Wednesday, November 9, 2022
that once again the Christ might become an expanding matrix
The damage that is done by these would-be leaders who go forth in my Son's name but carry not his Spirit is incalculable. Yet I would speak to those who have suffered the pangs of disillusionment, and I would say to you, one and all: remember, in order to have disillusionment you must first have illusion. Look only to the real which God has implanted in every man, and then you will not be disappointed in the unreal which man himself has unwittingly created or accepted in his world. -Archeia Mary, Pearl 57:18
El Morya gave to me a concluding statement so that I can tell you why I am so intense about chastening you. It’s because I know something that you don’t know. And he wants me to tell you this: I know that everything that is negative in this world is unreal. And I have such a conviction in this truth and such an awareness of nonreality that that nonreality is what I go after every time I wrestle with you. -ECP, Pearl 57:23,
February 20, 1997 at RTR
To each and every one of you I bear the good tidings and great joy that once again the Christ might become an expanding matrix from the point of the individual unto the point of individual government, statehood and nationhood. For until and unless the lessons of the path of the lonely ones become multiplied body by body, soul upon soul into a collective unity that never forsakes God-individuality but requires the sacrifice of the unreal-self upon the altar, the world will never know the true meaning of freedom.
-Sanat Kumara, Pearl 42:2
Therefore draw the line between the real and the unreal. Come to the understanding, beloved, that each and every one of you in this room and on the telephone patch must realize that a vital victory must come to pass. -Three Wise Men: July 9, 1998 at San Diego, Pearl 41:36
I come to you then with the fierceness of Self-knowledge. I expose to you your true Self in glory! I expose to you your unreal self and I say: choose this day whom you will serve and be about your Father’s business, your Father Brahma, the mighty one who sits on the twelve o’clock line of the north, who is represented by the Great Divine Director and all beings of light who serve in that quadrant. -Sarasvati, Pearl 35:39
Establish the balance of the Holy Spirit and see how invading, infesting demons possessing the mind quit that temple. And discover then how cancers and blood diseases and all manner of infirmity receive their virility, their very strength from possessing demons of the false-hierarchy consciousness that is the chemical composition of the diseased body.
Thus when casting out and exorcising disease remember, there is not a disease, including the common cold, that does not have a companion entity that invades the mind. And many diseases begin with a stomach upset by discord in the feelings, feelings of rejection, despondency, hurt feelings. And so, beloved, the chain reactions of life as they spiral upward can lead you to eternal life but if allowed to descend, they can take you farther down into the pits where only dark ones abide.
-Morya, Pearl 31:58
Think of all that has moved against the flowering of your full God-manifestation in tens of thousands of years and understand that that which opposes God within you is the force of anti-love and how insidiously it works against you. Insidiously it does insert inside of your own psyche through authority figures or parents or whomever, beloved ones, self-dislike, self-hatred, self-condemnation, self-belittlement and worthlessness. These vibrations are subtle, but when they are tallied they add up to your denial of the great God-Self within your being. -Archangel Chamuel, Pearl 35:58
As many of the students know, divisive forces of darkness and shadow have long and insidiously confused the seeker and prevented world harmony in the outer branches of the Great White Lodge. This failure to unify and exemplify the pure Spirit of Christ has shattered the waves of world enthusiasm and time after time dampened the ardor of sincere chelas. Let it do so no longer! -Kuthumi, Pearl 5:9
The desire for self-improvement within man can best be realized by turning to the original pattern of perfection which the Godhead held and still holds permanently for every individual. When the fires of transmutation are kindled in the soul of man they regenerate in him inherent longing for progress along the line of divine identification that originated within the creation of cosmos.
A universe is born and it is one but is composed of many parts. Man himself is one, yet he is a multifaceted being. The traps laid for mankind are many and insidious, subtle and invisible, they turn the seeker into a hedge of sharp briars that he may be diverted to silken couches. To hold to a steadfast course in the middle of the road while calling to heaven for greater wisdom and an understanding of universal law as well as the law of man’s own being is desirable. Unfortunately however individuals on the path are so frequently swayed from the course which leads to Christ-magnificence that onlookers are amazed by their acts which belie their professed faith and betray the shallowness of their understanding.
The heavenly hosts and archangels are familiar with the lying-in-wait of subtle forces which seek to obscure in man the image of the Christ. We allow that the best defenses are to be found in that balanced state of consciousness that can always affirm “I shall not be moved!” The plight of the victims of human trivia who alter the course of their lives for a mere trifle of the human mind and its fanciful notions is never a cause for rejoicing. But the stability of the mind of Christ which abides both within and above in the divine Presence is to be relied upon as the indwelling intelligence, the blessed tie that binds each man to heavenly regents.
Unfortunately men and women today, wedded as they are to a cult of materialism, in the short span of their years seldom invoke the Christ-image for others much less for themselves; they seek instead to acquire every imagined good that they consider life to hold. But the greatest good of all held within the heart of Christ Universal has not been glimpsed by them at all and therefore it is altogether absent from the desire of their minds, their consciousness and thought.
This year the archangels and heavenly hosts, seeing the degradations into which men have drawn one another, have aspired to create a great pool of transmutative effort. This focus that we have established as a solar magnet shall draw together every God-loving person on the planet in a valiant effort to stem the aggressive flow of senseless dogma and materialism and to replace them with oceans of invincible flaming reality of hope in the advent of the Christ for every man.
Millions sit in darkness and observe the glitter and tinsel of human celebration as though they were a miracle of material profits, gain and transient joy. But these go the way of all vain imaginings—they flit into the dark as the ghosts of a moment while hearts bow low to the pressures that each day return to men the recompense of their own karmic flow. The magnificent words of the Lord Christ “My burden is light,” should shine over the world as the dawn of man’s opportunity to live in the consciousness of permanent reality.
The star that draws nigh shall become a Sun,
And the darkness of a planet shall yield
To the face of the incoming One.
The guardian spirits who have kept the watch with the Lord Christ through all centuries of darkened machinations of the human mind remain steadfast still. The stirring in upper quarters of the Hierarchy bespeaks of cosmic necessity for action that will arouse the Earth from its awful state of lethargy and miasma of sense-longing. These subtleties have caused men to neglect the kingdom of God for a mess of pottage, and thus they have paid almost total heed to outer garments of flesh while they have carelessly handled the things of the Spirit from which life is always derived.
