Friday, November 4, 2022
in a thousand allures and subterfuges
Now fiery destiny must be magnetized. It must be drawn by design….
As beads on a string one by one the divine concepts are released. The soul must be content to play hide-and-seek with God, to engage in the game of discovery. Although the individual often desires the allness of God here and now there is a purpose in concealment; for through discovery, initiation and realization glory after glory man comes to appreciate the unfolding wonders of the divine design.
His gratitude is not staid; it is expansive, it is diffused. Gradually it intensifies until it becomes one of the realities without which he would not wish to live. Man is embellished therefore by God-design. He sees the richness of the pattern, how it flows and accumulates, at last achieving an immortality to which his soul is tethered.
I AM Pallas Athena. As an Elder Sister of cosmic art I advocate the truth in all of its seeming evanescence as being most desirable and far to be preferred over error, which at best is incomplete in its manifestation. Truth is so beautiful that even when partially expressed it can pass what has been called the acid test of time.
I know that at times individuals are seized with the idea that they are not making the proper progress. How do they know? Are they able to assess the greatness of soul which they already possess? When initiations are passed immediately the reward is deposited in the bank of the soul. It does not continually reappear as a reminder of one’s attainment, but it is there, a powerful matrix waiting to be released in the moment of need. Therefore the inherent greatness of humanity must be reckoned with as a cumulative factor and not as one that is always self-evident.
Will you understand with me that all of the facets of truth which you express are garnered in your causal body there to become the seeds of its expansion? These do not come forth all at once to produce their manifestation in one given moment in time, nor are they dormant, but they remain glowing and vibrant, ready for the next cycle of precipitation in form.
Human needs vary. Even the expansion of the soul has its requirements: first, the courage to do in the face of all human opinion; then the certitude of the Law, the knowledge that one is functioning according to higher design. Next the fruition of the Law must be achieved, the maturation of the quality one seeks; and finally the physical manifestation is perceived by mortal men.
So much of life is deliberately hidden from view, for if it were revealed, there would be danger of intruding destruction upon the divine design. If human perceptions were to become aware at a given moment of all that God could or would do, they might mar the purity of the divine matrix with their imperfect patterns. Therefore not only out of mercy but also out of wisdom and inner strength has He kept from the carnal mind the full perception of the beautiful reality He would one day bring forth in the life of the individual.
That which appears as duality is actually the contrast between the formed and unformed—between the three-dimensional world and the descent into that world of what has been called the Oversoul. However this overseer of man’s every act teaches the realization of cosmic integration whereby every factor of cosmic grace precipitated in form is harvested in the causal body for the benefit of the soul. Thus the finite becomes the infinite, and in the process duality is no more.
There is a beauty about the mystery of discovery whereby God draws the curtains over the screen of life and hides from man the very joys that He will share with him in the next moment. All too often the apprehensions of mankind tell him that the curtain conceals the darkest and most dire forebodings. We acknowledge that at times God conceals world as well as personal karma from the individual in order that by first balancing a portion of his own karma he may free his life from the dregs of degeneration that are in the world. Then when he is raised into greater perfection he is able to bear a greater burden of world pain. But God is also wont to shelter from mortal view the good, the pure and the beautiful. Like sunlight dancing through the trees the Omnipotent One tenderly eludes His offspring. Laughing and frolicking like a gurgling brook He says “Come and find me!”
The perfection of the Presence of God is a reality for every man, but it can never manifest until the outer self stands aside and permits it to do so. Does it seem strange that the beauty and perfection of the Infinite One should be obscured not only by divine decree but also by outer conditions? Nevertheless this is cosmic law as it applies to the three-dimensional world, and its purpose is the sealing of the perfection of the Presence from the prying eyes of the human, until that human becomes divine.
Will you recognize with me then the great fact of creation that God by design reveals to the individual, step by step, the cosmic truths, the cosmic realities, of his life pattern? This He does in increments and at a pace that will naturally develop the God-potential of the individual, leading to the unfoldment of his divine plan.
The plan is centered around the individual; it provides for the transmutation and advancement of his consciousness. But there is danger in bypassing the plan when one is taken up with outer manifestation, ignoring the still small voice or the knock at the cosmic door of the heart. The individual must learn to listen to the voice of God; for through the years some have heard voices that were not His, and they have been turned from the true path by psychic impostors who have sought to separate the brethren by claiming the exclusiveness of this or that master or organization.
