Saturday, November 5, 2022
Noah's ark was a place of retreat
Understand how the diverse lifestreams coming to the Inner Retreat must be fit for the task of sealing of lightbearers in the ark. Noah’s ark, you recall, was a place of retreat. It was the point in the center of the circle. The Lord God as the I AM THAT I AM in the person of the Universal Christ could initiate Noah and his wife and family. They prepared long years for the projected configuration of the coming of inundation and the Lord’s decree and destruction of the creation of Nephilim gods and experiments of Atlantis.
O beloved, understand how few heeded the call. For it was the call of the Universal Christ. It was the call of Maitreya, Gautama, Sanat Kumara, Solar Logoi: Come into the center of the Law of the One! For only in that point of the Law of the One is there safety from calamities of former selves positioned in time and space—these relics of the past and skeletons strewn on the deserts of life. I speak of alternate egos of thyself yet to be withdrawn.
But Noah, a wise man and a good, retired then. And in the hour of the Great Flood the seed of the wicked, fearing for their lives, would enter also. They were not ready. They did not have the watchfulness nor the desire to surrender. They wanted only physical safety.
Beware those who go to our Inner Retreat for physical safety. For without inner preparation they will not receive the light of Christ, the Initiator of Gethsemane, and they shall suffer greatly in the time of the delivery of sacred fire.
So, beloved ones, the era of Noah and his wife and sons and progeny was the era of a new covenant—of God-government and the rule of the universal Law of the One yet subject unto the freewill of men and nations. This opportunity for new beginnings was shortly to be violated once again by fallen angels. Understand that, as in the case of Abraham called to your attention by Lord Gautama at Wesak, Noah himself wrestled with the Nephilim gods, had many interchanges, as these evolutions of the sons of God and fallen angels were abroad in the Earth.
So, as Gautama commended Abraham for his strength and courage in the face of these gods I also commend Noah for that determination and strategy of the will of God to maintain life and renewal and newness of opportunity by the rainbow rays of the causal body of God, to survive lifetime after lifetime the interchanges and challenges of this evolution.
Beloved ones, this Noah I reveal to you in the person of your own beloved Lanello. Now understand the obedience of the heart of this prophet Noah who preached without response and yet remained one-pointed in his course.
The offspring and descendants of this one, according then to scripture, have peopled the Earth but also those of karmic evolution. The intermarrying of fallen angels and their seed with this seed resulted in the necessity of bringing forth the entire spectrum of the karmic evolution of this planetary home, no longer merely the offspring of four root races but offspring of all others who must yet settle their accounts before all these things should come to pass.
I, Jesus, bring before you therefore the presence of Lanello as Noah—his full presence here on this platform that you might witness, as Gautama gave to you to witness Abram, [inasmuch] as he [Noah] wrestled and dealt with the same snakes. It is our desire that you should acquaint yourself with the resources, human and divine, of these two lifestreams at the time when they met the challenge of cataclysm and of fallen angels.
Our desire is such and it is recommended by El Morya and given at his request as a divine teaching of commeasurement that you might measure your own exalted divinity and strength and courage and compare yourself to these
standardbearers—you who stand at the threshold of the ascension. See then that what one has done all can do, that it is possible not only to outsmart the fallen ones but also the cycles of returning planetary karma and to survive.
This possibility and the record that it is and was accomplished, that it was done through the very one, the Guru in the heart of this community who leads you this day, is designed to neutralize and consume by violet flame all fears residual in the subconscious—fears of trauma, fears of sleepfulness of the soul, fears begetting rigidity and fanaticism which you see outplayed in the world so pointedly this week.
Beloved, understand that fear must be slain in the body temple. It must be cast out and bound by a testimony of our God with us, by the witness of the Immortals, the ascended masters, by your seeing of yourself reflected now in the image of the man Noah from whom it is said all evolutions subsequent to Atlantis have evolved. Indeed this day of Father all the world can claim Noah as the one who sent them forth to conquer again.
