Friday, December 23, 2022
Delusion itself is infectious
Delusion36 itself26 is10 infectious49 (=121=11 x see11), and humanity from time to time become victims of the delusions of others, and these in14 turn19 feed20 the15 fires30 of12 their33 own16 banal12 disillusionment69 with24 life23 (=287=7 x banal-fire41). From disillusionment comes boredom, and from boredom comes restlessness, and from restlessness comes at last idle mischief, and out of idle mischief comes sin, and from sin comes again the return to the cycle of death. -Saint Germain on 10-11-1971 at Colorado Springs via Messenger Mark Prophet, Pearl 20:36
Ye who have heard the Call, ye who have seen from afar the fire on the mountain know truly the dimensions of the mystery of Christos. Therefore ye have come out from among your members, separated yourselves from25 valleys24 of12 delusions37, grasslands33 of12 karmic28 rumination53 (=224=8 x deceit28). You have entered a path of initiation. -Elohim Purity and Astrea, Pearl 32:18
Now the harvest did not always seem to manifest fully upon Earth through all the magnificent Christ-sowing of beloved Lord Maitreya, and yet never did he cease to pour out his love and service. I well realize however that from eternal shores it is perhaps easier to hold the vision of victory. However, remember that when all blessed ascended ones yet were embodied as you are they too often felt caught between the sometimes vanishing reality of heaven’s home and strident delusions and illusions of the world.
-Archeia Mary, Pearl 4:45
This life is intended to be joyous.If you become merry in violet flame, elementals and angels will become merry and [that merriment] will reflect on humanity. And when that joy comes it is so powerful it bursts the bubble of [humanity’s] delusions and illusions. For you see, precious ones, this level of being deluded cannot stand in the place of joy, for joy dispels the need to find delusions and illusions as an escape from reality. Whatever is contained in reality on this Earth and the levels of actuality in which you live it is better to contact it, be pricked by the pain and name the pain and cast it into the flame swiftly! swiftly! swiftly! -Oromasis and Diana, Pearl 33:32
Consider then the fetishes of mortal thought and feeling and observe how men are captivated by delusions of senses. They think that they would be bored to praise God and say unto Him “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty,” yet the blessed covering cherubim rejoice in the privilege of doing this without ceasing. -Maitreya, Pearl 27:15
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Contemporary man then surrounded with a multitude of religious delusions and the mechanistic, materialistic, existentialistic, false senses of the world order accepted by the multitudes in part are face-to-face with the great need to recognize the golden veins of truth buried in the heart of the Earth awaiting discovery by mankind who, as miners, lay claim to that which they can esteem as precious unto themselves. In stressing the great gift of God to man I point out that recognition plays so great a role here. For the most precious gems if considered trinkets or baubles would scarcely bring a fair price in the marketplace. -Master Rakoczy, Pearl 8:23
Be ye therefore transported into octaves of light. Let there be a surcease from all trouble and burden unto the lightbearers of Earth.
I, Cuzco, with the Lord God Surya come to you in this hour therefore to raise you to those octaves of light that are not reserved for the hour of your soul’s transition but are rather reserved for those who faithfully keep the flame and [thus] earn that reward that is truly the grace of God–to be taken to those etheric cities and temples of light and on this night, beloved, to a very special place where Surya and I do preside.
We therefore desire that you should come to this place to bask in an energyfield that shall gently and softly remove from you the burdens and care of stress and of dealing on the frontlines of the battle of Armageddon that has long been engaged.
Thus, beloved, the forces of light do express their appreciation to you who exercise with considerable adeptship the science of the spoken Word. For by that empowerment [that] you give to us we may also empower some of our best servants and your sisters and brothers and twinflames across the Earth who have as yet not contacted this great means for world transmutation and yet have placed themselves in extraordinarily dangerous situations.
Blessed ones, as you keep the flame, [sometimes] wondering if you should be engaged hither and yon in causes of freedom or social causes, [you should know,] and thus I tell you, [that] for everyone who is here thousands of those who are your peers and some [having] greater [attainment than yourselves] are empowered by us through the energy you have released to do many good works for civilization and to hold back the encroachments of darkness and ignorance and prejudice and war and attacks on the economy.
