Monday, October 17, 2022
these issues that must be resolved
From the heart of the Great Central Sun, from the divine Self there does descend Christhood into that manifestation of human self. May each and every one assembled here know and understand what we have said and how we have called you to that blessed heart, the immaculate heart of Mary.
May you realize then that time does pass, years move on, now nearly twenty-five years. Therefore know, beloved, that if you would enter into the heart of the Maha Chohan, you must strip from yourselves all negativity, all that is less than the fullness of the Holy Spirit descending from your great causal body and your Holy Christ Self.
Look then at many levels of manifestation in the Earth--at people who worship God and people who defame Him. Recognize, beloved, that for this planet and for all of you and many more whom you do not know to rise into union there must be the call to the violet flame almost perpetually. That violet flame, beloved, is the key to world transmutation.
You do not know the weight that is upon the nations through Pakistan and India and from other sources. Thus that which comes forth from out of the depths is truly a horrible manifestation of darkness. And that which comes forth from out the Sun of your I AM Presence is that very Presence that can turn back mankind’s karma.
Now you are preparing for your July conference. Now you have determined, as you have listened to your Messenger, all that you would be, all that you would manifest. Is the task too great? All of you are capable of it. And all of you must send forth the rays of the Holy Spirit.
When you walk from this place, when you go forth determined to challenge this and that remember that it is I who lead you. It is I who give to you that miracle manifestation whereby all hosts of the Lord may draw you up into octaves of light.
I speak to you now of various levels of your consciousness, and I speak to your consciousness as well. Come then and realize that you are going through steps and stages in your life. And many things can come to you that are the brightness of the noonday Sun or the depths of darkness.
Know then that you hold the key to the balancing of your threefold flame, to the victory of your lifestream and to the victory of all souls of light. Grasp this. Realize it. Walk and talk with God, and know that all that He gives to you this day is a tremendous impetus.
For the Holy Spirit descends on Pentecost and has been descending for a quarter of a century. And so time is passing. Therefore we have sent the Messenger so that there will be no mistake: if the violet flame and all services are not accelerated, you may not see a millennium that you would like to see but perhaps darkness, war, et cetera.
Therefore, beloved, heed and take the warning. And know that the hosts of the Lord move with you daily, and your El Morya travels beyond this world to other places so that he might bring back to you tremendous energies.
Nevertheless, beloved, do not take any of the ascended masters for granted, for they are compelled to move on in the cosmic scheme. And there truly comes the day when there is no further choice for the ascended masters. For, beloved, they must move forward, even as you must move forward.
Thus know, beloved, that all you desire to bring forth from the Great Central Sun rests upon the tremendous energy that you garner in your temple, in your four lower bodies, in this Community and in the worldwide endeavor of Keepers of the Flame.
We are profoundly grateful for all that you have done. Yet many do not realize how much is still to be done and how much darkness which is of ignorance is in the Earth.
So, beloved, as you seek empowerment and the love of God and the wisdom of God you will know, you will have that sense-- even as the disciples walked with the Christ on the road to Emmaus--you will surely have that sense of knowing when God has entered your body temple. And none other may enter that temple except the living God. Do not think that this is not possible. It is ultimately possible and it is possible to you today.
Look then, blessed hearts. Look backward in time and see how many tens of thousands of years you have tarried in the Earth. Now is the moment. Now is the moment of your resurrection and your ascension in the light. You can have it, beloved! You can have it. It is here. And all ascended hosts are waiting for you, especially El Morya, Kuthumi and Djwal Kul.
Understand, O children of the Sun, that God has ordained and God has spoken and said “Balance 51 percent of your karma, and do this by good deeds and by the will of God.” Know then that the shaft of the kingdom of God can and will descend upon you each one when you make ready your temple. Accept today that there is no distance between you and God, that your I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self are one and the same, and that you may go forth empowered by your Lord. This is key, beloved.
Therefore I the Maha Chohan come to you this day saying that there is nothing between us. Only doubt and fear may separate us. Each day that you push aside the presence of the Lord the Maha Chohan you are pushing back that Lord and therefore not internalizing that victory.
Understand what the Messenger would say to you this day. She would say to you that on a specific occasion a number of years ago when in prayer she saw descending into the midst of the planet a giant sword, a tremendous sword of all rainbow rays. And in that hour and that moment she knew that she must follow that path and only that path until that great, great sword of the coming of the kingdom would be manifest.
