Saturday, October 1, 2022
What is a humanized mouse to you or to me?
Judy Mikovits video, good intro
The international corporations have folllowed the general matrix of the vast British empire where the Sun never sets on the empire. With aerial navigation one can fly in to a country and stay at the nice hotel and fly out the next day with a discreet contract in your pocket. Suppose you are a high up in a religious activity and you need to go to the foreign capital. Fly in, make a stopover to meet some of the characters that you need contracts with, close the deal with a handshake, signature or whatever, and fly out the next day or so, whether the year is 2003 and the place Moscow or some other scenario. It’s the corporate model. Then public relations mentions it smoothly to the rest of the concerned parties—now whether there is any real review of what is going on in the field of humanized mice and genetic engineering models derived therefrom—ah, that’s another matter, isn’t it? The Manhattan Project kicked around amonst physics people for quite a few years because they understand to varying degrees the language, like fission experiment, cyclotrons, subatomic particle collisions, ions. Wel, business world, tech world, genetic engineering, alien tech, cyborg, Tesla robots unveiled yesterday or today too—this is fairly specialized stuff.
Why use humanized mice? Ah, the public is not going to be very informed about nuclear radiation: Edward Teller appeared informally for a luchtime chat at UCSB about 1981 and answered a question from a student if radiation was a concern or not. No, he said, it isn’t really important and moved right along. I was there. Afterward of course I pondered this while sitting on the beach. Yes, George Orwell tried to make it plain to the public that something peculiar was going on, that the public were not informed as to the real state of affairs. By design of course.
So the number of scientists who will inform us what is really happening in terms of humanized mice—well, Ralph Baric could tell something but I guess that’s not his job. Is he like Edward Teller? Could be. Who spills the beans then, who will let you see anything? The whitewash is there for a reason. Go past that and you may well get blacklisted. Mikovits has written some books on brewing up virus/vaccine stuff at a key lab on East Coast, and that was I think by 1990 when she got into that but maybe earlier. She kind of conveys what a Dr. Moreau’s island is about. I’d like to be able to put humanized mice into plain English but one would need to know what the aim was/is in this area: jumping species’ barrier might tell you something. That is, seeds produce after their own kind, but someone wants to cut a corner, jump the species barrier, eh? Ya, but there’s a bunch of pieces involved, throw in Fauci and so forth. By and by Baric, the Wuhan bat scientist lady and so forth, including virus labs around the world, gain-of-function—a real holiday for the layman. Hmm. The virus/vaccine or pseudo-vaccine area is very specialized.
Hydrogen ions is specialized, computer and electronics tech are specialized, much of the financial and law worlds are quite specialized.
Secrets tend to be guarded and/or monopolized alot. That would put the guy doing an Orwell mission to inform more broadly in a tight position.
Now some uplift activities do not maintain the tough standards required to persist in such a tough field.
Once something hitting the slippery slope it can be hard to get a real review of the mission. Say it’s to publish and interiorize the intel involved. Do groups wear out or become bureaucratic or orthodox? What do you think?
When matters go deeper, sometimes via neglect, it is no longer some minor skin rash but a key organ which may no longer function. There you go. Hi, October. Common sense and decency did not make enough money, it might seem; and the society in some parts of the world went into a major nosedive and people drug themselves. That’s for starters merely, this little spiel does not even reach the real level of humanized mice and all the other runaway junk that is so very very important for big money, big institutionalized systems / monopolies /corporate fastlane profits. ho.
We start slow because the fastlane has 2 hours or more a day rush hour traffic which you will just love, I’m sure. The society did not just accidently design like this, did it?
I don’t think humanized mice is the best doorway to enter at but it might be the only shot left. The window-decor people have probably not been able to spin and hide that one yet, like trying to hide radiation, sometimes known as “Plutonium boy is your friend” as some Japanese before Fukushima drilled their people, relentlessly.
Nice, huh? We have our version, perhaps not quite as dramatic but very thorough. Trying to genetically destroy Mexico’s native corn has never been enough for our machine in N. America; o no, one could not possibly care about such an insignificant matter. Yes, I think we will have to do the mice after all. I’m sure you just can’t wait for that.
Dr. Mikovits as a grad student lab worker at a major NIH center helped brew up the virus/vaccine “medicine” vats, that is, whatever combination of cancer cells from a person combined with maybe virus genetic material via mice and then thrown into the brew, well, if it sounds like something in Macbeth play, it is possibly Macbeth2 by Dr. Moreau/Fauci. But hey, the cancer industry treatment is big, isn’t it? Get going, now. I think Ms. Judy Mikovits kind of wondered what the storyline was. Probably classified info, I don’t know. Maybe they call it semi-classified, that is, only some professors of virology know their Macbeth2 lines very well. Frog-legs mixed with what? O, humanized mice- something-or-other mixed with cancer cells, it’s brewing right now, o boy. Skip forward briefly to mRNA vaccine innovation, huh?
What happened to that vat of stuff? Well, UC Berkeley had their new genetic engineering building up by 1990 and Stanford U. was way ahead; Dr. Ralph Baric schooled in virology at USC.
Although there may be two sides to an issue, one might wonder where the underside of this booming biochemistry/virology/Pathogen Level 2, 3, 4 Labs world exists at. Someone will have to try to get through the rigged-for-corporate-profit
Search at Google, or maybe another route in? Big IT meets with Big Media annually at Sun Valley, Idaho to “discuss things”—Bill Gates probably has his rep there regularly. Facebook almost certainly does. The American public is not very on to Macbeth or isle of Dr. Moreau yet; we merely live here, that’s all. How should we know what is going on?
As to synthetic DNA, synthetic biology, synthetic…, ah, well, I did not believe this stuff existed when I first saw these words within the last two years. So I cannot comment as a member of the academic department on that. Nazi chemists and biochemists were brought to America under covert “Operation Paperclip” and Allen Dulles employed the young Kissinger to speed the process. Dow Chemical thus could make Agent Orange and the public need not know, nor even the Air Force personnel
involved. Coy, don’t you think?
Rockefellers were in oil, then swiftly into banking, central banking, medical, OSS and big media— not by accident, though. Rockefeller was also Kissinger’s patron, by accident? Is there a pattern somewhere to this tale? Yeah, Macbeth by William Shakespeare, fast forward to big money cancer research while industry pumps out thousands of untested-for-public-safety chemicals and procedures upon the public. But tested to find the most destructive stuff and stockpile it before the competition does.
Did that scratch the surface? Google got DARPA money early but they don’t like to admit it to the public. DARPA gave $33 million grant to Moderna and Pfizer for mRNA research in 2013. Doesn’t matter??
The party line is to be followed and is about big bussiness and such and is worldwide, maybe you didn’t hear. But you will before, God willing, your goose too
is cooked.
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