Tuesday, November 8, 2022
that life which all are given in common
The so-called common status of mankind—that life which all are given in common among men—must be stepped up to fulfill the fiat of the divine ones who govern and direct the atmosphere of spiritual progress for the planet Earth! I am well aware, as are the other members of the great cosmic councils, of the smothering lethargy which like a fog swirls about the children of men until they seem caught in an involved emotional whirlpool from which escape may seem impossible. I cite an example: -
the constant attention by mankind to their past would almost indicate that in it rather than the future they expect to find their salvation, and yet in its changeless mores all life remains crystallized as karmic substance, returning only for redemption and purification—not for senseless repetition of its lessons which ought rather to be mastered.
It is to the future the spiritual aspirant must gaze with unalterable constancy, observing the standard of its Holy Christ Self who is the criteria of all—the ever-beaming Sun (Son) of righteousness whose healing wings stretch over the whole human family with protecting guidance.
The aura does reflect the past, it is true. Hence those able to see the aura of another usually observe that which has been rather than that which might have been. The spiritual science of the future indicates the importance of magnetizing the Holy Christ Self for another lifestream and calling upon it to descend into constant action in the outer personality, shedding its light and salvation to all. This is the invocation of that which is immaculate and pure; this is the weaving of the first strands of the seamless robe of the Christ as a garment for another. This is a karmaless way—for those who do this for another can never reap negative karma by so doing. Indeed only good treasure is thereby stored up where thieves do not break in and steal, nor moths spoil—nor rust imperil when one holds the concept of immortal good for another and then like the good Samaritan of old draws this coat of light into another’s aura to clothe their human form.
Far too many gifted and spiritually perceptive ones have merely used the power of their sensitivity to ferret out the past human life-record of another—which has its purpose. But unfortunatelyin thus sidetracking their energy they often fail absolutely to invoke the Christ-image and thus leave the wounded one in the same state as before!
It is the duty, responsibility and action of love itself to seek the Masters’ way in all that it does. As the sands of time then pass through the nexus of the glass of life such ones draw nearer and nearer to the perfection which is their true source, finding in an overcoming wave of the future a hope in Christ who is in verity the illumination of God, the purity of God, the creativity of God and the fullness of the Father manifesting in the sun or son (within themselves) who thus remain eternally a focus for light, life and love which in the final sense is good always.
Yours truly -Lord Maitreya,
Pearls of Wisdom 4:36
How do you suppose it shall be done? First of all, by the buoyant, joyous, transmutative release which I am making tonight I expect you to go out and literally beat the world into submission! You say to yourself “Well, what do I do first?” And I tell you it is to actually focus that consciousness of God-victory in your own individual worlds. And when you do it I tell you if you will remain constant to that sense of victory, it will make a wonderful change in your world, a change that will cause those little obstacles that so long have become stumbling blocks in the pathway of your life to literally yield themselves unto me.
“O yes,” you say, “while the consciousness of Victory is buoyantly, joyously buoying me up I am able to do all of that.” Well, let me tell you something tonight: When you understand that the God-power of victory is literally alive within you, when you keep that consciousness enshrined as though it were an icon upon the wall of your being it will transform you! But when you let slip from your consciousness all of these things because the bugaboo of human nonsense stands there and says: “O you’re a terrible person; you are an egotistical person; you are a person of darkness and deceit; you have this fault and you have that fault”—so long as you accept that you probably will.
But the moment that you begin to understand that only by cosmic grace and loveliness—manifested by Jesus the Christ and the ascended masters throughout the ages—will you ever be able to shake the dust off of your feet and find at last that you can arise in those triumphant moments whereby the great cosmic spirals of cosmic fire become a tangible manifestation for you. How do you suppose this will be done? Because the Spirit within you is made of the same substance as the Spirit of the ascended master.
Well, don’t you see then? It is merely a matter of expressing those God-qualities which are already within yourself! And the idea and concept that you cannot do it is a concept of satanic lore, a concept of luciferian strategy whereby humanity have accepted this and have not understood that at last the very cradle of God-victory is within themselves. When they understand this then they are no longer a lone pine tree standing upon a lonely hill separated from the world and feeling so sorry for themselves.