Now then visualize this sword, for it is made up of the rainbow rays of God. And as you internalize this sword and the rays of this sword you shall become great conquerors, heroes and heroines. You shall know that backing you is the angel of the Lord, the angel of the Lord who shall triumph over all that is not of God within you and bring you to that station where you can have a tremendous manifestation of light.
See then how the rainbow rays of God are arranged from the base of the sword to the top and how, as you use that sword, all things may change and they may change in the twinkling of the Eye of God.
Thus, beloved, note well that the Messenger visualizes that sword daily, and it is a sword that takes her to realms of light and back again. But it is also a two-edged sword that removes her from all mundane manifestations that, through the evil forces, would deter all that she has done in many lifetimes.
So in this hour and in this day as you hear me and as you hear the Messenger know and recognize that every son and daughter of God on Earth must take up the sword until all evil of the fallen ones is banished, is vanquished, is cast into sacred fire or taken to other planetary homes and systems of worlds. This particular assignment to cast out from Earth all evil ones (such as those who came out of the wars in Europe and other areas of the planetary home) is another of the assignments given to the Messenger.
Many of these fallen ones have managed to remain on Earth when they should have departed long ago. And thus you understand the calling of Elohim at the next conference. It is Elohim who are determined to overturn the fallen ones.
And so, beloved, you may go before fallen ones. You may vanquish them also. But you must understand that there is a price to be paid. Some of you are willing to pay that price. And some of you have said: “I will give the lesser amount. I will just do a little bit and let the others do the rest.” Well, this20 cannot22 be7 (=intrigue
49), beloved.
When you look at the Messenger remember what she has done to fight and win on behalf of not only those in embodiment but also those who are ascended. You must realize that this is why the burden is heavy even though the pathway is light.
Therefore we would counsel all of you who know so well what is the darkness of Earth to go here, there and everywhere and flash your swords and make your statement that these fallen ones shall not prevail. They shall not pass! They shall be bound!
And if there are fallen ones left on the planetary body, then make it your absolute determination to take that sword and bind them. For the evil that is in Earth is still great, and your light in Earth can make the difference.
Therefore look across the Earth, look into the heavens and know that even as you are seated here this day so within months and years to come you also will have manifested your victory and your ascension in the light. Do not neglect this. For I tell you, what you gain from the Holy Spirit and Elohim of God is tremendous energy whereby you may go to other planets, stars and systems of worlds that you might conquer and that you might conquer with your beloved El Morya.
Think then not in smallness but think in bigness. Think in the tremendous presence of the seven chohans and all who have worked to make this planet home.
Remember what you have heard today and remember that we shall not always be able to be there for you. For it is you who must have the victory. And many of the ascended masters must move on, beloved, because if they do not move on (all the while retaining a certain portion of their causal bodies in the Earth), then Earth will not move on either.
We must have then the movement toward God--yes, the movement toward God of every living soul. And it is the Maha Chohan who will bring you to that God-centeredness.
In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother, I seal you in the heart of the blessed Mother Mary and Kuan Yin. -Maha Chohan, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet, on May 31, 1998 at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana, Pearls of Wisdom 41:25
Behold, the Bridegroom cometh! I AM that Bridegroom and I am impatient for my wife, the soul of each of you. You are the bride. And thus I can tarry no longer in your preparations.
Thus I call you now. (So, my beloved, be seated.)
In this hour of the sacred fire of God descending upon you know then that you are duly prepared, though preparations will continue in the ongoing saga of your self-transformation.
Beloved, I have taught you to seek the bonding to my heart. Now I say, consider this deeply. Consider this and be willing to pay the price. For I would walk with you. I would comfort you. I would heal you by impelling seraphic hosts to come to you. I would rejuvenate you and bring you to the level where you can sustain resurrection’s flame in your body.
Understand the meaning of the crucifixion. This initiation prepares you to walk the Earth in resurrection’s flame until the hour of your victory. This is as life should be, for you should have as your goal the translation of the blueprint of Adam Kadmon to your etheric body whereby, no longer mortal, ye shall have immortality; for ye shall be lively stones, lively atoms and molecules in the body of God.
Move on, beloved. Move on! Move on. Shed your tears of joy and your tears of self-pity. Shed them! Have done with them and move on. Yes, move on, blessed hearts. You have known the surfeiting in Earth’s pleasures. Move on and be the pillar of fire in the Earth.
I echo the message of Justinius. I call you because you are ready and these things are possible. Thus I come, and this does mark the turning of the way, preparing for this summer’s courses at Summit University. Yes, we will have courses in the Holy Spirit! And you will know the presence of the Messenger. For I will uphold her and I will speak to you and I will tell you that the disciplines of holding the line of light are great.
