Tuesday, November 1, 2022
how black magicians operate
[the numbers are numerology, a=1, b=2, c=3, j=1, etc.]
All condemnation is of the destroyer and not of me or my own. It is anti-Christ in that it moves against the delicate developing soul and its internalization of Christ consciousness through its native holy innocence. The Satanic source of condemnation is not innocent but malicious in its murderous intent, cunning to destroy hope, honest effort and zeal to overcome one’s shortcomings on the road to Self-perfection. -Jesus Christ, Pearls of Wisdom 3:50
Now then the black magicians who yet inhabit the astral plane of Terra are very determined to control not only elemental life but also chelas of the ascended masters. And they22 in14 their33 cunning37 have18 released33 to8 their33 physical39 embodied39 counterparts53 formulas33
(= 352=16 x stealth22) that they have discerned of certain of the chelas, including your Messenger. These embodied39 black11 magicians40 then, functioning as physical coordinates for their astral overlords, have9 for some time now released33 certain34 mantras23 in an attempt to control, to direct, to8 subjugate25 chelas21 and10 members of the staff16 to8 their33 will20 and10 to their way14 (=275=11 x subjugate25).
-Divine Director, Pearl 63:37,
April 18, 1976 at Los Angeles via Messenger E C Prophet
For even in a moment, even in a moment, beloved, of not being alert, not being alert, these fallen ones in14 their33 cunning37 as in the Garden of Eden of Maitreya could take from you this or that in14 stealth22 (=120
=5 x find24). And you would awaken to find less of the original light—yet because of the descent—no11 longer35 having34 the15 power32 or15 empowerment57 to8 deal13 with24 fallen23 ones17 (=204=net12 x stole17) who now through stealing that light that was originally yours have gained great power in these lower worlds.
-Jesus Christ, Pearl 47:34, September 1, 1993 at RTR, MT
Beloved ones, there is great God-good in the Earth even as there are great souls in the Earth. These are the stalwart ones who have vowed not to be moved from the God-center of the universe nor from the God-center of their hearts. Therefore because you are on your way to your victory we direct you to join together to defeat the evil forces; for they are cunning37. Beware27 of12 them19 because20 they22 have9 fooled30 you16 before33 (=225=5 x fallen angels45), else you would not be in this room. On the contrary you would be in the octaves of light but for fallen23 angels22 who19 enticed33 you16 here27 and10 there29 and10 finally34 caused17 you16 to8 be7 cast7 out11 (=289) of12 Maitreya’s39 Mystery35 School27 (=113; 113+289=402=
6 x 67; beware27 arrogant40=67).
-Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst, Pearl 40:33
As you know I have been an attorney in many embodiments, reaching far back beyond this civilization. In my learning of laws that have prevailed in many nations and in my attempt to find in those laws a point for justification of the innocent and for binding of the guilty I have seen what causes men to go astray, what causes children of light to be taken in by the dark ones, and how they have put upon Earth such15 a1 cunning37 manifestation56 of12 treachery49 (=170=5 x poison34).
-Nada, Pearl 25:62
Thus in ancient times you and the twinflame did know opportunity to receive that initiation. Yet you were lured away–lured away then by false teachers, cunning serpents who crept in, fallen angels, to tear you from your love tryst with the beloved and with blessed Guru Maitreya.
Blessed ones, initiation lost must then have cycles and cycles again as you may be prepared by your own inner learning and karma and experience of life that the best and only way to enter in to highest octaves is through the Master of Life appearing to you through the emissaries of heaven. Receive them in this age, for it is a turning of cycles. -Maha Chohan, Pearl 31:55
The brutal20 and10 cunning37 destruction49 of12 the15 spirit37 of12 a1 people33 by9 the15 Soviets28 was7 burned28=328=
8 x 41; brutal20/ astray21=41) in my soul. It was an unforgettable moment in my life, one that I believe shaped in part my future and my mission.
-Messenger ECP, Pearl 34:14
Now then the angel of the Keeper of the Scrolls stands before you. And in a moment and in a flash you can already review this life and see how you came upon or, I should say, how there came upon you fallen angels, cunning. And they have purveyed their drugs and all manner of illusory experiences, drawing40 you16 into22 byways23 of12 misuse23 of12 the15 light29=190=test
10 x vain19) of your seven chakras.
-Alpha, Pearl 35:33
Most special friends of God, why has our Lord the Maha Chohan thus spoken?
It is because divine love is the greatest power in the universe. And therefore the application of divine love by the devotee of love requires the utmost discipline.
Each of the seven chohans as well as their Lord the Maha Chohan opens to you a path of discipline that corresponds to the ray and chakra that that one represents.