Do you understand then that all of us are altogether with you, standing with you? How in God’s name can you actually stumble any longer? Well, you say, it isn’t exactly easy! [Audience laughs.] Let me tell you that it may seem to be hard to actually do the will of God; but when you accept the Spirit of your victory you will be transformed in thought! And whereas that action of thought may not immediately seem to percolate through to those decadent atoms which you have unfortunately not shepherded through the great cosmic fire often enough, then you will understand that that power of the Cosmic Christ that is universally within you and is now called into action will become a tangible manifestation from an ultimate standpoint and you will not be weary simply because you see some manifestation that is not already perfect.
This is one of the great stumbling blocks of humanity. It is the idea that they are not already perfect. Well, I tell you, they are! They have simply accepted imperfection, and this has become the fiat of their world. They have accepted the dissonant beat of drums from an idle jungle of human nonsense, and they have denied the immortal facets of cosmic light that actually breathes and glistens within them. What do you suppose beats your heart, beloved ones? Well, the power and energy that beats your heart is the power by which the worlds themselves are framed and by which they are turned in space and by which the glory of God becomes a tangible reality in the face of an avatar such as Jesus the Christ, in the face of an avatar such as El Morya.
All of these great ones—Kuthumi—they builded cathedrals; they struggled against outer circumstances of the world. He became the divine poverello as he was called because he said “I will give myself unto Thee. I will give myself unto God.” And what really transpired? Well, God already had him, but the devil seemed to have a hold of one foot; and somehow or other he was disturbed somewhat if that one foot was pulled upon. Well, I want you to understand that it doesn’t matter if they have you by both feet [audience laughs] if you understand that God is inside of you and He that is in you is greater by far than he that is in the world.
It is a state of consciousness; it is a matter of understanding; it is a matter of the recognition of that understanding—by you, not by someone else. It is not enough for El Morya, the great master, to have in his consciousness that he can overcome the world and the state of the flesh and the state of outer carnal manifestation. But when the Spirit of God takes you over something else will happen. It will not be a figment of your imagination!
Now let me say to you, why do you suppose I say that? Because so many people have rationalized and brought out into the intellectual state of their being those very marvelous little tidbits of human knowledge that say that God is not, that Christ is not. Why, you would almost think, dear ones, that they would say they themselves were not! But you seldom hear them say that.
Do you understand what I mean? They will say that God is not—the great God of the universe. They will say that beloved Jesus is not, but the ones who say it don’t say that they are not. They seem to consider themselves then to be of superior intelligence and power of rationalization whereby they can literally rationalize all of the ascended masters out of existence.
Well, thank God that they have not done it! For we are here! And our victory is a tangible manifestation within you if you will let it upon the altar of your heart and being! And I tell you that it is the fervor of God by which I speak, that it is the victory of God by which I speak, that it is the devotion of God by which I speak and that I AM come this very night from Venus to bring you the radiation of sacred fire and power of great invisible worlds even beyond that. I have traveled this very week to the very heart of the Great Central Sun! And there I have been charged with those solar energies by which the very hub of creation turns and radiates and pours out its victorious energies for the accomplishment of God- ideals.
O, you say, the pralaya will end. Well, let me tell you, though it may end it will start again! And I want you to know that the hub of creation will keep on radiating and turning in the diurnal movement of worlds without end throughout all time to come and throughout all eternity to come. And never will it stop! It is like a top that is wound up forever because the energies of God are triumphant in it. And the energies of God are triumphant in you and they are a part of your own very soul!
Will you understand that? Will you smile in your heart as you recognize the truth in my words? For by this smile of acknowledgment you will help to solidify in your world those buoyant, joyful, cosmic, radiant energies by which you were formed in the very beginning, and you will understand that those cosmic laws which enabled me to come here and speak to you tonight are the laws by which the universe is both guided and governed. And when you understand that, outer conditions are meaningless. Why? Because you have understood the higher Law, and the lower laws of human manifestation seem themselves to pale into insignificance.