Thus, beloved, since you have mastered to a certain extent and [in some cases to] a very great extent [the] science of invocation that is taught to you by Lanello at inner levels and by myself you become keys in the arch of being. And [the] key itself that [is become the] keystone of the arch is indeed the Word. For without the Word was not anything made that was made. And without the Word was not anything preserved that is preserved. And without the Word is not anything transmuted or destroyed [i.e., disintegrated], beloved.
Therefore know that the Word of God that does manifest in you and that you may now feel in your body temples by efforts you have put forth in these two days (that tingling of light) is that you might know that the angel of the Word of God is come unto you and the gratitude of the heavenly hosts as well as unascended lifestreams throughout this matter cosmos is sent to you as a great love.
And thus as you hear the waves of the sea upon the shore of life and of earth you are transported to that magnificent sea on the God- star, your home. You recall that there [on] Sirius [that] wave of light and of the sea does come upon the shore in the most magnificent place that you could ever conceive. Thus your longing for home is very great; but you have chosen to sojourn here on this darkened star, for many that you have loved long are here. [And] your love for God is great and to be the rescuers of those who are of God is your calling.
Therefore, beloved ones, you can see that those of you who write to the Messenger to say “Shall I do this? Shall I do that?” [must] recognize that no matter how talented you are or what your professional background there comes a time in life when you must pursue adeptship on the sixth ray. And remember the work of beloved Nada who herself had great talent but who did take the tutoring of Charity, the beloved twin flame of Chamuel, and remained anonymous and did not choose a career [of her own] but kept the flame and practiced this science [of being her brother’s keeper, and] she did allow her brothers and sisters to become prominent in their fields of service.
You must remember, beloved, that there does come a time when, having fulfilled a stint on the other six rays, without the flame of Nada, of ministration and service [you will find] your causal body [to] be lacking in the deep blue-purple and gold rays, flecked with the ruby that truly is the ruby ray and the ruby stone. Blessed ones, therefore consider how many thousands [of lifestreams] upon Earth (and even more as your adeptship increases) and even on other planetary homes and systems may carry on a karma that for them must be physical, must be in the working of the works [of God] in their respective spheres [because you keep the flame].
When you keep that flame you become the center of a maypole [with blue, yellow and pink ribbons of light extending from your heart to the hearts of those who depend on your sustaining calls to complete their divine plan–] even as Gautama Buddha does keep the threefold flame [and maintain a thread of contact from his heart to every] lifestream upon this planetary home. [This is the responsibility, the dharma of one who holds the Office of Lord of the World.]
What if Gautama Buddha reasoned in himself that he had a greater calling [on] some other planetary body or galaxy and suddenly he stood [up] from his seat in the lotus [throne in his etheric retreat] over the Gobi Desert or in the Western Shamballa and began to walk [away] from Earth [for parts unknown]? And as he would walk away that thread of contact would [stretch to] its limit like a rope or a life-sustaining tube, and suddenly it would break. And all evolutions on this planetary home would immediately know just how great a percentage of that threefold flame and their very life had been sustained by this Lord of the World.
Yet [Lord Gautama] remains seated in the lotus, meditating upon that light in every heart and seeing to it that enough light, and not too much to overdo and not too little [to undo], is sustained [on behalf of every living soul whom God hath made].
And when individuals are out of sorts and [continually] misqualifying energy that light [that flows from their I AM Presence over the crystal cord] must be reduced for their own protection. And this in one sense of the word, beloved, is the meaning of the reduction of the crystal cord. For it is the great protection of Almighty God that when [there are] those [who] make a horrendous karma by misuse of light of the crystal cord God does (either for a season or, if they do not learn their lessons, permanently in that life) reduce the light flowing over the crystal cord that they will have less energy to misqualify and make less karma and therefore [be given] another opportunity [in] another round to be educated under the members of our bands [as to the righteous use of God’s Laws and God’s energy]. As you know this is why the life span, [in other words, the crystal cord,] of the lifewaves of Earth was shortened to threescore and ten, for there was so much misuse of sacred fire and so much negative karma being created.
Understand that you have been given the opportunity through [the] dispensation offered this year whereby there could be an increase of [your] crystal cord and therefore an extension of your lifespan. And this [dispensation is given on an individual basis] for meritorious service.
