Be comforted then, beloved, that you are not beyond being tested or receiving the fiery trial or being proven and reproved again and again. It is not well only to be happy when things go your way and the ascended masters are patting you on the head or on the back. It is well to have joy and strength and determination midst adversity, midst the test that comes again and again just after you have said to yourself “I cannot possibly go through this another time.” [For in so saying,] you see, you are setting terms and conditions as to whether or not you will respond to God’s salvation.
I come to offer you then the sphere of the ascension flame of my causal body. I come that you might touch the hem of the garment of the Dharmakaya. And I come that you might by a process of transferal release considerable quantities of pent-up energies, of schism in the unconscious and subconscious realms. It is a moment when the fire of my ascension can consume much for you.
May the prayer on your lips when you retire this night be a prayer of release and surrender that you might not struggle so much as you enjoy the bliss of God while you are here in Earth. Do not separate yourself from bliss by postponing to the future this consummate love of your soul in the arms of your Mighty I AM Presence.
I AM Jesus your brother, and I counsel you to let go now of the lesser self, the lesser momentums and shortsighted goals that are indeed long, long detours. One never knows what might have been on the road of life not taken, nor does one ever understand what the detours can be when alternate routes are tried.
My Dharmakaya, [my] causal body [including my ascended master light body] and [my] momentum of ascension’s flame seals now this Community and all negative portents of karma and challengers of Maitreya who come with their false initiations [delivered] through fallen ones in and out of embodiment. Thus, beloved, know that out of every false initiation and false initiator among fallen ones, Maitreya will give you the true initiation of that situation whereby you may vanquish the substance untransmuted in the lesser self and in the process [you may] also vanquish the false initiator.
Beloved ones, these individuals who have determined to do what they would and [what they] will with this property and Community and organization, [who] represent many varied interests and groups, I tell you, every one of them is a false-hierarchy impostor of Maitreya and of the path of initiation. They come to preempt the true initiations of Maitreya, even as Satan and Mara tempted Jesus and Gautama just before the true initiations would come to them [with] the [opportunity for] absolute victory. Thus I speak of myself in the third person, for the Jesus that I was in the hour of initiation is not the Jesus that I am today. You must understand that you are not the person you were yesterday or twenty months ago or twenty embodiments ago, and therefore you cannot take upon yourself the burden of guilt or limitation that caused past inconsistencies or failures. You are not that person today. I was not the person when I ascended that I was when I was thirty-three.
Every day you are becoming your Sambhogakaya, your Dharmakaya. And you are filling in the mighty strength of the Nirmanakaya as a servant of the Lord.
Therefore you see that the false initiators came in the garden to tempt, to tempt again and again [twinflames who were initiates in Maitreya’s original Mystery School] ere the true initiations of Maitreya would be given. You must see then this situation for what it is. [It is the opportunity] to defeat false initiators that you might stand face to face with Maitreya when they are no more.
To understand that there is a map and a design, a plan and a means to an end in these types of attacks upon the Great White Brotherhood is to have the key to victory. To fear that God is not with you or that something has gone awry, something is not right, will put you off the course of meeting challenges and having that victory.
Now I say, drink in the cup of the ascension elixir of my causal body. This is the new wine of the Spirit that you may drink with me this night in our Father’s kingdom if you have the vigor, joy, love, deep desire and determination to be at that level of your God-free being and to be happy in the process. The doors of the Dharmakaya are opened to you this night through my causal body. Now receive communion. And as you pass through the ritual of communion sense the release as you give to me and place in my heart the cup of sorrows, the records, memories, attachments. And truly know that your divine individuality in God is sealed as you drink the blood and eat the flesh of the Son of manifestation that I AM THAT I AM.
May you absorb elements of my Electronic Presence as you sing hymns to me and partake of this substance which I now bless.
[Holy Communion is served.]
-Jesus Christ, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on May 27, 1990 at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana, In Buddhism the Dharmakaya is one of three “bodies” of the Buddha. It is defined as the body (“kaya”) of Law (“Dharma”), the body of First Cause or the body of Essence which is one with absolute reality. The Dharmakaya corresponds to the upper figure in the Chart of Your Divine Self, the causal body including the I AM Presence. Pearls of Wisdom 33:18
12) Thus the long duration of Evil, beloved, has been by the manipulation of the Law [by fallen ones] who have made certain to tie humanity to themselves, [presenting themselves as] benefactors, sponsors and therefore always causing society to be indebted to them. Thus they manipulate the Law, beloved. Yet their time is short, for they do have a karma for this manipulation and their works are not done to the glory of God. -Gautama Buddha, Pearls of Wisdom 34:52
13) It does not matter what day of the week it is, though the Tuesday is preferred, beloved, but [for you] to consecrate a service to me means that not only I can assist you but others [of the ascended host] whom I may call upon [can also assist you]. For I give [the energy and momentum of] your decrees to others in Hierarchy who also seek the dispensation to assist you. We are bound by limits of the necessity for you to experience certain of your momentums of karma, certain of your momentums of neglect, but beyond that, beloved, we would bear for you much more than we are able, [given your present levels of application to my decrees]. -Morya, Pearl 34:51
14) As El Morya has sponsored
me and my beloved, so then you are also sponsored. This retreat was a bold adventure taken on by Maitreya after he did assess the lifestreams who have become a part of it even before they came and were led here and after he did assess the lifestreams who would make their way here from the four corners of Earth, lightly and joyously pursuing their dharma and balancing their karma, as you are also doing. -Lanello, Pearl 37:12
15) Now then, beloved, plotting the course of your life, seek correct livelihood. Seek a path whereby you may accomplish a number of things including providing for your family, for your daily bread, for your education, for all that you must accomplish according to your dharma. And I define dharma as your calling to fulfill at a certain level the Law of God for you that comes out of the great Dharmakaya, your causal body.
You see, beloved, all things can work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose, called and appointed—called, yes, and anointed. -Maha Chohan, Pearl 37:26
16) A board of spiritual overseers called the Karmic Board together with the Holy Christ Self of the soul determines before conception takes place when, where and under what circumstances the soul will embody. In order to give the soul the best opportunity to work out her karma these circumstances have been expertly tailored to the soul’s needs. -Messenger ECP, Pearl 41:54
17) Why, of course, because it is the dharma, the dharma and the Dhammapada, the great teaching become the duty to fulfill the Law of Love of the Teaching. Therefore you toil and weary not for those whose souls do indeed depend upon this sphere for their very life, for they have not secured the tie to Maitreya, no, not to Gautama nor to the Ancient of Days. -Sanat Kumara, Pearl 42:19
18) It is not then the karma or dharma of the Messenger to organize or spread abroad the books, but it is the dispensation and dharma of the Messenger to teach, to write and to heal. These three then must be the all-consuming life of the Messenger--to teach, to write and to heal. -Lanello, Pearl 43:23
19) Many cosmic beings who have responded to the call of Saint Germain and of Sanat Kumara have come to Earth for a specified time and space. They have come not because it is their dharma or even their karma, for they have long ago balanced the karma required, and their dharma is even with other spheres of consciousness and other systems of worlds. But they have taken time out to find the one lost sheep. They have left the ninety and nine to come in search of the evolutions of Terra. And so the Word has gone forth, and so the Word shall continue to go forth. -Lanto, Pearls of Wisdom 62:39
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