Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Materialism and the fall of Babylon
Materialism makes for a merry-go-round which then becomes a fetish and then becomes prideful, vain, cutthroat, becoming monopoly and legalized and highly entrenched. This has occurred through clubs or associations with their power cliques or exponents advocating their particular interest above all others. The new world of the western hemisphere was a potential new chapter from the old world with its habit patterns and issues like Jekyll and Hyde syndrome. R. L. Stevenson was writing in the middle of the 1800s; Lincoln came on the that period too; the start of Skull and Bones secret society at Yale was 1832 as a branch of the Illuminati in Germany, a covert ops. Allegiance to their club over allegiance to the US Constitution can be seen in the Harrimans, the Bush family—that is, their globalist agenda along with other elites like Rockefellers have made for an Establishment dedicated to running a materialistic empire and pushing it through mind control and sophistication and lawyer games upon humanity wherever they can manage this. It is ever light versus darkness, but the clever ones masquerade, and even self-hynotize as good guys as their cover. -r. So now let’s see an historic example:
.J. D. Rockefeller paid Abraham Flexner to visit all the medical schools in the US at that time. He released the so-called “Flexner Report” in 1910, which called for the standardization of medical education and concluded there were too many doctors and medical schools in America. Rockefeller then used his control of the media to generate public outcry at the findings of the report – which, by means of the classic elite strategy of “Problem, Reaction, Solution” as David Icke calls it, ultimately led Congress to declare the AMA (American Medical Association) the only body with the right to grant medical school licenses in the United States. This suited Rockefeller perfectly – he then used the AMA (which may be better called to the American Murder Association due their widespread use and endorsement of toxic vaccines, drugs, chemotherapy and radiation) to compel the Government destroy the natural competition, which it did through regulating medical schools.
We know that mono-culture crops are not as resilient as a diversity of crops. Same goes for thought. With all the hundreds of different healing modalities out there, why would we want to narrow it down to one system, if we were truly interested in health?
After the Flexner Report, the AMA only endorsed schools with a drug-based curriculum. https://thefreedomarticles.com/flexner-report-rockefeller-ama-takeover/
The fall of Babylon depicted in the Book of Revelation signifies the ultimate destruction of the material concept and the victory of Spirit over flesh. For has not the flesh of man been declared to be as the grass of the field?
-Saint Germain, Pearl 8:40
Beloved hearts of living fire, it is time as Saint Germain has said for that Babylon the Great [its tentacles in church and state] to come tumbling down and for those who are the tyrants in Earth to find that they are no longer sitting in the seats of power. It is time that the true religion that is never defiled, that can never be turned back, that can never be diluted because it springs from the wellspring of Life—the mighty threefold flame—come to pass on Earth and be preached in every nation and in every field. -Jesus Christ, Pearls of Wisdom 29:14, given on December 25, 1985 at Camelot, L.A. via Messenger E C Prophet
But those who have amassed wealth ill-gotten, filthy lucre in a merchandise of materialism, these ones who appear to have the power, beloved, I say before the living God, they have no power! They have no power in this hour! And yet their citadels do not come tumbling down though they are made of toothpicks, for none dare challenge them. -Morya, Pearl 30:54
Ho, ho, come forth and flee from the land of the north, saith the Lord, the Almighty One: for I have spread you abroad as the four winds of the heaven, saith the Lord.
Deliver thyself, O Zion, that dwellest with the daughter of Babylon.
For thus saith the Lord of hosts, Sanat Kumara; After the glory hath He sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of His eye. -Sanat Kumara with the Holy Kumaras, Pearl 35:49
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