Thursday, November 17, 2022
confines of your own version of orthodoxy; failure to bow
(numerology: a=1, b=2, c=3, j=1, etc. appears herein)
The covenant of freewill given to souls gone forth in matter spheres guarantees that the individual may choose to be or choose not to be one with God. Therefore you see, God desires not to receive unto Himself those who have come by coercion, by hypnosis, by brainwashing, by threatenings, by fear, by false doctrine or false teachers. -Maha Chohan, Pearls of Wisdom 26:37b
How shall we tell them? How shall they be God-taught when false pastors have invaded the temples and denounced even the very communion of saints which we enjoy with you and you with us in this Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood? Brothers and sisters of light on Earth have a right ordained by Jesus Christ to commune with brothers and sisters in heaven not by psychic or astral means but by the true Holy Ghost. And the Holy Ghost is the Comforter and Teacher who has come to you to bring all those things to your remembrance which Jesus taught you. -Morya, Pearl 27:47
When the churches of the nations unite in the councils of false pastors and take from the people their funds and give25 them19 to8 fund18 the15 World27 Communist37 movement35 (=184=4 x 46), who has then ascended to the pulpit? Who stands there but the seed15 of12 Satan10 (=37=ambitious, cunning, pettiness) himself? I 9 demand23 the15 exposure42, for21 (=110=test10 x see11) I AM the Maha Chohan. -Pearl 26:46
Beloved hearts, it is time for the ingenuity of this people to find the way to go around and under and over a false dependency upon a single or several commodities. Beloved ones, it is not the will of God that America should have placed the commodity of oil or any other at the disposal or mercy of foreign powers, evolutions and laggard races who should artificially raise or lower the prices and thereby cause an earthquake in the economies of this nation and the world. -Archeia Mary, Pearl 30:16
So there are many false prophets and false teachers who are the Watchers come again, the scribes and Pharisees reincarnated. They come to bury the light and to destroy the Spirit by9 the15 letter26, by9 argument36, by9 dissertations55 and10 discourses42 and10 dogma22 (=243=9 x Satan-seed27) proving why the teachings of the Ascended Master Jesus Christ delivered to us through his Holy Spirit are not so. But the proof of the teaching is the vibration. “By their fruits ye shall know them.” It is the light of the Son of God registering in your heart that is the proof—even when it contradicts timeworn doctrine—for the Lord is the witness within you. -Messenger ECP, Pearl 26:36a
I come then for the breaking of the confines40 of12 your25 own16 version39 of12 orthodoxy54 (=198=6 x Watcher/teacher33)—your own version of self-limitation and mortality and self-condemnation. For above and beyond and apart from that which false pastors have chosen to give you is your own sense of self-limitation. And thus there is a1 doctrine43 of12 human21 values17 (=94=2 x stuck/limited47), the end of which is the exclusion41 in14 toto16 of12 the15 divine36 man10 or divine woman21 (=165=5 x coerce31). -Jesus Christ, Pearl 28:23
For you are also resurrected this day and this is my Easter message! For the resurrection of your real Self, of who you really are can be the most transforming experience of your life.
You have lived so long with the adoptive self, the adaptive self, the accommodating self, the not-Self and dweller-on-the-threshold that sometimes what you think is your very best self is but a conglomerate of all of these and a habit. But when the habit is consumed by living fires of God and you step forth from that tomb and see who you are, blessed ones, you will never again argue in defense of that old posture, that old reason, that old ego.…
I impart to you then the love of our oneness. For, beloved, I tell you, whether you have identified with me or not in this life you have gravitated toward this activity of service to set the record straight, to resolve to enter fully and finally into the heart-to-heart relationship [with myself], precisely the one that I shared with John….
your divine reality—cling to it as though all the waves of the roaring seas of hell should beat against it and you should hold on to that rock for life! [Seeking and finding the] true reality of oneself is like mining the gold of the divine image until one comes to the golden image of the golden-age man and woman.