And there is none so great in this hour as [the one who walks in] imitation of the path of Buddha. [For thereby] when there are [mere] moments left [on] the cosmic clock in this era and this two-thousand-year period of Earth’s history [and] there is not sufficient opportunity to contact souls of light and to initiate them in the science of the spoken Word you may serve a twofold purpose: [you may] balance the rings of your causal body [by taking your initiations] on the sixth ray of ministration [and] service, and in [so doing you may] take your stand for those who need that transfusion [of] light, need that tube of light, need that violet flame, need the cylinder of blue flame, need the tie to the God-star that you have even established [from your hearts to ours] and that has been established at this altar as the divine interchange between ourselves and Astrea and Purity.
Thus the oscillation of light from [our altar on] the God- star to this altar [on Earth] is real, beloved. And that manifestation does empower many to take their stand against forces of Evil.
It is time to consider [and reconsider] how one will spend this lifetime, these weeks, these months and these years ahead. And one must understand that one does not dwell in a vacuum and that when one lives at the end of an age when cycles are in a state of disintegration and decay, as they are in this hour, it is no time to thrust forth with new cycles and new building and new ventures. For when disintegration is ongoing in the planetary body it is time to cycle within.
Thus the Five Dhyani Buddhas have come to you. Thus Kuan Yin has come and Mother Mary. And you understand the great need for [the soul to] retire to the secret chamber of the heart. And that does ring true, beloved, [according to the law of correspondence,] considering the heart of the Inner Retreat and the secret chambers that you have built therein. And thus there is certainly a correlation between the initiation of going into the heart of one’s own eighth ray chakra there to bow before the Lord of the World and to receive that initiation and to balance the threefold flame and the establishment of a stupa that is in the Earth rather than on the surface.
You have been told that highly evolved beings live at the center of the Earth. Beloved, why do you think they have retired there? They have retired there because they yet have a karma with this evolution [that lives on Earth’s surface] and some of them are not able to balance karma with this evolution until certain periods of history [come again] when [specific] lifestreams shall be in embodiment, when civilization [shall] have [again] reached a certain level that [allows them to] go back to the place where they left off in that [service] which they are to bestow upon the planetary home.
Thus they had sufficient attainment and sufficient light. And some of them under the “old dispensation” have balanced 92 percent of their karma, 87 percent, 73. [Yet their mission was not accomplished.] And these lifestreams have continued to evolve and [to] form [through their devotion] rings of light [from their causal bodies] around the Buddha of the Ruby Ray who until recently has held court in the center of Earth. But in answer to the call of the Keepers of the Flame that one has literally walked step by step from the center of the Earth to be present in your Community and to assist you in dealing with the [negative] forces at hand.
Beloved ones, therefore I recommend to you that [you] recognize for the purposes of balancing karma and of dealing with realities of that karma in this Dark Cycle of the Kali Yuga how much good karma you can make [while there is yet time] by making your [daily] decrees the center of your life [for the accomplishment of your mission].
I come then to give you the vision, and that vision is that you might see how many thousands of souls can [and are] carrying on [with their dharma] because you keep the flame in the heart of the northern Rockies. And as [you invoke] that light, [because it] is stored in the heart of the mountains, because it is stored in the waters and in the elements that are beneath the earth, and because it is stored in the [creeks and rivers] themselves there is indeed established here in the Earth, you understand, those pockets of ruby ray that can [and do] respond instantly in answer to your call for dissolution of all that would move against this Community of light.
Therefore, beloved, we are taking you this night to that very special place prepared so that you can receive a rest, so that your four lower bodies and your organs and your chakras may feel the peace [that comes from] the divine polarity of Alpha and Omega. You might call this an R and R in the midst of the battle. And all of you need it, whether you recognize it or not.
Blessed ones, there is surcease from the labors of Hercules, but those labors are not finished until they are finished. And therefore please do not choose your own [timetables for] vacations and withdrawals from your projects but understand that we are project-oriented, and therefore you must summon that resurrecting energy and that light [from your Mighty I AM Presence to complete your spirals]. You must pace yourselves. You must eat well, sleep well, exercise well, but above all call to Surya and Cuzco to be taken at night [in your finer bodies] for that recharge, for that realignment, for that restoration. And [you must] relieve [yourselves] in this hour, beloved, [of] fear and doubt and momentums of [stress even] as you are relieved of [them by our angels].