You understand the precision of whitefire to be the foundation of architecture and engineering feats that have been accomplished in ancient and modern civilizations. When the love- fire intensifies from the powerful petal pink to deep ruby and then is combined with this whitefire of the Divine Mother you have an energy that can transform worlds. But these twin powers, beloved–ruby21 ray17 and10 whitefire58 of12 the15 Divine36 Mother34 (=203=light29 x tasks7)–are the ones upon which most chelas stumble.
Thus I would recommend that you take up the Love Meditations recorded by the Messenger and her devoted staff. These prayers, affirmations and love songs are for healing of the heart.
I have requested that the Messenger create audiotapes and CDs of these Meditations so that wherever you are you can enter the deep penetrating love and fiery devotion you feel for God when you join in giving the calls and singing the songs. Beloved, as you give your loving devotion to God by this means God sends His loving devotion to you with the message that he who would embody love for a world must overcome all forces of anti-love.
And I tell you, the forces of anti-love have established their strongholds across the galaxies. They have turned their backs upon Almighty God and therefore they22 wander29 about14 seeking34 what16 souls14 they22 may12 devour31, stealing33 genes23 and10 other30 genetic36 material34 from human life. These forces also create poisoned arrows of anti-love.
Wherever love is extolled and embodied it is always under fierce attack. And so, many people in the Earth know profound sorrow, for though they have loved deeply they are not able to hold steady the cup of divine love. And alas the forces of anti-love dash the cup from their lips before they can quaff love’s elixir.
If you would know the Maha Chohan as I know him, you must immediately go after the forces that would deny divine love and whitefire of the Divine Mother that is sealed in your base-of-the-spine chakra, strengthening you and transforming you day by day in preparation for your ascension.
As you raise up sacred fire from the base to the crown chakra in your daily meditations and dynamic decrees remember that you also activate this Kundalini fire by following the path of the ruby-ray cross under the Buddha of the Ruby Ray. This path is won through your daily sacrifice, surrender, selflessness and service. And it requires that you embrace the Divine Mother and offer Her your devotion on behalf of all humanity as well as on behalf of those close to you whom She has entrusted to your care.
If you are victorious on this path, the day and hour of your ascension will come when sacred fire shall rise on your spinal altar with an intensity so great as to almost overwhelm you. Your I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self shall then draw you up into the arms of everlasting love and you shall make the transition from mortality to immortality.
And you shall hear the words of the Father: “Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things. Rise to the levels of the kingdom of God and let others follow in your wake!”
So the whitefire, beloved! So the whitefire is the fire of the creation. All worlds are born through whitefire yet not without the complement of divine love.
It is interesting that the flag of the United States (as well as the flags of many other nations) bears the white and the red. So these ribbons of interconnecting glory in Old Glory, representing the thirteen original states, are a reminder to all initiates that the whitefire and ruby ray are the ultimate keys to their God-mastery.
Now, beloved, while you are enjoying yourselves, protected as you are in this encampment in the wilderness, you are reinforced by the Messenger and one another and angels who keep their vigil in the Western Shamballa. Therefore take this opportunity to work with whitefire and bija mantras to the Divine Mother. You may be surprised what empowerment She may transfer to you through your diligent practice.
Also take the opportunity during this conference to give the decrees of the third ray, the love ray, and to work with your invocations to the hierarchy of the ruby ray. As you do so be mindful that you will encounter opposition from the fallen angels. Observe how they cunningly wage war against divine love in all its forms. You see, the fallen angels must defeat love (as well as the whitefire of the Divine Mother), for if they do not, they themselves will crumble and fall apart.
The heart of the Inner Retreat is a good place to experiment with the science of the spoken Word. Begin with the “Violet Fire and Tube of Light Decree,” calls to Archangel Michael for protection, the “Heart, Head and Hand Decrees” and violet flame for personal and planetary transmutation.
Having established this strong foundation, see what it is like to walk in the flame of divine love that you then invoke, braiding it with whitefire. This begin to know, for it is the work of the adepts. It is what you are taught in the retreats of the ascended masters as your soul is escorted there out of the body night after night.
Why is so much schooling necessary?
Because you are retraining the mind, heart, soul, and spirit which have been trained in the wayward ways of generations of Earth’s civilization.
We are preparing you to enter the universities of the Spirit in golden age civilizations that exist in the etheric octave. Here you will learn how to meet the standards of the adepts so that when you return from the retreats and take up your daily responsibilities you can contribute to the raising of planetary consciousness. Thus when you are called by us you may be chosen to be an example for others who would walk in your footsteps.
Being a devotee of God and determining to achieve a higher level of soul evolution in this life than you did in your last life is a worthy goal. So is balancing 100 percent of your karma. With the latter in mind you have two choices: (1) to take your ascension when you have balanced 100 percent of your karma and then move on to service in higher octaves or (2) to take the bodhisattva vow to remain with Earth’s evolutions until they are free.