As the Hierarchy in all of the great cosmic centers—the Cave of Symbols, the Grand Teton Retreat, the focus of the God and Goddess Meru in South America, the radiance of Shamballa that from the Gobi Desert covers the Earth, the Resurrection Temple of beloved Jesus and Mary over the Holy Land, the beauty of Surya’s retreat near Suva—joins with the magnificent temple at Banff, the focus of Archangel Michael, in a cause célèbre; we call for the amplification of all benign intents and prayers of the children of God which have been borne down through the centuries to produce a miracle of stimulation that will penetrate through the darkness of men’s minds and show them the image of stirring Christ-radiance in the manger of the world.
A star is born, a miracle is renewed, a covenant is reaffirmed; the archangels descend through the darkness and the light is reborn. This is no will-o’-the-wisp, flitting to and fro sporadically over the earth: It is a great God-flame focalized, descending, penetrating the darkness as a shaft of Christ-radiance in order that men may trace the light to the heavenly interior. Finding there the pattern of perfection they may gather the remnants of a lost heritage, garnering out of weakness the strength of purpose to change the world now before the causes of the Spirit are lost to an age and many go down into the dark where hope is not.
Since the days of Eden the children of men have longed to see blunted both thorn and thistle, to eat of the Tree of Life and to shun the knowledge of good and evil. Transmutation is the pathway that enables each soul to rise above human enfeeblement into the polished strength of the divine image. We cannot alter heavenly goals in response to mankind’s sullen calls for help when the energies we release are consumed upon their own lusts. We can only answer the calls of the soul for the bread of heaven, for the substance of Christ-nourishment, for strengthening in the world domain of divine ideals and the registering in mortal consciousness of the impact of the radiance of the Holy Family.
In an age when innocence seems to have flown out the window the archangels reaffirm the covenant of transmutation that was made of old to restore innocence and virtue to their rightful place, to uphold in the eyes of the children of joyful expectancy the miracle vision that is not a mere bauble or bubble but a cosmic epic, glowing and expanding through the cycle of the years. Suffering no neglect by mankind to mar its supreme purpose, this covenant bestows in the sanctuary of soul-realization the comfort of God’s concern for His creation.
The universe glows and burns with ineffable majesty of myriad lights, twinkling on and off in the pulsation of magnification of cosmic principle that became the Magnificat of Mary, “My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior....” As the star burns in the world community today the archangels call for a renewal of faith in the power of God to transmute, to change earthly nature into the golden nature of golden-age man.
Born as the babe,
Christ the light within the soul,
He goeth as the lad to Nazareth
To frame a world community,
A congregation of the Spirit.
He is the conquering image
That towers in every man,
Raising eyes to God,
To hope and the renewal thereof,
Laying the mantle of anointing
Upon each mission
Of which God is sponsor.
Valiantly in Christ,
Archangel Zadkiel, Pearl 10:49
There do exist then in the atmosphere throughout the entire planet floating forcefields or grids containing the scapegoat energies of mankind’s wrong thought and feeling. These abide in larger quantities in the so-called ghettos of the large cities and such places as are rampant with ravages of crime and poverty. Yet I can recall but few spaces upon the landed area of the Earth where these large forcefields do not occasionally drift to bring about potential destruction where taken in. They are like floating minefields in the sea. Insidiously existing beneath the level of visibility, they drift to affect the unwary of mankind and to bring about results little dreamed of by most contemporary men.
-Master Rakoczy, Pearl 8:9
The youth of the world are presently being afflicted by demoniac possession of jungle entities which insidiously seep their way into the brain as they indulge (through what is called dancing) in the sinuous contortions of that blessed body which is intended to be the temple of God. Some of every age are dismayed at this activity, but the good people do little to expand our messages of truth while permitting a communal world to continually expand vicious error. -Saint Germain, Pearl 6:35
Jesus, who held the chohanship of the sixth ray before that office was passed to me in this age, taught of that hatred which would be coming into the world, setting members of the same household against one another, causing children to betray their parents. This hatred, beloved ones, is engendered today by the sinister force. Every lightbearer and Keeper of the Flame must be alert to this force as it does come insidiously into the mind and heart, into the solar plexus, creating a cast of darkness, of criticism of fellow brothers and sisters of light on the path, of division amongst new-age movements and even the spurning of the very Spirit of prophecy that comes through this our Messenger as though somehow it were from beneath instead of from above in light as that incredible communion of all saints above with all saints below. -Nada, Pearl 29:2
Many people do not realize that the production of thought is almost instantaneous. In other words when individuals formulate thought or thought is formed within their consciousness, this thought [often] becomes either extremely powerful for good or it becomes insidiously evil. This is sometimes because it is not the great dwelling upon one subject that produces the miracle of quick manifestation. But at times it is the quickest thought flashed forth that will produce a more effective good in the world of men rather than a long and senseless dialogue where men seek to convince the Almighty as to why He should set aside His Laws and honor their purposes. A simple request—“God help me”—has often produced more miracles than a long prayer uttered before men.
-Saint Germain, Pearl 60:37, December 30, 1967 at Colorado Springs via Messenger Mark Prophet
……………………………The following scriptural passage
Hail, Sons and Daughters of God!
I AM in the Presence of the Lord on the Lord’s Day of Vengeance. For truly I have come into this land and nation for the redeeming of the light and lightbearer and the Lord’s vengeance unto those who have been the destroyers in the Earth.
Therefore, beloved hearts, as I said to Moses and to Joshua: “Put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.”
Blessed ones of God, so stand in honor of thy Presence and know that where I AM is the Presence of God. And where you are I AM, for I have taken you to my heart, O beloved—I have taken you to my heart. Thus understand the meaning of the three-in-one. I AM with the Lord God, thus the two-in-one, and thou with Us art three.
O beloved, know truly that thy precious feet are desired of the Earth. Remember then thy God and remember that the Lord, He is God in the very center of the Earth. The Lord does love thee, and the Buddha of the Ruby Ray in the center of the Earth sends forth the mighty currents of that ruby ray.
And therefore I AM in God, I AM in thee and thou art God in manifestation. And if thou shouldst remember thy name in God—I AM THAT I AM—therefore thou shouldst remember all ways and covenants and honor and Word of thy God that must at all times proceed out of thy mouth, else keep the silence.
(Blessed ones, be seated in the heart of the threefold flame.)
O to know the divinity of God! To know that divinity and to come into that heart. To understand thyself as light-emanation of the One, therefore never to stray from the holiness of God.
Indeed I went before Abram before the Lord God gave him the new name of Abraham. I called him out of the land of the Chaldees, the land of Sumer. Beloved hearts, I called him from the idolaters and idolatrous one.