Blessed hearts, keep on keeping on, for you are engaged in a labor in this hour [that is] not unlike those of Hercules. And I can tell you from akashic records that this one (when he determined that he must pay a profound penance for the grievous burdens that in a fit of rage he placed upon the lifestreams of his own family) determined that he would not stop until he was finished. And there was a passion [born of his soul’s need for resolution and for divine absolution]; and the passion in his heart was the passion of divine love. It was the passion of the ruby ray that he would go forth and perform these labors [to fully and finally balance his karma and pass his initiations under the Twelve Hierarchies of the Sun].
Beloved ones, [that one called Hercules] was a magnificent physical specimen. But far beyond the physical he was empowered by his own great causal body and the causal body of Elohim, and that empowerment came by love.
Remember this, beloved–the only empowerment you can receive on the path of initiation must come to you by love itself, a love that you have already garnered in your heart and demonstrated against all odds [even] when it appeared to you that an individual was simply no longer worthy of your love, having betrayed your trust. Blessed ones, it is in that hour that you are tested [to see if] you can love and love again the friend, the fellow servant or those in the world who have tried but who have fallen beneath the cross of personal karma; [it is in that hour that your love must be found to be tried and true].
Blessed hearts, that love which is able to love in the face of all adversity, that is the love of which we speak. [That is the love that merits empowerment–whereby your love is matched and multiplied by powers of the hierarchies above]. That is the sweet love of the Sweet One above and the love of Maitreya, whose emblem is kindness–that kindness that does champion the victory of the soul.
Thus, blessed ones, I come to you in an hour of Earth changes indeed. And I come to you to remind you that all elemental life count on those who decree for their [blue-flame] protection, for their [violet-flame] blessing. And many of them are burdened [by pollutions and weight of planetary karma] far beyond that which you can imagine. Some of them are hopeless. They are bowed down and they are not able to respond with alacrity to commands that are pulsated to them through their hierarchs from our retreat.
We are concerned lest elemental life will not be able to do the job that needs to [be done] for lightbearers in time of cataclysm or calamity or disturbances in the Earth that [are] produced by war or by [pouring out by the seven archangels of the vials of the seven] last plagues or the ride of the Four Horsemen or the final culmination of the descent of the karma of this 25,800-year spiral.
Blessed ones, will you understand then that these elementals are not ascended [beings and that they do not have a threefold flame] and not all of them have a great deal of God-mastery. And they are burdened by the astral body of the planet and astral body of the people. They are even more burdened [(if it were possible)] by pollutions in the physical [Earth] itself, [the disturbances in the ecosystem and the rape of Mother Earth].
Therefore understand that you cannot have a full and final victory in this twelve-year cycle unless you pay attention to the elementals and give to them violet flame and protection [of the heavenly hosts] they need. For they are your co-workers in the Earth-body itself. [But when you do give them attention and intercede for them] then the gnomes work side by side with you and the sylphs and undines and fiery salamanders.
But they are subject to horrendous forces, beloved ones, and some of them have been entrapped by black magicians to be in their service. And therefore those who have been locked in by mortal cursings and hexes to service of fallen ones do move against the other elementals whose allegiance is to light; and yet the lightbearers of Earth know not how to call for the protection [of elementals] and how to give them [God’s] love [through] their chakras.
Thus, beloved ones, do not underestimate the power of elemental life who serve under the Four Cosmic Forces [and] Elohim, who govern all the matter cosmos. The Elohim must step down the energies of fire, air, water and earth as you use them in your daily life and service and in a survival situation, and they must pass them to you through these blessed beings of the elements.
Thus it has not been long [since] the elementals were summoned to this altar [by] their hierarchs to receive violet flame transmutation, to receive a new infusion of hope where they had lost all hope, beloved. And in their sorrow at seeing what is happening to Earth and what is coming upon Earth, they had all but given up; [for they could not see] that [there] was any use to try. And so you see they very easily take on the thoughts and feelings of mankind who in their own subconscious have the same [kinds] of thoughts and feelings.
