Thursday, November 24, 2022
the righting of all wrong action
(using numerology here: a=1, b=2, c=3, j=1, etc.)
For we the seven archangels with Mighty Victory have chosen to place the crown of your own God-determination over this city as a magnet of light to draw the souls of children, youth and all people of God to the clear, crystal perception of that mind of God that does inspire to right action—to right action! Therefore in the right action of every footstep that you have taken for freedom is the righting of all wrong action on the part of the people who have not had the standard raised within their midst. -Archangel Michael, Pearl 25:37
Therefore the organization is in position and has truly fulfilled that founding flame of divine love. It is as though this day were the founding all over again, and instead of seven there be seven thousand and seventy times seven thousand. Thus the numbers multiply, beloved, and we seek the critical mass of light whereby the Great Central Sun Magnet acting through you is able to deliver to that world of lightbearers all that you hold dear in your hearts. -Morya, Pearl 32:33
We embrace you, and may the cumulative Christ consciousness of us all so weigh as a star of magnitude that does sing in the heavens for El Morya, for his victory, for your own and for that becoming of that critical mass by this Community whereby even through you the Great White Brotherhood might know a million members strong, every one counted as [a candle in the night and…]
-Lanello, Pearl 31:86
At a certain point in your devotions and in evolution of your solar awareness of the Divine Mother the magnet of the aura and heart reaches, as it were, a critical mass—that is, an energy momentum sufficient to magnetize the very living Presence of the Divine Mother Herself. And by the law of congruency your aura then becomes the aura of the Virgin Mary.
-Djwall Kul, Pearl 17:41
We have reached the point of what you might call a critical mass on planet Earth, [and it remains to be seen] whether indeed the souls of lightbearers can survive.
-Lady Venus, Pearl 33:40
Blessed hearts, it is scientific. And miracles are the mathematics whereby the Solar Logoi, when the fiery students below reach a critical mass of that momentum, may enter in to multiply a thousand times ten thousandfold the efforts of Keepers of the Flame.
-Zarathustra, Pearl 32:34
You have accomplished what you have accomplished. I desire to see you accomplish more, for you have not yet reached the critical mass where certain elements may melt, where certain world chemicalization may take place that can bring about a greater harmonization of elements of mind and heart and of peoples. You have not reached that point of critical mass of the Christ consciousness in the seventh ray. -OmriTas, Pearl 34:65
There is undoubtedly an initial impetus or quantity of energy bestowed upon the individual as his divine portion. This is brought out in the parable of the prodigal son. The statement “To him that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath” also gives a clue to the maintenance of energy potential necessary to the self—what we might call the critical mass.
-Kuthumi, Pearl 12:30
Therefore I say to you apropos of that which you have heard this day that all is not lost; for only the forces of heaven and legions of light can accurately calculate the critical mass of Christ-light that can be summoned within a group such as this. And this group is multiplied again and again by children of light dwelling in America who either did not know about the conference or were not able to attend for various reasons which Hierarchy understands. -Saint Germain, Pearl 16:52
How then can light become light and become more light? It is a question of increase to the critical mass, increase of the whitefire core of Being. And thus as the15 central28 flame19 expands29 to8 become25 the15 Sun9 (=148=4 x 37) the increase of rings upon rings upon rings of the causal body does become an infinitude of rays of God, twelve times twelve increasing. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 29:14
It is known, beloved, that when a certain number, a quotient of lifestreams upon Earth come upon a great God-idea for a great God-manifestation a critical mass is reached. And then the moment and hour strikes when suddenly [the idea and its manifestation explode and] an entire world is aware of that special consciousness and dispensation that [comes forth because it] has been nurtured by the few. -Elohim Hercules and Amazonia, Pearl 36:6
And then from that moment on there is the fire infolding itself as you draw and pull down and pull down the fire of your mighty I AM Presence, increasing and increasing and increasing. And there comes a point of critical mass when you know that you have a counterbalance of light and you are determined that you will not be moved this way or that but you will stand and still stand as that Christ in the Earth wearing the armor of God—and that whole armor of God—and prepared then to stand against the wiles of the Devil and to make them shrivel by a touch of the sword of flame that is now yours. - K-17, Pearl 57:38, given October 6, 1993 at RTR, MT via Messenger E C Prophet
Their plan is to8 work22 in14 stealth22 until22 the15 day12 when23 they22 raise25 the15 world27 curtain32 (=259=7 x cunning, ambitious37), and the world in horror sees what has been building and what is now about to descend on the planet. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 38:38, given on October 8, 1995 at RTR, MT via Messenger ECP
To Builders of the World to Come I Say, There Is But One Way to Make Way for the Coming Race—by Sacred-Fire Transmutation of the Conspiracy51 of12 Mechanical42 Man10 (=115=5 x summon23):
Call unto the Lord, I AM THAT I AM, to Gather the Wheat of Divine Man-ifestation into His Garner and to
Burn19 the15 Chaff18 of12 Humanoid40 Non-Man-ifestation73 (=177=59 x 3) with
Fire Unquenchable. Be Firm with Evil Wherever You Find It; Stamp It Out and Replace It with the Real. the Eternal and the Substance of Things to Come
-Master Rakoczy, Pearl 8:16
You cannot hold the line of world freedom in Asia—in your economy, in your government, in your industry or in your armed forces—without direct contact with God through the blessed mediator, your own individual Christ Self.