Thus I went before him and he saw me face to face. Therefore he builded an altar unto God. So this altar has been built and I AM grateful for another opportunity in this nation to come through the hearts of devotees and to anchor a pillar of fire, yea, twin pillars of fire of blue ray into the heart of the Earth for the securing of this continent.
Blessed ones of God, so it was El Morya and Lanello who went forth. And so they were willing to leave the land of their origin for a new land that I would show them. And yet this land that was ordained was already filled with the Canaanite. And the Canaanite were these fallen angels who had come to rule the Earth and they were the giants among men in those days.
Thus all of you are called from the land of your Father in the Great Central Sun. You have been called as pilgrims to journey then in this and that nation; and yet you are still passing through to the appointed goal of that land of the gathering of the seed of Sanat Kumara—the land America that is truly overrun today with the Canaanite.
Therefore as Abram moved in stages and each place that he went he builded an altar unto the Lord God whom I revealed to him, so do thou likewise. And let the altar of thy heart and the altar of thy house be then entrusted to my care. I have come not only to dedicate an altar and a sanctuary, I have come to rededicate hearts whose full fire of dedication and devotion must yet be tried by ruby ray—whose full fire of purpose, as was Abram’s, must yet be known and displayed to the soul.
Comfort ye my people! Comfort ye my people! My people of light is scattered throughout this continent. Therefore let the heart be upon the three-in-one.
Where I am there is Archangel Michael, the angel of the Lord. And where he is there is God.
Therefore I will put off the shoes of my karma, my misunderstandings, my grumblings, my burdens, my cares, my opinions about others.
I will put off all of these and let my feet and my soul be naked unto God, unto the Earth that is God’s.
I will go once again as the child of His heart without the sophistication of the pride of ambition of the things of this world which I have acquired from the Canaanite and his civilization.
I would be divested of all these things this day, O God. I would return to the pristine glory I knew with Thee in the Central Sun.
So I AM Thy heart, O God. Purge me now. I desire to be delivered of all these things that I too might know Archangel Michael, face to face.
So it is the prayer of the humble heart that understands that his sins are as rags and old clothing from which he may divest himself at any moment that he so choose. It is the humble heart that knows that sin cannot dye the soul unless the soul, of freewill, refuse to surrender.
Thus, beloved hearts, I have called this Messenger in this week. I have called this Messenger to my altar in the upper octaves of light and I have called for her to give invocations on behalf of certain among you who have come here. And these invocations directed by myself have been to cut you free, each one, from that [substance] of past karma and human momentums which had not theretofore passed into the flame.
And these old momentums, crusty and sometimes wicked, have indeed attracted to yourselves the opposition of black magicians who thereby have gained entrée into your worlds through that old familiar electronic belt. You understand that of which I speak. It would be useless to bind the false hierarchies that beset you when within the subconscious you would still retain the very magnet that draws them to you.
Thus we understand the value of the Messenger. Therefore the Messenger did come to you at inner levels and call for the binding of this substance, but not until she did secure from each of you the bending of the knee before the Lord Sanat Kumara and his Christ and Christ in the Great Spirit of the Brotherhood and Christ in the great spirit of the embodied chela. Therefore if we bow to the Christ in the Almighty, we must bow to the Christ in the heart of the least of these the brethren.
Therefore understand that when human creation besets the soul it can be such a vise-grip of witchcraft self-imposed that the soul must then [perforce] resist the bending of the knee. And thus the call is given again and again by the Messenger: “If you would serve the light, if you would see the light, if you would be the light, then bend the knee and confess that Christ the light is Lord.” And in order for the soul to come to that point of absolute confession the Messenger had to implore the binding of substances of karma and burdens that bound you to old ways of the fallen ones and Canaanites.
Such is the insidious nature of the pride of these fallen angels that has hung upon souls [even of lightbearers]. But I am joyous to tell you that as my gift to you the binding of this substance and binding of the fallen ones did result in your freedom—those for whom the calls were made—to truly bend that knee and therefore in sweetest remembrance of thy origin to confess that Christ is Lord of your house and not the human ego and human creation.
Thus unwittingly the lightbearers of Earth yet worship in the religion of the Canaanites. Therefore I call to all lightbearers of Earth in this hour to truly build an altar to the Lord and an altar to myself, Archangel Michael. And I call for this as Mother Mary has appeared and called for the building of churches in her name. For to me is given the dispensation—and that dispensation [is] to bind the hordes of death and hell and to work an extraordinary work for Keepers of the Flame in this activity.
Thus we do announce to you the beginning of that inner work that must proceed for many of the lightbearers on Earth for the clearing of records which do impede the full work of Teaching Centers and Study Groups and individual chelas in the service of light.
Therefore those who desire to receive this work and this call, do place your petition before the blessed Mother who is your Messenger that you might receive your cup filled and running over, that you might cooperate with this endeavor and that you might see how it is possible for much of old Atlantean records to be stripped from you that you might fulfill your purpose in this land of Germany and in your respective nations.
I speak of this land, for this is where I have sent my Messenger for a very key and holy purpose. It is for that purpose of the clearing of the records of all wars that have been fought upon this soil and the black magicians who linger in the astral plane or in the pits of death and hell and for the clearing therefore of all that has come out of the astral plane and records of death and some of the discarnates that still have not been taken.
Beloved ones, this nation has been so burdened in so many ages by fallen Venusians, by fallen lifestreams from various origins around the galaxies who have come here and who have singularly placed such a burden upon the lightbearers as they have perverted the path of divine love. And they have therefore unbalanced the threefold flame.
And they have purveyed a doctrine of materialism and materialistic science and the building of the human ego and various cults that yet survive, including those that are psychic, of the false teachers and false channels of Saint Germain who have come to this country again and again to lead the children of light astray, always by the glamor of the personality, always by every manner of entrancement and entrapment that has to do with the psychic realm.
Beloved ones, had Abram tarried on the way from his home country to the promised land to which he was sent, I tell you, beloved, the course of history from then till now would have been entirely different. In every age there are key lifestreams who know in their hearts that they can make the difference, that they can be the instrument for the turning of the tide in the world. So in this age you must know in your own heart that each and every one of you here is such an individual if you choose to be, for God cannot choose you unless you choose to be—even if He has chosen you from the beginning!
If you choose then not to hallow the ground whereon you stand, not to hallow the words of your mouth and the light of your body, if you choose not to walk in the dignity in which you are chosen and that you have chosen, beloved hearts, I fear there is not much beyond what has already been done for you that can be done.
