Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Their strategy is to8 preempt39 the15 office35 of12 the15 Son12 of12 man10 in14 the15 earth25 (=212=4 x Rothschild53)
(the matter sphere). And thus they have set8 themselves38 up10 as2 pretenders52 to8 the15 throne35 of12 grace25 (=205=5 x cleverness41), perverting the path of the fifth ray into materialism and mechanization devoid of the Spirit of living truth. They have sponsored the laggards and wayward evolutions of the children of disobedience to intellectual pursuits, securing for them the most prestigious professional positions and posts of leadership in international affairs. They have courted the children of Mammon and promoted them into prominence in circles of commerce, banking, government and industry where they therefore through them still control the destinies of most of the citizens of Earth. They shall not pass! -Sanat Kumara, Pearl 22:46 ……….........
materialism48 and mcchanization66 (=114=
57 x 2; 57=
Duffy clique, hypocrisy, Great Whore).
The Rockefellers with their early radio/tv NYC center have not permitted, for example, their wives financially anything more than “an allowance,” according to an extensive wikipedia article, and in this I think they may be following a Rothschild tradition useful for domination.
One of the early individuals (Ralph Edwards) in radio/tv broke in to the bigtime at NYC from 1936 and then became a producer at L.A. just before tv came in, applying, from the evidence I have seen, the various monopoly/mafia methods of covert cunning often practised by financial elites, secret services and medical elites (areas that Nelson Rockefeller moved into) to do covert29 takeover 34 (=63) of the westcoast media centers, a grim story indeed.
“Vainglorious63 apostles
26 of12 orthodoxy”54, referenced by Serapis* is very peculiar in how it hits the same count numerologically as “peter duffy”54,
54, double-minded54; “neroli duffy”63 and “duffy”26, “betray”26.
///////////////// Rockefellers’ Standard Oil covertly/illegally supplied the Nazis during WWII and so did Tom Watson’s IBM. It took till 2000 till Edwin Black could comprehensively publish his deep book exposure of IBM, a NY company that happened to employ the fresh out of school Peter Duffy. Aso at 63 are Communist37 Party26, a house divided, roleplayings, thread of contact, Ignatius
37 Loyola26; at 37 is aum-point; at 26 are Gollum, shadows, subvert.
*The struggle has waxed hot amongst the vainglorious apostles of orthodoxy who do not see how the Keystone was knocked out of the arch of reality. They suppose themselves to be doing God’s service in their archaic meanderings. We condemn them not but regret their decisive indecisiveness. It11 is10 fear21 of12 personal37 loss11 that13 provides45 incentive47
=207=9 x double23) for21 their33 rigor40 mortis31=125=5 x shadow25). We encourage freedom from the vain ideas they have sought to implement. Watching while the world weeps and destroys herself they sometimes even rejoice in the destrution. -Serapis Bey: Pearls of Wisdom 12:15
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