Sunday, December 11, 2022
fall into the ditch
Don’t you see then, inasmuch as perfection is ever the divine lot how easy it would have been had mankind chosen to walk within the confines of the great Law to perpetuate perfection throughout the world? Yet in the dispensation of freewill as it is held by embodied mankind today there is a chastening that comes from man’s inherent freedom to create imperfectly and to live in error. Among the errors which mankind have perpetuated are errors of dogma adhered to by countless individuals who are the blind leading the blind that all mankind may fall into the ditch.
-Archeia Mary, Pearls of Wisdom 15:29
The benefits of heaven are denied him by reason of his failure to keep the faith in the eternal star glowing in the firmament of universal order, dominion, power, triumph and ultimate victory. We cannot conceive how man can allow the appearance world to become the burden of his soul that prevents him from perceiving the way of the Tree of Life. Here the blind lead the blind and both fall into the ditch. Here the walking upon the pathway becomes a tragedy where it could be a triumph. -Elohim Heros, Pearl 15:48
The word “labor” has been defined as being “a certain release of energy used to accomplish a definite purpose”. This carries our thought then, beyond the idea of just “physical labor”—(the exertion of muscle, nerve and sinew) for a great deal of energy not only can be but actually is released through one’s mental processes as well as through the spoken word. Remember always that the focus of the power-center of the body is at the back of the throat where the tongue is hung—proving that originally God intended man to be able to precipitate direct from the Universal that which he required—first by forming the thought-pattern thereof in his mind, filling it full with joyous, grateful, constructive feeling and then commanding it into outer manifestation by the power of the spoken word. As a matter of fact it has been proven scientifically many times that a lecturer or teacher can and does release more physical energy (his own life) in one hour’s talk than does one physically digging a ditch, over an eight-hour period. -Saint Germain, Pearl 2:34
Beloved Jesus said “If the blind lead the blind, both fall into the ditch” (Matt. 15:14). This should indicate that blind faith is not a requirement of true spirituality. But conversely neither is blind skepticism indicative of noble employment of faculties of human reason. There are many obvious proofs of the existence of a higher Intelligence, but no one can produce any substantial proof of the existence of a non-intelligence! Thereforeit is reasonable to conclude that the thinking part of man, that which knows that he is and can practice various forms of reasoning from simple deduction to more acute syllogisms, ought to fairly examine the fabric of the invisible world before rejecting any cosmic possibility within the span of reasonable imagination simply because it is categorically classified as invisible! -Hilarion, Pearl 5:42
I know how easy it is for mankind to settle down into a ditch of human blindness and to accept thoughts of limitation and human discord as though these were a natural manifestation of their true being when this in fact is not the case. We deny it from our level for and on behalf of all among mankind who will accept our denial; and we affirm the power of cosmic truth that is not only latent but victorious within right thought, even as the infinite power of God is within all life. -Archangel Zadkiel, Pearl 15:44
A devil is the Adamic man self-proclaimed as a messiah by his own ego-energy in the place of salvation by the Lord OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. Thus we have those who deify the energy veil of the dweller posing as deliverers of the race—and if we follow them instead of “Christ in you the hope of glory,” we10 shall16 all7 fall13 into22 the15 ditch26=129 (=3 x 43) that empties into the River Styx. May the Lord enlighten you as to who and what we are dealing with and why you need to give these calls every day! -Messenger ECP, Pearl 26:38a
Take heed therefore that in the last days of the evolution of the seed of Serpent they22 have18 pitted29 all7 in14 their33 last-ditch33 stand13 to move against Sanat Kumara and his seed, the Office of the Woman and her seed. When you understand that the cause is not just, that God has not ordained a victory for these fallen angels, when you understand the message of Enoch and the momentous presence of the forces of light in cosmos you16 have18 only21 to8 put12 together44=119, tying30 a1 simple29 knot15 and10 a1 simple29 bow13 of12 the15 basic16 equation39 of12 victory40 (=262)—that13 your25 heart25 as2 nexus20 of12 a1 descending48 reality36=184; 184+ 119+ 262=575=25 x Logos23), that the alchemy of a Word as the implementation of God’s kingdom on Earth, your integration with it and your soul striving must become, beloved, the vehicle and instrument for God’s victory. -Archangel Jophiel, Pearl 26:40
“Since Armageddon was prophesied,” they say, “we can expect to see a nuclear war in our day because this is the end of the age—and until it occurs Christ will not come.” And therefore they22 have18 fallen23 into22 the15 ditch26 of12 false16 logic28 (=182=2 x carnal mind calcination91) that in order for me to come in the Second Coming into their life they must first experience a nuclear war. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 26:56
There are many among them who see. Although the15 blind23 lead13 the15 blind23 and10 shall16 all7 fall13 into22 the15 ditch26 (=198=6 x last-ditch33), there are great potential leaders among the youth, vital and courageous men and women who proud of their ancient heritage and tradition see that the banner of freedom must not be lowered and that the quality of life must be improved. These know that a correct appraisal of history will extend to man a view that will provide him with necessary understanding to make right decisions and to take a right course of action in this day and age. -Saint Germain, Pearl 13:22