I must tell you truly that there is nothing magical about being chosen by the Lord. Every man and woman in his time is chosen for the anointing. And those who are chosen by the very choice of God are those who also know and can do. And yet, no archangel or avatar or Lord Buddha himself may come into your house and change the order of things or tell you to stop your squabbling or tell you to correct this and that. By the very dignity of God where you are you must stand and determine that what you say and what you do and how the course of your life unfolds will be according to that highest purpose.
And you must be astute after the Messenger has left on the morrow to understand that when you come to a point of resistance in yourself, when you refuse to overcome those conditions of human personality that abort not only your own divine plan but also that of your family, your spouses and children, your community and this worldwide movement—when you come to that place and you know you have hit another level and layer of human stubbornness, of self-deceit and of [unconscious] anger you must call to this Messenger to intercede for you at inner levels, to make calls to me for the binding of those forces in your electronic belts which have become the sorcerer’s apprentice.
We do not leave you comfortless. We have ordained a Messenger because you need us in physical embodiment. You need this presence here to intercede for you. With travail and great groanings within your spirit and within your soul you need a comforter and you need the one who will fight the adversary with you—not for you, but with you! Understand this, beloved hearts. When you reach out and desire to be cut free from those things that beset you know that this is precisely why there is a Messenger in embodiment whose physical voice may speak and quiver the physical atoms of your being and release the light of Sanat Kumara that will bring about change.
Therefore I have directed [the building of] this altar and set it as a prototype under the direction of the Messenger that you might see what I desire to have even in a simple room, a small room where only two or three may fit, even a closet if that is all that is available. But, beloved hearts, let me have the color and quality and fire; and therefore you will see I will place my pillar where you erect such an altar.
I will place it there and I will use the twin pillars of my being to anchor in this continent maximum forces that you allow me to do by your call and by your life to avert war and those coming predictions that will surely come to pass upon this continent, I tell you, as prophesied unless you can see the light and know that in addition to the altar, which is the first step, there must be a reaching out as never before to find those lightbearers—
to go after the ones contacted, to anoint them with love and more love and with the teaching of wisdom and with a fervor to pursue the will of God and to anoint them again with love as violet flame of mercy and to woo them as angels have wooed you to the path by every form of means whatsoever at their disposal to coax you and to cajole you and to move you nearer the place where you can laugh, as the mighty Buddha does laugh, all of the human nonsense into the sacred fire each and every day!
O beloved, be ashamed to go to bed burdened by human nonsense! Be willing to stay until you can purge your souls, for you are in the grips of toilers of the black magicians from the very depths of hell when you cling to these burdens that beset you. And the Messenger can report to you by her own experience in this land that indeed the darkness is heavy and does cause those very conditions of harshness and sharpness and clinging to memories of the past and old momentums of gossip that she herself has found in endless relatives that yet remain on this continent from this and previous embodiments.
There are momentums here that come out of focuses of death and hell beneath this very soil. There are momentums in this land carried on by the Canaanite in the land as they move about their work. There are momentums of darkness here from all of these fallen races that have gathered on this continent and that still evolve here and have not determined to turn and pursue the light in all the thousands of years of the example of the saints and miracles manifest by Mother Mary and myself and Saint Germain and Jesus and those in embodiment who have walked among them.
Realize then that we know this. And we do not suggest that you desire or attempt to convert the alien in your midst, the Canaanite or these who still worship dumb idols and dumb idols of themselves. We are determined that first and foremost you shall go daily before this altar protected by myself and dedicated to God, the Mighty I AM Presence of you, in whose presence I stand—there to be divested of black magic and practices of Satanism that are upon your auras and therefore produce an action akin to black lightning and silver and red flashes of crimson. For in this state, beloved ones, it is very difficult for you to expand and balance the threefold flames of your hearts.
And thus the Messenger does indeed understand your burden, as I understand it. But we come to bring the enlightenment of Apollo and Lumina that these forces must be defeated because at the present moment they are defeating the full expansion of your heartflames that could come about if you were more wise and astute and did apply definitely with greater fervor those Teachings that you have already been given.
Thus realize, beloved hearts, that every nation and continent has its peculiar conditions, yet these conditions are not unknown in America or elsewhere. They may come in different packages. They may be more familiar and therefore somewhat neglected by the inhabitants of a nation who have grown accustomed to certain vibrations and, rather than cut through, as Maitreya would say, “they accommodate.”
And accommodation54 to8 human21 error38 and10 devils’27 consciousness49
(=209) is10 the15 most13 dangerous41 and10 insidious47 and10 pernicious57 disease26 of12 mind22 (=263; 263+209=472=8 x
supercilious59) that you can allow to stay in your soul and being. Believe me, beloved hearts, if you succumb to any force pressing against your aura, whether it be jealousy, whether it be the burden of the beast of Socialism, whether it be demons from under the earth—whatever the condition if you grow accustomed to it and therefore the branches in your trees do not grow straight but crooked [in order] to grow around these [forces], then you see, you are “accommodating.” You are saying “I will take the course of least resistance. I will not fight until finally this problem is consumed [of itself] where I am.”
But you see, beloved hearts, where you are God is. Now then, you see, it is upon God Himself that you allow the encroachment. You hear of Mother Mary defamed and you are ready to fight to defend her. But will you defend Mother Mary where you are? Will you defend her as yourself?
You are already Mother Mary except you do not know it, you do not realize it and therefore you do not act the part. Because you think you are human and puny and insignificant you do not mind to allow encroachments of these burdens upon your bodies—whether it is physically in your diets, mentally in that aggressive mental suggestion, emotionally in the turmoil that comes upon you when you attempt to organize and to move forward with the outreach of the movement worldwide.
I tell you, all devils in hell laugh when you get into the pettiness of argument and accusing one another when you should be about the business of the Lord. They laugh, for their own prophet Satan has told them that this is exactly what you would do and that this is how you would be defeated. And he has given them all of their tricks and formulas to catch you and to trap you and to prevent you from realizing that unless the lightbearers be raised up out of this continent there will not be a place preserved for life to prosper.
These are hard words in a time of prosperity, yet I tell you the Law as a great dragnet is closing in. And that Law is intensifying and that Law has within itself a mathematics. And therefore understand that the Law itself will not tolerate beyond a certain level mankind’s blasphemy against the Lord God, who has placed His very own flame within their hearts.
Understand therefore, beloved, that we seek no continuing city here, but we seek to build an altar unto the Lord that the Lord might be glorified, that His pillar of fire in the Earth might utterly consume and wipe out from this continent that darkness of death and hell. When you shall have performed this service [as Abraham did] you will be called to move on.