Beloved hearts of light, all of life is one, and every true ascended master has the interest of every chela in mind. While it may be true that a master may give special assistance to a lifestream no master of cosmic wisdom, no ascended being will demean the advancement of any soul; he will only further it according to the degree of receptivity within individual consciousness. Would it not be a very good idea then if in recognizing this factor, individuals would open their consciousness to every ascended master as an Elder Brother assisting the striving of each one who is following after the divine plan?
What a travesty it is that psychic impostors can be heard at all! But how do you know, how can you discern when they are acting? That is the question. Well, beloved ones, the truth of being is of necessity within, and its high standards are known by the soul but if you are unable to make contact with the truth of your own being, surely consultation with those who are wise in the light is in perfect order. If you are separated from those to whom you look for superior guidance in spiritual matters and cannot readily consult with them, pray the Almighty that He will allow only the consciousness of His appointed representatives to contact your own. Above all find peace in the understanding that all that unites with the fruits of cosmic endeavor is of God and all7 that13 divides36 the body of God into22 compartments49 of12 mortal24 density33 is10 of12 the15 dark16 powers33
(=292=12 x mortal24).
Certainly to maintain an eagle eye of discrimination is not wrong. If a being is of the light, he will show that light when challenged. If he is of the dark, he may well flee. Individuals should not be hasty to retreat into the shadows of a limited understanding because the ‘spirits’ indicate that this is desirable. Nor should they be hasty to retreat into another’s light, for the light of supposed knowledge in man may indeed be darkness if it does not concern itself with the well-being of others.
Let all shun the mortal ego, pseudo-intellectual consciousness that will never find the fulfillment of cosmic promise. Let all understand that our messages concern themselves with the fulfillment of each one’s cosmic identity, that they are practical, always wedding the soul to the things of Spirit, to the great cosmic truth inherent within life. -Athena, Pearls of Wisdom 13:46
It is a part of holy wisdom then, whether the goals be outward ones or of higher spiritual attainment, that men realize that the key to self-mastery comes about through43 disengaging
60 internal39 sources28 of
=214 from25 petty23 forces30 warring45 directly42
(=170; 170+214
=284=4 x schism- warring71)
within38 each17 individual’s
52 own16 personality55(=178=89 x 2; within38+ individual51=89)
. Any13 form25 of12 inner33 schism26 is10 of12 course27 usually23 rejected34
=215=5 x touchstones
43) by9 outer25 consciousness49=83 which33 tends17 to8 conceal26 truth24 (=108; 108+83 (=192=8 x truth24) of12 what16 is10 known23 in psychiatry as2 a1 split-22 personality55 or15 schizophrenia79 (=235=5 x division 47). Mild forms of schizophrenic tendencies may manifest even in very learned individuals. Yet it is true that in more illumined individuals these tendencies are often effectively concealed in a most subtle manner, whereas in the ignorant they tend to be arrogantly displayed in seasonal tantrums and periods of depression.
-Djwal Kul, Pearls of Wisdom 7:37
Purest Light, O how magnificent are thy rays
Expressing as the tapestry of life!
Gentle Heart-Children Moving Toward the Example
of the Masterful Christ Self in Action,
May you soon learn the gentle art of beholding in all things the mighty God Presence which I AM instead of gazing spellbound at the fabric of life until you have lost sight of the great God- source.
It is this Presence that spreads the comfort of God-illumination over everything and makes known especially to kind hearts the hidden things of life that are concealed from the seemingly wise and falsely prudent but are revealed to the pure in heart.
There is a secret touchstone of power by which the very elements themselves—the air, the water, the earth and fire—can be commanded. Now I am only hinting at this secret of nature’s alchemy but in the seventh age this mighty God-power shall be revealed to those who will look to their source for all things.
Ladies and gentlemen, your Presence is the God-control of every situation, but the selfish tyrant of the human ego has through pride and foolishness wrested from man his natural birthright of God-Self control through God-harmony. I AM therefore calling in God’s holy name for the quick restoration to each one of you of the God-free estate which you knew before the world was. Then shall you be giving the full God-control of your being to the victorious light itself. This is the rightful, lawful return to your own God Presence I AM of Life’s (God’s) dominion over your soul. This Presence is the master of all energy flowing forth from you, assuring you God-victory in all you do.
