Monday, December 5, 2022
globalist pattern of plans
Sasha L. in the 2nd half of this video interview pointed out that DoD made some $10billion+ payments IN EQUITY (ownership via shares) from May 2020 on to 4 entities: Bill Gates Foundation, Pfizer, Fosun and BioBTech. This appears to be a significant step toward globalized one-world gov. rule of insiders. Now Kissinger met with Trump at the start of the Trump admin. and was on the Defense Policy Board as key civiian overseer of Pentagon till the end of Trump admin. Also Klaus Schwab considers Kissinger a major influence and teacher of himself from his time at Harvard. WEF, Gates and Johns Hopkins U.put on Event 201 at the start of the coronavirus pandemic. I think you’ll find Kissinger has had a hand at Johns Hopkins U. So the globalists are rather following the Rockefeller model of monopoly via central banks, via big media, intelligence agencies and medicine. One can see many parallels between the 1918 pandemic where Rockefeller Institute ran their experimental meningitis bacteria program at Ft. Riley, Kansas and the 2019 Coronavirus program. There are some differences, mainly China having a big hand in the latter. Both Kissinger and Rockefeller in the early 1970s went to Beijing to see Mao and coordinate some stuff. Then in 2009 at NYC a group of billionaires met including Gates to coordinate some stuff, and Gates in the year or two following that openly mentioned controlling population via vaccines. So the pattern is pretty clear. The really peculiar thing though is that Congress just votes in year after year over decades in favor of the veiled globalist agenda, disconnecting themselves from oversight of our laws, especially on central banking (the Fed, the blueprint of which came with Paul Warburg from Rothschild Frankfurt to NYC in 1900 and then covertly to Jekyll Island in 1910) and big pharma and this recent stuff with DoD. Now the guy running the Ft. Riley program in 1918 was F. L. Gates, no relation to Bill Gates, but besides being in US Army medical corps was working out of Rockefeller Institute of New York. The Federal Reserve System in 1913 had been pushed through Congress as financial reform and signed by Pres. Wilson who was under the big finance insiders’ tutelage even as FDR later was also. So people of freedom and light should see the pattern. -r.
Therefore, beloved one, each and every saint in heaven is a cornerstone of victory and not a gravestone but the mark of the white cube forged and won. That stone of light, that repository of infinite energy—this is the fire and fiat, the strength and devotion of the saints in heaven!
Understand the great mystery of the Word incarnate, point/counterpoint. For every saint in heaven—and there are millions upon millions of star-flower saints of light—for every one there may be a counterpoint in the heart of the Earth….ollow the Gleam as the light of your own mighty I AM Presence. For that light will never fail you. And that light will swallow up false prophet and doom of the fallen ones even as they are bound, even as every erg of consciousness, every thought and feeling that has entered the mind as antithesis of Father, of Son and Holy Spirit and of Mother is consumed by sacred heart of Jesus now manifest within you who have truly submitted to that Christ, to that Son.
--Saint Germain, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet at Camelot, L.A. on December 7, 1980, Pearls of Wisdom 23:52
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