Do not escape your responsibility of dharma where you are now in service in your homes and Teaching Centers or in your professions. Realize that you must have a victory so intense—a victory like unto the transfiguration—that you are so filled with light that you literally consume all unlike God around you and then disappear from the midst, the very midst of that action, as Jesus did. For you have created a vortex of fire and you may step therefrom and go on to the next challenge.
And truly I tell you, the challenge is great in America, for the Canaanites indeed have infested the land. They have infested the land, and therefore the kin of Joshua must come—Joshua the great leader. The kin of this one must come and all of those lifestreams who proceed therefrom who are lightbearers of the Christ [Presence] of the Ancient of Days. For we have battles that must be fought and won in every area in America. And I can tell you that the Messenger and staff have hardly the strength to carry on day upon day to meet the challenge and crisis they must face in order to deliver to you weekly and hourly, monthly, yearly faithfully the Word and message and promise of our Teaching.
Blessed ones of God, you are called to be a part of those who come. And you must realize that today there are forces working not only in the immigration service but in intelligence services and secret services of that nation [the United States]. And there is a growing network worldwide—a determination on the part of the Christian movements, every sect and mainline religion joining one another, determining to wipe out the voice of truth that comes through you and this Messenger and the Teachings [of the Ascended Masters] and the very dictations themselves.
Do not underestimate any of these forces. We work night and day. We work through you and your call. And you must understand that their determination is to see to it that lightbearers who are of the I AM race, who are ‘Americans’ from their very origin in the Central Sun, are not allowed legally to enter that country and to remain. I need not tell you what a serious crisis this would bring to our mandala (that consists of the twelve tribes and the 144,000 of the lightbearers and the sons of God who are to ascend in this age) if, in fact, this plot to keep them out of the United States were to be successful.
Beloved ones, this does need your attention and it is the concern of the Darjeeling Council this day. And it is the concern of beloved El Morya that you realize that this is one of the plots on the drawing boards of the seed of the wicked.
Now therefore, beloved ones, understand that I have told this Messenger that there is no nation on Earth where the international capitalist/communist conspiracy [the ICCC] is more advanced in the free world than in the United States. The advancement of that conspiracy in some areas is not even as advanced in the Soviet Union. And I speak of the cancer that has taken ahold of human hearts and souls because of constant bombardment of the people in America—whether with rock music or with perversion of sex in all manner of media and motion pictures, whether through infestation of the bodies of the people with drugs.
When you consider that in the neighborhood of a tenth of those living in New York are on drugs such as cocaine you begin to understand the enormity of the problem that we face in rescuing the lightbearers and establishing the foundation of a new civilization. And in these areas of the conspiracy you do not see such advancement today even in the Soviet Union where the people are literally smothered in the blanket and consciousness of the Lie of World Communism.
Understand, beloved hearts, that America is the Promised Land, and yet through misinterpretation of scriptures many Christians have believed that Israel is the Promised Land. And therefore more than a billion dollars a year goes to the defense of Israel to the neglect of the United States and the building of the true City Foursquare.
Thus through the milking of her resources, through lack of knowledge and abject ignorance, want of illumination of the Christ-flame and the Holy Spirit, Christianity today in America is a milquetoast and a sop and has not even the fervor to challenge darkness and that darkness that is pitted against the blessed Mother of Christ and the darkness that is pitted against the little children or the darkness that is pitted across the land through this disease that is come upon the nation and the nations of AIDS itself, which you know very well.
And I tell you from the heart of this altar, [which] you have given to me most graciously, that that disease is truly a judgment of the perversion of the Mother-chakra and the tampering with that life-force. And yet those individuals who are lethal in their [auric] presence and in their ability to transmit this disease are yet free to roam society and not only to roam society but to travel the world around. And so they [the wicked among them] do it when they know they have AIDS.
And when they are in their last months and year of their life they will seek out [sexual partners in] these other nations and they will go to them for their last fling. And they will in some cases convey the AIDS virus into the bodies of hundreds and hundreds of children whom they engage in this child-sex-ring that goes around the world. And this is how AIDS is being transmitted today because the fervor of the righteous has not spoken up to curtail the activities of those who are known AIDS-carriers or victims, therefore to restrain them and to restrict their passports [to interdict them] from free journeying around the globe to infest these nations and an entire lifewave.
Beloved hearts of light, it [this propagation of AIDS] is the greatest threat to the survival of the true genes of the lightbearers. Understand that we are dealing with the science of genetics and that the progeny of Almighty God must remain pure in order to pass on to new souls of light who must embody those traits and character manifestations that come from the Great Central Sun in order that truly the highest souls may in turn come through them, and the seventh root race may come into embodiment on this soil and the soil of the entire blessed Earth.
Understand what we see, beloved ones. If those who are in embodiment today who are so beset by these diseases that truly affect the genes, who are beset by drugs that also affect the genes—if all of this war on the seat-of-the-soul chakra then produces a new generation of individuals who no longer have the genetic material to bring in a golden age and a golden-age race, what do you suppose the Cosmic Council and Lords of Karma will do? Do you think that they will allow the seventh root race to embody through those individuals who are incomplete, who do not have the capacity to endow them [these new souls] from their causal bodies of light with those things that are necessary to their evolution?
I tell you, they will not. The Lords of Karma and Cosmic Council have spoken to me and they have said with absolute determination “We will not allow the seventh root race to embody on this planet unless there is promise that they may have the full flowering of that which they are.” You do not even realize in what a balance the Earth hangs simply because of this disease and other diseases and use of drugs in treating diseases which in turn also affects the genes.
Beloved ones, it is a precarious hour. Those of you who know that your bodies are pure, I say, be forewarned and do not allow yourselves and your children to be contaminated. And begin to be concerned about public places and your use of public places in all manner of situations that affect the body and begin to guard and guard well. For I tell you, you are targeted for these very conditions and burdens [by those on the astral plane who would] prevent you from fulfilling your mission, and I know whereof I speak.
Thus, beloved hearts, I come. I come with many things on my heart this day. I come because I AM grateful to send forth my voice in this nation, in this dictation as my cohorts of light have done. I AM grateful to now feel the power of God passing into the Earth for the rolling back of those conditions which I have observed here for centuries.
Some of you remember well the story of Joan of Arc. You remember the burden upon her, and you know that I was with her and led her. And you must realize that if the Maid of Orléans can come forth and lead armies, then you, precious hearts, surely can do anything—surely in your faith in God and the conviction of His promises you can do anything.
And I can assure you that I AM with you, and when you call to me I AM physically present in the room. And I say physically because I charge the atoms and molecules of your being with my being to such an extent that it qualifies as saying that Archangel Michael has stepped through the veil!