If your intent is to remain in embodiment only until you have balanced your karma and obeyed Jesus’ injunction to “preach the kingdom to the lost sheep (i.e., souls) of the house of Israel, to heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead and cast out devils,” your choice is #1.
If you take the bodhisattva vow, you may choose to tarry with mankind as an unascended master or like Bodhisattva Kuan Yin to serve mankind as an ascended master. Choice #2 if you would remain and be the bodhisattva, then know what rejoicing shall be unto you on your path of victory as you infuse Earth’s evolutions with your spirit of victory! Beloved, does not your soul yearn to be able to nurture the millions because you have submitted yourself to spiritual disciplines lifetime after lifetime and dedicated your temple to be the temple of God?
[Congregation responds: “Yes.”]
Do you not suffer when you find yourself unable to save a loved one who suddenly, seemingly without warning, passes from the screen of life?
[Congregation responds: “Yes.”]
So, beloved, this can change. All of this can change.
Please review your list of priorities daily. Ask yourself: “What is my first priority, second, third, fourth and fifth?” Those that are first and second one day might be fourth and fifth the next day.
I am the chela of the Maha Chohan in training to receive his mantle when he moves on to higher service. This promotion may be a long time in coming, for Alpha and Omega do not desire to change the seats of the chohans and other ascended masters who have held key positions in the Hierarchy of the Great White Brotherhood during the Piscean Age. For so many chelas on Earth depend upon us in the configurations in which we are positioned.
Now then, beloved, if you would apprentice yourselves under me, choosing me as one of two chohans in addition to El Morya who will teach you and guide you on your path, I will then transmit to you what is appropriate for me to give you from the teachings of the Maha Chohan that he has given me on my soul journey with him through the ages.
I will call for reinforcements of cherubim of God to assist you, but the path of the third ray is not an easy one. It is one which, as our Lord has said, must be of a remembering–a remembering of God daily, a remembering of responsibilities.
The Maha Chohan, his presence over me now and over you, transmits first a light, then a consciousness, then an individualized program of study for each one whom it shall please to take up the course our Lord offers him.
In addition our Lord takes you on a “methodical” walk with God. It is a lesson in caring for each soul in a unique and personal way. And that caring leads you to secure the love- essences of the angels which you may impart–indeed the love essences, the love essences. So many essences of love!
Are not the flower remedies the essences of love that have come through floral offerings of angels and elementals who render a service of healing to receptive souls under the direction of the archangels and the hierarchs of the elements themselves?
Yes, so many essences of God in the flame of divine love!
When all of your adoration to God and your giving and receiving of love has filled your cup, realize that there is yet an infinite number of beautiful ways in which you can express divine love and human love at all levels to all evolutions.
O how the world needs love!
O how you need love! Is it not why you are here?
You come to the fount of love. You come to the fount of whitefire. You feel love-fire of your heart and you trust—you trust in the love of God.
Now from within the precincts of your heart and mind speak to our Lord the Maha Chohan. Pour into his cup your sorrows, your cares, your fears, your tremblings in the night. He has a great chalice. He will receive all that you would entrust to him and he will show you how to pass your burdens into the flame of the Holy Spirit. [Congregation prays.]
Beloved, great, great healing can come to you through your daily prayers to the Maha Chohan. Through your prayers you have strengthened the prayer loop from your heart to his. See this loop as the love-tie that binds you together as one.
Know that at any hour or moment of the day or night you may call to the Maha Chohan and he will answer you. He will receive you and extend to you comfort and consolation, healing, divine direction and above all enlightenment.
Come, Holy Spirit, enlighten me! Let this be a mantra that you turn to when making decisions. For the Maha Chohan will always fill your worded chalice with the wisdom of his enlightenment. Give this mantra now with the Messenger.
[Congregation joins the Messenger in giving the mantra:]
Come, Holy Spirit, enlighten me! (6x)
-Paulthe Venetian, Pearl 38:34
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Therefore, beloved, as in the case of many golden-age civilizations, by9 subtlety25 and10 by9 microscopic60 degrees36=139 in temperament, in vibration, always18 eventuating48 in14 magnetism38 of12 oneself31 to8 lower28 and10 lower28 energies46 (=281; 139+281=420
=10 x ensnares
42), this city then became open, a totally open city for those of all laggard evolutions, those of the cults of the heathen and hedonists. And by and by the balance was changed: darkness prevailed. You forfeited the light of many lifetimes and went17 the15 way13 of12 those22 with24 cunning37 and10 cleverness41 in14 their33 leading34=262 who19 always18 promise41 (=78;
78+262=340=10 x leading34) that if you go in their way you will not surely die. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 38:34, 11-1-1987 at Minneapolis via Messenger ECP
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