Friday, December 30, 2022
even if some men should choose to reject the teachings
In his instruction he wisely advocated the giving of the teachings of light’s perfection to every sincere seeker but stressed the need for every teacher to maintain his harmony even30 if15 some16 men14 should25 choose29 to8 reject25 the15 teachings41 after23 hearing44 them19 (=324=9 x reality36). He advised a closer walk with each one’s own I AM Presence (the Father) and Holy Christ Self (the Son) as the antidote for every problem. Let us see why this is the best part of divine wisdom. -Jesus Christ,Pearl 3:12
The world itself caught now in dimensions of egoism, caught now in simple wants of food and shelter and search for happiness, does not yet understand today (as it did not in the time that I wandered the world as Siddhartha) the meaning of true peace. In their search for reality some are prone to separate themselves from the world and to reject it. Others plunge into the world to an excess that does not provide for their lifestream the necessary avenues of expansion which they thought it would. And because they do not tie themselves or unite themselves to meditative peace that is required on occasions, they find themselves in a maelstrom of error. And terror follows error. -Gautama Buddha, Pearl 26:13
Better to be persecuted by those who reject you and who in rejecting you reject me than to not offer them the prize of the high calling of their Christhood through the Word of God. ] You must offer them the Teachings of the Ascended Masters, including the Laws of karma and reincarnation, for I require this of all my disciples. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 38:38
O my beloved, this is the why for the yearning, the imploring, the desiring of all sons and daughters who are free to awaken you—sometimes by ridicule of your silly self, sometimes by praise of your noblest efforts, sometimes by stripping you of your garments or allowing the fire to burn the paltry possessions of this world. By whatever means the perpetual dance of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva is for you to reject25 outer25 circumstance48 of12 the15 black11 line22 (=148=4 x black scheme37) and to enter in to the sphere of your own reality. -Lanelo, Pearl 45:22, December 4, 1977 at San Francisco
The revelatory glimpses of John the Beloved are scarcely understood save by the few. The exposal of emotional ills of mind and being projected against the seekers draw parallels in Pilgrim’s Progress and Dante’s Inferno. Yet a world steeped29 in14 dogma22 will20 often24 reject25 progressive63 revelation49 (=246=6 x 41) and the voice of God speaking in all ages through holy prophets. -Archangel Michael, Pearl 9:10
Those who shun the Christ because they cannot swallow the doctrine and dogma of a false theology which proclaims only one son as having the opportunity to realize the Christ consciousness must cease from this resistance to truth. To reject the Messiah in Jesus is to reject the potential for everlasting life within oneself and one’s offspring. Those who deny the Christ in Jesus cut off the lifeline of God in themselves. For to deny the Christ Self of any man or woman is to deny that flaming potential within the crucible of one’s being. -Lanello, Pearls of Wisdom 17:23
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