Beloved hearts of light, of all things do not take lightly the gifts of God, nor should you consider that you yourself are therefore favored or selected because somehow you are better than others. You must understand that God in you is worthy. And as the apostle said “Let God be true and every man a liar.”
Is any man’s human creation worth defending in the presence of God? Is it worth defending in the presence of such life-threatening, civilization-threatening conditions? Is any man’s human creation starting with your own worth defending in view of the fact that you must carve out your destiny from here, attaining the victory all the way to the United States and see to it that none there can assail you and remove you and send you back where you came from? This in itself is a challenge of a lifetime.
Is any man’s human creation, any woman’s human creation worth defending when so great a salvation besets us? I, for one, say nay!
Beloved hearts, in the fervor of the blessed Mother, my angels have gathered. And they form that amphitheater of light above that the pillars might be established and this altar dedicated. Please rise.
[Archangel Michael chants in angelic tongues 1½ minutes.]
Above this Messenger stands your own Ascended Master Lanello who continues in this invocation in angelic tongues as above and so below for the anchoring now of these twin pillars at the place where this altar stands. Therefore the twin pillars of Archangel Michael and the Almighty One stand here.
And therefore, beloved hearts of light, know that Alpha and Omega as twinflames of God anchor now this wholeness and this action of sacred fire. And wheresoever you shall so establish this altar in like manner and play this dictation and be pure of heart and keep the harmony so I will come and so I will establish that forcefield.
And so it is done. And Alpha and Omega have decreed it. They have called it forth. And these pillars extend from the heart of the Earth to the heart of the Great Central Sun. And they are sustained so long as this altar is kept, and when this altar is no longer kept they are withdrawn.
And therefore keep the flame. Keep the flame of Life and of freedom and of the will of God. And tend to the flame, O bhikkhus. Tend the flame, O devotees of Buddha! Tend the flame, O devotees of Sanat Kumara, Alpha and Omega! Keep the flame in the heart of the Earth!
Archangel Michael I AM! And I cry to you, O people of God worldwide: Wake up and fulfill your role, for only then can God choose and in so choosing know that He too is chosen by you.
In the oneness of the Trinity I AM where thou art We three— God, Archangel Michael, and the Son of God in you!
It is done! May you act upon it and be free! I AM THAT I AM evermore in the heart of the devotee of freedom. In the heart of Earth I stand until the lightbearers are free and the dark ones bound.
In the name of Mother Mary I bow to the blessed Virgin at this altar. May you also kneel to her honor.
Blessed Mother of God, I consecrate this chalice of the will of God offered here in my name to thy diamond heart and the diamond heart of El Morya and thy chelas forever.
Blessed Mother of God, Mary, in thy name we serve to rescue thy children. Let thy honor, thy beauty, thy love and thy presence be vindicated. Even so as thou hast placed with Raphael the healing thoughtform over this place let it be done unto all who so qualify themselves on the path of light as these blessed servants have done.
Therefore that which is done in secret the Lord God shall reward openly. Seek diligently therefore the service of the chela and let thy God reward thee, O children, for truly the reward of all lifetimes comes due. Beware and be at peace.
-Archangel Michael, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 6, 1985 in West Germany, Pearls of Wisdom 29:9
The youth of the world are presently being afflicted by the demoniac possession of jungle entities which insidiously seep their way into the brain as they indulge (through what is called dancing) in the sinuous contortions of that blessed body which is intended to be the temple of God. Some of every age are dismayed at this activity, but the good people do little to expand our messages of truth while permitting a communal world to continually expand vicious error.
-Saint Germain, Pearl 8:35
Therefore let me tell you that those who are to be ministering servants in the seventh-ray dispensation must also know the path of the priesthood of Melchizedek, the path of light as it was taught by him and taught by Jesus to the initiates. Therefore we have prepared leadership training in the coming week that those who will stay may have an understanding as well as an initiation into requirements of those who will carry the freedom flame and stand against the darkness of the nations and those forms of darkness insidiously projected into the society of America. -Saint Germain, Pearls of Wisdom 28:34
Hail, sons and daughters of the Grail! I AM the Buddha of the Grail chalice. I come to anoint you in a path of initiation that is the fulfillment of the quest for the resurrection.
I would lead you in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake, he whom I led out of the God-Star unto the descent into Bethlehem and from thence unto the path of the novitiate, the one who was becoming the light.
Step by step he went. He went to Luxor and to the retreats of India and to England as well, that holy shrine where a flame was given to him, a cup, a light that you yet bear from the heart of the Ancient of Days.
So it is, and so thy pilgrim feet may press the ground where his have trod. So thy pilgrim feet, comforted now in the knowledge of the self as Parsifal, pure fool, will welcome the challenges, the temptations. They will relish the quest and opportunity to prove the soul’s prowess in battle and to plunge the sacred spear into the cause and core of sin—the dragons and beasts that have grown to immense proportions, stretching themselves across the Earth, the astral plane of the solar systems.
Yes, deified evil has come and must go down by the mighty spear wielded by the Mother who, in the person of myself, does present to you the image of the Cosmic Christ by a teaching foretold. In the teaching then you will know the presence of the Teacher just beyond the veil. It is in the teaching that the soul responds to the flame leaping from my heart.
I AM the fulfillment of the Guru within you—the one you sought, the one you lost and have won again as the prize of life. I, Maitreya, am the Holy Grail. And from out the blessed body and blood, the light of Alpha and Omega, I give birth to a new soul, to worlds within worlds and to the coming of the sign of Aquarius.
I am come then that ye might have understanding of the path and therefore not be confounded by fallen ones you meet upon that path. For they would condemn you for even meeting them at all, as though it was your fault that they fell from highest star. The fallen ones in pride blame all and everything upon the chosen ones who bear the cup of my life unto the resurrection of the whole body of God.
The mystery fulfilled is in the opening of your eye not to relative good and evil but, by and by, to the revelation of the perfect Christ within you. By that perfect Christ, by that perfect light the co-measurement of the real and unreal is clear. Then, undaunted, you move through the poisoned vapors of the black magician’s lair.
You do not succumb to the pollution of the soul, the attempt to confuse the issues, for yours is the burning and smoking lamp of your father Abraham. His acceptable offering of his son Isaac is a rising incense that will atone for every departure from the Law. Let the acceptable sacrifice be made. Let the offering be given.
When all misqualified energy is placed within the flame as he, Jesus, did do—taking all that was misqualified from the multitudes and laying it upon the altar as his offering in the way—when all of this is said and done and you have passed unreality into the flame, the only acceptable offering unto God is the pure and living Christ of you, the only begotten Son.