When every living soul enthrones the immortal threefold flame within his heart truth shall walk the Earth. Then will it truly be said: Not I, but the “I AM” liveth in me, radiating forth its limitless light everywhere to expand the borders of God’s kingdom until mankind’s destructive tendencies no longer appear on the screen of life.
In that day the seventh age will be at its zenith, the Sun of Aquarius blazing at its noonday. Then the twin hands of the living God which are Life and Light, propelled by the energies of His heart (which themselves are Love) shall complete their acts of grace as mercy and justice, nobly manifesting through the gifts of the violet fire. Then shall the I AM Presence bestow upon the brow of each one of you a crown of brilliant gold equal to our own. You shall wear this crown eternally side by side with the ascended masters of God’s court.
The time has come for the noble and judicious use of the light to be revealed both scientifically and spiritually to the sons and daughters of God so that a quick outer manifestation of universal God-freedom may occur right here in this physical appearance world.
Then shall you no longer be expressing the consciousness of children, babes in the woods (of human creation), but you will be a true example of the masterful Christ-Self in outer physical action! Such an example will cause men and women who are presently enamored of the glamor of the outer appearance world to turn to the Almighty, the loving, ever-living Presence of their own God-Self which I AM
Graciously expressing this light all ways—
Your Ascended Master Saint Germain, Pearl 1:6
Men must fulfill their rightful place in the divine scheme; they must consecrate themselves from day to day so that by a renewal of their vows there is a renewal of the divine sense that will not tolerate human nonsense. You know, precious ones, individuals52 actually23 practice39 deceit28 against26 themselves38(=186=6 x deify31). Therefore their vision becomes clouded by the intent of mortality to conceal from their view the very things with which they ought to be able to cope and master.
-Goddess of Liberty, Pearl 9:16
Try also to hold and to accept the idea that the God-flame of Self-identity within you has a specific musical tone which the great Law requires you continuously to release as a contributing factor to the universal harmony.
Recognize that if all life upon Earth were to emit the perfection of this tone, the orchestration thereof would be the full permeation of the world with a new sense of rising freedom, not only from death but even from those lesser shadows which conceal the face of God.
-Archeia Mary, Pearl 7:12
Through acceleration of the electronic fire rings of the Presence that occurs during initiation of the transfiguration individuals are stepped up in vibration and clothed with the seamless garment of electronic light. This transfiguring light comes from the heart of God and passes through all illusion and human density which, cloudlike and cunning, seeks to conceal from their gaze in a thousand allures and subterfuges the latent divinity of the seed of Christ. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 4:11
Know, O beloved ones, with unquestioning faith that as there is tangible reality and beauty in the physical appearance of the pine and myrtle, that as the rose and lily offer beautiful vestments to conceal the perfumes of eternity, so do there exist (although many are unseen by the physical eye) radiant spheres in illimitable number in God’s universe which are “peopled” with lovely beings whose every moment is a rhapsody of compatible harmony! Recent astronomical discoveries of a very small planet, if you think about it, will prove even to your reasoning mind that much that is real is unseen until discovered! Now when your memory of Elysian fields wanes by reason of the dungeon walls of human consciousness and human concepts which enclose men’s minds and hearts like shadowed mountains of foreboding to shut off the greater light which yet seeks to pierce through and give your dear hearts all blessings and freedom for which you long, try to feel that blessed bond of light which connects you with your own Creator (the silver cord leading to your own I AM Presence) whose image of perfect harmony is the fullness of that love which will be made manifest in due time—when your determination becomes great enough to demand of life its perfection!
-God Harmony, Pearl 3:9
Therefore consider how this slanderous conversation, vilification and darkness has gone forth and how through all of this the force attempts to conceal it from the Messenger. This is because once it is exposed, once the truth is proclaimed those who are the true devotees will of course see the light and see the temptations of fallen ones to divide and conquer.
-Saint Germain, Pearl 61:38,
October 12, 1974 at L.A.
Friends of the community provide the possibility of having a reservoir without danger of betraying the bases of the Teaching. Friends of the community do not conceal their weaknesses, and this gives the possibility of successfully strengthening them. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 24:29
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