Will you accept then tonight the idea of your own ascension in the light? Well, the moment you accept it as a premise what do you have to do? Right away you start changing your life because you know very well the consciousness you now have is not the consciousness of the ascension nor is it the consciousness of your victory. So you set about the task of deciding for yourself that “I am going to do something about that and I am going to transform myself in consciousness.”
What is the end result? The end result is a triumph for God. Every single soul that graduates from the schoolrooms of Earth becomes a triumph for God. And strange as it may seem this is one of the reasons why we sometimes display ascended masters in more than ordinary manners because we want the whole universe to rejoice. As it was said in your own Bible, every sinner that repenteth causes joy in heaven. Well, let me assure you that the moment a man repenteth or a woman repenteth and turns to serve the light with all his heart the light turns around to serve him with all of its. And what takes place? Why, an entire transformation of course!
And you say to yourself—simply because you engage in a checkerboard consciousness, playing little games with yourself—you decide: “After all, I heard Victory; I was inspired. I heard this or I heard that and I was inspired. But now I have all these tragic circumstances facing me and what am I going to do about it? I’ve got to do something about it right now!” And so you don’t do anything about it whatsoever. You simply suffer the qualms of conscience, the regrets and pains that you got yourself into hot water in the first place.
Well, I want you to understand that the pathway to joy and deliverance and victory is one that is strewn with a lot of human nonsense behind it. Will you recognize then that you’d better throw out some of that ballast so your balloon can go higher? [Audience laughs.] Well, if you will accept that, then I can do something for you, and you can do something for yourself. If you don’t accept it, I want you to understand that you will more or less stultify yourself, stand still and sometimes go under the quicksand. For the quicksand is there! It’s waiting to absorb you! It wants to soak you up like a blotter or a sponge! It wants to take you and rob you of your energy!
And what happens to the quicksand? Well, down underneath, you see, they have a little tunnel. And you know what happens in that tunnel? They take all of the energy they can steal from all of you, and where do they put it? They put it out in the world to create negativity! And so it becomes a vicious circle, and humanity is constantly the victim of it.
Well, when men understand at last that their victory—their God-victory—is within them and they understand that every cell has the imprint upon it of the words of eternal, immortal, ever-living victory they will understand at last that that is the reason for rejoicing and they will no longer entertain those dark thoughts whereby their consciousness is dragged down as a whirlpool of defeat and darkness and sadness and their face grows long and becomes wrinkled [audience laughs] and they have all kinds of bad ideas and they can’t sleep and they decide that the whole world is against them! Why, beloved hearts of light, the moment they begin to understand that this is nonsense they will recognize that they can keep drawing that great sphere of cosmic victory!
You know what I am going to do for you tonight? I am going to answer your calls, that’s what I am going to do! And I am going to answer them in this way. Sometime when you get these awful spirits of despondency that I described to you in part will you just make a call to me very quickly and say: “Beloved mighty I AM Presence and beloved Victory: Help me, help me, help me! Get me out of this condition right away, right now!”
And you watch what happens: The first thing you know, way down to the very tips of your feet you’re going to feel that cosmic energy penetrating you and you’re going to get that smile, and all of the darkness will suddenly creep away and hide because it has no place else to go! [Audience laughs.] It can’t stay inside of you any longer because you are a spirit of victory! You’re a spirit of triumph! You’re a spirit of joy! You’re a spirit of God! And you flood that across the face of the whole green Earth! And then after a while there won’t be any more snow! [Audience laughs.]
You can melt it with divine love! Why, you can melt all of the ice crystals out of your world and you can find your freedom in that wonderful golden Sun of the golden dawn of cosmic illumination. And you can bring that to the feet of humanity and you can cause humanity to understand, by the fervor of God and the faith of God, that God is real and that they are real and their soul is real and the joy within them is real, that I AM real, that Victory will seal you in a heart of cosmic victory forever if you will only yield yourself to that Spirit of truth that is within you.