Him crucified is your resurrection. Thus when there is nothing left to give, you give to humanity the gift of your real Self. This is the message of Easter. I bring it to you that you might prepare in prayer and fasting for a stupendous light descending which comes by word of Alpha and Omega as resurrection’s flame this very Eastertide.
The coming of our chelas for the path of initiation is for togetherness in the light of love. We have revealed an inner flame. We have made plain an outer path. We have clarified and crystallized in many levels of your soul the gradual ascent whereby you shall indeed be made whole if you are faithful and press on to the finish and claim the prize of the Savior—won for you, now yours to win.
I will come then. I will come for the dedication of the chapel of the will of God. I will come at Easter for the inauguration of the very personal presence of Jesus Christ within your midst. I will inaugurate for you in that blessed ground, consecrated by Gabriel and the Grail to the Ashram of the World Mother, the blessed place consecrated to Mary.
There in the blue-flame Focus of the Will of God I will unveil to you the blessed image of the Christ carved in stone out of white marble, brought now and placed in the arms of the Mother as Christ descended from the cross was given into the arms of Mother Mary—the Pietà, the perfect compassion of the Mother.
The Mother I seek to ignite within you is the one who, in Maitreya, is Mother one-on-one, ready to receive each blessed servant-son as he passes through the great initiation of the crucifixion. Caring for the body of Christ then the Mother keeps the vigil while each son and daughter goes forth into the world, into the astral plane, to challenge evil.
Therefore I will come in Christ’s name to bless those who will respond to my call and come to be prepared to go forth two by two for the initiation that is the very descent of your soul required by cosmic law ere you can win your crown. It is the initiation of the descent while you are yet in physical embodiment into the astral levels of vibration of the cities and open country of the nations.
Thus we send you forth with a blessing and an initiation from the holy shrine of the Virgin as though you did leave from Glastonbury Cathedral and go forth in quest of your own resurrection by the fulfillment of the Law, preaching the gospel to every creature and in every nation bearing witness to the healing light.
Going two by two across the Earth is no contrivance of the outer mind but a divinely ordained initiation whereby you, in Christ, confront the world mind in all dilemmas of the yin and yang of human consciousness. For whatever phase of human consciousness may the gift of speaking in tongues be yours and interpretation of those tongues that you might give the necessary light one by one for the confounding of possessing demons and for infilling of the Holy Ghost.
A glorious mission awaits you which has a purpose and a plan. It is your very own salvation, your very own resurrection. And by your atonement and your obedience to the Law, one by one each soul whom you contact will receive on your resurrection morn droplets of sacred fire from resurrection’s flame.
All whom Jesus passed, all the multitudes, all who knew him East and West in every incarnation were in the manifold blessedness of the fire of the resurrection on Easter morn--all elemental life, angelic hosts and all of the twelve tribes and sons and daughters of God.
And for the fallen ones it was the rending of the veil in the temple, the very judgment by the descent of sacred fire. Lo, he is the manifest judge of nations! Lo, he is the Christ, dispensing on the right hand and on the left resurrection’s fire!
Thus I have passed into the hands of the Mother this very week that magnificent work of art carved a century ago for you and held in trust by my flame. The blessed carved statue of Jesus Christ, lifelike in its wonder, is the image of the risen Christ—fiery Sacred Heart bearing the record of his crucifixion, yet alive, behold, alive forevermore!
This very image, this very stone prepared by elemental life to become the image of the Christ, will stand, then, at the altar of the Focus of the Will of God. No longer will there be a need for a group conductor in that shrine, for Christ himself, the Lord of lords and King of kings, will be there each time you come to celebrate your sacred vow: Lo, I am come to do thy will, O God!
As you kneel before the blessed image, charged, supercharged with his Electronic Presence you will know that as you give your dynamic decrees for the victory of the will of God in government, in the economy, in education, in all of civilization, your Redeemer before you in stone is in reality before you in the body and blood of Alpha and Omega—waiting, o waiting to step through the veil in physical, tangible manifestation through your very own body temple.
Thus he gives to you perpetually the initiation of Maitreya, the living Guru, that the Second Coming of Christ must first be his entrance into the flesh and blood of each and every one of his disciples. And when the body of the Lord on Earth has become his blessed self, then the acceleration of all will produce the great miracle whereby every eye shall see him and every tongue shall confess that he is Lord.
Go forth, knights and ladies of the flame, on the quest of the resurrection! Go forth to reveal the Second Coming of Christ and let those who are in the world receive you in the name of the Christ and receive the reward of Jesus Christ.
Thus it ever is that those who would be initiated by the Guru must receive the disciple of the Guru and those who would hear his word must receive his messenger. Thus it is ever; thus ever it shall be.
The Guru requires the acceptance of his chela by the multitudes and those among the multitudes who would come out and be separate and join the ranks of the order of the quest. There is no other quest but the quest for the resurrection.
Therefore a work of art, a stained glass window, shall at last be hung in the Chapel of the Holy Grail for your contemplation, for your meditation, depicting your return, victorious, triumphant, when you kneel before your Lord and Saviour and he places upon your head the crown of life. It signifies that you have completed the initiation of the Holy Grail and the sacred spear, that you have raised the light of the Mother unto the crown of the Buddha, and with the placing of the crown, there is the opening of the thousand-petaled lotus of the sunburst of illumination.
My beloved, the anchoring of this focus in the City of the Angels will be the definition to all of the path of initiation, of the sacred quest and of the very personal relationship of the soul to the living Jesus Christ. May all evolutions of Earth walk in his footsteps and find miracle upon miracle as cycle upon cycle he now reveals the accelerated path of the Cosmic Christ and the communion cup of Maitreya.
Maitreya I am, for God has ordained it and he has willed that I should reveal that name and speak out of that flame. And so I come in the name of Gautama and in the name of the Ancient of Days.
Let the candles burning on the altar of the Focus of the Will of God be kept in perpetual vigil, a vigil of light for every condition of burden upon the children of God on earth. Let your dynamic decrees to the will of God be the very determination of my heart for the will that he bore to the end—the end of death, the beginning of Life. Let them be directed specifically, point by point, line upon line, by the sacred lance of your heart, by the penetration of the all-seeing Eye of God.
I shall give to you the image of the all-seeing Eye. Keep it then in your home. Keep it close to your heart that wherever you are, the all-seeing Eye may be upon you—God upon you and upon the evildoers, and your eye upon the Eye of God.
Thus the blessed arc of attention twixt your soul and your blessed I AM Presence is accelerated infinitely by Elohim Cyclopea. When you look into the Eye of God you are looking into the mighty current of his immaculate image that is intensely projected into the Earth in this hour, and by receiving the image you are made whole.
