Thursday, December 15, 2022
This is not a riptide
(using numerology, a=1, b=2, c=3, j=1, etc.)
1) how19 easy14 it11 is10 for21 mankind30 to8 settle18 down20 into22 a1 ditch26 of12 human21 blindness35 (=268=4 x 67) and10 to8 accept21 thoughts37 of12 limitation50 and10 human21 discord36 as2 though34 these21 were24 a1 natural24 manifestation56 of12 their33 true19 being28 (=459=17 x a ditch27) when this in fact is not the case. We deny it from our level for and on behalf of all among mankind who will accept our denial; and we affirm the power of cosmic truth that is not only latent but victorious within right thought, even as the infinite power of God is within all life.
-Archangel Zadkiel, Pearl 15:44
2) How great is the devotion of the angelic hosts toward mankind in this hour of change, of transition. It is a time of the turning of the tide—the turning of the tide of human consciousness by an action of love that is born within the soul, a love that preserves and prefers the God-Self above the human self. To be born in that love is to be reborn. And therefore the new birth of freedom at hand as mighty tides of love turn the entire course and tide of human thinking, human feeling. This20 is10 not13 a1 riptide45 (=89), this20 is10 not13 shock20-energy38 (=102), but7 this20 is10 a1 mighty37 wave15 (=90) which33 sons13 and10 daughters40 of12 love18 must10 ride27 to8 its12 culmination50 (=235; 235+ 102+89+90=516=12 x how great43), to its fulfillment in the heart of the Great Central Sun.
-Archangel Chamuel and Charity, Pearl 56:20, given October 12, 1973 at Santa Barbara via Messenger ECP
3) Realize40 that13 Viviens37 and10 Mordreds42 yet14 stalk9 the15 Earth25 (=205=5 x cleverness41). They know not in the outer sense that their day is done, that their cycles have turned. And10 the15 more24 they22 turn19 (=90) to8 wield26 power32 (=68) the15 more24 they22 themselves38 are15 the15 undoing41 of12 coils22 of12 power32 ill-gotten42 of12 the15 light29 (=346=346+68+90=504=8 x 63; Neroli Duffy63; a house divided63). -Saint Germain, Pearls of Wisdom 23:52
4) Thus we summon you, O people of God, to understand that the city of Babylon and the person of the Great Whore represent the empire of the Satans in church and in state—the ecclesiastical and secular manifestation of that civilization of the fallen ones. Therefore in one hour is thy judgment come, O Babylon the Great! -Jesus Christ, Pearls of Wisdom 25:16
5) A devil is the Adamic man self-proclaimed as a messiah by his own ego-energy in the place of salvation by the Lord Our Righteousness. Thus we have those who deify the energy veil of the dweller posing35 as2 deliverers54=91; Peter28 Neroli37 Duffy26=91) of the race—and if we follow them instead of “Christ in you the hope of glory,” we10 shall16 all7 fall13 into22 the15 ditch26 (=129) that13 empties33 into22 the15 River36 Styx16 (=135; 135+129=264=12 x stealth/water22). May the Lord enlighten you as to who and what we are dealing with and why you need to give these calls every day! -Messenger ECP, Pearl 26:38a
6) Take heed therefore that in the last days of the evolution of the15 seed15 of12 Serpent34 (=76) they22 have18 pitted29 all7 in14 their33 last-ditch33 stand13 (=169; 169+76=245=7 x serpents35) to move against Sanat Kumara and his seed, the Office of the Woman and her seed. When you understand that the cause is not just, that God has not ordained a victory for these fallen angels, when you understand the message of Enoch and the momentous presence of the forces of light in cosmos you16 have18 only21 to8 put12 together44 (=119), tying30 a1 simple29 knot15 and10 a1 simple29 bow13 of12 the15 basic16 equation39 of12 victory40 (=262)—that13 your25 heart25 as2 nexus20 of12 a1 descending48 reality36 (=184; 184+ 119+ 262=575=25 x Logos23), that the alchemy of a Word as the implementation of God’s kingdom on Earth, your integration with it and your soul striving must become, beloved, the vehicle and instrument for God’s victory. -Archangel Jophiel, Pearl 26:40
7) Riptide by riptide we pull the cord of light. And from the Central Sun the light descends. So let the chalice be upraised. So let your hearts be full. -Archangel Michael, Pearl 28:20
-Diana of the fire element
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