Thursday, December 22, 2022
their synthetic imitations of the creation
To transfigure thus connotes the shedding of the human image as the soul identity is accelerated in the putting on of a tangible electronic garment or life-essence which can never be requalified (or lowered in vibration) to the level of the former state. In the ongoing transfiguration process our disciples experience the spiritual substitution of every human failure with God-dominion, God-creativity and God-victory as every manifest virtue and attribute of the Godhead displaces habitual submission to the synthetic programming of the human.
-Kuthumi, Pearl 4:12
Contradicting and rebelling against the divine intent, Atlantean archdeceivers as well as geneticists who had begun their synthetic imitations of the creation of Elohim in pre-Lemurian epochs, moved to subject mankind to the whims of their diabolical will. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 4:11
The carnal mind derives satisfaction from contemplating this false picture of God only because it reinforces its own synthetic image and world view and allows it to hate and kill and maim in the name of its god. But the soul knowing that the Father is in reality all-wise and all-loving acts accordingly when free from the indoctrination (condemnation) of serpent mind. -Kuthumi, Pearl 4:46
Candidates for heaven ought to be the near perfect examples, which men of lesser capacity seem to require in order to give them the stimulation of confidence in an invisible Deity whose very life they use moment by moment. Love is encouraging and strengthening. So few understand themselves to be products of divine love and they seem to prefer the synthetic and ephemeral aspects of human values. Those mundane values have been paraded on the screen of history for millenniums without significantly altering the mass consciousness. -Morya, Pearl 6:4
Let me now direct the energy of mankind to a symbol of the Holy Spirit. I choose the sacred pink rose and use it to illustrate a divine concept. The perfumer’s art is still a limited example of nature’s own supreme efforts. It is well known by many spiritually minded individuals that those who live in the closeness of their being to God’s heart do pour forth a sustained floral radiance which is the essence of angelic love. This distillation of spiritual substance represents the choicest expression of divine love from the first golden age. It is a divine romanticism showing forth the purified meaning of love in the quality of the Highest. Those who would invite the presence of angels and blend their energies with heavenly tones would be wise to wear perfumes of a floral fragrance rather than those heady synthetic concoctions which stimulate the emotions. -Archeia Mary, Pearl 7:1
The justice of God is nowhere more apparent than in the great cyclic balances of nature. The ebb and flow of tides are rhythms; the cycles of the year are rhythms; and everywhere in the natural processes does the rhythm of God appear. Creative wonder saturated with divine intent manifests for man but passes unnoticed because of the great toll of human discord which has interfered with natural processes both in the body of man and without. The frightening toll of tired bodies that is taken today by synthetic treatment of the food and natural elements is part of the mass hysteria of life. Those whose bodies function with fatigue denied the blessings that the tiny elementals bring simply because mankind have chosen for commercial reasons to denude their food of vital essences of life, often gravitate into mental breakdown. This is a great tragedy which brings forth the bane of unclear thoughts as the very cells of the brain and cortex thereof are affected by poisonous substances sprayed and generated by mankind into the marts of commerce and thence to the marts of life. -Maha Chohan, Pearl 9:24
Understand thy highest Self then as the God of very gods. As you face this concept the lower self falls upon its knees. As the Christ, the eternal Mediator, bows to the Father, Good becomes All-in-all. Man enters the sudden stream of overcoming Self-realization. He fears no merge for he sees that the blackened image of the synthetic self that has sought to cast down his immortal birthright is not real! Therefore he quickly replaces it with the divine image and humbly holds himself in the consciousness of the son who awaits his divine inheritance. -Meru, Pearl 12:37
The chameleon-like educational policies that change in every generation according to designs of the manipulators—who if they cannot slaughter the holy innocents as of old, will carefully shape their thought- patterns at an early age—have acted as snares for millions of young souls. Thus those who would control men have produced many shames, for by confusing the issues they have prevented God-seeking men and women from finding Him. By dividing men on two or more sides of a given question political divisions have far too often turned into religious, social and even personal schisms. These have brought people to the point where they are completely alienated from one another because of the synthetic fabric the kingmakers have wrapped around the various elements of life. -Alexander Gaylord, Pearl 13:26
There be some that come to our retreat for training, but their motives are not pure. They are self-seeking. They want power not to glory in God but for the vainglory of the synthetic self which they refuse to surrender. They are told politely by the gatekeeper that those who enter must leave the slippers of the lesser self at the door. Those who are unwilling to take off the shoes of shadowed self may not walk upon this hallowed ground. -Morya, Pearl 18:5
The fallen ones will tell you that the Mother’s fare is distasteful, unappetizing or too bland. They will develop in you other tastes for synthetic sweets and spices that stimulate the senses and destroy your appreciation of the natural nectar of the gods and traces of herbs and flowers and rare fruits of the vine which the Mother prepares for her children. The physical senses are not equipped to perceive the delicate flavorings of the Mother. These senses must be retrained to be instruments of the senses of soul so that like children the devotees will select the highest offering and leave gross synthetic preparations for those with less discrimination. -Kuthumi, Pearl 19:3
The entire process of outer ego-building when it takes place under the pressures of mechanization man often forces the delicate, sensitive and highly-evolved soul into recession within the subconscious while a completely pseudo-self develops a synthetic existence and appears totally adjusted within the present civilization. -Sanat Kumara, Pearl 22:40
Blessed ones, the elevation of an individual by programming—by any [automated] means of infusion [of one individual] with another’s potential–is not lawful. For to do so is merely to create an automaton to God’s will, perhaps an electrical adjunct, much as the machine offers freedom from drudgery. But we of the Darjeeling Council are not interested in having [such mechanized] adjuncts to our service, for we do not conceive of ourselves as engaged in drudgery and therefore requiring freedom from drudgery through the creation of synthetic chelas. -Morya, Pearl 24:57
Now I have told you that this magazine is Climb the Highest Mountain, and we have published in its entirety, according to the direction of the Darjeeling Council, chapter one, “Your Synthetic Image,” so that the world might have the undiluted truth. First is the image of Jesus Christ and his teaching, then the synthetic image of where the people are, and then the powerful exposé that is given concerning subliminal seduction in advertising—selling products to the subconscious mind. -Morya, Pearl 25:70 portraits of Morya and Kuthumi by Hermann Schmiechen, 1882
The pressure then of mass consciousness builds up a synthetic man—not a manifestation of the eternal light but a manifestation of carnality destined to be confused, destined to confuse, and destined eventually to perish as an individual entity and pass from the screen of life.
But this is not the plan of immortality, and God is immortal. God is immortal! And in His immortality there is peace and joy forever without end. -Maitreya, Pearls of Wisdom 27:8
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