Begin to study to show thyself approved unto God! Begin to understand, to accept the great fiats of immortal Life within you and recognize that forever. I have come to you tonight and I have come to the world with a special purpose. And I am going tonight to every continent upon this planet, and I am going to put a massive image of Victory into the etheric realm over that continent. And I am going to send an arrow down into every heart that is dark and black and deceitful, and I am going to say to that heart “Don’t you know that you beat because God lives?” And I am going to try to create a sense of abundance in the minds of humanity as has never been done before, and I am going to work with you.
Will you then recognize the power of being a catalyst? Will you recognize the power of being a catalyst? Will you recognize the power of being a catalyst? You can become a catalyst wherever you go, for I will make you an emissary of Victory to this planet! I will make whoever will accept it an emissary to this planet so that they can carry the light of Victory to the dying world that you presently envision and revive it and restore it to life—and in three days it will walk again in the Spirit of cosmic joy!
Do you know what I’m talking about? I’m not talking about three earthly days—Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday—I’m talking about the victory of the eternal day of awakening humanity to make them realize the timeless beauty that is in the thought of victory! Why, you have only taken one quality of God. What will happen when you take them all?
I thank you.
-Victory, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on January 3, 1971 at the Retreat of the Resurrection Spiral in Colorado Springs
I am Kuan Yin, known in the East, seldom known in the West, yet holding a focus of infinite mercy for all. My tryst with every heart is to amplify the flame of divine mercy that the balm of forgiveness be given to all children of God because it is the nature of God. So delicately balanced is this nature in its universal involvement that no man can violate its realities with impunity.
Knowing that human matrices must be shattered before divine ones can be firmly established, I urge all who have the power of thought to realize that human error has left its mark upon the blessed wall of consciousness, causing many to feel separated from other parts of life. Like the Great Wall of China isolating segments of humanity, human traditions have for countless ages protected one segment of life from another.
The Mercurian powers of communication and wonders of transportation prevalent upon Earth today have enabled many who previously learned of other cultures only through the pages of magazines and books to make intimate and personal contact with other parts of life. This has dispelled many illusions. There are however other illusions that lurk deep in the being of man which do not yield themselves so easily to removal.
If mankind will dedicate himself to the eradication of the blight of traditional hatreds and misunderstandings, he will find an answer in this age or in that which is to come in the ongoing stream of Life that will enable him to remove from his consciousness ancestral prides and fears that are at the root of much mental as well as physical disease.
Knowing that men do not at the stroke of the hour suddenly produce perfection in place of imperfection but that they from one day to the next lay the foundations of that perfection for which they long, I urge all to begin right where they are (or rejoice in a previous beginning) to conscientiously remove from their being feelings of racial hatred and religious bigotry.
This do in the full knowledge that the Christ lives in everyone no matter what his race or religion. Out of the Universal Christ consciousness the Master has said “He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.” In order to ally yourself with the Christ in all you must tear down the prejudices you hold against the outer person; for if you are not with your fellowman willing to carry his burden, then you are ipso facto against his inner Christed being.
There are so many elements of their religions and cultural heritage which mankind share in common and through which they can begin to overcome their mental and emotional infirmities, burn out the cause and core of all their diseases and plan for a future age drawn in the divine design that I cannot stress enough in mercy’s name that mankind should not continually allow thoughts of shadow and shame to dwell in their consciousness; for these will most certainly reinforce the causes of violence and unrest among the nations.
It cannot be denied that there do exist in the world, as a result of human reaction patterns, forces of war and violence that are the antithesis of all that is of divine love, intensifiers of all that is hateful, who create a seeming cause for apprehension in the world. All that is of shadow and darkness like the tail of the dragon shall thrash itself into the dust, carrying many with it. But those who want no part of it, seeking only to establish the kingdom of heaven among men, recognizing the permanency of all that is spiritual will surely find answer within the domain of Spirit to all world unrest and turmoil.
I do not say, in view of certain world conditions, that essential elements of protection must not be enforced by the nations until such time as all men can be trusted to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruninghooks–when “nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.” I do declare that when that day of understanding dawns upon the Earth it will be out of coequality by and for all. None shall skulk and hide, secreting their weapons and planning the overthrow of world and individual freedom. But all shall respond to the call to the house of Jacob, “Come ye, and let us walk in the Light of the Lord.”