But ye are able! Ye are as able as my disciples, some of whom took the ascension at the conclusion of that life, others of whom have tarried to this hour. Yes, beloved, you have more gifts of the Spirit, more knowledge of the mysteries than I imparted even to the twelve and those outside the twelve.
Thus many I have sent to this century–you and this Messenger and many others. For the conclusion of this century is the hour when my disciples must drink the full cup of the dispensation of the age of Pisces.
You must carry that cup as a communion cup. You must share it with devotees and say to them, as I said, “Drink ye all of it!” Yes, all of it. Drink it. Assimilate it. Purge yourself by the fire of my blood and my body of the sins recorded in the very cells of your blood and your body.
Yes, beloved, it is an hour when there is a great turning of souls in answer to the call of the Spirit. And the mighty captain Lord Maitreya does impel us to move with him and move beyond the shallows. O my blessed hearts, do take this hour as one of great opportunity and momentum with the winds of the Holy Spirit in your sails!
I speak to you then this day on the congruency of your soul with the geometry of your Holy Christ Self. To want to be that Christ in the Earth you have to also want not to be that old human self. And wanting is not enough. You must get that Christhood! You must get that power of the blueprint of your Christhood and that empowerment! You must not let those to whom you are sympathetically or wrongly tied deter you from the steps that you must take.
After all is this not freedom of religion in America?
Or do we not have freedom of religion in America?
Only you can decide to let another impede you on your path of freedom. God has guaranteed it. The Founding Fathers have guaranteed it. But some do not accept it yet. Therefore when the Law is challenged, I say, embody the Law! Outpicture the Law! Defend the Law! And so it shall be unto you as your defense.
I have guaranteed you that freedom of religion. Saint Germain has guaranteed it. Almighty God has guaranteed it. Your Holy Christ Self has guaranteed it.
Therefore do not allow so-called loved ones to limit your capacity to breathe in the fires of the Holy Spirit, to be empowered by it and to practice your faith as you see fit. Give your love. Perform your duties. Be caring of those who are close to you. But7 draw19 the15 line22 when23 they22 require48 that13 the15 Spirit37 of12 God17 in14 you16 must10 be7 stifled30=317, must be muzzled35, must be held20 back8 (=63; 63+317=380=10 x Maitreya38) because they simply do not want you to ascend the mountain of God.
Yes, beloved, these things must be dealt with here or hereafter or you will reembody. You will reembody not because your soul was not worthy to attain union with God, but because you simply decided not to take the next initiation of your path. This initiation involves overcoming what we refer to as family mesmerism wherein the human family takes precedence over the family of God and presence of that holy family throughout the Earth to which you are joined.
Blessed ones, you can fulfill all of your duties in life and yet not compromise your soul! You have only to state the levels of your commitment and to say to those close to you: “This is where I stand. I will care for you, I will love you but I will not reduce the light in my aura that makes you uncomfortable! You will have to rise to that light or remain uncomfortable.”
Blessed ones, it is time to take courage, to take the fire of the heart and apply it to every challenge–thus to take a stand! You need withhold nothing from another, but you must by all means not compromise your spiritual path. For then you will not receive the next initiation and the next. And that is why you will reembody–not because you were not able to meet the challenges of your full attainment and victory but because you simply decided not to do so.
These are decisions that are subtle. Examine yourselves. Bring your decisions to the fore of consciousness. Decide whether you will slink away and deny me or whether you will also be persecuted and crucified. And then seek the way of the path of persecution, of crucifixion and understand how you walk that path and how it is a strengthening path and how without that strengthening you will not be prepared for the Devil who will come to tempt you, nor will you be prepared to deal with your own dweller-on-the-threshold.
This is not the time to be wishy-washy. This is not the time to indulge in unclear thinking or to bypass those issues that must be resolved. I say, resolve the issues of your household but do not forsake your Bridegroom. This is my message to you.
If you are to receive the full fire of seraphim in increments as it comes to you according to the cycles of Serapis Bey, then I say to you, you must be able to rise higher in the cosmic peerage and in the geometry of being until you literally disappear into the presence of your Holy Christ Self and none can see the difference between that Christ Self, that Christhood, and your own living soul. For you are my bride. You are the bride of the Christ Self. You are the bride in the Holy of holies, beloved. And thereby you conquer. And your sorrow shall be turned into joy, for you shall have abandoned all self-pity.