-Jesus Christ, Pearl 28:28
Just as you do not like to stay in places of discord or noise and din and cheapening images and vibrations found in modern entertainment, so we must also withdraw when those preoccupy space and time and consciousness. But this is not so often for yourselves. And often when you do make a study of those situations we are present, using your own four lower bodies to experience in a more earthly sense the impact of those things that ought not to be in this octave. -Lanello, Pearl 27:35
And then you take in the violence and stepped-up noise and the attempt to penetrate further and further into the psyche when in that very period of time, one or two or three hours, you could have a complete routine of yoga, you could do your jogging or whatever exercises you are so inclined to do and find yourself refreshed—find that the light flows and increases the vitality of eye, cell, soul—and then be renewed for a vigorous attunement with the mind of God when once again you must be about your Father’s business in the preparation of the teachings. -Maha Chohan, Pearl 26:46
Therefore realize that when all the world is an amplification of noise of one sort or another, making a statement is a mighty test indeed. The statement of the I AM race must be as a banner of Maitreya billowing from the mountain—a statement of the I AM Presence and the logic of each one’s unfoldment of the inner Logos. -Morya, Pearl 25:56
It takes much to undo when the fallen ones speak in nebulous terms, rally with much hoopla and much noise and yet do not even have a single grain of sand of truth to back their platforms or their programs. And yet through all of this bureaucracy and red tape and the bringing together of many forces that holler and whoop for the lie there must come the still and silent voice of truth, the person of truth, the one who will stand and still stand and repeat the obvious: that all are born of God and all are born free and all have freedom to be, to live, to learn, to love and to enjoy the blessings and bounty of the abundant life. -Morya, Pearl 24:35
This was the message that Jesus gave when he entered triumphantly on Palm Sunday into the city of Jerusalem. And all of his disciples were shouting with joy and leaping and praising him and giving hosannas. And some did not think that it was meet for them to be making so much noise, and so they said to Jesus “Let them hold their peace.” And the Lord God in him said “If these should hold their peace, the very stones would cry out,” which is the indication that if those who are the called will not elect to give praise and honor to the incarnation of the Word as ascended masters give their light through the Messenger, then the very stones of the Earth as elemental life and as those who have not yet been quickened come forth and offer that praise. -Gautama Buddha, Pearl 21:46
I wanted you to behold face to face the Spirit of the early American patriots upon these four representatives representing others like themselves within these very walls. I wanted you to behold how that Holy Spirit, that same Holy Spirit and that same sacred-fire breath that passed through the lips of these patriots was able to pass through their lips and hearts to speak the word of truth. And those who heard were aroused a little bit from their slumber and blinded by the light—and irritated by the noise. -Saint Germain, Pearl 23:48
Beloved hosts of light, I call now for tutoring with the intensity of the Cosmic Christ of all angels who wandered and strayed from their first love. I call for the message of the Cosmic Christ to go forth with magnanimity and intensity and joyousness of God to clearly reveal, to clear and clearify the auras of all angels, all sons and daughters of God and children of light who have followed now these falling stars as they have appeared on the screen of life to tempt them away by their excessive noise, their excessive misuse of rhythm, their personality-cult consciousness. -Archangel Michael, Pearl 28:2
Beloved ones, angels may knock but you may not hear if you are surfeited in noise, if you allow yourselves to be tossed and tumbled by responsibilities or interruptions. Therefore listen. You must take fifteen minutes before retiring at night, establish the circle of fire round the place where you rest. Give certain decrees and let all the house be silent as you meditate without interruption upon Almighty God, your Mighty I AM Presence. -Saint Germain, Pearl 29:7
I tell you, beloved, I once began the path of adeptship. You can begin. He who is able to drown conscience in noise and preoccupation and not transfer his
heartfire to uplift a soul who suffers somewhere has truly never known that this universe is his native home, has truly not touched the hem of Christ’s garment and ought not to consider himself on the path of spirituality. -Saint Germain, Pearl 29:58
It takes some time to realize that most of the world does not share your zeal for heavenly things or abstentions from the fun and frolicking that most people engage in. And therefore a life that is full of the joy and bliss of heaven, the communion of saints has no appeal to those who must have the noise and raucousness of this planet. -Archeia Mary, Pearl 30:21
G. Washington;s vision, at 3rd test: “Again amid the fearful noise of the conflict I heard the mysterious voice saying “Son of the Republic, look and learn.” As the voice ceased, the shadowy angel for the last time dipped water from the ocean and sprinkled it upon America. Instantly the dark cloud rolled back, together with the armies it had brought, leaving the inhabitants of the land victorious.: -Messenger ECP, Pearl 32:25
Wield then the sword of the Spirit! Bind each and every foe that would separate you from your God! May this be your walk. May you shut out the din and noise of this world and all attention-getting devices of an electronic age that take your heart and your inner ear and your mind from listening to the great Silence, from entering in to the great Silence.
-Jesus Christ, Pearls of Wisdom 34:23
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