The Laws of God are clear, and the ascended masters have held their focus for this planet for centuries. Yet the knowledge of His Laws and their service has been disseminated but to the few. Those who seek to dominate the world and the thoughts of men have long held unwilling prisoners among men. In ignorance they have perpetuated the ignorance of others. The blind have led the blind. All are in the ditch. -Sanat Kumara, Pearl 11:25
What a lie has been fostered down through the ages and slyly21 slipped36 (=Duffy clique, masquerading57) into the religious patterns of the world. Men have then come to accept as truth, in the name of God, that they are vile and in the words of Saint Paul “altogether gone out of the way.” They do not understand how to break the scriptures, they do not understand that he was citing, as the scriptures have cited from time immemorial, the negative patterns into which men have fallen. This is the ditch into which the blind lead the blind, but those who have the power to see understand that energy must follow the thought and the thought must manifest the idea of its freedom here and now. For men to continue to wallow in the mire of despair or fear is a tormenting thing which denies the soul the power of the love of God. -Serapis Bey, Pearl 10:14
It is necessary that men shall learn to penetrate their environment and to understand right motives in others, as well as themselves, in order that they might discern the Lord’s body as the consummate action of divine truth, always affinitized with the mighty Word which went forth to create and does sustain the whole creation. The structure of creation is indeed magnificent and the levels of heaven beyond compare, but as long as men are enamored39 by9 outer25 glamor33 (=106=2 x ditch-world53) they may not understand the full aspects of the great fourth-dimensional world of truth. For it is these spiritual aspects which would enable them to discern reality and to provide for a reeducation of their vision from erroneous and outworn concepts and a certain ineptness of mind which makes them victims of human gullibility. Thus do the blind lead the blind and all fall into the ditch of human error. -Divine Director, Pearl 9:41
Behold the sons and daughters of God! Behold the potential of God-flame within you! You are not merely reflections of God. You are the God that is energy and Spirit and fire and the wonder of the mind of Christ! All things are locked within you, for you are the creation of the Most High. Therefore let the denial of that reality be recognized by sons and daughters of God as the blasphemy of the demons and entities, with their mouthings through those who call themselves the religious, the chosen ones, the elect of God. It is the blind leading the blind, and they all fall into the ditch. -Surya and Cuzco, Pearl 63:13, at Atlanta on December 29, 1973
So let it be. The empowerment57 shall be unto you through my causal body and through the causal body of Lanello and the Mother of the Flame. Call upon us, for you must make the call. And do not let one moment of your life any longer contain even a thimbleful of discouragement. This is your hour and the power of light! As Jesus said to the devil, “This is your hour, and the power of darkness,” so the tables are turned. They are on the run. Beware of spacecraft—they are making their last-ditch attempt to move against not only yourselves but all people of this Earth. -Afra, Pearl 46:1, on June 27, 1996 at RTR, MT
Beloved ones, you do not need to learn your lessons the hard way. Observe when others fall into the ditch but do not follow them. You don’t have time for detours if you are to make this life count for self-mastery and adeptship. -Gautama Buddha, Pearl 37:22
(Admit that) “I shall not leave another embodiment where I have left a record of my karma, some ditch for some soul to fall into.” -Saint Germain, Pearl 35:44
What a rejoicing! What a joy to defeat those various points where you have allowed yourself to lose your harmony as though it were justified but more so because [the momentum of your inharmony] is a track, and sometimes a ditch, in the astral body. -Lanello, Pearl 33:47
“There is a way t..hat seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” There are many paths, many teachers and the proverbial guru who set themselves up in the midst of followers who earnestly seek the divine light. In some cases these are instruments of Hierarchy preparing segments of the population to receive greater effulgence of Mother-flame. In other cases these self-styled teachers along the way provide detours and often capture their listeners in a cul-de-sac of consciousness where they remain, alas, sometimes for several incarnations. -Lanello, Pearl 17:20
To do this the chela must transcend the former state of consciousness else he will repeat the same mistakes. To transcend that state he must break through the paper bag of his own finite awareness–the cul-de-sac of mortal reason in which he has been floundering for centuries of incarnations. Thus when the pupil is ready for breakthrough the Teacher appears.
-Morya El, Pearls of Wisdom 18:2
Realize then that the Viviens37 and Realize40 that13 Viviens37 and10 Mordreds42 yet14 stalk9 the15 Earth25 (=205=5 x cleverness41) They know not in the outer sense that their day is done, that their cycles have turned. And the more they turn to8 wield26 power32 (=68=2 x poison34) the more they themselves are the undoing of the coils of power ill-gotten of the light. -Saint Germain, Pearls of Wisdom 23:52
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