Fear not to gaze upon the Eye of God; it is the orifice of your own immaculate vision. Thus it is the key as you wander nation to nation bearing witness as Parsifal who having won the spear, emblem of understanding, emblem of an energy promised to come, went forth to meet every battle of the carnal mind.
You will go forth. You will carry the understanding of a spear whose power shall one day be your own. Let God’s all-seeing Vision be the key to your safe return, for by the very nature of the initiation I must stand back and allow you to prove your strength, your worth, your ability to sustain light and hope and faith and charity.
Your tie is sealed, but the exercise of the principles of the Law must be your own, else, you see, in the homecoming I would receive the crown, not you. And after all, I have need of but one crown, that which I have already won. It is you who need the crown. You must work the works of God.
You can go forth from Camelot, from the Mystery School and from the focus of the Mother. And to this end God and Goddess Meru place the forcefield of their retreat, that there might be a place to house the Grail, a place where souls might come to tell the Mother, the very living Virgin, of their quest and of their encounters, victories and defeats till all defeats are swallowed up in victory and the kiss of peace is planted upon you by Maitreya and the Mother.
Now, blessed friends, for you are my friends, I bless you with the blessedness of our promised oneness and of your promised victory. You cannot fail when you know the Law and love the Law with all thy heart and soul and mind, when you love the Word incarnate and the Father and the Spirit, when you love the Mother without compromise.
Now then I come to heal you of a grievous wound. I come to raise the spear. Will you not stand, for I would make an invocation on your behalf. [Congregation stands.]
I would call now for the expelling from your temples of seeds of hatred placed there by the fallen ones. Not that you have any hatred of your own, O my blessed ones, but, you see, the fallen ones have sought to hide within your garments the splinters of their nefarious deeds.
They know that the seed of hatred is the seed of division, of fanaticism, of an untempered zeal, a self-righteousness. Aye, the seed of hatred is Antichrist itself and is in opposition to the greatest love flame ever known, the flame of Saint Germain, the flame of freedom, the violet all-consuming flame.
Therefore we would not have our highest and most holy representatives of the Knight Commander without knowledge that in the hours of sleep over the long centuries the fallen ones have attempted and sometimes succeeded in placing their grains of discord, grains of mild dislike.
Beloved ones, nowhere in the kingdom of God is there even the vibration of any form of hatred, not even hatred of Satan or Lucifer or of the darkest of the dark, Peshu Alga himself. No, not a living angel holds or harbors dislike but is the presence of compassion’s Sun.
The blazing Sun of love within your heart is all-consuming; it consumes all unlike itself. And the greater the hatred in the world, the more intense is this fiery, whirling sphere within you. God Himself is all-consuming love which consumes every part of hatred. Therefore we would not have you go forth vulnerable, incited by the insults that would quicken the forcefield of this insidious poison of hatred in the depths of the subconscious.
No matter what is done remember that you thereby earn your victory. Hatred or its corollary vibration would bind you to unreality. I would have you unbound! I would reveal by the Holy Spirit this one purpose of the point of the lance, the point of the sacred spear that pierced his side!
Now I raise the sacred spear! I pierce it through and through into the cause and core of implanted hatred of the Father!
Bind it now! Bind it now, O sacred spear of living Christ O Great Brotherhood of light, bind the hatred of the Father!
Thrust through now, O sacred spear!
By his body and his blood bind the hatred of the Son! Bind the forcefield of that hatred and the consciousness behind it!
Bind the demons that lurk!
Bind them in the folds and garments!
Bind them now! Bind their records!
Bind their memory!
Bind them who have sought to enter the living temple of our God!
No more, I say!
Be bound, O seed of hatred of the Holy Ghost, most devious. Be bound!
The sacred spear enters now.
Be bound, O demons of the night!
Bind the psychic impostor and the false prophet of the carnal mind!
Bind the hatred of the Holy Ghost!
Bind that hatred now!
Blaze forth, O invincible light,
O invincible light of the Holy of holies, descend!
Now intensify, O rod of fire!
Flaming spear, increase as light whitefire light of Mother is crystallized ascension’s flame.
Now pierce, pierce the wound of hatred of the Mother and her seed!
Bind then that which Lucifer sought to deposit in the sons and daughters of God,
in the blessed children of the Mother!
Bind the anti-Mother! Bind the anti-demons!
Bind the discarnates! Burn through, O sacred spear! Burn through! Burn through! Burn through, O living Word!
I am the Holy Grail. I now unveil that Holy Grail and hold it high, as one glimpse is all that you may be given until you have accelerated into higher dimensions of purity’s flame.
O Holy Grail, magnetize Mother-light, as I, Maitreya, hold the forcefield now for the raising of resurrection’s flame, preparing for the raising of Mother-light and Kundalini’s sacred fire.
Now angels have veiled once more the Grail and you, my beloved, have received the spear as surgeon’s sword of living Christ. Only thus, by initiation in the person of the Guru, may you have transferred to you the living light of resurrection.
Thus I bid you come again when I will come again in another retreat to fulfill the ongoing initiations of your path to Christhood and your quest for your very own personal resurrection. The mysteries of Maitreya the Mother will be held in the inner sanctuary of the Grail and of your heart. These we may not send forth. Let all who would receive them come, then, to our retreat.
With a blessed adieu we bid you on your way. We walk with you upon your way, our angels of the Christ. Now test yourself day by day. See how much more of him you may behold in each and every one of the children of God.
Behold the Bethlehem babe. Behold the child at twelve. Behold the initiate of the mysteries. Behold the one who receives the great baptism of the Holy Ghost, of John in Jordan. Behold the one tempted of the devil, God-victorious. Behold Christ upon the cross. Behold his suffering, a planetary transmutation for planetary karma, and say to the winds of the Holy Spirit that blow your garments fair, “Whithersoever thou goest, Lord, I would be there.”
Amen, blessed souls. Your blessing is of the Mother-flame.
-Lord Maitreya, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet on February 19, 1979 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 43:43
Now you will understand how some can be so turned out of the way. There is literally a venom, which is why these fallen ones have been compared to snakes. Their poisonous venom, insidiously penetrating the rational mind and the corrupt astral levels of consciousness, polarizes the individual to the anti-God momentum of the beast. And thereby they pursue the work and the word of the beast. And they are brainwashed and they have become automatons to the beast. But some of these once had a soul and a freewill and once stood before the Ancient of Days petitioning opportunity for life in the Earth. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 56:23, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 25, 1979 at Camelot, L.A.
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