You have many elementals [serving at the Royal Teton Ranch] who have come because they love you and because they love the light and because they respect your devotion to God and they respect the Hierarchs under whom you serve. Thus this place is literally crawling with elementals, beloved. And you would therefore do well to remember that they are the very best of your friends. And when they work together with angelic hosts there is no beating these armies of light. And thus understand how important it is to give [elemental life] your very best [decree] attention.
Since you have received so many assignments [to make] so many calls for assistance and [since there are] so many areas for which calls must be given it only stands to reason that what should take place is an intensification of fervor of release of the call whereby in a single invocation you may literally work the miracles of beloved Merlin. And Saint Germain, who gladly places his Electronic Presence over you, can immediately bring forth the alchemy of violet flame [in answer to your call].
[Your] sustained momentum of decrees that does continue by the hour is [the kind of] momentum that does give to the hosts of light a tremendous energy and an authority from unascended lifestreams to do their work of dealing with such massive onslaughts against the light of the Earth [as war, cataclysm, epidemic, famine, economic collapse, et cetera]. But, beloved ones, the individual son or daughter of God who does make the invocation of the heart, does make a true heart contact [with his Mighty I AM Presence] and does reserve his heart as the place of divine love and the place where God does enter his temple–that one who makes that call out of his heart’s devotion, beloved, does receive an instantaneous response from Almighty God.
And therefore do not sigh and say to yourself “I do not have time to decree.” You do have time to make the call because the call is something that is given in idle seconds. And that one fiat unto the Lord can give millions, and I say millions without exaggeration, of angels of the God-star Sirius the authority to enter into your world, your life, your organization, your community and your planet [to help you meet] the need of the hour.
Thus do not think that in order to work change you must [necessarily] “drone on” by the hour; [although there is a time and a place for prayer vigils and decree marathons,] remember that the heartfelt oneness, that contact with Christ’s love that was demonstrated to you by your own beloved Mark, that is the key whereby change can be immediate [and whereby] the spirals that will bring about [constructive] change according to the order of [cosmic] cycles in Earth will immediately commence [by the power of the single fiat made in God’s name].
And you must trust [this application of the science of the spoken Word], [you must] trust the mathematics of the law of that spiral, [even the golden ratio,] beloved, because all things begin in the whitefire core of the spiral, [the center of the circle charted on the cosmic clock] and proceed [from the dot in the center] to emerge through the twelve o’clock line which is yet in the etheric octave even at the subconscious or superconscious levels.
And thus [as with seeds germinating in the ground] you do not see [early] beginnings of those changes that are happening. And then they begin to break through on the mental belt [on the three o’clock line] and then in the feeling world and one day the flower does come forth in full blossom [on the nine o’clock line] and you recognize what a mighty work has been wrought [when] a tiny seed that in itself is hardly big enough to be seen has become the most beautiful flower of God’s blossoming.
Therefore know that every call that is given with profound love from the heart of the son of God unto the Father is always answered. Every call is answered, beloved! But [often] there is a great adjustment that must be made in your worlds, in your four lower bodies [before the answer, according to God’s will, can become physical]. Some calls will not come to fruition until you have balanced certain karma, created a greater alignment of your chakras [with those of your Holy Christ Self] and made certain adjustments in your life [in your psychology and in seeking and finding the merciful heart].
And thus [when] all things are working [toward] the [goal] of bringing to fruition the answer to your call but [you see that] it is not quite manifesting physically you are taught to look for blocks to that manifestation. And you may find them in your analysis of the lines of the clock and the probing of your thoughts and feelings and [you may] see where you have somehow not paid the full price that the Law requires of you for such a gift [as] you have requested. And withholding a part of the price [of your lawful service to God], beloved, can be the sole reason why there is not the full and plenteous response to your call.
Love is the key to precipitation of supply, and a mighty love for God, a mighty love for the masters. Beloved ones, it is easier to love God in the ascended masters than it is to love [God in] those imperfect [ones] who may be around you. And therefore if you direct your love on high and to the Brotherhood and [to] the angels you may by and by so accelerate that love that you can love anyone upon Earth. You can love them the way God loves them and you can support [the unfoldment of the Christ within] them.