I come for restoration! I come for re-storation, beloved! Let there be a new story! Let the sacred fire consume the old coil! Be done with it! Have done with it!
Blessed heart, there is a new spiral and a new man and a new woman and it is the glory of the living Christ within you. This joy I bring you, this understanding I tell you. For newness of life and resurrection is the only way to survive in a dead and dying world, is the only way to come apart to infuse new life into those who are the sick–the maimed, the halt, the blind. By the resurrection flame and through prayer and fasting know that that divine reality can come forth….
Thus may I have your cooperation, beloved? [“Yes!”] For I have work for you to do and it does begin with the feeding of my sheep. …
The false pastors [of] this day have neglected both–the spiritual meat as well as the physical. Thus they are heady and as though drunk and have9 not13 an6 attunement34 by9 bodies27 held20 up10 as2 chalices33 (=160=10 x false16), by minds held up, by the soul raised up unto the living Word to deliver that unto others.
Thus a false pastor may12 only21 be7 false16 by9 failure36 to8 bow13 (=122=2 x internalize61) to the divine will, to the divine principle, to the Father-Mother God, to the oneness of life. Thus those who meditate upon the Law of God must come to the internalization of that Law but only if in [their] desiring the desiring be so great that all of [their] desiring is sent forth unto a cosmos and the cosmos must return the fulfillment of that desiring to be God in manifestation!
Will you not say it, beloved? I will be God in manifestation!
[Congregation affirms with Jesus:] I will be God in manifestation! I will be God in manifestation! So help me, God! [Congregation affirms with Jesus:] So help me, God!
Fear not then to cry out unto your God, to plead your own case and cause and to say “I am thus and such and I am ashamed, O my Lord, that this is the meager offering I may bring to you when you have endowed me with all of thy glory and opportunity and causal body, and my Holy Christ Self is so near! Therefore, O God, I desire no longer to continue in a path that does shame You before men and before heaven. I will to be Thyself in manifestation, O my Father-Mother God!”
Blessed hearts, when you desire this as nothing else and set about [doing] it as the true work of the Lord, the building of the temple–the building of the temple in three days, blessed hearts!—it is [realization of the] sacred mystery [of being God’s Self in manifestation]. They cannot tear down the temple of the living God or living Christ.…May you be self-emptied that you might be filled. Let10 all7 error38 of12 all7 orthodoxy54 (=128=4 x defiant32), let all error of all planetary systems ever foisted upon you be taken from you in this hour by the Great Central Sun Magnet focused within my sacred heart! May you be emptied that light! light! light! light! may fill all of thy members, all of thy house. May it be so, for we would see the transformation of your individual worlds.…
As never before men are15 surfeited44 in14 their33 karma17 (=123=3 x receives41). Their eyes are covered with scales. They cannot recognize a lightbearer from a member of a cult, glassy-eyed and hypnotized by autohypnosis and self-indulgence. They cannot see the difference between [those infired with] the Holy Spirit and the nonentity and godless. This is the decay of mankind.
But all who have the Spirit of the Lord upon this Earth know that Spirit in each and every one who does have it. And it is true, beloved, there are no lines of separation. Across the board on the planetary home in every religion there are those who have the Holy Spirit and there are those who do not. And those who do not have it have not been willing to sacrifice to receive it, for it does require surrender unto the Spirit, service unto the Spirit, selflessness unto the Spirit, sacrifice. The ruby ray cross is the key to enter in.
Thus you will understand that true pastors of Christian churches have wondered as they remarked and saw that your Messenger is filled with the Holy Spirit; yet they could not understand the teaching. And some convinced themselves against the evidence and did follow the way of accusing this Church to be of Satan. But those who truly have the Holy Spirit, beloved, do not cry out and rail against her.
