Saturday, December 31, 2022
like a giant squid—an octopus reaching its tentacles over America
It is selling your soul to a mass entity that looks on the astral plane like a giant squid—an octopus reaching its tentacles over America, sucking the lifeblood and the energies of the people while promising those promises that never materialize. -Archangel Zadkiel, given on December 30, 1974 at Anaheim. Pearls of Wisdom 35:49
Accompanying physical wealth and scientific blessings of the age has come a dialectical materialism, but behind that materialism there is a well-planned and clearly defined sinister activity whose goal is the enslavement of man. Because America is intended to be and is a land of such progress and true freedom the spearhead of many of these attacks is directed against her and her people. To break down the image of the American people in the eyes of the world is the desire of those who serve the god of mammon. Yet the responsibility of the American people to honor their opportunity and keep that image untarnished is very great! -Saint Germain, Pearl 8:38
It is to this flame that you ought to pay allegiance, for no space-time continuum can in any way separate man by height or depth or width or by any other means or even by any other creature. For the love of God that did manifest in the Ascended Master Jesus is the selfsame love that shall bathe the world and cleanse the world and purify the world for the incoming golden age. -Sanat Kumara, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark Prophet on March 29, 1964 at Washington, D.C.,
Pearl 42:38
The mass mind of the mundane and spiritually impractical who make the day seem one of gluttony and possessiveness is unaware of the loss of the immortal soul consciousness and its longing for God and divine abundance. Men lose that God-consciousness through their wanderings in the byways of temporal attainment and satiety whereby they flaunt not only the laws of ethics and morality but also spiritual Law in order to supposedly win for themselves some transient desire which is not the will of God and more than likely runs counter to that blessed will. These people are unaware that the mass mind has become a graveyard of dead men’s bones and that through their wrong attention they are feeding or keeping alive anti-Christ concepts which reach out like an octopus to seize the unwary in its claws while discharging the inky black elements of obscurity, fear, doubt and negativism into the world thought. -Jesus Christ, Pearls of Wisdom 6:23
It must be borne in mind that there is no one specific individual who would destroy freedom on the planet, but there are many councils dedicated to the promotion of rebellion operating in America and the free world as well as behind the iron and bamboo curtains. These forces as well as those sponsoring World Communism do not need to exercise restraint in the nations they have already conquered. A look at the globe will reveal that the great land masses and populations of the world are being slowly absorbed into a great protoplasmic octopus, a seething sea of people dominated by a central committee and an unfortunate manifesto issued by Karl Marx, the most damning indictment of freedom that has ever been written! If his foul logic is to be believed and followed, then the forces of freedom would indeed perish from the Earth.
-Saint Germain, Pearl 13:22
I say therefore: where else but in the heart of the ascended masters’ activity should we initiate our spiral of victory and of the vision and of the light of the Divine Mother for the transformation of this economic system, these Luciferian controls, the infiltration of the Federal Reserve and control and spawning of that octopus over America through the Federal Reserve banks? -Saint Germain, Pearl 61:39
There are those who will manufacture goods unnecessary to life whose very manufacture will cause by-products, pollutants, chemical wastes dangerous from the manufacture of plastics and other substances which are not being disposed of correctly. There is no love motive therefore but only greed—only the giant octopus of the money beast taking unto itself more and more of the lifeblood of the people. -Archangel Chamuel and Charity, Pearl 24:10
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Call then for the putting down of all treachery and intrigue in the field of health, of medicine, of alternative [healing methods], of chiropractic and in denying of the people the cures that are already in existence that ought to be openly dispensed. Call, then, for the judgment of the heinous crimes of the pharmaceutical companies who sell their wares at prices far beyond what they should be and in any case do not [even provide] the natural cures dispensed by Archangel Raphael, which many of you know about. Blessed ones, this is a tentacle [of a giant octopus] closing in on America with an iron grip. -Sanat Kumara with Holy Kumaras, Pearl 34:29
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