Your souls are sent as the survivors of an ancient battle between Light and Darkness where a handful of the children of Chin defeated a dragon of idolatry and ideology whose nucleus was death and the cult of death.
Understand that the dragons and beasts of the apocalyptic vision of John represent the momentums of individuals who have elected by freewill to ensoul mass movements of an energy veil, or e-veil, known today as World Communism but existing and preexisting as a force of anti-love (the cancerous consciousness of the seed of the wicked) before the flood of Noah, the fire of Mu and even the destruction of the planets Maldek and Hedron.
Great were the forces of the mechanical ones. Their spaceships were extensions of mother-ships, and their black magicians under Satan extended their material power through clones23 of12 themselves38—chemical36 humanoids41 programmed56 with24 malintent36 (=266=7 x themsekves38) to the destruction of souls of the standard-bearers of the Lord’s Christ.
Star Wars is no mere science fiction but the surfacing of subconscious memories of ages past when the evolutions of Light and Darkness, as the wheat and the tares of Christ’s parable, were strewn across the solar systems of this galaxy; and the battles of Lucifer’s fallen ones waged against the teams of conquerors of Archangel Michael’s bands were indeed a war of the worlds in the valley of the gods.
The Earth bears record of their feats of power hurled against other feats of power as even the black magicians were divided against one another, expending the children of God in their planetary contests of “Who is greater and more glorious among the seed of the devil?”
The competition unto the death, as the fallen ones locked horns in their power struggle for the dominion of worlds, could be broken only by the archdeceiver himself, that Lucifer who reunited the legions of darkness on the common theme of the common enemy: the Lord Christ and his legions. Seeing his blinding light and the imminent victory of the children of the Sun, their competition now became “Who could destroy to the death more souls with greater subtlety and deftness?”…
These astral overlords control the chessboards and their pawns in governments bond and free, their goal being always to extend the line of their territory to include more and more of the ground of the children of the light, challenging their right to evolve in freedom upon that ground….
But the final act of the numerous scenes of Armageddon is yet to be outplayed, and the players East and West are even now rehearsing their parts and their roles. They choose again and again according to freewill, according to the light or dark motif of the heart.
But the great sadness of all sadness is that those who align with the strategies of the fallen ones do so thinking they do God service, convinced, as they say, “beyond all doubt” that they have pursued the right course of action for world peace, world trade and the balance of power. They are brainwashed so to think, they are indoctrinated so to be. Some16 are15 programmed56 computers40 of12 the15 strategists40 of12 world27 conquest33 (=266=7 x struggles38), soothing the fears of the people with their self-esteem as the arch-architects of a world utopia….
Let the counterfeit Illuminati, imitators of the Round Table and of the mystery schools, carve up the Earth with their secret diplomacy and their trading in souls of light! Saint Germain and Morya have never lost a fight! They hold the timing of the victory and they know their chelas whose time has come.
I AM Gabriel, emissary of the councils of goodwill of the Great White Brotherhood. …
WHO KNOW THE HOUR OF THE VICTORY AND SUMMON IT -Archangel Gabriel, Pearls of Wisdin 22:3
pernicious, insidiously, masquerading, hypocrisy, infinitude, initiation, empowerment, Great Whore, stealth22 networks35, Duffy26 clique31,
control33 freaks24, heavy25 hazards32;
black11 deception46, Putin clique, Loyola clique(each one) 57.
down20 the15 drain28=63=Neroli Dufh; blacklist, unreal, falter26.
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