So love is an exercise like a piano exercise, beloved. You must do your exercises of love daily. You must practice love, practice giving, practice receiving, practice doing [acts of love], practice serving with Nada on the sixth ray. I see this as the call of the hour because I see [the absence of the daily ritual of ministering to life] as the one lack that does prevent you from [needful expansion of your heart-chakra] and attaining adeptship on the other six rays.
You may wonder at this, beloved ones, because you are all engaged in service. But the quality and measure of that service is always [in its] endowment of love. You may work very hard, and there are drones who work hard and there are drone bees and there are mechanization men and [women and] robots who work day and night and twenty-four hours a day in factories. And these [human and inhuman] machines [may] perform [almost to perfection] and produce [a standardized work product], but they receive [not the] karma [of a Christed one]; for they [do not have the capacity for want of a threefold flame to] endow their service with love [or a living flame].
So you may perform, beloved, [so you may go through the motions of your performance], but do you give [from your heart] and [do you] transfer to persons or to the project or to the ultimate goal of that service a measure of [God’s love, love that endows it with a certain permanence, a certain momentum that that service will not stop but [will] circle the Earth, gathering more of its kind [and blessing all life]?
So you see, beloved, one man’s work [of a] lifetime may not be [of] the same [quality] as another’s who worked side by side with him. One may have endowed [his] work with great love and another may have had only a sense of resentment against God that he had to toil in the Earth to balance his karma. And all of his works [may have been] charged with that resentment, and now and again [they may have been] charged with pride as he took pride in his own efforts and failed to give glory [of his accomplishment] to God.
Thus you see, the karma [for the same work] is [often not] the same, individual [by individual]. And that is why one is taken into the octaves of light and prepared for the ascension and one is left on the astral plane to come round again and again to till the Earth by the sweat of the brow until that one does learn to love that very Earth, [to] love that very soil and [to love] the elementals who work with him [as his helpers]. Thus service, beloved, is [measured] not [only] in what you do but what you [put into what you] do–and [most especially according to] how you endow [your service to life] with that divine love-flame.
And if you would progress swiftly on the path, you should take that moment to understand that the Lord loveth a cheerful giver and that Chamuel and Charity are showing you daily by the Holy Spirit where is the greatest need, [what] is the greatest priority and what [can and] must be accomplished [with good cheer].
I, Cuzco, have come to you therefore to let you know that not only [on] this night but on any occasion when you feel the need, you must make the call to us to be taken to this place of rest [we have prepared for you] in octaves of light and to receive truly that re-creation in God [that we desire for you].
Blessed ones, we bear with you in this hour. Know then [that we are at your side] and be steady even as you are steady at the helm of Maitreya’s ship as you cross the sea of samsara and [plow through] all hurricanes and [astral] waves that assail you. It is an hour for steadiness in the heart and for beholding [with one-pointed vision] the great light of God that awaits you.
These hours, beloved, shall submit to the sacred fire with [which] I, Cuzco, pledge to infuse this Community. These hours, beloved, shall receive therefore the blessing of God, the victory of God and divine resolution [that is possible for your souls in accord with your freewill and your acceptance of my offering].
May you keep steadfast and know that enduring unto the fulfillment of the Law is the requirement of the hour and that each man must [give a] portion of his being, [and it shall be given again unto him [with] “good measure, pressed down and shaken [together and running over,” as Jesus said, “for with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. Therefore be ye merciful as your Father is also merciful. Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven.” That which is [your] harvest must be the net gain of truly loving and loving to set all life free. For God does measure each soul and the quality of the soul by [the expression of] love. That love must be braced by true wisdom and a true exercise of divine will [and] the divine power as freewill in action. Thus know, beloved, that love alone is not sufficient but there must be [the admixture of] Christ-intelligence and discrimination and that [practical] up-and-doing attitude [as you apply this my formula for your victory].
It is a moment that is a cosmic interval. May you breathe deeply now and breathe in the fire breath of God. [inhalation and exhalation]
All things come to a stillness in the [return to the] center of the atoms, the solar systems, the Central Sun, that point of equipoise. It is that moment of stillness, beloved. Bask in it now. You are God-centered in the eye of a great vortex. This vortex of light does surround this sangha of the Buddha. Thus you are nestled in the center. And at the periphery there is movement but at the center all is stillness. [17-second pause]
Now hear the chanting of cosmic beings who serve with Surya, with Cuzco. [8-second pause] The eye of this spiral nebula is a thousand miles across. The mystical body of God are gathered here. Great hierarchs intone the Word that does echo in symmetry from side to side of this inner eye, creating by sound alone a grid of light, a weaving of light rays into a perfect geometry.