Precious hearts, my body is One universally. And the seed of Satan is also scattered in their midst. May you call for their binding, for these are15 always18 the15 ones17 who19 perpetuate46 the15 flesh-and-blood54 doctrine43 (=242=tests11 x evils22) that does not lead to everlasting life but to the astral plane.…
Others whose karma was lighter did receive the mysteries, became the saints, were ostracized in their time such as Saint John of the Cross, Teresa of Avila and many others. They were too holy for the other brothers and sisters. Thus they suffered at the hand of the members of their own orders, beloved, for their light was too great….
My closeness this day to the physical octave has profoundly moved the Messenger almost to the point of not being able to deliver this dictation. But I have strengthened her, for it is as the meeting of heaven and earth where she stands. And so long have my own waited for this embrace, beloved, for the hour and moment when there should be no veils between us!…
Thus in my profound love for my own and [for] all who are my own and know it not (for there are many of these who have been turned off by the present forms of Christianity), out of concern for all of every religion and every race and every nation who must emerge into their Christhood if they would survive the judgments, chastisements coming upon the Earth and the returning karma–I, Jesus, have sought and been given this dispensation [to be closer to my disciples and closer to the physical octave until the end of the age of Pisces], beloved, because I AM the heart and life and heartbeat of the age of Pisces. As I began in the physical octave, so I finish as close as the great Law does allow….
Beloved ones, I seek the healing, the healing of their minds and souls and hearts from deep grooves and dyed fabric of consciousness where orthodoxy has been almost as recitation of fairy tales time and again and over again until for sentimentality’s sake alone and not for salvation’s sake they are unable to surrender those things that they have been given since childhood when seated upon their father’s knee. Therefore, beloved, understand that the surrendering of a lifetime of belief in a teaching that is incomplete in some cases and erroneous in others is not easy….
there might now be given the rerecording of the Jesus’ Watch and a ninety-minute tape on the fifth ray of healing and science and in the all-seeing Eye of God that those of you who desire to do so may complete your service of this Watch with calls for healing—healing of the entire body of God upon Earth, all seed of light, especially the healing of [their minds and hearts of] false doctrine, healing of their bodies from all manner of impure substances whereby they are truly, desperately, physically ill and succumb to the maladies of the times and do pass on not having fulfilled even the best portion of their life’s mission….
Blessed ones, your responsibilities are great. And therefore I would not so much compel you as [I would] infuse you with my love and my compassion and very healing flame that I desire to see you record so that you may be healed, so that you may take up the calling to be the strong ones who stand for the weak until they are able….
And as you go out (in service to life) another cross is placed upon [you] until you return again. Is this not the wondrous, joyous opportunity to balance our karma on the cross of the ruby ray in such divine love, knowing that we do hold back the cycles [of personal and planetary karma that mark the end of the age of Pisces and more] until all is in readiness?
Rejoice then, beloved, for all that must come to pass is for restoration of personal and planetary balance. …Let the balance of Alpha and Omega be within you that you might be in that eye and realize that this beautiful Earth that God has made must be restored— fire, air, water and earth in elemental life, in her evolutions. And all that has been placed upon her as burden, all violations of cosmic Law and the individuals who have not forsaken their darkness or their evil–all these things must be brought to adjudication.…
So it is a flame of mercy unto all who espouse the service of their God, and forgiveness comes again through the wine of the Holy Spirit and blood of Christ that flows in you. For you are my disciples and as I did breathe upon [my disciples two thousand years ago] the breath of the Holy Spirit, so I [do breathe upon you and I] say to you “Whosoever sins ye remit, they are remitted [unto them]; whosoever sins ye retain, they are retained.”
Understand this, beloved ones. This is the power to forgive sin that is vested in the office and mantle of the Messenger. It is the Christ of the Messenger and it is my Christ with her.
Unto you and in the heart of your Holy Christ Self is given communion. Thus when you choose to invoke the violet flame for transmutation of personal and planetary karma you are making a choice and sending forth the divine decree for resolution, for restoration, for resurrection. [This is the remitting of sin.] As you so send that flame the Lord God shall respond and divine justice shall descend according to the will of God….
