Tuesday, October 18, 2022
to shrink from anything which they at first deem to be unprovable
When my father the Lord Sanat Kumara (he was called the “Ancient of Days”; Daniel 7:9-28) long ago descended to the Earth planet and for so long did sustain its light it was a dedicated service little understood by the men of that time as they moved swiftly into the picture and upon the world stage and then made their little impromptu exits. I but mention it today for the few as a point of blessed acknowledgment of his service and to the many that they may recognize that there are undreamed-of historical modes which form the basis to the present day of many of mankind’s customs.
One of the saddest manifestations upon Earth and one that is far too prevalent is the15 bigotry42 of12 false16 sophistication69 (=154=11x lock14) and the exalted sense of those22 who19 think26 they22 know18 the15 answer26 to8 all7 things32 (=195=5 x vain19) because they have been given the understanding of a few things. Those far below such individuals in station and in worldly wisdom are often able to see clearly the foolishness of presumption
58 manifesting54 in14 those22 who19 maintain41 a1 closed22 mind22 (=153=9 x anti17). But7 the15 ones17 who19 need19 the15 ascended28 masters’23 instruction54 are15 often24 the15 farthest34 from25 it11 (=311), and10 thus14 there29 is10 a1 perpetuation
61 of12 ignorance50 in14 high32 places20=253; 253+311
=564=12 x day after day47.
Be it so temporarily, it shall not continue! For God Himself has said, in the words of “The Magnificat” spoken through my beloved sister, Mary, “He hath put down the mighty from their seats and exalted them of low degree” (Luke 1:52). Let not your hearts be troubled then, O mankind of Earth. The15 awful18 shedding43 of12 blood21 occurring54 in14 Vietnam30 day12 after23 day12 is10 but7 a1 continuation
56 of12 a1 very25 old13 evil21 (=402=6 x 67;
old13 tormentation54=67) which
has for far too long held the planetary body in a recycling and seemingly never-ending activity of the Law which is written in heaven: “He who taketh the sword shall perish with the sword.” (Matthew 26:52)
-Meta: Pearl 10:6
10. But what use is an excuse however nigh the truth, especially when joined to presumption? -in an Irish letter of Saint Patrick, quoted by Messenger ECP
There is a1 doubt17 that13 is10 born22 of12 pride34 which33 causes14 individuals52 to8 shrink34 from25 anything44 which33 they22 at3 first27 deem18 to8 be7 unprovable45(=492=12 x self-enemy41). This doubt dispels faith, throws consciousness into a state of trepidation, elongates confusion and terminates the fruit of faith. No man wishes to be the victim of a hoax, and his personal pride tells him that unless he is wary he may very well be. Thus the sophistication of earthly reason overrides the great tangible realities of Almighty God which dwell in the invisible realm and are functional in all outer manifestation.The wind blows and men see it not, but the manifestation of its effect is everywhere apparent. I do not presume that by a mere wave of my hand those who do not believe in my reality will suddenly be transformed into true believers. I choose solely to cite the Law, to warn most sternly and to reveal the treachery of this enemy of faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God; and therefore with faith and by His grace all things become possible, for “He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.”
-Serapis Bey, Pearl 10:23
It is not that men themselves desire to give power unto the “world’s wits” or to those who would presume to be manipulators of others. It is that the power of negation is often unwittingly assumed over others without their knowledge and without their recognition of the source of influence which attempts to defraud them of the great blessings which God intends man to have. -Morya, Pearl 7:16
Now I AM thinking as to just how I can best direct the balm of light to each chela, making the unguent of our love an ever-present radiance to sustain the best possibilities. Why should human discord thwart the will of Good continuously? Why should men presume to be disrespectful of one another when each breech is contempt of the Brotherhood? Is the fashion of a man so preferred above the towering reality of Christ that, like preying leeches, people shall constantly search for the lame and halting step, lisping sound and those congenital distortions which we are ever striving to correct in all? -Morya, Pearl 5:38
And this is also an opportunity which I think life has given to you. I do not for one minute presume to think that you are the only individuals upon this planet who have received that blessing. I do not for one minute presume to think that you are the only individuals who will ever receive that blessing. For I would like to point out that there is not any individual within the range of the hearing of my voice or any individual within the range of my aura (which I believe is able to compass the Earth) that is not able to outpicture the glory of his own Presence if he would actually believe.... -Saint Germain, Pearl 58:5, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark Prophet on April 1, 1960
Now I do not desire to discourage men from probing the universe, but I would point out that there are those who presume still further to consider that it would be possible for them to create souls to inhabit the bodies which they expect to create. -Master Rakoczy, Pearl 8:3
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