Know the cosmic egg and all that is inside. Know that thou art inside, thou who [doest] love God, His Law, His will and one another as Christ has loved you. Only those who love enter this interval. Love is password and key. Love is the means of passing through walls of light, impervious to those who have not love.
Love is also key whereby unascended initiates enter my retreat. Love is key to the solution [of] every problem, love for your Mighty I AM Presence. Stay close to your Mighty I AM Presence and nothing can touch you. The maya may pass by and you may pass through it but this hath not touched you at all. For in the center of your heart you affirm: O my God I AM real
O my God, I AM real. And Thou alone art real where I AM. I AM Thy light that is real. I AM Thy love that is real. I AM Thy life that is real.
O God, Thou dost enter my heart moment by moment, drop by drop of light descending over my crystal cord. Therefore [I see that] each drop now enlarged before me on the screen of vision does contain the divine image of the Mighty I AM Presence. God does enter my heart. A million times a moment that divine image is flashing, flashing, flashing! And I behold Thy love, O God. I behold Thy love.
Come nigh to me, O God. I would come nigh toThee. Enter my heart fully and truly, Divine image by divine image until Thou dost approach–Thy Presence near, Thy voice.
O my God, Thou art coming, coming to this temple Thou hast wrought. O Mighty I AM Presence, come be with me and when the cup of my life is full take me utterly to Thyself.
O my Mighty I AM Presence, I love but Thee! I love butThee. I love but Thee. Let Thy love- fires burn within my heart. Let me know that when the heart does not burn I must pray and pray again to increase that flame of fire of love.
I AM THAT I AM. No separation is. The mystical body of God is one. In the interval of the Sun I know who I AM. I AM real.
And when this interval and succeeding intervals are done I step forth from out the center of this Sun once again, treading maya to find souls caught in delusion, pearls of great price for whom a price has been paid by the Universal Christ.
I have seen reality. I AM reality. I can afford to go forth in unreality another round and another round until my God does call me forever to the secret chamber of His heart and I am born anew, an ascended son of light.
I therefore go back, go back and back. And with my diver’s suit I plunge into the sea to gather pearls, to protect them, to comfort them, to seal them in thy interval, O God, that is in the secret chamber of my heart where [Thy] threefold flame is sealed.
O in that interval, O God, I now have the flame of Thy reality, Thy love. Thy love that is my portion to give to those whom Thou hast also loved who must know [Thee] through my witness.
I AM the witness, O God. I go forth. I go forth.
Send me, O God! For it is my reason for being to gather pearls until none are left to satisfy the sea monsters and they must die for want of pearls to eat, to devour. I will snatch them from their jaws. I will carry home sacks and bundles of pearls and lay them at Thy feet.
O my Father, O my Mother, Alpha and Omega,
I AM coming home.
Thus you will find that this recitation, beloved, (offered by you as you desire to take leave of your body to enter octaves of light and the place we have prepared for your restoration) does establish the coordinates [of your soul’s meshing] with the Dhyani Buddhas and Kuan Yin, Padma Sambhava and Vajrasattva whereby you may easily arrive at the place [we have prepared] and once there easily absorb the grace that is our gift, the gift of Surya and Cuzco.
With the sign of the cosmic cross of peace of sixth ray I seal you and I place that cross of peace, golden, framed in blue-purple and flecked with ruby as drops of ruby blood in your aura at this height and before you so that you may look up and behold the cross of Christ of the sixth ray and remember:
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends, his fellow chelas, his twinflame, his God and cause of freedom worlds without end.
I bow before Hierarchs of Aquarius, Saint Germain and Portia. And I tell each and every one of you if you would achieve adeptship on the alchemy of the seventh ray and in the priesthood of Melchizedek, pursue Nada and her love. It is the shortest distance between your present levels and your full God-mastery.
Love is indeed this alchemical key. -Cuzco, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on September 30, 1989 at RTR, MT, Pearls of Wisdom 32:46
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