I say, peace be unto you, beloved, and fear not! For when the call goes forth it is always and always answered and it is always answered by divine Law. And the divine Law of Alpha and Omega in the whitefire core of Being is to bring absolute resolution to each individualization of the God-flame, each individual in all octaves of light….
but have you thought about the reality that some of the terrible diseases from which people pass from the screen of life on Earth in this hour are a message to all people that the body may be consumed by a malignancy, by its out-of-alignment state through a virus? [Have you thought], beloved, that [perhaps] these conditions show how that which has been sown which is now being reaped can consume the body itself, thus preparing those who look on and preparing those who pass on for the realization that whether in or out of embodiment it is the salvation of the soul, the divine wholeness of soul, the mirror reflection in the soul of the sun-center of the I AM Presence that is all important?
To see divine resolution in your souls, beloved, is the reason I have journeyed to the Central Sun to request of the Father this dispensation [to be physically closer to my own]! For if there be not resolution with the Father-Mother God, if there be not the balance of the Father-Mother God and sacred ritual of the sacred cosmic forces within and without, then that soul will disintegrate, will come apart, just as the atoms of the body come apart. So the lessons of life are taught for all to see who do not have the vision.…
Beloved ones, this is a profound and moving record that we see, for this lifestream was not only desirous of death but was also arrogant and belligerent and blasphemous. And therefore by love, by the Holy Spirit, by the intensity [of sacred fire of the Messenger’s desire to help] this particular lifestream, [she] was assigned to the Messenger that the Messenger might have the initiation and also see for herself that it is yet possible to turn around such individuals who have served the dark powers for long and even who have earned their way up the echelons in the hierarchy of darkness and therefore do enjoy the power of darkness.
Thus, beloved, all the love and the wisdom and teaching of the ascended masters could be given to her in that moment. And [at] the conclusion of that particular session before the cosmic mirror the Messenger did call for that one to view on the cosmic mirror the moment when that soul and her beloved twinflame did emerge from the heart of God and enter in to the golden age and the Garden of Eden, as paradise has been on so many planets. And in the moment of seeing that, beloved, all of her protestation and fear and anger did dissolve into tears.
Therefore know, beloved, that every hour of the day and night there is the opportunity for the saving of souls until there is the conclusion of the Piscean age and there must be sealing of [the sentence of one’s] karma become physical.
Time was running out for that lifestream. She knew it not. A decade left and yet she desired self-annihilation rather than to take up the path. And how did the Messenger convince her to take up the path?
[She] assured her that the path is one of joy—[that] as long as it take the soul to pursue it, that path is the fullness of joy. It is the fullness of light, it is the fullness of oneness with the Guru and with one’s twin flame. And therefore [she did] give testimony that through all the trials, through crucifixion, through what I passed through, beloved, on my way to Golgotha there is inner joy of fulfillment of [the soul’s] restoration and balancing of cycles!
Thus by the Holy Spirit and grace of God the Messenger was able to convince one that though it take a million miles or a million years, Life is worth it, Life is universal and triumphant, and you must not surrender the soul ever, ever to death and hell….
But I tell you that some who have passed our way have already been of the left-handed path, and instead of surrendering it when they too received such sermons and preaching from the Messenger, and through her from all of us, they have rejected the path, they have not received the Word, but they attempted to use the light of the altar for21 reinforcement73 of12 their33 own16 left-handed43 ways14 (=212=4 x to turn against53). And so they had no alternative but to leave and to betray and to turn against the light, the Messenger and the Church and the chelas of the will of God. For not to do so, beloved, would be to admit that they are wrong and [it] would also be to allow this movement to grow and prosper. Thus they have had their power of darkness….
I have called you to slay the dweller-on-the-threshold. You have rallied and newness of life has poured into you as all that the dweller would siphon from you is no longer allowed by your own freewill. So I have seen in some progress with speed but in others a progress too slow for the timetable of the age.