Now let us turn and look at all that is possible to those who have no compromise, who have no preferences for their own humanity, for their own human sensuality and indulgence in carnal-mindedness of this world. Unto them all things are possible. And I say it and I mean it and I have demonstrated it to you! I have shown it to you in many who have been healed in their own homes at various places in the Earth by shafts of light directed from this altar.
The Great White Brotherhood is a brooding Spirit and the brooding Spirit is of the Lord God. And that Spirit will not pass you by when you are ready for it and you keep your lamps, i.e., your chakras, spinning and you do not squander the energy of those chakras because another impels you to do so.
Yes, beloved, you16 have18 the15 authority47 to8 dictate26 the15 terms21 of12 your25 life23=226, your25 acquaintances43, your25 bonding38 (=
131; 131+226
=357=7 x El Morya Khan51) to this soul and that soul and the next soul. Only you can decide your destiny! It is carved in the etheric octave. It is held in the great causal body of the Great Divine Director! And you who really want to know your destiny and fulfill it will do your novenas to the Great Divine Director, and you will no longer put up with your own human creation or another’s that stands in the way of the full blessings of the Godhead dwelling in you bodily.
So the Godhead did dwell in me bodily.
It can dwell in you bodily: it is your decision.
Take care, take care, take care of the weaknesses. And despite all aggravation, all human nonsense from those with whom you share this path rise above those weaknesses. Rise above them! Cast them into the fire! And be vigilant, be watchful! For the Devil, the proud spirit, he does lie in wait to catch you in those weak moments.
No longer, beloved! No longer! This is the hour when the Great White Brotherhood has declared that Church Universal and Triumphant, our teachings, our messages, our books shall cover the Earth. We have determined that the hour for the reward of the prophets and saints has come.
Now the question is: will you accept your reward by entering into higher echelons of your own spiritual being? Will you accept that, anchor it and be the pillars of fire in Earth?
For without your manifestation in the physical octave, beloved, we will not have instruments to carry out the plan that the Darjeeling Council, the God and Goddess Meru and Four and Twenty Elders have ratified. Alpha and Omega have said: “This is ~the time when this message must be preached to all nations. This is the time! This is the accepted time of that salvation.”
I say, listen to the God within you. Listen to the fire that is released. It is as though you were horses at a racetrack and the gun had fired and you were ready to race and to win.
Now, beloved, raise up your hands as you stand up and give your praises to God and accept the alchemy of the physical victory of this Church and all lightbearers of Earth!
[Congregation stands and offers praises to God.]
I see runners coming up from the rear, from the ranks of the devotees that are seemingly the least worthy. These are runners in the race running for the prize. They have heard the call. They know the fields are white to harvest. They are running, running to stay up with the chelas of the Great White Brotherhood to make the great message plain.
Yes, beloved, you yourselves may have to run to catch up to those who are the new and lively spirits, who are childlike and yet have profound maturity from past ages.
This is the time to unleash the Word. This is the time to bear witness to the story of your life, to your victory and to all possibilities that are open to you under the tutelage of the Great White Brotherhood. This is the time to translate the teachings of past ages to the new age, the teachings of the world’s major religions. This is the time to bring all forward into the new age of Padma Sambhava, of Saint Germain and Jesus Christ, into the new age of all those who are buddhas and bodhisattvas.
It is now or never, beloved. Take this opportunity and know that with the receipt of this ascension-fire this day you are indeed empowered to the level of your surrender unto God.
I AM Jesus in the sacred heart. I place the imprint of my sacred heart over the heart of your Holy Christ Self. Henceforth acknowledge me absolutely one with your Holy Christ Self, for there is no difference. For the Christ is the Christ is the Christ is one–one Universal Christ in manifestation. Yes, beloved, become that one united. It is not very far from you.
I AM sealing you in this hour. For this my delivery and this my announcement is what is most needful to you in this moment.
Peace be with you! Peace is far from many in the Earth. Let the peace of Peace and Aloha and all legions of the sixth ray be with you and upon you. And when you see war and warring in the news send shafts of fire of peace. Send legions of peace! Send legions of peace. Yes, I have decreed it.
I walk with you. Henceforth I call all to be my disciples who have the level of commitment and desiring equal to and greater than that of the original twelve. I shall walk and talk with you and not leave you. For you know that my presence is strong anywhere you call me.
I AM Jesus, your Brother, your Friend.
Receive me as such.
And if you will, receive me as your Savior.
I AM here, beloved.
I AM here!
And I AM He!
Pax vobiscum.
[62-second standing ovation] -Jesus Christ, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, on Easter , April 3, 1994, at RTR, Montana. Pearls of Wisdom 37:18
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