After all, beloved ones, the tenure of man’s life upon Earth is notably short when viewed against the backdrop of the drama of the centuries. This is why embodied mankind who are always seeking to increase their longevity and the quality of their life must understand the dangers that threaten them from both within and without and seek to balance those dangers against the infinite plan and perfection that lie concealed beneath the segmentation of the people into compartments of race, nationality, religion or social and economic status.
The origin of peoples is often interplanetary; and here in the melting pot of the whole wide world there is a babel of many voices and many cultures merging together in the schoolrooms of Earth in order to provide opportunity for great souls to manifest on behalf of lesser souls a higher understanding and a oneness with the Deity and the spiritual Brotherhood that works behind the scenes in every constructive endeavor. To the end that His beautiful plans may be implemented by all the avant-garde of the race labors on; thus they shall ultimately lighten the load that currently rests upon the few and show mankind how to speedily accomplish that for which they have longed throughout the ages but have not understood how to produce.
This very year Mother Mary and I have earnestly consulted with the highest authorities in the spiritual realm as to how we could lift the pall that so frequently lowers over the realm of human motherhood; for we would assist all life to better understand the great treasure and tremendous responsibility they have to court through “prayer and fasting” beautiful souls to inhabit the body temples which are aborning within the womb of life.
There has been such a crassness and amplification of darkness and shadow masquerading under the name of individuality that it is a wonder that souls of light have been able to penetrate the veils of flesh; and I assure you that without the assistance of the angelic hosts it would have been entirely impossible. Seldom do men imagine how individuality can become a whirlpool of destruction that carries individuals dedicated to their egos together with their offspring down into despair levels after despair levels.
What a wonderful thing it would be then for embodied mankind if they could in all of their getting of human understanding pertaining to various facets of material life begin to understand some of the simple things of Life as they should understand them. Thus they would extend the balm of mercy not only to motherhood but also to the teaching of the children of the world the precepts of the Holy Spirit. They would foster the continuing interest born of true motherhood in the manifestation of greater fairness among peoples together with a greater sense of justice, a greater sense of dedication to bringing out the Christ in everyone, a greater realization of the beauty inherent in all life and a greater understanding of mutual love.
O mankind of Earth, the great Brotherhood perceives two specific areas in which mankind could triumph if they would make the effort, and a third that is also possible. The first lies in the opportunity of mothers to commune to a greater degree with God and angelic ministrants as they bear His children; the second is to raise them without shame but rather with rejoicing in an environment of a higher degree of spiritual consciousness than is now prevalent. The third can be accomplished if the various racial memories of previous episodes of human clashes and human disobedience to the laws of brotherhood are consumed by the action of sacred fire. Setting their goals upon all three, mankind can then weave the threads of the culture of the Mother into a magnificent tapestry of world charity that the divine feminine, together with the protective mantle of the Eternal Father, might manifest abundantly to all.
Devoted to the expansion of consciousness I AM Kuan Yin, Pearls of Wisdom 16:7
“And again, sire, a ship endures the force of many kinds of thundering waves and the force of far-flung whirlpools; even so, sire, the yogin, the earnest student of yoga, should endure the force of the waves of many kinds of defilements, the gains, honors, renown, fame, veneration, salutation, reproach and praise of other families and the force of the waves of many kinds of defects in happiness and anguish, and the respect and contempt (that he experiences). This, sire, is the second quality of the ship that must be adopted.
-Gautama Buddha, Pearl 35:20
Hail, Thou Perfect One! In unity Thy courts are flooded with peace. In unity Thy light brings forth abundance, and all nature listens to the song of harmony whose dulcet notes rise and descend to bless the hearts of men. I will enter Thy gates with praise and Thy courts with thanksgiving! Every angel, each elemental and builder of form is imbued with awe-inspiring gratitude for that perfect unity of nature which is manifest each hour—for that singleness of perfection which is manifest from the beginning.