…Thus let the vibrations be raised. Let the fiery coil be set. Let those in the Earth who know me and know my vibration become aware that it is not so often that I receive the dispensation to speak; for every dictation that I give must be answered by the response of lightbearers of the world, whether or not they hear it [physically], to embody that light. This is true of all of the ascended masters. And so you see how the weight of world karma as it has been accelerating has meant that many people who formerly could contain some light cannot contain it, and therefore you can understand why there have been fewer dictations….
Therefore I, Jesus, raise my scepter. It is a scepter of judgment. According to your will and as you may ratify it using my judgment call, I will bind and remove from you this day any and all conditions that you desire to [have] cast into the living flame of the ruby ray.
Blessed ones, receive this and know that it is for your effort that I may do it and in so doing it secure your position in etheric octaves. For I, Jesus, desire to see you rid of what some call the “baggage.”
…for when El Morya has reviewed some of the applications of those who would come to serve at this retreat he has simply said “No. Too much baggage.” And what is the baggage? It is the electronic belt substance. It is the dweller-on-the-threshold. It is karma.
Is it because the Master does not love? I tell you nay. It is because having been benched he is not allowed to take on that much baggage as he would have been many years ago. Thus the standards are higher when the sponsoring Master loses a dispensation and those who are here must compensate for it. Therefore if the Master cannot bear the karma of those incoming, the Community must bear it; and the Master will not allow it, for their burden is already great with their physical work….
Beloved, all that you leave when you come to serve are the nets of human karma and human consciousness which entangle you. But when you come in that service with a pure heart you are now a part of the legions of light who use the great dragnet of the Lord to clear out the astral plane. And by embracing the Work [of the Lord] you do build the temple of God in three days….
I come you might say representing the Goddess Portia who bears the flame of opportunity. My flame of opportunity is at hand. May all of you who have lived through these two thousand years–and there is no exception to that category–understand that these twelve years shall be then for the conclusion of all spirals of Pisces for your God-mastery and for the resolution of all else.
I pray that you understand that if perchance it is not your lifetime or hour for the ascension that you will reincarnate in a new age to bear the true flame of Saint Germain and of myself and to continue the work of spreading abroad the message of a path of individual Christhood unto the I AM Presence….
May you know that it is the hour at spring equinox, which is also the hour of my birth, to determine and to decide where is the place of your service, where is the place of your Christhood. They are one and the same. You must decide to be where you can realize that Christ and then serve with all your heart to attain it.
May you read the handwriting on the wall of your personal karma and of planetary karma. May you read the message and run with it, for I AM in the heart of the Lord thy God, the I AM Presence. I AM in the heart of your Holy Christ Self. I, Jesus, am in the heart of your threefold flame.
Now in conclusion, let resurrection’s flame spin the threefold flame of the heart, for the atoms have been saturated and the worlds are spinning! Now let my gift of resurrection be received by my own! For I am indeed Jesus and my resurrection two thousand years ago was never intended to be left as a memorial or as a memorial service. For I AM in the heart of every son and daughter of God who does keep the flame of Life! And I therefore bequeath to you from my body and my blood this resurrection fire that you might hear my voice and know that this is the voice of the Son of God, that you might hear and live!…
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM I, Jesus, call forth the light of Alpha and Omega to charge in the name of the Father, to charge in the name of the Son, to charge in the name of the Holy Ghost this bread and this wine. Let each one receive his portion, O my Father, O my Mother! Let each one receive that which is necessary for the fulfillment of the transfiguration, the resurrection and the ascension in the light.
I, Jesus, have called it forth. Let thy Presence, O God, descend through the holy dove that all might know what is the Holy Spirit of the Lord come again. Amen. [Communion is served.] -Jesus Christ, March 26, 1989 at RTR, MT via Messenger E C Prophet, Pearls of Wisdom 32:21
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