How like leaven is joy, for it causes the eternal arms to raise the precious spirit of man to the place of silence and love where nourishment is imparted from the Eternal Father’s heart to the soul of His beloved. Thereby the ever-lasting solicitude of God is made known in resounding chimes whose tones expand forever in concentric rings of eternal praise for the beauty of infinite care, infinite protection and unquenchable hope!
What do you know, O people of Earth, of the realms of the angels? What do you know of those Immortal Sons of Fire who never have been subjected to the grossness of mortality? Can you soar in your highest thoughts and exultation into the essence of our feeling? Come then, partake of the bread of heaven, partake of the angelic bread of divine unity!
While upon Earth the forces of destruction and terrors unleashed by astral densities continue to wreck a holocaust of fear and wretchedness upon mankind, ever misusing the energies of fallen angels to perpetuate man’s discord; throughout holy space the Almighty ever-living Light of God that does not fail, that cannot fail floods the universe with perpetual harmony wherein is no incitement to rebellion or any unjust criticism of the plans, purposes or will of heaven.
Individual man then must stand guard every moment at his own doorstep to keep his house sweet and his heart a gateway for praise wherein the glory of Unity is preferred above all else. The triteness of human concepts shall be engulfed in a whirlpool of light. The causes of misery, destruction, war, discord, disease and tyranny which often accompany temporal power in men and nations shall be drowned in a vortex of transmutation.
Both through enlightened leadership and rise of a responsible citizenry devoted to the cause of universal harmony and freedom the crying needs of this blessed planet Earth for divine Unity and Direction must be met. Men of virtue and determination must stand forth who will sacrifice when necessary personal advancements and acclaim for the common good, and who will press onward as did Moses to lead the children of Israel in the face of every human rebellion to the Promised Land. I know the meaning of such struggle for my guiding hand and fiery form remained a pillar of fire by night and a cloud of witness by day to those recalcitrant wilderness wanderers, spurred by the fear of Pharaoh and Egyptian bondage on one side and the sternness of the Law rumbling from Horeb’s heights on the other. Yet Israel was at last established and knew peace and glory in the days of Solomon.
America, India, all nations must reach out through the hearts of their people to know the full meaning of liberation and freedom from falsely imposed materialistic bondage — from the old habits of greed and tyranny of centuries and round of senseless inharmonies which have but wearied the hearts of mankind without bringing peace to any man. The Christ sought to erect no tabernacle save the House of Peace within men. He sought the unity of each heart with its divine Presence and the unity of understanding between heart and heart. His is the way of Peace and hence free from all destruction.
Men’s acts fall into two classes, those of the builders and those of the destroyers; and at times the same men alternately follow the one lead and then the other. Let men learn stability to do well and to build the Temple of God without strife over minute matters. Let them consume their differences in sacred fire and seek to construct lives of everlasting beauty in the face of every human shadow projected from infamous histories or etheric records of past embodiments. Let men cease to permit their bodies, minds and identities to be associated with those sinister ends which pit one lifestream against another and seem to provide causes for despoiling the constructive endeavors of the mighty Brotherhood of Light.
Let men do good and leave all judgment to the Almighty and the Great Karmic Board who, as His appointees, are well qualified to resolve and balance all such matters. Then shall a surge of light’s oneness sweep the planet and the City of God shall be swiftly builded among the family of nations in a spirit of perfect unity. How else shall the peacemakers fulfill the requirements needed to be called the children of God? And how shall there be peacemakers if the very elect, chosen to be exemplars of peace, are deceived by the forces of disunity?
I AM MICAH, Son of Michael and Son of Light! To produce the harmonies of heaven upon Earth is my service to Life: To direct
by mighty light rays the wholesome harmonies of heaven into the waiting hearts of men of goodwill is my service. And now, today I AM tangibly issuing forth this worded instruction as good seed to lovingly descend into every heart of light so that the harvest of peace and goodwill may abound everywhere to the glory of the Universal Spirit of Christ Harmony, world without end.
I thank you on behalf of all the hosts of heaven and the blessed Karmic Board who administer justice as cosmic Law dispensed with limitless Christ love.
MICAH, Angel of Unity, Pearls of Wisdom 5:40
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